How many readers have ever been the targets of an internet
lynch mob? It tends to affect people mostly who have a large public presence,
but it can be suffered by anybody; sometimes it breaks out among a circle of
friends for example. In the background links below I describe my own
experiences of it; the frustration, the sense of unfairness, the people you
thought were your friends abandoning you without a word. It happens far too
often. Case in point, Curt Jaimungal recently interviewed the veteran UFOlogist
and mysteries investigator Linda Moulton Howe on his Theory of Everything
programme. She has just celebrated her eightieth birthday, but shows no signs
of slowing down. The interview goes well until the last twenty minutes, then it
takes a nasty turn. Curt reads out a viewer's question concerning a picture
Linda put on her Earthfiles website which she used to claim was a photograph of
a grey alien taken on the moon by an Apollo astronaut. Linda recoils from the
question. She becomes defensive and recriminatory towards Curt. Curt is clearly
upset and embarrassed by this. He apologizes to Linda and then the interview
ends. He received a lot of congratulatory comments for "asking a tough
question!" Source:
The person posing the question was Steven Cambian who is a popular UFO social
media maven, see:
He is also a mutual collaborator of my late friend Kev Baker, see:
As you can see, he has made several rather vainglorious videos on his YouTube
channel about Linda's interview and the discord that he sowed in it. He claims
that the alien image is not one of a real extraterrestrial, in fact it was from
the cover of a computer game; and the picture certainly does appear there, see:
However, Linda did engage in an email exchange with Steven and admits that
there is a chain of custody problem with the image. She changed the picture's description
on her website to take account of that. Steven hit back saying that he had
spoken to the artist who painted it and therefore was totally certain it was
from the computer game. Linda said that this in itself might be a cover story
to hide the image's real origins. And this is how the internet lynch mob was
Steven Cambian accuses Linda of being a grifter,
deliberately promoting the moon alien image, even though she knows it is not a
real alien, to make money; along with other things. However, Linda Moulton Howe
did attempt to reason with him, exchanging letters, adjusting her position. If
she were really a fraud, why did she not just block him and ignore him? She has
presented an alternative thesis relating to the phenomenon. To be honest, I
think it's unlikely, but she does at least deserve to have her testimony heard.
Such backfilling does occur in disinformation psyops, for example see:
Why is it disreputable for her to have a paywall? She's earning a living from
her work; is that bad? Did the communist party take power in the night? Steven
himself takes superchats and there are ads on his videos. I don't understand
why this issue cannot be resolved in a civilized manner. Linda does not fit the
profile of a scam artist. She makes errors, as we all do, but I think she
sincerely believes in the moral virtue of what she is doing. She does try to
maintain open lines of communication with her critics; scammers never do that. However,
these points were lost on Steven's subscribers. Almost immediately, the usual
rigmarole began in the comments sections; a lot of mutual backslapping and unthinking
condemnation of Linda. This is how guilt and innocence is decided these days, a
handful of videos or Tweets and a well-timed Steven Cambian cackle. Who
appointed that babbling beatnik judge, jury and executioner of the UFOlogical
community? He's not a UFOlogist. He contributes nothing to the subject at all.
All he does is pontificate over the characters of other people in UFOlogy. In
this way he is very like Royce Myers, "UFO Watchdog". I'm sick and
tired of all these "consciences of UFOlogy" who keep popping up like
this and courting attention by slagging everybody else off. What makes me sad
is that their posts are a hundred times more popular than any of mine
suggesting the introduction of some kind of tribunal system, for example see:
Leaving aside UFO's and thinking more generally, we are going to need something
like this more than ever in the next few years as the rule of the
State on earth weakens. As I've
said many times, we are going to need to keep cool heads on our shoulders as we
suffer the cold turkey of the post-Illuminati transitional period. What chance
do we have to maintain any kind of human civilization if nobody understands the
need for due process of law? What is today a Twitterstorm about an alien photo
in the future could be a torch-and-pitchforks mob hanging people in the street.
Sadly, most people are so dependent on the Illuminati that they can't imagine
life without them. Our journey to freedom is going to be long and perilous.
See here for
background: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2017/12/is-there-any-hope.html.
And: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2018/03/fake-defamation.html.
And: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2021/02/a-reply-to-caroline-stephens.html.
And: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2019/08/troll-gossip-backlash.html.