Saturday 30 November 2019

Hillsborough Cop Acquitted

The police chief leading the operation during the Hillsborough Disaster has been found not guilty of manslaughter and gross negligence. This verdict has angered and saddened the relatives of the ninety-six football fans who were crushed to death in 1989. For thirty years they have campaigned for justice and in 2014 won a coroners' case against South Yorkshire Police. The original verdict of accidental death was overturned and replaced with unlawful killing. The first hearing in 1991 was accompanied by some truly vicious anti-Liverpudlian propaganda from Rupert Murdoch's News International. To this day you cannot buy The Sun newspaper anywhere in Liverpool. According to the former Chief Superintendent David Duckenfield, he ordered the opening of the exit gate that let the fans rush into the stadium in order to relieve another potential crushing situation outside the ground at the entrance. He had given the order based on urgent advice from other police officers by the entrance. This was compounded by the claim that the stadium's club, Sheffield Wednesday, considerably overstated the capacity of the ground, compared to the recommendations of its architects. Source: Nevertheless, as I explain in the background links below, there was definitely an attempted cover-up. Why would the police do that if they were innocent? It is a very similar situation to the Chelsea Manning Wikileaks scandal in which American helicopters fired on a group of newsmen after they mistook them for terrorists. Again, there was an attempt to suppress knowledge of the incident because the US authorities knew they were guilty, see:,_2007,_Baghdad_airstrike. Both these two cases and many others are proof that the judiciary is not what it is portrayed as, a neutral inanimate arbiter that sits above society like a guardian angel. It is a tool used by the elite for control of society. Jeffrey Epstein is another good example. His first conviction should have seen him jailed for years, but instead he was given thirteen months in an open prison, see: The same will happen with Prince Andrew. It is sad that the truth about the Hillsborough Disaster has not been acknowledged, but it will hopefully serve as a lesson to everybody. If you're rich and powerful or serve the state, you will be treated leniently; if you are none of those things the system will stomp on you for the want of a penny.

Thursday 28 November 2019

Ben hosts Christine Joanna Hart

At the recent highly successful Bases Project 2019 "micro-conference" in Devizes, Wiltshire Christine Joanna Hart was unable to attend in person, so she appeared remotely. I hosted her lecture. Christine is a psychic and healer from London with a background in the media, private investigation, espionage and mind control, see: See here for Christine's official site:

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Fireball in Oregon

There have been reports of a fiery object crashing to the ground in Oregon USA. A photograph was taken of the object last Thursday at about 4.50 PM local time from a town called Salem, which ironically came to attention two years ago during the spectacular eclipse over North America, see: The police at the Polk County Sheriff's Office responded by sending officers to search the area. The US Air Force and Federal Aviation Administration have also been involved in the mystery. The original best guess is that it was a descending meteorite, but so far no debris has been found. Polk County is mostly countryside, farmland and small towns or villages. This is reminiscent of a very similar event in southwest England a couple of months ago, see: Source: The police posted this on their Facebook page: "PCSO is scaling back resources. The exact location of the fireball is unknown. PCSO will utilize aircraft during daylight hours tomorrow in an attempt to cover the rough terrain in the area and wrap up the search. PCSO has utilized all available aviation tracking systems and no planes have been lost. PCSO has been investigating a large fireball falling to the earth in the southwest area of Polk County. The fireball was reported as a plane crash and PCSO is working to locate a possible landing location and exactly what the fireball is." As with the Plymouth case, I ask any readers living in the local area, which is too far away for me to visit personally, keep a lookout for any strange activity; roads closed by roadblocks. Excessive military presence in the form of ground troops as well as aircraft. Listen out for any rumours of other strange objects in the sky along with explosions, odd sounds or vibrations. The news story might go quiet or there might be a cover story. We need to be sure this is not... I'm going to get in there first! The Oregon Roswell.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Colin and Ben Bases Chats 3

