Friday 31 August 2018

UFO Truth Magazine- Issue 32

UFO Truth Magazine Issue 32 is now available. It can be purchased on this page as a single copy, but please subscribe and save money if you want to read it regularly, see:
Issue 32 includes an article in my column entitled Luminous UFO's and MiB Roadhogs.

Also you will find in Issue 32: the Min Min Lights, UFOlogy in China, aliens in the Amazon and much much more.
Also in this HPANWO Show programme I interview the UFO Truth's editor Gary Heseltine:
See here for details on UFO Truth Magazine Issue 31:

Monday 27 August 2018

Banner Change

I have changed the banner on my social media accounts. On some of them I had previously used the above image which is based on the dollar bill Illuminati symbol behind a prohibition road sign. I adapted it from my HPANWO logo. I have changed this to a photograph of me portering at my hospital. (On Facebook and OnStellar I use that image anyway and so haven't had to make any changes.) The reason I have done this is because I no longer wish to associate myself with the anti-New World Order or so-called "Truth" movement. This is not because I repudiate any of the factual claims it makes about the NWO; it is because of the Truth movement's internal social problems which have recently become far worse. I suspect they are probably unsolvable. The Truth movement has failed abysmally in its mission to expose the truth and alert the people of the world to the terrible future awaiting us and give us the chance to resist that. It has instead chosen to descend into an obsessive morass of infighting, mostly over completely irrelevant personal issues. See here for details: This does not mean I intend to stop what I'm doing on HPANWO or even change anything I'm doing, just that I wish to do it independently. I will still continue to assist and collaborate with people and groups in the Truth community which I consider trustworthy and professional. All those who fail in that regard I want nothing more to do with.

Sunday 26 August 2018

Cloud Streets

Some photographs have been published showing a highly unusual atmospheric phenomenon known as horizontal convective rolling or "cloud streets". According to the Met Office, these long straight lines of cloud are caused by sudden changes in air temperature in different layers of the atmosphere. These formations appeared over central England, especially Oxfordshire. I live there but did not see them myself. Source: Cloud streets have an obvious resemblance to chemtrails. Their consistency is more like natural cloud, but the regular ruler-straight lines looks artificial. I can't help wondering if they are and therefore the cloud street reports are just a cover-up. If these are chemtrails of some kind then they are clearly different to the usual sort. Perhaps they are special night-time chemtrails. For several years now I've thought that there seems to be more chemtrailing at night than during the day. It appears to be heaviest just before the dawn. Because I was a hospital porter and had to work shifts I often had to leave for duty at 4.30 AM when it was still dark and so I could watch the sun rise. Very often I saw rows and rows of thick white chemtrails blotting out the sky. I remember one such event very clearly because it was an early morning that I got up to go to a live David Icke show in London. A row of six or seven 'trails were being laid across the zenith and the aircraft were visible in the dawn light as small black dots. There are several possible reasons why chemtrailing might be carried out more at night than during the day. The first is of course concealment. They are far less visible at night and so people are less likely to notice them. Another is something I discussed in a recent previous article. Excessive cloud at night acts as an insulator, keeping the heat of the day in atmosphere. This is why deserts are often very cold at night; the lack of moisture means the daytime heat can radiate straight out into space. Alternatively heavy cloud during daylight hours blocks solar rays and keeps the surface cool. Therefore more chemtrailing at night means whoever is behind the project wants to warm the earth up via geoengineering. It's an environmental false-flag, see: With the rise in people doubting anthropogenic global warming and the failure of earlier predictions to come true, combined with the importance of the AGW theory for geopolitical goals of authoritarianism and internationalism; at some point somebody was bound to suggest this.

Friday 24 August 2018

"Celestial Kingdom" Appears over China

People at an undefined location in China had a surprise a few days ago when they looked up into some foggy clouds and saw an amazing apparition. A series of solid black structures emerged from the vapour that was clearly not a part of the natual cloud bank. It was high in what should have been open sky and did not resemble the normal landscape. The recordings and photographs show a row of descending pinnacles or spires, six of seven of them, and a dome; the structure closely resembles a cathedral or mosque. In the foreground is what looks like a statue with huge wings, like an eagle or possibly an angel. Source: (This is in Spanish but your browser should translate it into the language of your choice). This is the latest in a series of such spectacles across the world and at least the third reported in China; see background links below for other examples. Chinese popular culture has even christened them "ghost towns". I have been fascinated by this kind of phenomenon since I first read about a report of one in Steve Mera's book Strange Happenings, see: The crew of a World War II warship in the Mediterranean Sea in 1943 saw a city appear in the clouds above them. It had unearthly features that made it look unlike any other city in the world. Steve managed to interview one of the crew members many decades later and the man reported his experience very lucidly.

