Saturday 27 June 2009

Armed Forces Day

Today is Britain's first ever Armed Forces Day:

Isn't Remembrance Sunday enough? This is all about glorifying the Military to aid the New World Order agenda. See here: and

I don't wish to come across as a Squaddie-Basher. I'm not. See here:
But sometimes I long for the day when there'll be a Hospital Porter's Day? We make sacrifices too. We die in the line of duty. I've seen many of my Brother and sister Porters fall. Where's our headline in The Sun about "HEROES"?

Sunday 21 June 2009

Are Crop Circles Being Erased?

These photos were taken on my mobile phone camera… and by me… so they’re not very clear; apologies.

I was down in Wiltshire for the Summer Solstice to help David Icke make his new movie when Simon, a friend of mine who was driving the car I was riding in, came across a field near Alton Barnes where a combine harvester was cutting up some of the crop in the field you see in the photos. What was odd was that it’s too early for the Harvest and also that the combine was cutting up a specific area of the field. Next to the patch that was being cut up was part of an intact crop circle. Since we saw this spectacle we’ve noticed other fields in the area with “bald patches” on them. Are the farmers in Wiltshire destroying crop circles? If so, why? And on whose orders?

(Updated July 2011:) Apparently some farmers are erasing Crop Circles from their fields as soon as they arrive. There doesn't seem to be any conspiracy behind it that I can see; it just seems to be an attempt to deter the circle-makers, whom the famers assume are all humans with "stalk-stompers", from makinrg the Crop Circles on their farms in the first place. Hopefully, from their point of view, the farmers who develop a reputation for erasing Crop Circles will be left in peace by the plankers to begin with. There was a post on Facebook a couple of days ago which said that it's happening this year too. Apart from the sadness I feel at seeing the Circles destroyed so young, is scorn for those doing it; to me this is a very foolish move; the farmers who do this are cutting of their nose to spite their face. Firstly the act of erasure damages far more crop than the Circle does, and secondly a wily farmer who knows what he's doing can easily make more than a compensating few bob out of keeping the Crop Circle in his field. He can hire out the field to private tours, the media and Crop Circle scientists. Also if he puts up an "Honesty Box" most people will put something in it. I saw everybody doing so when I went Cropping a few years ago.

Monday 15 June 2009

Digital TV "Change-Over"

As I explain here: I think there is a pernicious agenda behind the "change-over" from analogue to digital TV. Bit by bit, digital TV is encroaching and the untraceable, personally-controlable analogue signal is being switched off. See here: . The United States will soon be all-digital and no doubt the rest of the world will follow.

Thursday 11 June 2009

South Africa GM Crop Failures

Monstanto crops in South Africa have massively failed. There are people already starving in poor regions of South Africa and this is not going to help them much! Also some of the crops that survived didn't even produce seeds! Let's hope whatever "sterility gene" Monsanto has put in them doesn't spread to other species... including humans!

Tuesday 9 June 2009

BNP Wins EU Parliamentary Seat

See here:

Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons of the British National Party have been elected to the EU Parliment. This is the first time the BNP has achieved this level of success. I've written about the BNP before here; please read this article first, because I am not a BNP supporter. I think they raise important issues and appear very progressive, but they're controlled opposition, part of a Divide-and-Rule psy-op. Here it is:

I've been sent this by somebody at UNISON, my trade union: These were the people who wanted me to vote Labour or Conservative just to the keep the BNP out of power. But really I consider Labour and the Tories far worse fascists than the BNP and so there's no way I'm playing that game!

Here's a background article on Divide-and-Rule:

Friday 5 June 2009

Chilean Mall Ghost

This series of images appeared on the security camera of a shopping centre in Chile. It's been described as a ghost "child", but I don't know why. Sorry to play Skepper for a change, but I think it could just be a fly crawling on the camera lens.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

UK- Compulsory MMR Jabs Possible

This is very synchronus, seeing as Len Horowitz has just been speaking in Britain for the first time. See:

(I've also just heard something on the TV news about the police getting more tasers. There's nothing online yet.)