I have been interviewed again by Colin Woolford and Miles Johnston on the Bases Project YouTube channel, see:
We discuss the Bases Project November 2019 conference and much much more. See here for my HPANWO TV coverage:
See here for my previous discussion with Colin and Miles:

Friday 22 November 2019

Area 51 Pilot supports Lazar

Since Bob Lazar emerged with his incredible story of how he was sent to Area 51 in 1989 and worked on back-engineering crashed flying saucers, the core of his entire case has been his personal testimony. Many have accused him of simply making up the entire account for the sake of fame and fortune (Not that he has gained any of the latter). However, several independent witnesses have backed him up over the years and the latest of these is probably the most prominent; in fact his testimony may well mark a turning point in the Bob Lazar story. The new witness is Capt. David Fruehauf, a highly acclaimed US Air Force pilot who was recruited to a special reconnaissance programme in 1967. His job was to fly what at the time was the most highly classified aircraft in the American fleet, the SR-71 "Blackbird" spy-plane. The pilot was deployed to Area 51 and says he knew that there was an adjacent section of the base which was known as "Site 4" which sounds like what Lazar calls "S4". Fruehauf flew to the base every day from McCarran International Airport on the "Janet" planes and saw a small group of people leave the terminal in a separate direction from the main facility, towards "Site 4", in a bus with the windows covered, just like Lazar claims. Area 51 is totally compartmentalized and nobody among its personnel is told more than is necessary to do their own job; therefore Fruehauf could not confirm what was going on at "Site 4". However, when his own experience is matched with Lazar's reports, a solid narrative emerges. Lazar's anecdotes about life and work in the secret base rang true to Fruehauf. What's more, when he met up with people in the private sector after he left Area 51, Fruehauf says that they told him they had actually met Bob Lazar on the secret base. Source: The words of David Fruehauf fly in the face of the pat skeptic line that all of Lazar's supporters are losers and loonies. Only the most select corps of pilots would be considered for the SR-71 programme and Fruehauf was one of them. Fruehauf actually survived a crash in which one of the twelve SR-71's lost, of the thirty-two built, came down in an uncontrolled dive, forcing him to eject. What could possibly motivate somebody in his position and with his background to lie? Absolutely nothing (leaving aside the usual groundless whining of "disinfo! disinfo! disinfo!"); and this is the fact UFO skeptics, along with Lazar's critics within UFOlogy, are going to have to deal with.

Thursday 21 November 2019

Peter Croft and Ben Emlyn-Jones 2

See here for the programme: (You might need to log into Facebook to watch it.)
A discussion between me and Peter Croft, real name Chris. We discuss the Tavistock Institute and how it affects human society on the personal, social and state level, including me personally.
See here for my previous interview with Peter Croft:

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Ben Emlyn-Jones on the Kev Baker Show 53

I have been interviewed again on the Kev Baker Show (aka MrGlasgowTruther) on Truth Frequency Radio, see here for the podcast:
And here for the illustrated YouTube version:
Subjects discussed include: Prince Andrew's interview, ISIS leader reported dead, Brexit candidate believes in aliens and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on the Kev Baker Show:

Sunday 17 November 2019

Shill Tribunal Update- Personnel

I have been making some plans for the structure of the Shill Tribunal that I describe in the background links above. These are just my own basic and interim plan and further details can be worked out in the future with the cooperation of others. These latest plans concern personnel. In a courtroom there are always numerous people. How many and what role they play all depend on the type of court it is and the legal system it is under. It is a good enough starting point for me to use this as a model. Below is a list of the personnel in the Shill Tribunal according to my current model, who they might be and what their job will entail. I have drawn up a diagram of the system in the Illustration above.

The Judge in the Shill Tribunal will be very different to any you will find in a normal court because the Tribunal will have no judicial power, just like the Jewish and Muslim courts I describe in the above background links. The role of the Judge will be to organize a hearing and ensure that good order is maintained at all times. Obviously he or she will have no power to deliver a sentence, except personal ones between themselves and the convict. For example, if the Judge is a Facebook group admin they can ban the convict from their group. After a hearing, the prime duty of the Judge will be to announce the verdict of the Shill Tribunal and publish it as far and widely as possible. This is really all that can be done in terms of enforcement.
This is the person accused of an offence and committed to the Shill Tribunal for a hearing.
Defendant's Advocate
This is the person who is presenting the case for the defence, in the same way a Barrister does in a Crown Court. They will also get the chance to cross-examine the Accuser, the Defendant and all witnesses. Alternatively the Defendant can opt to play this role themselves, in which case their Advocate can remain within the hearing as their informal supporter if the Defendant wants this.
This is the person bringing the case against the Defendant. They must submit their application to the Judge who will then investigate and set up the hearing.
Accuser's Advocate
This is the person who is presenting the case for the prosecution, in the same way a Criminal Barrister does in a Crown Court. They will also get the chance to cross-examine the Defendant, Accuser and all witnesses. Alternatively the Accuser can opt to play this role themselves, in which case their Advocate can remain within the hearing as their informal supporter if the Accuser wants this.
The Jury are the people who decide on the verdict. I'm not sure at the moment how many people should be on the Jury. It might even vary from hearing to hearing. I believe there should be some ground rules when it comes to their selection: 1. They should not be partners or relatives of the Accuser or Defendant. 2. They should not be on the friends list of the Accuser or Defendant. 3. They need to have a foundational knowledge the special interest of the Accuser or Defendant, for example UFOlogy, Bigfoot, vaccine dangers etc. The Judge should approach these people in a random manner and ask them to become Jurors of a Shill Tribunal hearing. If they agree then it will be necessary for the Accuser and Defendant and/or their Advocates to approve them as Jurors.
These are anybody else the Accuser's or Defendant's Advocates choose to call the hearing to give testimony if they think it will help their client's position.

Another question is, where and how do the hearings take place. This could be done in the real world by hiring a function room somewhere and the hearing personnel meeting up there, but this will probably be too difficult and expensive in most instances. I believe it is perfectly suitable for hearings to be conducted online via an internet communication service such as Skype, the former Google Hangouts or Zoom. I am very keen on the idea of a public trial and believe the proceedings should be published, in real-time by livestream if possible. This may not be an option if large numbers of personnel are needed in a session of the hearing on the same call; in which case the proceedings should be recorded and uploaded as soon as possible afterwards. The Judge alone must be responsible for this and ensure that no editing of recordings takes place. There is, of course, a lot more that needs to be worked out in this process and my ideas here are just the start, but I like what I have concocted and welcome feedback from readers. We do have a necessity to get this system up and running as soon as possible because there are so many people in the UFO/Paranormal/Conspiracy Theory community who could be described as "pending trial", people who will theoretically be good candidates for Defendants; for example: Larry Warren, Darren Perks, Simon Parkes, Miles Johnston... and of course, myself.

Friday 15 November 2019

UFO Truth Magazine- Issue 39

UFO Truth Magazine Issue 39 is now available. It can be purchased on this page as a single copy, but please subscribe and save money if you want to read it regularly, see:
Issue 39 includes an article in my column entitled How many aliens are there?.

Also you will find in Issue 39: US Government confirms AATIP footage, Gordon Cooper's letter to Grenada, Birmingham Men in Black and much much more.
Also in this HPANWO Show programme I interview the UFO Truth's editor Gary Heseltine:
See here for details on UFO Truth Magazine Issue 38:

Monday 11 November 2019

The Penny Drops!

Nigel Farage has announced that The Brexit Party will not be contesting any seats currently held by the Conservatives. He is cancelling his candidates from all 317 of their constituencies. This is in response to a pledge by the Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru and the Green Party that they will continue the habit started at the Brecon and Radnorshire by-election and cooperate to stop Brexit, see:; and here for background: Farage calls his action "a unilateral Leave alliance". It is unilateral because Boris Johnson recently ruled out any non-aggression pact with Farage, see: Boris welcomed Nigel's decision while stressing that people should still vote conservative. However this is not enough because Farage still plans to contest Labour seats, crucially many of which are Leave-majority areas in the North Country. This could still end up splitting the Brexit vote in the divide-and-conquer situation I foretell in the background links above. Farage has also denounced Boris' deal and supported a further extension to Article 50 in the hope of organizing a new deal. Boris is still planning to bring his deal back to the commons after he wins the election, but he has not ruled out a WTO Brexit if necessary. I am personally a "hard" Brexiteer and think we should Leave on WTO rules anyway; further details can be found in the background links below. The Remainers are hypocritically accusing Nigel of "selling out!". Such Orwellian doublethink from them no longer shocks me. Source: It astounds me that it has taken this long for Farage to take his leave, if you'll excuse the pun, in this election. What he has said today is so obvious that millions of people, including me, have been urging him and Boris to do so. It seems that Boris and Nigel still have a long way to go in understanding the necessity that they should be all too aware of, seeing as they are two of Britain's most experienced statesmen. In fact I would go as far as to say that if they do not then they are deceiving the British people. If Farage is serious about Brexit then he needs to field no candidates at all except perhaps in SNP and Lib Dem strongholds in Scotland. If Boris is serious about Brexit he must agree to cooperate with Farage and not compete with him. If this doesn't happen then neither of them are serious about Brexit.

Thursday 7 November 2019

Proof of Epstein Cover-up

ABC News is one of the prime mainstream media journalism outlets in the United States of America. As regular readers will know, I believe such organizations are used for government propaganda and there is considerable evidence for this, however a new revelation may well top all the rest. James O'Keefe's Project Veritas have released a video which appears to be a recording of an off-air conversation after the broadcast is off, but the videotapes are still rolling. It takes place in the ABC News studio between the famous newsreader, Amy Robach, and somebody in the director's gallery. We cannot hear the backstage speaker and this is presumably because their voice is coming through her earphones. A third voice interjects a few times. The footage was recorded in August, shortly after the supposed suicide of Jeffrey Epstein. This is like a real-life and unfunny Jonathan Pie sketch. Ms Robach explains that all the information we have heard about Jeffrey Epstein the network knew about three years earlier. What's more they had additional and exclusive testimony from Virginia Roberts Giuffre, a woman who has accused Epstein of trafficking her when she was a teenager. She's kept silent since the original Florida prosecution... but ABC withdrew the story! Ms Robach says she was fobbed off by her media bosses and then an objection came in from none other than the Queen, who apparently "threatened us a million different ways!" Epstein's solicitor Alan Dershowitz made objections to the studio too. Nobody knows who at ABC made the decision to pull the news story, but it must have been an official at the highest level considering the prominence of this scoop. This was three years before Epstein's arrest and more then ten years since his initial prison sentence, if you can call it that. Giuffre had a massive amount of evidence implicating Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton, who have both long been suspects in Epstein's vice and blackmail racket. Hopefully they will soon become suspects in his murder. Source: This recording was leaked to Project Veritas by an unnamed individual on the staff at ABC News. The big and obvious question is: Why? The third voice answers that question very well: "The creepy thing is we would make access to all these high profile people." The cover-up of this story seems to be connected directly to the faking of Epstein's suicide and is probably perpetrated by the same people for the same reason, to hide themselves from justice. Ms Robach warns Epstein's former girlfriend and business partner Ghislaine Maxwell that she may well also be eliminated. There you have it! If Ms Maxwell has a sudden heart attack or falls in front of a bus, don't try to tell me it's just a coincidence (Although the skeptics will of course). The video also contains other groundbreaking snippets, such as the plan to interview "Kate and Will" at "the Palace". This must refer to Prince William and Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge. Both ABC and Amy Robach have made a statement in reply to Project Veritas, see: This is an astonishing update. It is obvious, as I have said many times, that something very fundamental has changed in the world. Secrets that used to be suppressed almost effortlessly are now a struggle to maintain. Stefan Molyneux has done a very good commentary and asks another obvious question: Couldn't Amy Robach herself have leaked the story independently? She also has been hypnotized by groupthink, see: There will hopefully be further developments, and indeed I expect that the three year old interview with Virginia Roberts Giuffre will be aired. I'll write more about that if... when it happens.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Brexit Candidate Believes in Aliens

The long and tedious soap opera known as Brexit has undergone another plot twist that is probably the most unpredictable of all. The Brexit Party announced its candidates for the upcoming general election when the date was finalized and then just today it was reported that twenty of them have stood down. As I've said previously, there are major problems with The Brexit Party having any candidates at all seeing as Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage failed to form an alliance, see: and: It appears that this point is not lost on the candidates themselves even if it is on their leader. They are also clashing over Boris' deal. There was one interesting exception among these dropouts, Jill Hughes, the former prospective parliamentary candidate for Batley and Spen (Ironically, this was Jo Cox's constituency, see: She has apparently withdrawn from the election because she has "a number of unusual beliefs". The source for this scoop is Hate Not Hope... sorry Hope Not Hate. The ex-banker says she is a spirit guide from Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky; it's about 6.8 light years from the earth. The thing is, Hope Not Hate are a nest of liars who spread filthy defamatory gossip about lots of people, including David Icke, see: So what if Ms Hughes said that. There is evidence in ancient records that beings from the region of Sirius visited the earth in prehistoric times and maybe she is one of them who was left behind, see: She also claims that aliens are here on earth and are cooperating with world governments... Well, as regular readers will know, I think that's true! There are too many background links to list. Source: Ms Hughes is a novelist who has written a book called Spirit of Prophesy which she has listed under her pen name "JJ Hughes". It is described as "paranormal crime fiction"; sounds just up my street. Here's the video trailer: HNH make a big deal out of how the book was self-published; but these days that's quite common. My own recent books are too, for example see: According to her Amazon bio she believes in "elves, fairies, mermaids, unicorns and all things elemental and otherworldly." Again, does that sound familiar? What we have here is an attempt to smear the character of an individual rather than address her party line. It's a hackneyed tactic. It takes courage to become a public figure while professing these kinds of ideas. Other examples of politicians brave enough are Simon Parkes and Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera. It's a pity Jill Hughes has stood down from the election. There are no details about exactly why her ideas led to her departure from the Westminster race. We need more people with open minds in government and she would have been a good start.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Apollo Detectives Re-Edit

The Apollo Detectives 3 is a film produced and edited by Neil Geddes-Ward. Neil and his fellow presenter Andrew Chaplin host a conversation between Marcus Allen, Jarrah White, Scott Henderson, Bart Sibrel and myself. It is a discussion on the fiftieth year after the first Apollo mission. Have NASA told us the truth about man's first steps on the moon? See here for the original version: and:
Since then the YouTube user "Shill Stompers" has re-edited the two and a quarter hours of the original programme and condensed it to thirty-eight minutes of highlights. It is entitled The Apollo Detectives; "Straight To The Point!".
See here for more interesting videos about the moon landings from the same team:

Monday 4 November 2019


I listen to a lot of UFO-themed radio shows, seeing as also create one, and I'm a big fan of Somewhere in the Skies, a weekly podcast presented and produced by a man called Ryan Sprague, see: However, Episode 129 was an exception. The guest was an arrogant and foul-mouthed man called EL Tenney. He is billed as: "one of the biggest names in the world of the weird", but I've never heard of him before and I must know nearly everybody in this business. During the interview Tenney boasts about how he has heckled speakers he doesn't agree with at conferences. He justifies this as: "They're talking shit to three hundred people!" when all they are doing is saying something he thinks is "shit!" The good side of this is people who commit bombastic and antisocial actions like that usually end up looking like fools and bullies in the eyes of the audience. However, it got far worse. Ryan and Tenney then subject the listener to a white guilt trip. This is not unusual of course; guilt-laced propaganda against white heterosexual men is everywhere, but it was sad and annoying to hear it on a UFO radio show. It reminded me a bit of my famous debate with Paola Harris on Planet X, see: The two claim that the ancient aliens subject is racist because its proponents think that black and brown people were too stupid to create high civilization and technology, so it must have been aliens instead. I have never heard any ancient aliens enthusiast say that and if they did I would challenge them. The fact is, there is distinct positive evidence that ET's visited earth openly in the past; it's not just about higher technology being present in the historical and archaeological record where it shouldn't be. At that time, the entire world's people were said to be in a primitive state anyway, including indigenous Europeans. Ryan and Tenney also believe that people who report the Nordic "space brothers" also do so out of a sense of tacit racism. Utter nonsense! The reason people report Nordic aliens is simply because Nordic aliens are the ones who contact them. It is pretty obvious that Nordic aliens are not white people, even though they resemble them superficially. They are not human at all. The two men also lament at how UFOlogy is "dominated by white males!" as if that is some kind of crime. I have explained previously that there are natural and unavoidable biological reasons why different kinds of people are drawn to different interests. Natural inequality is the reason why nobody ever goes up to a basketball team and says: "Why are you all black? You should sign up some white guys! We need equality on this team! There's no balance!" This cannot be changed and any attempt to do so would be enormously destructive. See here for details after the main interview: Tenney claims that a person told him Muslims would not be able to cope with Disclosure because it contradicts their dogma. Actually Islam already has the concept of the Djinn which are a kind of alien, so Islam would probably adjust better to Disclosure than the other major world religions. So whoever told Tenney that is wrong... if they exist. Source: Ryan and Tenney exchange numerous inflammatory comments about "white male privilege!" when people like Dr Jordan Peterson have proved that it does not exist, for example see: The whole world is infested with this kind of Orwellian mind-numbing cultural Marxism; let's please not let it spread to UFOlogy as well.

Sunday 3 November 2019

Epstein Murdered says Pathologist

A former forensic pathologist has published his analysis of the post-mortem report on Jeffrey Epstein. The billionaire paedophile was reported to have hanged himself in his prison cell at the top security Metropolitan Correctional Centre, see background link at the bottom for details. The official conclusion of the investigation was that it was a simple case of suicide. Source: However many people have questioned that including myself. Dr Michael Baden, a former New York City medical examiner, is the most prominent person to have also done so. He has had a respected sixty year career in forensic medicine and has worked on the deaths of John F Kennedy and Nicole Brown Simpson, a woman allegedly murdered by her estranged husband, OJ Simpson. He was hired privately by Epstein's brother to supervise the post-mortem examination. He is not the only doctor to question whether Epstein really did take his own life. Stefan Molyneux has twice interviewed a Dr Kevin Wacasey who is doubtful over the suicide verdict, see: and: The critics are dubious because of what happened to Epstein's hyoid, a small bone in the throat. The damage it suffers during death can reveal a lot during an autopsy about whether a person was strangled by somebody else or by themselves. What's more the DNA profile of the supposed suicide weapon, a bedsheet, has not been done.

I find it quite amusing that at the moment it is we, the "conspiracy kooks", who are the obviously sensible ones and it is the skeptics and believers in mainstream narratives that are on the back foot, having to defend their own position against logical deconstruction. The dedicated skeptic media appears still to be in a state of sheer denial, for example see: I wonder what Prof. Karen Douglas makes of it, see here for background: This change in general awareness towards conspiracy theories goes beyond the Epstein death. Recently the famous pop scientist Prof. Michio Kaku came out of the closet as a believer in UFO's. As he says correctly, UFOlogy is at a tipping point where the burden of proof is now on the skeptics to explain away UFO's, see: Personally I think we reached that tipping point long ago, in the late 1940's probably. (Something tells me Prof Kaku will not be invited back onto Richard Dawkins' next tour.) This is of course partly due to the shift in strategy the media has undergone in its reporting style on UFO's, see here for details:; and the failure of covering up the corruption to do with Brexit, see: However, I suspect it is more than that. It is something deeper and very aetheric transforming in our universe, see here for details:

Saturday 2 November 2019

No Boris and Nigel

Back in August I wrote about the Brecon and Radnorshire by-election in which the incumbent Conservative was unseated by the Liberal Democrats. This victory was achieved by the other Remainer candidates in the Green Party and Plaid Cymru standing down. They literally sacrificed their individual success in the election for the Remainer cause and they were perfectly eager to do so, see: This was a very important watershed in British politics because it reveals the emergence of an anti-Brexit coalition, if only informal at this point. I said at the time that it was essential for Brexiteer politicians to do the same. It was US President Trump who first said: "Nigel, get with Boris." Nigel Farage's Brexit Party is a very new flag only launched in January 2019 after Farage quit UKIP in disgust at their fielding Carl Benjamin, known online as "Sargon of Akkad", as a candidate in the EU Parliamentary election. Since then it has seized most of the political space UKIP formerly occupied leaving the latter a "zombie party". After the failure of the Halloween Brexit, Boris Johnson called a general election and, against all odds, succeeded. It will happen on December the 12th. UK elections are hardly ever held in winter; the last time it happened was in 1923. Brexit has turned the entire British electorate into single-issue voters and the Remainers will capitalize on that nationally as they did in Brecon and Radnorshire. We may even see a Labour- Lib Dem alliance, in the same way the Social Democratic Party and Liberal Party formed an alliance for the 1983 general election, see: I said back then that the obvious solution was for the Brexiteer organizations to do the same; in fact I believe it is essential. Together they would be unstoppable, even with the inevitable dirty tricks in the form of electoral fraud and fake news (and possibly more; I'll say more about that later). The Tories are currently around twenty points ahead in the polls, a very comfortable lead. However, as I've said before, there are times when Nigel Farage appears to lose his mind, for example see: When there was a council by-election in Torksey, Lincolnshire I wondered what would happen. The ward has been a safe conservative one, although there is a rising Liberal Democrat presence. The council, West Lindsey, is in the Parliamentary constituency of Gainsborough whose MP is a leading Tory Brexiteer, Sir Edward Leigh. He has sat for Gainsborough since 1983. Therefore Brexit is obviously a major commitment of the local Conservative Party branch and voting public. So what did Farage do? He put up a candidate against the Tory one! This is outright insanity. As it happens, the Tory, Jayne Ellis, won the seat, but with a majority twenty-two points down from the previous one. Source:

Torksey was a near-miss. If the Lib Dem had won, then this time the blame would lie not with the Remainers, but with the Leavers; specifically with Farage for splitting the Brexiteer vote. Under the British system only the majority candidate gets any representation which means if two parties with the same agenda compete against each other they will destroy each other. It's the ultimate in divide-and-conquer. If this pattern translates nationally then the same could well happen on December the 12th in Westminster. I assumed this would be obvious, but then yesterday, amazingly, Boris Johnson revealed that he would not be cooperating with Nigel Farage in his campaign. He said he would consult with Farage, and was "grateful for advice", but ruled out any kind of pact. Source: He claimed that it would risk a Labour victory, but as far as I can see the opposite is the case. We, the British people, don't care about party politics; right now least of all. We care about the future of our nation which includes leaving the European Union as mandated by the 2016 referendum. I'm not sure what Boris playing at, and he evades the question in his interview with Laura Kuenssberg. There are only three possibilities: 1. He has lost his mind. 2. He is a fraud, a globalist agent, a Remainer in disguise, as Caroline Stephens has maintained, see: 3. He knows what he is doing and has some kind of trick up his sleeve that he is keeping to himself. Obviously, I hope to God it is the third possibility.