The source article is open-minded to the same possibilities as myself. Fata Morgana is a curious effect where light refracting in the atmosphere produces warped images of distant objects. This could explain some effects like the ones recorded. However to prove this it will be necessary to identify the location made visible by the effect. In most cases this has not yet been done. Project Blue Beam or similar technology could account for it. It is possible to produce realistic holographic pictures in midair; indeed there is evidence to suggest this was an element of the 9/11 attacks, see: The question inevitably raised then is why? What does this display hope to achieve? On the other hand these apparitions could be what goes by several names: "stargate", "portal", "interdimensional gateway". It is literally a hole in spacetime through which it is possible to see or even travel to a parallel universe. This could happen spontaneously where two universes intersect each other in hyperspace, or it could be a result of artificial intervention by occult rituals or by heavy industrial methods like CERN, see: and: And, yes of course, this entire Chinese report could be faked. It is easily possible to produce digital images using modern available electronics like this that look as real as if they were truly there. That is the current burden for all kinds of paranormal research, UFOlogy, Loch Ness, ghosts etc. Photographic evidence no longer carries the same weight that it used to and there is a terrible signal-to-noise ratio problem as a result. However, Photoshop had not been invented in 1943 when the Mediterranean sighting took place. At the location in Nigeria where I report a recent sighting, very few people have regular access to computers. Not all these cases can be explained away as hoaxes. What is really going on? Is our world actually merging with another so much so that sometimes the two blend together into one?

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Land Seizures in South Africa

The government in South Africa has forcibly seized two farms. This is the beginning of a policy that was recently passed through their parliament in which any private individual or group who owns more than 25,000 acres of land is obliged to surrender it to the state. This is not called "theft" it is called "expropriation". In the same way that the great bank robbery in Cyprus a few years was called a "levy", see: The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform... another Orwellianism, targeted the two farms because negotiations to buy the properties from the owners had broken down. This is hardly surprising considering the government only offered twenty million rands; that's about one and a half million pounds. This is barely ten percent of what it's worth. This is calculated on the size of the land being about ten times the legal limit of 25,000 acres. Anything over that is seized without compensation. The justification for this larceny is multifaceted and vague. It ranges from Marxist economics to reparations for historical injustices, whether real or perceived. The fact that the farmers are invariably white is a major factor in South Africa which is intoxicated by institutional racism (Yes, white people can be the victims of racism too). A lot of the farmland in South Africa is actually in regions that were uninhabited before the arrival of white settlers, therefore unclaimed by native peoples. What's more, the black tribes of recent history in the region themselves conquered a lot of territory from the Khoi and San Bushmen, who are racially, culturally and linguistically distinct from the Niger-Congo language-speaking modern black South Africans. Should the black South Africans then give up their rights to the nation in favour of the Bushmen? Do you see how absurd this whole concept is? Many of today's South African farmers are descended from the early voortrekkers and have husbanded the harsh terrain for over two hundred years, fighting with the dry hot climate. They are fiercely dedicated and proud of their land. It is some of the most productive farmland in Africa, a continent which itself is potentially the greatest agricultural region of the earth. The very name for their entire culture Boer, means "farmer" in Afrikaans. The white population of South Africa today have had to endure a thousand indignities as the government blames each and every one of them personally for Apartheid, for the slave trade, for everything bad that has ever happened in the country in all of its centuries of history. They openly stir up public racial hatred that has spilled over into a campaign of brutal murders. As this new documentary shows, the Boers' plight counts as a silent genocide to which the global community is turning its back, see:

The South African government believes that the land should be distributed equally to the South African people in the hope that they can create a more egalitarian form of collectivized agriculture. Source: However by taking away the land from the most expert and experienced people who owned the land directly and cared for it as part of their living, breathing legacy will result in a collapse of the infrastructure. Also I have no doubt that corrupt elements of the state will simply sell the land to the Chinese neo-colonialists anyhow. Either way the yield from the farms is going to plummet. The pastures will become fallow, the seedbeds will become choked with weeds and the irrigation channels and wells will clog up. What could be, and should be, the bread basket of Africa will completely go to seed. How do I know this will happen? Because it's already happened before, to Zimbabwe following its so-called "independence" in 1980. South Africa is not learning the lesson of its northern neighbour; or else it's deliberately repeating its errors. There will be a famine and economic collapse. Food surplus exports make up twelve percent of South Africa's gross domestic product; that's over nine billion pounds a year. Since 1980 a quarter of Zimbabwe's population, white and black, have fled the country; but most of them fled to South Africa. Once South Africa falls into the same hellhole as Zimbabwe, where will they go then? There will be a massive refugee crisis and a probably civil war as a result of this folly. You might wonder why anybody could so obviously do something so stupid and unfortunately it happens all the time everywhere. However in South Africa this foolishness tends to be most distilled and visible. In the background links I provide reason to believe it is a deliberate fraud on the part of a tiny group of power-mongers, not just inadvertent incompetence. I can only hope that sanity and justice returns to that troubled land in time to save it and prevent a terrible tragedy, both within its borders and across the world at large.

Monday 20 August 2018

Polish Police in Trouble over Max Spiers

Last year the BBC produced a documentary about the death of Max Spiers that was completely typical of their usual appalling standards, see: It dismissed any ideas that there were any real anomalies in the way the authorities handled Max' death. However it has now emerged officially that there were in fact major discrepancies in the reports provided by the emergency services. I said at the time that their practices didn't sound right when compared with my own experience in the field. A number of police officers are facing disciplinary action. Another serious detail is that Max had his computer's records erased. The hard drive in his laptop was "wiped". How and why did this happen? According to his own last words, Max was in serious trouble and warned his mother something bad might happen to him. According to Sarah Adams he was pursuing Satan worshippers. Source: The article describes people like me, Max' former friends and comrades in the Truth movement, as "conspiracy fans" which is a very derogatory way to put it. This is even after they have reported on something the mainstream media previously dismissed that we said at the time was true. In their position I hope I would show more humility. The full coroner's inquest is booked to take place next January.

Sunday 19 August 2018

May the Lard Bless Me and Keep Me!

The infamous lard-eating race that I mentioned here:, has now been published as a video, see: Just when I thought I had escaped the ravages of the internet for good. I'm sure my trolls will have a field day with it. I think it was when Richard Freeman made a reference to "southern wimps!" that I snapped and had to volunteer. I did find it incredibly arduous to eat so much lard and I knew there was no way I would win when I saw my competitor munching away with such relish. I felt alright afterwards actually. At first I was totally bloated, but I recovered quickly. Contrary to mainstream belief, unsaturates and trans-fats are actually very bad for you. Heart disease is not caused by simply eating cholesterol, if it were then Eskimos would all be dead; they live off dead seals. Lard is one of the most healthy fats, natural saturated animal fat which humans evolved to have ideally as ten percent of our diet. When I go back to the Weird Weekend I must learn to ignore Richard's provocations and keep my head down.

Thursday 16 August 2018

Peter Fisher Dies

Dr Peter Fisher is one of the Queen's doctors, but he is also one of the world's most famous proponents of homeopathy and was the clinical director and director of research at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine. He has debated Richard Dawkins, see:, and Dr Ben Goldacre, see: Homeopathy is the ultimate in low hanging fruit for the skeppers and they love picking it! I've seen all the memes, like: "I overdosed on my homeopathic medicine today... I forgot to take it!" And all the other old and recycled jokes like that still raise a laugh at skeptic meetings every single time you tell them. I'm not a proponent of homeopathy and I've never used it. I don't deny the facts; that the dilution of the strongest homeopathic medicine is so high that to ingest one molecule of the active ingredient you would have to drink a glass of water 0.15 light years across. The mechanism of it, if it works, is clearly very different to that of other drugs, probably something related to the "memory of water", see: I don't consider this implausible at all.

What I do consider implausible is the cry of "coincidence!" when I point out that Dr Fisher is just the latest of a string of untimely deaths that have befallen alternative medics across the world, see: At the moment, being a holistic doctor is almost as dangerous as being a Marconi scientist in the 1980's. Of course this could be a statistical blip, but then so could the Sistine Chapel, as I point out here: To suggest we should not be suspicious defies all common sense. According to the first reports, Dr Peter Fisher was cycling to work through London when he collided with a lorry, sadly a common occurrence in London. He was pronounced dead at the scene. He was sixty-seven years old. Ironically this happened on High Holborn, not far from the Penderels Oak pub, venue for the original London Skeptics in the Pub. Source: I'm very sorry to hear this; deepest condolences to his loved ones. However if it turns out there are suspicious elements to what happened to him it would not be respectful to his memory nor sensitive to the grief of his relatives to keep quiet about it; see here for details: It is too soon to be sure; however there is overwhelming circumstantial evidence that somebody is currently arranging the demise of as many naturopaths as possible. The motives are there, whether it is the profits of Big Pharma or simply social and cultural demoralization. Maybe it is something else nobody has thought of. You can be sure I will produce an update if any more information comes to light. RIP Dr Peter Fisher.

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Goodbye to another "Friend"

I have lost another friendship, the fifth or sixth in the last two years. This is more that I did for the entire twenty years before, that I have been in the UFO/Paranormal/Conspiracy Theory community. How many more will follow? My former friend, I'll call him "Person 1", is somebody I worked closely with on several occasions, somebody I really thought was sincerely dedicated to the mission of the Truth movement. What's more he has been directly affected by the evil of the Illuminati in his own life. One evening we were talking on the telephone when he told me about an argument he had had with somebody else in the Conspirasphere, somebody who was, and still is, a close friend of mine; I'll called him "Person 2". Person 1 was furious with Person 2 and gave me a long detailed narrative of everything he had allegedly done wrong. Then Person 1 told me that Person 2 had committed a horrific misdemeanour; one that, if true, would definitely lead to an immediate criminal prosecution. I asked Person 1 why such a prosecution had not taken place. He didn't answer the question and ended the conversation politely, but a couple of weeks later I noticed that he had unfriended me on Facebook. Clearly he wanted nothing more to do with me and was removing me from the project we had both worked on. I sent him the following message:
Hi (Person 1). I notice you've unfriended me. I'm guessing this is because I disagree with you about (Person 2); I can't think of any other reason. So be it. I refuse to condemn a man who has never been convicted in a court of law, never been charged, never even been questioned by the police. Never been ruled against in any private Common Law community tribunal. (If there is so much evidence against him, why is that?) Admit it! (Person 2) has had NO DUE PROCESS of any kind has he? I DON'T CARE about your personal squabble with (Person 2)! I'm trying to stop the fucking New World Order before it destroys the fucking world! If a condition of your friendship is that I take your side against (Person 2) in a personal tiff, then I decline. Goodbye forever. Ben.
I saw the tick in the box indicating that he had seen the message, but he didn't respond. After a few hours I blocked him. I don't often become so enraged; I am a naturally calm person, but I did this time.

This is where the Conspirasphere is today, it is tearing itself apart and eating itself alive. What was once a community of aware, mutually supportive and dedicated people determined to create a better world is now a collection of sectarian cabals engaged in obsessive internecine bitching, mostly over petty and meaningless personal disputes that are irrelevant to the world at large. This is why I was so concerned when I heard 2016 might be a myth, see:, because it is virtually all we have left. Possibly there is an answer to the question in the title of my Dreaming Saucers speech, see: Seeing as the Truth movement has failed so completely what other hope is there? I feel very angry at people like Person 1 who have abandoned this vital quest to indulge themselves is these pointless spats. They don't have the excuse of ignorance that an outsider would and therefore know exactly what is at stake when they made the decision to do it. Sadly, I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps we, as a species, deserve the New World Order. Maybe it's a part of human nature, a natural and inevitable stage of our social evolutionary journey. We can no more escape it than a worker bee can flee the hive.

Monday 13 August 2018

The Sky King

A very peculiar event happened a few days ago, on August the 10th 2018, in which an aircraft was stolen. It was not a hijack; the Horizon Air Bombardier DHC-8 Q400 airliner was parked and empty. It was at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in Washington State USA. Suddenly its engines started; it rolled out to the runway and took to the air. Air traffic control made radio contact with the aircraft while the US Air Force scrambled two F15 fighter jets to intercept it, fearing that this was the prelude to a terrorist attack. The person who had stolen it was actually a member of staff at the airport, a ground service controller called Richard Russell. He had boarded the unattended aircraft and flown it out of the airport, even though he had no pilot qualifications or training. He told the air traffic controllers that he had learned all about aviation from playing flight simulation computer games. His manner was affable and devoid of anger. He cracks many jokes. He even apologized to the ATC crew and said: "I hope this doesn't ruin your day." He cooperated with them in a gentlemanly manner as they directed him away from the airways surrounding the airport so that he didn't risk colliding with other aircraft taking off or landing. He even sounded jovial. He was clearly enjoying his experience and announced his intention to fly to the Olympic Mountains and view them from the air. He took his stolen charge out to sea over the Puget Sound, a network of river estuaries, inlets and islands on the north-western US Pacific coast, and performed a series of aerobatics; looping, diving and swooping low over the water. He carefully avoided built-up areas. Local people filmed him from nearby shores. He stated how he felt regret that his loved ones will be distressed and that he had "a few screws loose", but never knew it until that moment. He also told the controllers that he had not thought about landing and he declined ATC's attempts to guide him to an airport. His flight ended an hour after he took off when the aircraft crashed into a wooded and sparsely inhabited island called Ketron Island. Source:

From the pictures released of the crash site and the location, a semi-inhabited small island, it is clear that the flight ended in a nosedive and the pilot was careful not to harm anybody else during his suicide. There was indeed only one fatality, Richard Russell himself. He was described as a quiet and popular member of staff and his colleagues called him "Rich" or "Beebo". The public reaction to his death has been extraordinary. I have not seen such mass grieving since the death of Stephen Hawking. Russell has been christened "the Sky King" and numerous affectionate memes have emerged online. Some musicians have already composed tribute songs, see: He has become a true folk hero. Why has this incident touched so many hearts? It's impossible to know what Richard Russell's true motives were. There's no evidence at the moment that he plotted in advance to steal the aircraft. It looks like a spontaneous and opportunist action. It is also obvious that he meant no harm to anybody but himself. He was careful not to threaten populated areas and kept his antics well out to sea. He sounds like a sensitive man. At one point he asked ATC to guide him to the location of another news story where a female killer whale had carried her dead calf for seventeen days, see: When I read a news story like that it's easy to understand why somebody might also read it and give up on the idea of living at all. Maybe it was the very nondescript nature of his life that killed him. A lot of his mourners have projected that onto his identify whether it is correct or not. For them, his action is a hymn to the human spirit. Did Richard Russell sacrifice the rest of his life for just a few moments of genuine excitement, ecstasy and meaning? Why is it that life in our society is so devoid of those things? Why has the normal, the everyday, the eternal sameness become the only objective that anybody is allowed to strive for? Society gives us such a small, pointless, constricted and uniform existence and we're told that there is no way out; from cradle to grave, that is our one and only destiny we can expect. This is the difference between humanity and the machine. Whether it truly applies to the Sky King or not, so many of his fans understand this and feel it with him. One of the most poignant comments I've seen made about Richard Russell is: "Some say he went up there to die, but we know he went up there finally to live." This shows that the human spirit is not yet dead. It can still break the chains of ordinariness and be free. Fly in peace, Sky King.

Saturday 11 August 2018

Barcodes for Homeless People

The number of homeless people in Oxford has increased enormously in the last few years for various reasons that I detail in the background links below. It's very sad to see so many people sitting on street corners and sleeping in shop doorways in the city centre. The University has come up with an idea to help them. All homeless people in the city will be registered on an electronic database and will be issued with an identity card displaying QR-tags, a form of barcode. Then when a passer-by wants to give them some money they can do it using their mobile phone. They scan the barcode and send the person some funds which will be put into an account controlled by the person's case worker who makes sure it is spent on food, rent, passport fees or utility bills and not drugs or alcohol etc. The donor will be able to access the database of the person they've just donated to and learn all about him or her (usually him), how they became homeless, what their last job was etc. Source: This sounds benevolent at first glance; however there are major problems with it. It means that to be homeless means living in a miniature cashless society. This could be a trial run to expand the scheme into other areas, including people who are not homeless; such as the unemployed, immigrants, probationers, drug addicts, the mentally ill etc. After that, why not just say: "What the hell, let's just put everybody on the scheme and be done with it?" This is not the first time that homeless people have been used in pilot schemes for Orwellian social systems. In fact in the United States a local authority offered to insert microchips into the bodies of homeless people. This was said to be for their own good. It would allow shelter workers to scan the people and know about the care they had received; when they had last slept in a shelter, been given a meal, been given medical or dental checkups etc, see: I know that there are good intentions behind these ideas, but when it comes to Big Brother we have to deal with capabilities, not professed intents. We must ask ourselves how this technology could be abused or weaponized. As for the homeless in Oxford; why don't the University simply pay to give them a bed for the night? It's something they could easily afford... many time over.

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Ben Emlyn-Jones on the Kev Baker Show 37

I have been interviewed again on the Kev Baker Show (aka MrGlasgowTruther) on Truth Frequency Radio, see here for the podcast:
And here for the illustrated YouTube version:
Subjects discussed include: censorship on social media, mysterious daytime darkness in Russia, update on the Alexandria sarcophagus and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on the Kev Baker Show:

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Nazi UFO Model Update

The ban by Revell on the Haunebu flying saucer appears to have been lifted. The kit will be available again on the 15th of October and can be pre-ordered now, see: You too can now build your own scale model of a Vril-powered antigravity Nazi UFO. I am glad that common sense has prevailed over political correctness. Hopefully it will make the model-building community, as well as the industry, think over the possibility that this vehicle was real and it continues to be developed in secret. I have been interviewed about this subject on the Paranormal Peep Show, see:

Monday 6 August 2018

Right-Wing Conspiracy

Neil Sanders is an expert on mind control who has lectured widely and has written a series of interesting books on the subject. He has also been a guest on HPANWO Radio, see: He has more recently spoken on radio interviews and written in his blog about Brexit and Trump and who he believes is behind them and why, for example: and: and: Donald Trump was a New York businessman who came out of the blue to be elected President of the United States. With every corner of the mainstream media opposing him and despite running against one of the most powerful women in the world, he triumphed. For some people in the Truth Movement, including me, it looked as though things had gone badly wrong for the New World Order at a very fundamental level. I even wondered if we might be looking at the defeat of the New World Order agenda in our lifetimes! This is the great hope; I came out with phrases like "Brexit-Trump", "springtime in Narnia", and "the 2016 effect", see: Naturally, at the back of my mind, there has always been a whisper of caution. Could this simply be another trick? What if Trump and Brexit are just a craftier and more subtle twist in the machinations of the globalist elite? Neil says yes. That is exactly what is going on. He dismisses the notion that Trump is a wildcard and not a government insider; on the contrary, he says Trump is in fact a placeman for a powerful network of super-rich plutocrats centred around somebody called Robert Mercer, a computer scientist and financier from New Mexico USA. Mercer is the single biggest individual donor in the entire 2016 US Presidential Election. He used his skill in the world of computing to influence the internet using a data analysis and strategic communications firm called Cambridge Analytica. Neil says this is a psychological warfare outfit and its methodology is similar to the CIA, MI5, GCHQ and other organizations which have been proven to have meddled in foreign democratic processes, especially in South America. Mercer was helped by a now notorious individual called Steve Bannon, the company's vice-president; and they used a number of underhand schemes to influence public opinion in favour of Trump's campaign. The media organization Breibart was essential to this and Steve Bannon soon became editor-in-chief of it. It was subsidized by Mercer. Robert Mercer also used Cambridge Analytica to engineer the Leave vote during the Brexit referendum and worked closely with Nigel Farage. Fear of Islam and Muslims was a tactic they used and they have been helped by Rebel Media, which is another part of Mercer's network and includes Tommy Robinson, former leader of the English Defence League. (I have been concerned about this myself for a long time and have written before about how the "counter-Jihad" has a place in the future civil war being planned and also furthering the interests of Israel, see: The scale of this network is huge and it contains numerous names familiar to and respected by those in both the Alt-Right and the Conspirasphere, such as Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos, Richard Spencer, Lauren Southern, James O'Keefe, Dr Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin. Laura Loomer and many many more. Even the slogans "drain the swamp!", "make America great again!" "build the wall!", "fake news" and "deep state" come from Mercer and Bannon's public relations consultants.

This is disturbing news. If Neil is right then it means the possibilities an entire sector of the Truth Movement were hoping for are wrong; we have been chasing a mirage. Is this the case though? Neil describes himself as apolitical. He is neutral over the subject of Brexit and does not vote in UK elections. He describes the situation with this analogy: "Voting in the US Election/UK Election/EU referendum was like being a child choosing a boarding school. It doesn't matter what you want, it doesn't matter which option that you decide on; the only certainty is you are going to get screwed by an older person who is richer than you." He says he is equally opposed to left-wing authorities too and he only opposes the right because we have a right-wing government. He said: "I can't wait for Corbyn to get him so I can have a go at him as well!" The only reason he is exposing this right-wing conspiracy is because it is the only one he has found so far. Despite his professed neutrality, Neil uses a lot of left-wing buzz-words in his speech such as "Nazi", "far right", "white supremacist", "white privilege" etc. He sees politics as primarily a clash between the interests of rich and poor people which is a distinctly Marxian worldview. It is true that the Illuminati have used the right in politics to advance the New World Order, but they have also used the left. Neil explores the way Muslims and Islam are portrayed as the biggest threat to civilization and says: "Before Muslims it was people on benefits, and before them it was black people, and before them it was the Irish." However there is a left-wing equivalent of this which is that white heterosexual men are responsible for everything bad in the world, past and present, and destroying them is the solution to all the world's problems; yet Neil fails to address this. In fact in one of his interviews he says: "If you're worried about white genocide, just go and have children with another white person; problem solved!" But he ignores the noble work of one of the people he lists as part of the Mercer-Bannon network, Lauren Southern. She has made a documentary film called Farmlands about the very real genocide of South Africa's white population, see: The global community is looking the other way and pretending this atrocity is not happening. If this right-wing network truly is all-powerful, can't it do something about that? Here is another example of left-wing global interventionism, see: Neil also uses the phrase "Muslim ban" to refer to Executive Order 13769, the Trump administration's policy for reducing access to the United States by possible terrorists. If it is a ban on Muslims then why is Pakistan not on the list of prohibited nations, why not India, Bangladesh, Malaysia? Over three-quarters of the world's Muslims live in those four countries. Neil has unfortunately just repeated fake news. Neil also mentions "men's rights activists" in a pejorative context. This is no doubt because Dr Jordan B Peterson is on the Mercer-Bannon hit-list. However Dr Jordan Peterson has been somebody I have studied closely and I have found his insights inspiring and uplifting. I discuss him in detail on this HPANWO Show, see: I must ask Neil, was Dr Peterson therefore inserted into the public space to do some kind of damage? Was his persecution by his employers, faculty and students at Toronto University some sort of act to bring him to the attention of "Nazis!"? When he had eggs thrown at him, had labels like "racist!", "misogynist!" etc hurled at him by hecklers in his lectures, was this all set up by Steve Bannon? "Think you can handle it, Jordy? Don't worry, mate; we'll pay you compensation." What Dr Jordan Peterson has done is teach people that they don't have to hate. Women don't have to hate men to be free. Black people don't have to hate white people to be free. White men don't have to hate themselves to be free. This revelation has given millions of people across the world a new lease of life. I cannot accept that the richness, depth and complexity of Dr Peterson's work are just the machinations of a billionaire conservative plot to enslave the world. The same goes for many other "problematic pseudo-intellectuals!" I've been following. Honestly, how far has Dr Peterson's work advanced the white male redneck ruling class hegemony? From what I can see, not one inch; in fact it has done the opposite. This is why I question Neil's middle-of-the-road persona. Could Neil Sanders be a closet pinko? If he is, I won't hold it against him. There is good on the left. I myself support some leftist principles, such as a fully-funded National Health Service, see here for details: Neil can come out to me if he likes and I'll be understanding. Also why does Neil not mention several other people, such as Stefan Molyneux, Carl Benjamin ("Sargon of Akkad" on YouTube), Rin Michaelis, Dave Cullen and a few others? These are very influential centrist, anti-feminist, anti-cultural Marxist and conservative spokespeople; why are they not being funded by Richard Mercer? Neil also dismisses the QAnon phenomenon as a hoax perpetrated by trolls on 4-Chan. Again, this doesn't fit with what I've discovered, see: and: Neil also doesn't explain all the details of Richard Mercer's donation. Yes, Mercer donated to the 2016 US Presidential Election, yes he donated over thirteen million dollars-US and that was a record-breaking amount... but most of it went not to Donald Trump, but to Ted Cruz, Trump's rival in the primaries. Mercer originally backed Cruz and then switched to Trump. Obviously I am biased over this issue; I want Neil Sanders to be wrong... because if he is not wrong then probably, to put it politely, we're fucked, see: However, this does not automatically mean that any of my criticism or questioning of Neil's research is to be therefore instantly disregarded because of my feelings on the matter. I have endeavoured to remain objective here. I am able and prepared to face the truth however much it hurts; but I think Neil has missed something. I don't dispute that he is factually correct about the activities of Richard Mercer and his associates, but perhaps there is another explanation for it than the one he has proposed. To answer that will take further research. For the time being, in my view, what Neil has published so far is not conclusive.

Thursday 2 August 2018

Buzz Aldrin confesses to Moon Landing Hoax?

The conspirasphere has been buzzing because of Buzz Aldrin. Edward E Aldrin Jr. is a NASA astronaut who is one of a two-man crew who supposedly landed on the moon on July the 20th 1969 with the Apollo 11 mission, the first to claim a manned landing on the moon. Aldrin and his fellow spaceman, Neil Armstrong, then supposedly walked on the moon's surface wearing space suits. It is one of the greatest moments in human history. The fuss comes from an interview he did last year with an eight year old girl called Zoey. What he says in this discussion has been assessed by some people as a confession that the moon landings were faked and he did not walk on the moon. The actual dialogue runs thus:
Zoey: Why has nobody been to the moon in such a long time?
Aldrin: (Laughs) That's not an eight year old's question; that's my question. I want to know, but I think I know. Because we didn't go there and that's the way it happened; and if it didn't happen it's nice to know why it didn't happen, so in the future, if we want to keep doing something we need to know why something stopped in the past that we wanted to keep it going (sic). Money is a good thing."

Zoey's question is a very pertinent one. In fact any science fiction or space fan from the 1960's who could see into the future to the present day would gasp in dismay. Progress was so swift in the first decade of space exploration. The first rocket flew into space in October 1957, this was followed by the first astronaut, Yuri Gagarin, in April 1961, and then the Apollo missions sent men to the moon and they began just seven years after that. If that rate of advancement had continued we would have had everything that was predicted at the time, a permanent moon base by the 1980's, missions to the outer planets by the 1990's and the ability to take a holiday on Mars by 2018. Yet since the Apollo missions, we have not travelled one single time above low earth orbit. Instead we have such comparative trivialities as the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station. Why is the true continuation of space exploration so damn boring? As for Aldrin, I don't think what he says counts as a confession, especially if you watch the entire interview and put the comment into that context, see: Aldrin's manner is strange; he speaks slowly and uncertainly, sometimes tripping over his words. He is eighty-eight years old and has perhaps become afflicted by dementia, which is sadly very common among people of his age group. During the last few years there have been some strange reports about Aldrin's activities, see: Despite this not being a confession, the fact that it was even perceived as one, even mistakenly, has caused such a pressure of conversation that it has forced the mainstream media to cover it in a damage control operation. This Morning hosted a brief debate on the subject and invited on a fake moon landing researcher called Martin Kenny. This is somebody I've never heard of before, which is strange because I thought I knew everybody in this field personally. He makes some valid points but then stumbles in a frustrating manner when the pro-Apollo guest replies to him. He then describes the moon as a "luminary" and continues with some other incomprehensible statements, see: Why was Marcus Allen not in his place, or Mary Bennett, or Andrew Johnson, or myself? In December we will be at the half-century anniversary of Apollo 8, the first manned lunar mission. This will represent a massive informational choke-point for NASA and they will be prepared with more tricks to prevent the truth coming out.

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Sarcophagus Update 2

Following the opening of the mysterious sarcophagus in Alexandria last week and the revelation of what lay inside, I assumed that all the remaining research would centre purely on identifying the three bodies found in it. However, somebody has informed me there is another twist in the tale; and it comes from a very interesting vlogger who has raised some pertinent questions. The reason that commentators, including me, thought that the sarcophagus had been contaminated by sewage was because of the malodorous fluid that filled the artefact. The stench it gave off was so bad that the excavation was suspended until the archaeologists could obtain the right personal protective equipment. However nobody detected any bad smells at all until the lid was lifted. If the antiquity had been contaminated by a dodgy drain then why was there no sewage outside the sarcophagus, soaking the soil around it and giving off an odour as soon as the digging had started? This means that perhaps the liquid was not sewage at all and was something put inside the casket before it was sealed. What followed sounds very amateurish and reckless. The fluid was pumped out so the skeletons could be removed and a small sample was taken for analysis. After that the remaining fluid was disposed of by pouring it out into the street like carwash suds. The excavators literally decanted the foul slurry into plastic bottles and just dumped it in the gutter. In the news report you can hear a loud argument break out as local residents confront the team and protest their actions. Who can blame them? Their children probably play in that street. Nothing is known about the liquid except that it has a terrible smell, which is a warning sign of toxin. If a mysterious disease suddenly emerges in Alexandria then it may not be caused by a pharaoh's curse, but instead by a bunch of irresponsible fools who contaminated the neighbourhood around the dig with God-knows-what poison or pathogen. There are plans to remove the main body of the sarcophagus, once a stronger crane is brought it. So far there are no inscriptions anywhere visible on the stone box and nothing inside to identify the three interred individuals. If the bodies had any clothing or other belongings buried with them then these have not survived the passage of time. Source: