Thursday 24 June 2010

RIP Subway

Background article:

Related news story:

This is all that’s left of the London Road Subway in Headington. Builders have filled it in with concrete and are now building a new pedestrian walkway on top of it:

The council went ahead and bowed to pressures of the national government (apparently the redevelopment was engineered with London commuters in mind) and filled in this pedestrian thoroughfare, art gallery and vital piece of local culture. But rest assured I still have all the photos I took of the subway’s glorious street art and I reproduce it here on HPANWO! RIP Subway. The originals may one day be uncovered by future archaeologists. I hope those descendants of ours will raise their hands in shock and disbelief at our stupidity in the same way they do today at the desecration of the Aztec sacred sites and idols by the Conquistadors:

(Addendum- 4/7/10): The local press is covering this subject again and has interviewed me:

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Michael Wood and the Jeevika Trust

Jeevika Trust website:
Michael Wood’s website:

Background articles:

Last night I went to a lecture by the historian Michael Wood at the Royal Geographic Society in London (See: Wood is a TV personality I admire a lot, and not because of his TV appearances in tight jeans! Although many do; in fact I couldn’t help noticing that the majority of the audience were female! He is known actually as "thinking-woman's crumpet" because of his combination of looks and brains. I like him for his ability to educate and inspire; not only through his considerable knowledge but also his passionate and charismatic style. His programmes are like poetry! He did a speech on the culture and history of southern India, one very distinct from that of the north. The lecture was organized by the Jeevika Trust, an organization that promotes a lot of the Post-Illuminati World ideas that I do; see links above. India is the oldest living nation on Earth and its traditional smallholder farms and local village economics have existed for over 5000 years. They have survived the onslaught of modern Western cultural imperialism which has polluted much of Indian city life as it has everywhere. A third of India’s population still live in villages, that’s almost 500 million people! Poverty is still a serious problem there, and village society faces new threats, from GM crops (See: and from Big Brother policies. The Indian government is becoming more belligerent. It’s been building nuclear submarines and has new longer range missiles. It announced recently that it wants all its citizens on a biometric database, that’s 1 in 6 of the world’s population, so this has implications for us all! But I feel optimistic because of movements like the Jeevika Trust which aim to preserve traditional human-scale society. This desire has influenced many Western thinkers, most notably EF Schumacher (See: I’ve recently bought a copy of Schumacher’s book Small Is Beautiful. Ideas like these can spread from India all over the world.

I got to talk with Michael after the lecture and he told me that his 1990 series Legacy, will soon be out in a new edition on DVD. I've wanted to know this for years because it's his best programme and I've only got a scratchy old VHS of it.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Iarael Attacks Gaza Aid Ship


The murderous Zionists in control of the Middle East have attacked an unarmed merchant ship on its way to Gaza to provide humanitarian aid! I hope David Halpin and Cynthia McKinney were not aboard. See here for background:

The good news is that the Turkish government, because the 10 people killed were Turks, is going to provide a naval escort for future aid runs to Gaza.