Monday 30 November 2020

The Mind Set Podcast Programme 427

I have been featured on Programme 427 of the Mind Set Podcast.
See here for the show:
Subjects discussed include: Utah monolith update (this programme was made before the news broke that the monolith had disappeared, see:, Colin and Ben gatecrash a conspiracy skeptic conference!, Thanksgiving under lockdown and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on The Mind Set Podcast:

Sunday 29 November 2020

Utah Monolith GONE!

And here for the accompanying HPANWO TV film:
I came home from work today and recorded the Mind Set Podcast, see: I then went onto social media and found an urgent tag by Lisa of the Cry Freedom Show... The Utah monolith is gone. It has vanished! Sometime since the last visitors reported its presence on Friday evening, somebody went to the location with the correct tools and transportation, and they removed the structure. Nobody knows exactly when this was done, but it had to be sometime before Saturday morning because a helicopter pilot reported then that this object was gone. The latest photographs show the monolith missing, except for the triangular top section that was left behind. It was first found propped up against a small cairn. It is not known whether the cairn was assembled by the same people who removed the monolith. It is possible it was placed inside its hollow interior when it was first installed. The Instagramer "Mitzbic" posted his photos along with this text: "After travelling four hours in the car, hiking nine miles with over two thousand feet of elevation, I arrived at the Utah Monolith! You can imagine my disappointment when I saw that the aliens had come under the cloak of darkness eight hours earlier to take the Monolith home. They must have left in haste, because they left the prism behind, the most important part, the key to its mystical energy." The US Bureau of Land Management has said from the start that it would probably demolish the monolith because it had been placed there without planning permission; however they deny that they were responsible. Source: The mysteries connected to the Utah monolith never seem to go away; they just keep changing. The first question was: "Is it manmade or ET?" This then shifted to: "It's manmade, so who made it? How and why?"  and then to: "Who took it? How and why?" Whether we will ever find the answers to any of those questions remains to be seen. There are unconfirmed reports of a truck being seen in the area and tyre tracks near the popular parking place for monolith tourists. Maybe it will appear on Ebay or even at a black market auction for stolen artworks. It's sad that the Utah monolith has gone. It provided a brief moment of thrill and wonder in a very dismal and oppressive year.

Saturday 28 November 2020

World In Action on UFO's

One of the most successful and respected British TV documentary and current affairs series is Granada TV's World In Action. It won awards and ran from 1963 until 1998. It is best remembered for its dramatic title sequence and theme music; but in terms of its content, it was superior to any modern television news programme. In 1967 it broadcast an episode called "We Know What We Saw". Like most TV shows as old as that, the recordings of it were thought to be lost. Some are only preserved by the chance serendipity of VHS home tapers, for example: Luckily we in the UFO community have our very own personal archivist in the shape of Miles Johnston. The Bases Project HQ has so much old audio and video footage, on all media, that it sometimes feels like the rest of the equipment and furniture is squeezed in between the shelves and boxes of UFO paranormal and conspiratorial gold. See here after the conference speech: In this case it was Colin Woolford and the late Rod Howarth who helped with this restoration, but it is published on Miles' "Stepping Stones to Awareness" channel. There is a timecode on the footage which indicates this was not a finished broadcast copy; but rather a draft reel. It is in black-and-white, but that was probably how it was intended to be shown because ITV never introduced a colour signal until 1969. It is slightly crackly and covered in lines, but it is watchable. Miles converted it from its original video tape to a digital file and has processed it significantly to improve the quality.
See here for the video:
Watching this twenty-five minute programme was a striking experience. It was a mainstream media production, but its content is of a kind you could only find today on alternative YouTube or Bitchute channels. The professionalism and intellectual honesty in the programme is totally absent from modern TV. The show features interviews with famous UFOlogists of the era, like Dr J Allen Hynek and James MacDonald. It includes arch-debunker, and probably government agent, Dr Donald Menzel for balance; but its general attitude to the UFO phenomenon is positive. It even has time to include a hypnotherapy session; something that is completely taboo in one of today's programmes on the subject, for example see here from 49 mins: It even films at a NICAP meeting (NICAP still operates today, see: Like all TV documentaries in the 60's, its style is rough and simplistic compared to its 2020's counterparts. Modern documentaries are far more technically elaborate. Some border on cinematic, like this one:; but, like that example, they are mostly pseudoscientific propaganda films which deliberately lie to the viewer. When World In Action showed their UFO documentary on people's TV sets, a television was a small wooden box with a twelve inch low resolution monochrome screen. There were only three channels and they closed down before midnight, but you got to see real quality programming. Today, TV screens can cover an entire wall with a HD 3D window to thousands of channels, twenty-four-seven. More money is spent on TV productions than at any other time in history. But nearly all of it is mindless deceptive gibberish. I'm not very old, but I do vaguely remember programmes like "We Know What We Saw" and I feel nostalgic. Many thanks to Miles, Colin and Rod for allowing me to be one of the first people in decades to watch a gem from UFO TV history that was almost lost forever.
See here for background:

Thursday 26 November 2020

Ben Emlyn-Jones on Raconteurs News 7

I have been interviewed again on the Raconteurs News show with Jason Holmes, see:
Subjects discussed include: Did Trump really concede?, the collective unconscious, celebrities who doubt the pandemic and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on Raconteurs News:
See here for Jason's interview on HPANWO Radio:

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Ben Emlyn-Jones on the Kev Baker Show 64

I have been interviewed again on the Kev Baker Show (aka MrGlasgowTruther) on Truth Frequency Radio, see here for the podcast:
And here for the illustrated video version:
Subjects discussed include: a metal monolith found in Utah, a COVID 19 vaccine at last!, the TV series Utopia and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on the Kev Baker Show:

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Utah Monolith

An extraordinary discovery has been made in the desert land of southern Utah USA; and it came about from a very unlikely source. No UFOlogist or ancient mysteries enthusiast was involved. The Utah Department of Public Safety were flying a helicopter over the landscape counting sheep when they noticed something so unusual that they broke off their rather sleepy duties to land and take a closer look. The object of curiosity was a metallic polygonal solid embedded in the ground. It was ten to twelve feet in height and roughly two feet along its other sides. The UDPS team were immediately reminded of the black monolith in Arthur C Clarke's and Stanley Kubrick's 2001- a Space Odyssey; however, the 2001 monolith had a rectangular plan where this one is triangular, like the box of a Toblerone chocolate bar. It is also silvery in colour instead of black. Source: The helicopter crew are baffled as to what it is, and quite frankly so am I. I discussed it in confused tones on The Kev Baker Show last night, see: Assuming this thing is man-made, whoever put it there went to a lot of trouble. The object would be bulky to carry and, if it is solid metal, extremely heavy. Digging a hole in the hard dry ground and placing it properly, with the hole filled in to secure it, would be a major challenge. More than one person would have to be involved and the location is very remote; somewhere in the rocky desert lands of southern Utah. This is why the sheep counters were using a helicopter instead of a car. Somebody on Reddit attributed it to the artist John McCracken. However, this cannot be confirmed because McCracken died in 2011. There is only a speculative connection with McCracken because the structure resembles his style. What's more, if the object was made by John McCracken, or indeed any artist, why go to the effort of erecting it at a location where people cannot see it? As you can tell from the news report's images, the monolith is not only in the middle of an uninhabited desert, but it is placed at the bottom of a ravine. It can only be seen by somebody very close to the ravine; or from the air which it was in this case. It's almost as if somebody wanted it to be in the open air, but needed also to hide it. We don't know how long the monolith has been there. Seeing as it is in such a secluded spot, it might have been there a very long time. It seems that the helicopter crew were very lucky indeed to have been flying over just the right place to notice it. It does not appear to have deteriorated from exposure to the elements. I see no rust or rainwater corrosion; no sandblast erosion. This could mean it has only just been put there; or it could be something to do with the material it is made of. In India there is a famous pillar which is supposedly made of iron; but it doesn't rust, see:
Could the Utah anomaly be made of an unusual material like the strange objects implanted in people's bodies shown in documentaries like Patient 17, see: Dr Irena Scott researched strange materials and I'm keen to see if she can find anything out, see: Obviously a team of experts will need to visit the location and analyze the composition of the object. It might turn out to be steel, aluminium or a conventional alloy; which would make it a strange concealed man-made folly. On the other hand it might be something else; something not of this world... So far, the UDPS is keeping the exact location secret. This is not because they're involved in any kind of cover-up; it is to prevent sightseers trying to visit the object and getting lost in the desert without food and water etc. This was one of the concerns about Storm Area 51 last year, see: Nevertheless the location will probably be leaked before long. It might also be on Google Earth, if anybody is willing to pore over the entire region in high zoom. Obviously, I hope at some point the monolith is subjected to proper public study and the solution to its weird emergence can be found.
See here for more information:

Monday 23 November 2020

The Mind Set Podcast Programme 426

I have been featured on Programme 426 of the Mind Set Podcast.
See here for the show:
Subjects discussed include: The TV series Utopia, the death of civilization, censorship of The Pogues and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on The Mind Set Podcast:

Sunday 22 November 2020

Ben Emlyn-Jones on The Spectre Detectives


I have been interviewed on The Spectre Detectives, Christine Joanna Hart's show, see:
I appear in the first hour of the show and have a discussion with Christine's co-host Jana Greasley. Subjects discussed include: UFO's, the Bullingdon Club, Truth movement infighting and much much more. See here for my interview with Christine:

Friday 20 November 2020


"What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world?" That classic line both introduces and summarizes the TV series Utopia, which is another Amazon Prime exclusive like The Man in the High Castle which I reviewed previously, see: Utopia was recommended to me by Gareth Davies of the Mind Set Podcast. He said it was loaded with information, and it is. However the information within it is truly shocking. I needed to see it and I'm glad Gareth told me about this, but a part of me wishes he hadn't. It is one of the most disturbing programmes I've ever seen on television. To begin with, it is extremely violent. It has a 15 certificate so I was unprepared for the severity of the violence depicted. Maybe this is just a sign that I haven't watched much TV over the last few years; because since I did, the window of tolerance has significantly broadened. The violence in Utopia would have been unthinkable just a decade or two ago for an 18 certificate film, let alone a 15. This includes scenes with formerly taboo content, such as children being murdered. When one person is killed, the body is left lying on the floor and people go about their lives normally around it. When blood is splashed on somebody's car following one of the deaths, it is not washed off. The protagonists are not admirable figures. They are immature and foolish; and, in the case of their ringleader Jessica, a cruel and ruthless antihero. In one scene they kill an entire colony of rabbits by shooting and burning them. The programme is about subjects that are extraordinarily close to real life, especially the COVID 19 pandemic. I know that making a complex TV show takes time, with script writing, production design, casting etc. This means that work on Utopia must have already been well underway when the lockdown began. It is said that life imitates art, but it rarely does it so closely and at the same time! I can't help wondering if somebody knew in advance what was planned and decided to give out the information in fictional allegory. Interestingly, before every episode Amazon has put up a disclaimer saying that the programme is "not based on an actual pandemic or related events"; I wonder... See:
The story begins with a bunch of comic readers meeting up at a comic convention; needless to say they are all Americans. They are lovers of a graphic novel called Dystopia. It is by an anonymous artist, but fascinates them because it appears to predict events which ended up coming true. So when they hear that somebody has discovered an unpublished sequel called Utopia, they are enthralled. They pay handsomely for a chance to view this unique previously unseen strip. Their fun turns to horror though when everybody who looks at the manuscript ends up being shot by a pair of assassins. At the same time a deadly new form of influenza breaks out in a number of locations that kills everybody infected by it. However, the virus is quickly isolated and a vaccine is discovered by a medical researcher called Dr Michael Stearns who is working for a biotechnology company run by a sinister character called Dr Kevin Christie. It soon turns out that the pandemic is an artificial one created by Christie's industry to create a market for the vaccine. The vaccine itself has a catastrophic hidden objective. The catchphrase about a person earning their place in a crowded world echoes exactly what real people have said about the supposed overpopulation of man on this planet. Another word used over and over in the dialogue, loaded with extra meaning, is "purpose". There are those at the extreme end of the environmentalist movement who talk openly about the need for a human cull. They use terms like "useless eaters". Few of them relish this grim task, but as the Dr Christie character says: "How much evil do you have to do to do good?" The world is in fact not overpopulated and I explain why in the background links; but so long as enough people believe the Malthusian nightmare, they will justify any atrocity necessary to save the earth from what they dread even more. Secretly, the end result planned is the New World Order. Dr Christie is just such a person. He also runs a secret compound called "the Home" where he raises multiple children. Some of them are trafficked from distant lands and others are bred for their "purpose!". Some have abilities which would fit the description of a "supersoldier". Many are twins or triplets. Oddly enough in one scene two identical young blonde women are seen wearing tracksuits. This reminds me of the mystery surrounding Ursula and Sabina Eriksson, see: The children are mind controlled and psychologically abused; kept as slaves by Christie and his team. Some of them are used in medical experiments. The team also have the ability to create fake news in the mainstream and social media. They have to power to frame people for crimes. In one scene where a character is killed in an accident, Christie needs to make it look like suicide, so he generates an entire fake life for the man, including correctly dated back-filled disinformation; actors to play his family and friends etc. Utopia is a very ugly, frightening and upsetting story. The background to the Jessica character is especially harrowing. However, at times it is darkly funny. How much the producers knew about the reality behind the plot, I don't know. They might be insiders trying to get the word out through Utopia, like the fictional comic in the programme. Screenwriters and directors sometimes encode their works with hidden messages that can be deciphered. On the other hand, they may simply be picking up something morphic in the air, which creative people often do. There are plenty of other examples of artists including conspiratorial and esoteric themes in their works, but Utopia is among the least subtle of them. Why is it so blatant? Could it have emerged out of the same energetic circumstances that have led to real life conspiracies being so much more visible than they used to? The last episodes ends without conclusion and the series is called "Season One", which means we will have to wait for future episodes to find out what happens next.
See here for background:

Thursday 19 November 2020

Ben Emlyn-Jones on Wake Up UK 14

I have been interviewed again on the Wake Up UK network, see: (video removed. If a replacement recording emerges I will add it here).
I appear after 1.17 on Jeremy Poole's show "No Soy, please. We're British." Subjects discussed include: UFO Disclosure, is Klaus Schwab a Boy from Brazil?, George Orwell predicted the modern world and much much more. See here for more details:
See here for my previous appearance on Wake Up UK:

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Official Antigravity

I have said many times that the government are suppressing science and engineering that produces antigravity, a phenomenon that frees a place or object from the force of gravity within a gravitational field. For examples see the background links below. Therefore I was surprised when I saw the YouTuber "Cool Worlds" upload a video called Artificial Gravity. The channel tends to be very skeptical and has made videos debunking alien life and UFO's. They have even allowed Mick West to deliver his usual nonsense about seagulls and airliners. Artificial gravity means the generation of a gravitational field by non-natural means. Artificial gravity is directly connected to antigravity because it is a hypothetical method for antigravity. Creating an artificial field with an inverted pole of attraction to the natural one would cancel it out. Any object under the influence of both gravitational fields would be in the same state as an object in a zero gravity environment. However, when I watched the video I was disappointed. Actual true antigravity is not even mentioned in this upload. Instead it focuses on pseudogravity. This refers to systems being suggested by spacecraft designers to mimic the effects of gravity through constant acceleration or rotation. In the first example, the spacecraft would be continuously accelerating and the inertia resulting would feel exactly like gravity to anybody inside. This was the system used by the nuclear powered moon rocket in the comic series Hergé's Adventures of Tintin, see: However, far more popular and practical is rotation. When an object is rotated it produces the centrifugal effect or "G-force". You can easily experience this yourself by sitting on a fairground carrousel. If you build a spacecraft that rotates, or even has a module that rotates, inside that structure the astronauts would experience this simulated gravity effect. There are many designs, such as the giant space colonies proposed by Gerard O'Neil. This would be a huge cylinder in earth orbit that would roll so that people could walk on the inside of it. There is a smaller design by NASA and Stanford University which is shaped like a wheel which works on the same principle. This is the space station depicted in the book and film 2001- a Space Odyssey, see: On such a space station, it would feel relatively normal. You could stay up in space for much longer, not suffering the health problems people get when spending a long time in the microgravity of the existing orbiting space stations.
There are problems with rotational pseudogravity though. Constructing the rotating module would be complicated and very expensive. There is an experimental model planned to be attached to the International Space Station at some point, called Nautilus X, but it hasn't been built yet. The rotation would be difficult to control. In fact O'Neil's design would need two cylinders connected and spinning in opposite directions. Each would act as a gyroscopic balance to the other to prevent them both tumbling and wheeling chaotically. There is also an annoying obstacle known as the Coriolis effect. An astronaut in a rotating structure, a centrifuge, would be fine so long as they were sitting still or lying in bed, but once they started moving around all kinds of strange things would begin to happen. For example, in the 2001 film there is a scene where an astronaut is running around the cabin in multiple circuits. If he ran in the direction of the compartment's rotation then he would feel himself getting much heavier. If he reversed direction he would feel himself getting much lighter; in fact if he ran fast enough he may even lose all his weight and find himself floating freely like an astronaut on the ISS does in real life. In the spacecraft in the film, called Discovery, the centrifuge is accessed by a ladder leading down from a separate compartment in the axle. In this axle you would feel completely weightless. As you descended the ladder you would get heavier and heavier as you climbed closer to the rotating rim, the floor of the cabin; but it's not as simple as that. You would also feel another force square to the rotation, as if something were trying to tug you sideways off the ladder. It would take a lot of training to get used to the Coriolis effect and on long space missions it could be very disorienting. Source: It would be far easier and simpler just to declassify true artificial gravity engineering. Spacecraft using it would not need to spin or constantly accelerate. They could look and behave exactly as conventional spacecraft do, except that inside them the astronauts could enjoy a gravitational field exactly like the one they left behind on earth. Yet, there is more. The same means to generate a force that could hold everything down inside the spaceship could also be a method of propulsion, eliminating the need for rockets, with their very limited range; not to mention all their lack of availability, waste, expense and danger. It would revolutionize space exploration... And maybe it already has, in the secret space programme.
See here for background:

Tuesday 17 November 2020

The Mind Set Podcast Programme 425

I have been featured on Programme 425 of the Mind Set Podcast.
See here for the show:
Subjects discussed include: false COVID 19 infection stats, vaccination dangers, did Trump really concede? and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on The Mind Set Podcast:

Sunday 15 November 2020

Ben Emlyn-Jones on the Paranormal Peep Show 8

I have been interviewed again on the Paranormal Peep Show by Neil Geddes Ward and Andrew Chaplin. We discuss the recent death of arch-skeptic James "the Amazing" Randi. I was joined on the air by Lee Bonomo.
See here:
See here for my previous appearance on the Paranormal Peep Show:

Saturday 14 November 2020

Liverpool COVID Military Tests

The part of Britain that has so far been hit the worst by the COVID 19 lockdown is the city of Liverpool. The army has been deployed there to assist the local education authority with a mass test of schoolchildren for the disease. Although the scheme is voluntary, everybody will be reminded that "mass testing may help flatten the curve of infections, which in turn could allow for restrictions to be lifted sooner..." You don't want your neighbours knowing that you helped ruin Christmas do you?... The use of the armed forces is no doubt partly to make Liverpudlians accustomed to seeing troops on the street. If full martial law is declared at some point it will be less of s shock. This was certainly the effect in Northern Ireland during the troubles when the army patrols were eventually accepted as an extension of the normal police presence. They're starting with schools for the same reason they did with fingerprinting, to get the youngest members of society used to it first; see here for background: Some local people are aware of that trick though, see: It's frustrating to read how so many other people are queuing up for it. The propaganda has worked on some of the population. Source: However, no sooner had this been announced then Lisa of the Cry Freedom Show on HPANWO Radio, see links column, made me aware of an interview on the Julia Hartley-Brewer Show on Talk Radio with a consultant pathologist called Dr Clare Craig. The doctor correctly explains how viral screening is not always reliable. Unlike bacteria, viruses cannot be cultured outside a host and so the easiest way to detect their presence is to test a person for antibodies, substances an organism produces as a part of the immune response. Having antibodies does not mean you have the disease; it just means you might have had it in the past or developed immunity from a vaccination or minor infection. This is why sometimes multiple screening is needed to verify if a person has a virus.  However, the tests were done on 44,000 people in Liverpool in a single day and only 0.5% came back COVID 19 positive. Even taking into account the inaccuracy of screening, this is way below the levels that could justify calling it a pandemic. The word pandemic has Greek roots and literally means "all the people". Well 0.5% is definitely not all the people. After almost a year of its presence in the world, the illness has hardly made a dent in the population. There is no "spike", no "second wave". Source: This news broke the same day it was announced that Pfizer had a vaccine range ready to roll out before the end of the month. It is looking set to become the hottest Big Pharma product in history. Trillions of pounds are at stake, not to mention the mass-medication agenda. Spreading this news story as far as possible is vital. I don't often use the term, but this is a must-read.
See here for more information:

Friday 13 November 2020

Is QAnon a Game?

At the time of writing, QAnon has not made a drop since the November the third. He/she/they have remained completely silent since the bizarre election whose result is, despite raucous media decrees to the contrary, still up in the air. It's not unusual for Q to go silent for periods of days or even weeks; but seeing as this is just after an election where President Trump has supposedly been voted out of the White House, naysayers are going to claim that the game is now over. The Storm never came and the Great Awakening never happened. The man who was destined to save the world is no longer the president... Wasn't it fun while it lasted? On to the next LARP! No doubt the voices disbelieving in QAnon will be informing us that they told us so. Even within the Conspirasphere there were many who never took Q seriously, including my good friend Kev Baker, see: Another well known name in that camp is Neil Sanders, see: Obviously, outside the UFO/para/con community there are thousands more, including the author of an article sent to me by a Facebook friend. It is by a designer of alternate reality games, experience fiction, interactive theatre, "serious games" and LARP's called Tony Webster. He says that the moment he saw QAnon he recognized it as exactly such a creation. Q is a fictional character, he reckons; a typical archetype of the "mysterious stranger" who pokes his head up in the story every now and again to provide hidden information to the other characters, like the smoking man in The X-Files or Flying Buffalo in the Roswell trilogy, see: The only difference is that this hypothetical QAnon game involved everybody who followed QAnon and took it seriously as unknowing players. The abstract way in which Q speaks allows the reader subconsciously to invent their own meaning and paste it onto the drops. It is similar to pareidolia, the way our minds naturally interpret randomness as meaningful patterns, such as maps in the clouds or a face in the grain of a wooden plank. This process is underpinned by others in the community which leads to peer-reinforcement. I am well aware that there is a strong sense of camaraderie in the Conspirasphere; but this alone does not make the community's ideas false. Football fans form loving bonds with each other too, but does this mean that their team can never win the cup? Webster claims that in reality things like QAnon never happen. People with insider information simply give it away straightforwardly, like Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning etc. QAnon instead distributes oblique hints that lead the readers to come to their own conclusions. In Webster's view, this is a sign that Q is not real. I don't see how that necessarily follows. Those famous whistleblowers we all hear about in the news released their classified information out of a sense of public duty, casting it onto the ground like the biblical sower, hoping that it would take root among the populace. The result was that these individuals ended up in jail or in exile. The people, for the most part, ignored them or chimed in with the media demonization of them. Whoever QAnon is, they may well have decided on a different modus operandi so as not to endure the same fate. If the public are too brainwashed to accept the truth when it is handed to them, then that actual brainwashing must be cured through education; and proper education is a very interactive process in which learners do indeed have to find conclusion through their own thought processes, guided by the teacher.
Mr Webster sees this supposed QAnon game as very dangerous in the political world. He says: "Q is almost pure propaganda... There is no doubt about the political nature of the propaganda either. From ancient tropes about Jews and Democrats eating babies... to anti-science hysteria, this is all the solid reliable stuff of authoritarianism. This is the internet's repurposing of hatred's oldest hits... an aspic of anti-Semitic, misogynist, and grotesque posts on posting boards that, indeed, have been implicated in many of the things the fake conspiracy is supposed to be guilty of." At the same time, the mainstream media has been covering the QAnon community in equally scathing terms, see: Needless to say, I defy all pundits who talk along these slanderous lines. If a Q-follower loses his mind and starts shooting people in the streets, short of direct individual incitement, it is not the QAnon community's fault; anymore than it would be Greta Thunberg's fault if somebody murdered the chairman of an oil company after watching one of her tirades. Q is as innocent of anti-Semitism as David Icke, see: I don't think QAnon has ever mentioned Jews; and certainly Jews have never been accused of any kind of crime in any Q-drop. As for the misogyny accusation, that is a common label used to smear anybody, including women, who raise legitimate questions and concerns about feminism.
Tony Webster then goes on to analyze QAnon's methods more deeply and draws parallels with a cult, or "Qult" to quote the rhetoric of another Q-skeptic, see:, many lines above where he gives an explicit comparison. He describes newcomers to QAnon as "initiates". A lot of psychology is involved. The "breadcrumb" drops are designed to pique the reader's curiosity and stimulate them mentally in the way the game designer wants, to lead them to where the designer has already planned for them to go. Just lecturing or preaching at people doesn't work half as well. The Q community also breeds a distrust of the mainstream world and its institutions which Webster regards as unhealthy. I, on the other hand, consider it totally justified for a multitude of sound reasons. Webster goes on to assert that QAnon is part of a deliberate propaganda and public relations strategy. In this way he has come to a conclusion that is similar to Bernard Grover's, but both are equally wrong. Source: The problem I have with Tony Webster's article is that its foundational premise is that the conspiracy QAnon describes does not exist. Therefore the question of whether it does or not, and the evidence for and against, are beyond its scope. The only attempt he makes to address the reality question rationally is, unoriginally, to wheel out pareidolia, which he inaccurately called apophenia; that word only applies to sounds, in electronic voice phenomena studies etc. But I don't wish to nit-pick; whatever you choose to call it, it is a theory often badly applied because it is essentially unfalsifiable. It can only become a valid explanation when all researchers can agree on a statistical ceiling above which it can no longer be used. Otherwise one could go to the extreme of claiming that the Sistine Chapel mural is just random splashes of paint. Michelangelo just got in a temper one day and kicked some cans of paint around the room; and decided he liked the accidental result. Obviously that's nonsense; but then if you agree, you have to ask yourself: where is the cut-off point? See here for details: Let's look at how QAnon has risen in proportion to world events. Against all historical precedent, as well as my own predictions, Donald Trump became president of the United States; Britain voted to leave the European Union; information emerged about the organized abuse of children and that led to the arrests of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell; Epstein then died in circumstances that fly in the face of the official verdict of suicide, official government video of UFO's was leaked and then declassified; there was a transparent attempt at electoral fraud in the world's second biggest democracy, often considered the epitome of a developed western nation... I could go on. The 2016 Effect is real. QAnon has somehow become a herald of that real life transformation. Can that really be just a coincidence? What's more, although there are fake Q-posts and several people have claimed to have uncovered Q, like "Unirock" whom Kev Baker interviews in the link above; others have come forward claiming either to be Q or to have rumbled Q. They can't all be telling the truth. Either all but one of them is lying, or they are all lying. I also recommend this debate between Unirock and Dustin Nemos about the reality of QAnon: (It is currently private, but I hope Dustin will publish it again. Keep checking back) A huge amount of internet blood-sports has been generated from these claims and counterclaims; with all the usual doxing, threats, flaming, trolling etc. Drama only adds to the confusion in the same way it has with Hampstead and Larry Warren etc. Also, why is it that with all the nonsense "shit-posting" that continuously fills the Chans which nobody takes seriously, one in particular has grown legs and risen above the morass? Could it be the authenticity of QAnon that can come only come from it being factually real? I don't know who QAnon is. He/she/they have vigourously guarded their anonymity. It is possible with the explosive new developments of the last ten days they have gone into hiding. Until they go public there can be no provable verdict; but I think there is enough reason right now to believe that Q is real. Obviously the full shockwaves of the election turmoil lie in the future. What effect this will have on QAnon is a subject for an upcoming publication
See here for more information:

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Ben, Biden, Booze

The Crafty Nihilist, aka Mark and Liz Froud, have produced a short musical video featuring your humble servant, see:
It is called Ben, Biden, Booze and is based on the third part of my US presidential election livestream series. By the time I streamed it, it was six-thirty on Wednesday morning. I had sat up all night watching streams by other content creators like Alex Jones and Sargon of Akkad. During my vigil I consumed a bottle of California red wine and over half a 70cl bottle of Jack Daniels. As a result I was very drowsy and tipsy. See: This made for a somewhat different presentation to my usual style, shall we say; which gave the Crafties the inspiration for the track. I really love it; it's so funny. Many thanks to Liz and Mark for producing it.

Tuesday 10 November 2020

US Election Fraud goes to the State

There are major allegations of electoral fraud against the outcome of the recent US presidential election. Today there has been a major update.
See here for essential background:
What began as essentially a private lawsuit in Pennsylvania has now escalated into a full investigation by the US federal government. My earlier concerns that the GOP would not back up the president who is nominally theirs, although Donald Trump is a de facto independent, are now over because the veteran senator and Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, has spoken publicly about it. He says the president is within his rights to pursue this suspicion; and I would say that the president has a duty to do so because he swore to defend the nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic. People who rig elections are an enemy of the nation. The US attorney general has confirmed that a full congressional investigation has begun. Source: This is an astonishing development. I don't know if there is a precedent in American history. The above source link is incredibly negative, as you'd expect the BBC to be. It repeats as a foundational premise: "there is no evidence!" Yes, there is; and I detail that in my own background links above. The rest of the "legacy media", as the YouTuber Styxhexenhammer666 calls it, is almost as bad; even Fox News, which supported Trump's campaign. When the White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, was announcing the investigation to the media, the newsreader, Neil Cavuto, cut to the studio in the middle of her speech saying: "Unless she has more details to back that up, I can't in good countenance continue showing you this." Source: Well, if he'd let her speak to the viewers we would all have heard the details! Is it normal practice for a TV news programme to cut off a live feed from the Brady Briefing Room? Mr Cavuto should get a job with BBC America. MSNBC did the same to the President himself in the middle of his speech during the vote count, see: Again, I can make no predictions about how all this will end up. It is too unusual, even by my standards; but every cause has an effect and this is a pretty big cause. Some unusual effect will come out of it.

Sunday 8 November 2020

The Mind Set Podcast Programme 424

I have been featured on Programme 424 of the Mind Set Podcast.
See here for the show:
Subjects discussed include: electoral fraud in the 2020 US presidential election, Boris Johnson congratulates Joe Biden, predictions for the rest of the year and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on The Mind Set Podcast:

Saturday 7 November 2020

POTUS Fights Back!

The US Presidential Election 2020 is apparently over; however it was a transparently fake election which means it cannot be.
See here for essential background:
Trump's banned Tweets were one thing, but they don't count as a proper statement. The mainstream media, however, considers its own word as holy law. All the major networks have declared that Joe Biden is the next president of the United States as if it is absolute truth. The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, called a press conference that was one of the most unprofessional actions since she also announced before the election that Joe Biden would be inaugurated regardless of the election's outcome (which alone should have instantly invalidated it). She addresses Biden as "the president-elect" and has stopped calling Donald Trump "the president" and instead simply calls him "Trump". Source: This is all based on nothing official at all. Trump has not conceded and no judge has made a ruling. At the same time there is an explosion of censorship on mainstream social media calling anything said against the mainstream position "misleading". Along with Tweets being deleted, a "Stop the Steal" Facebook group was banned, allegedly because it included "calls for violence", but I'm not going to take their word for it on that. Source:
However, President Trump has struck back. He has called a press conference in Pennsylvania in which his lawyer, Rudolf Giuliani, addressed the world's media, see: Unlike Pelosi's words, this one was not shown live on any mainstream channel other than The Independent; although no doubt a carefully-edited two minute soundbite will be circulated later. At this conference, the president's legal team formally announced their challenge to this election. Based on what I've been studying, they have a very persuasive case. It's official! Trump is fighting back! He will refuse to step down from the White House and will be within the law to do so. In fact I would say he has a duty not to step down because he has to defend the country from its corrupt elite. A fraudulent election is declared null and void. This means Trump remains the president until a proper election can be carried out. A lot of my followers are expressing very downhearted sentiments at the moment. Many are in despair. They should not be. The president knows what he is doing. He has been preparing for this very situation for months. He predicted it and warned us about it. He knows exactly how to handle it. Don't give up!
See here for more background:

Friday 6 November 2020

Carol Noonan Interview 3

I have been featured in a roundtable discussion with Carol Noonan, see:
We discuss universal alien abduction and contact, paranormal investigation, occult secret societies and much much more. I was joined on the programme by people I already know. Juliette Gregson, see:, Tony Topping, see: and Andrew Chaplin, see:
See here for Carol's website:
See here for Carol's previous interview:

Tuesday 3 November 2020

UFO Truth Magazine- Issue 45

UFO Truth Magazine Issue 45 is now available. It can be purchased on this page as a single copy, but please subscribe and save money if you want to read it regularly, see:
Issue 45 includes an article in my column entitled When were UFOs first
Also you will find in Issue 45: a review of James Fox' film The Phenomenon, a new UFO-themed card game, possible life on Venus and much much more.
Also in this HPANWO Show programme I interview the UFO Truth Magazine's editor Gary Heseltine:
See here for details on UFO Truth Magazine Issue 44:

Sunday 1 November 2020

The Mind Set Podcast Programme 423

I have been featured on Programme 423 of the Mind Set Podcast.
See here for the show:
Subjects discussed include: Gareth joins a UFO group, cloaked UFO's, the Ocsars goes woke and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on The Mind Set Podcast: