Thursday 29 July 2021

HPANWO Blogs Shadowbanned

I had an unpleasant surprise when I was on my way home from the Awake and Aware conference last weekend (See: I was on the Oxford Tube, a regular twenty-four-seven, drop-on-drop-off coach service between Oxford and London run by the Stagecoach company; one of the world's biggest transport providers. It has free onboard wifi, but it's not very good; or perhaps it is my mobile phone that is not very good. Either way I found it hard to operate. However, there was something in that experience which left no doubt at all. When I tried to access HPANWO Voice and HPANWO TV, a sign came up stating that the page was not available because it had been blocked for containing inappropriate content; I can't remember the exact wording. I didn't check to see if the others were also blocked. This is of deep concern because I don't believe anything I write on any of the six HPANWO blogs could be described as "innapropriate". There is certainly nothing there which breaks any laws. I never incite hatred of anybody else, I never breach anybody's copyright. This blocking could explain something I've noticed. My viewing figures have gone up and down since I started the blogs in the mid 2000's, but they have been consistently low now since around April this year. My posts are averaging less than twenty views a week each. If Stagecoach have blocked my websites then probably other corporations have. The most disturbing element to this is that I know for sure I have been algorithmed on YouTube for my "borderline content", see background links below. This may well be a coordinated attack, organized between different social media platforms. That is what happened to David Icke and Alex Jones. Readers can help me by sharing the articles around on their own social media pages. I don't need to reiterate how opposed I am to any kind of internet censorship, or why.
See here for background:

Wednesday 28 July 2021

The Mind Set Podcast Programme 459

I have been featured on Programme 459 of the Mind Set Podcast.
See here for the show:
Subjects discussed include: the Livingston UFO incident, self-isolation blues, Star Trek hits peak woke and much much more. Subscribe to Mind Set Central on Patreon for bonus material and early bird access to the public content, see:
See here for my previous appearance on The Mind Set Podcast:

Tuesday 27 July 2021

The Galileo Project

In the May edition of UFO Truth Magazine I reviewed the book Extraterrestrial by Prof. Avi Loeb, see: Despite my admiration for Prof. Loeb at the courage he has displayed in stating that 'Oumuamua is probably an artificial object of non-human construction, I was disappointed that he did not mention the UAP's anywhere in its pages. You would think that this subject would be a natural development. In this interview:, his response is somewhat unenthusiastic. That has now changed. Avi Loeb has started something called The Galileo Project which combines a search for more interstellar objects like 'Oumuamua with fresh approach to UFOlogy. Unusually, Prof. Loeb and his team want no help from the government and are not petitioning them for declassified information. They plan to gather all the data they need independently via scientific studies. The motto of The Galileo Project is "Daring to Look Through New Telescopes", as a reference to the scientific pioneer Galileo Galilei who was placed under house arrest in 1633 by the church after the Vatican refused to examine his astronomical discoveries. The implication of this, and the project's name, is that some scientific establishments are beginning to behave much like religious dogmatists of the past few centuries. The Project plans to gather imagery of UFO's using high resolution astronomical cameras that are far better than the military gun cameras which captured the AATIP footage. Loeb is also confident that 'Oumuamua is not just a one-off and there are probably many other similar objects passing through the solar system regularly. He hopes to obtain better telescope studies of any future specimens and even arrange with space agencies a close-up visit by a probe. The Galileo Project is not some private NGO, it is hosted at Harvard University and has already raised over a million dollars US, see: They have held a launch livestream: Such a profile will hopefully remove some of the stigma associated with UFOlogy in academia. I think it could be a highly revolutionary force and will contribute enormously to Disclosure. I wish them all the best.
See here for background:

Sunday 25 July 2021

Ben Emlyn-Jones on the Kev Baker Show 72

I have been interviewed again on the Kev Baker Show (aka MrGlasgowTruther) on Truth Frequency Radio, see here for the podcast:
And here for the video YouTube version:
Subjects discussed include: Different kinds of UFO disinformation, Dr Steven Greer's latest documentary, the conference circuit starting again and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on the Kev Baker Show:

Saturday 24 July 2021

Ben Emlyn-Jones on the Mindset Central Livestream 8

I have been featured again on a Mindset Podcast Livestream, see:
This is a live YouTube programme from Mindset Central presented by Gareth Davies of the Mindset Podcast. It is one of a new series he is doing called "Mindset Mornings- Start the Day!".
See here for my previous appearance on the Mindset Livestream:

Tuesday 20 July 2021

The Mind Set Podcast Programme 458


I have been featured on Programme 456 of the Mind Set Podcast.
See here for the show:
Subjects discussed include: the wisdom of @ZubyMusic, cycles of civilization, freedom day approaches! and much much more. Subscribe to Mind Set Central on Patreon for bonus material and early bird access to the public content, see:
See here for my previous appearance on The Mind Set Podcast:

Monday 19 July 2021

Thoughts on "Freedom Day"

Today, Monday the 19th, is the day when the government are finally removing all public restrictions on life brought in during the coronavirus pandemic. Social distancing, the wearing of face coverings and limits of gathering are now gone. It has been impudently dubbed "Freedom Day". I went to a supermarket do some grocery shopping at about 4 PM. It was very hot indeed. I was a bit sunburned, thirsty and overheated after working outdoors. I was curious to see how many people still complied with the regulations which are now only optional. I estimate about half of the shoppers were still gagged. The supermarket is a large one in a suburban working class district. The people's voluntary compliance is a shame; I can only hope that more of them will take the plunge and free their faces as time goes on. I always only wore a mask under protest and I never put one on unless it one of my own design that had a subversive message on, see: The good news is that I saw several staff members not wearing masks, indicating that it is not obligatory for employees. In London there was another hearty protest which included the heroic ex-policeman Mark Sexton, see: It was also wonderful to see people heading for a seaside to enjoy the hot weather on the beach. I don't believe today is the end of the lockdowns. Probably they will be restarted in the autumn. Even if the government can't use Covid 19 as a pretext for more "temporary emergency measures" they'll find another one. There is already talk of "climate lockdowns", see: The government have also done a U-turn on vaccine passports. In fact they will be come essential for entering a nightclub, see: They can't leave us in peace! There always has to be some kind of crisis. If there are no real ones then they'll make one up. It's like Adam Curtis said at the beginning of The Power of Nightmares: "In the past, politicians promised to create a better world. They had different ways of achieving this. But their power and authority came from the optimistic visions they offered to their people. Those dreams failed. And today, people have lost faith in ideologies. Increasingly, politicians are seen simply as managers of public life. But now, they have discovered a new role that restores their power and authority. Instead of delivering dreams, politicians now promise to protect us from nightmares. They say that they will rescue us from dreadful dangers that we cannot see and do not understand." Source: Obviously I will be among those waiting to expose those lies and alert the public as much as possible. Watch this space and hopefully we will one day enjoy a real freedom day.
See here for background:

Saturday 17 July 2021

Bases at the Barge 2021 by Paranormal Peep Show

Neil Geddes-Ward has produced a reportge of Bases at the Barge 2021, see:
It includes an interview with me, as well as another speaker, Dave Hodrien; as well as the organizer Miles Johnston and the mistress of ceremonies, the BBC rebel Jemma Cooper, see here for details:
See here for my HPANWO TV reportage:

Friday 16 July 2021

UFO Truth Magazine- Issue 49

UFO Truth Magazine Issue 49 is now available. It can be purchased on this page as a single copy, but please subscribe and save money if you want to read it regularly, see:
Issue 49 includes an article in my column entitled UAP's- Theirs or Ours.
Also you will find in Issue 49: the launch of International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research, looking back at the Twining Memo, scientific orthodoxy by Timothy Pennington and much much more.
Also in this HPANWO Show programme I interview the UFO Truth Magazine's editor Gary Heseltine:
See here for details on UFO Truth Magazine Issue 48:

Thursday 15 July 2021

Ben Emlyn-Jones on the Mindset Central Livestream 7

I have been featured again on a Mindset Podcast Livestream, see:
This is a live YouTube programme from Mindset Central presented by Gareth Davies of the Mindset Podcast. It is one of a new series he is doing called "Mindset Mornings- Start the Day!".
See here for my previous appearance on the Mindset Livestream:

Wednesday 14 July 2021

ID for the Internet

When the weekend's European Cup final ended with England losing to Italy in a penalty shootout, the nation wailed in anguish. When young Bukayo Saka posted his penalty and wept, we all felt his pain. It is a moment that will probably haunt him for the rest of his life. (I personally hate penalty shootouts. I would prefer a "super golden goal" rule where more subs are allowed on the bench and the match plays on until somebody scores. I realize this makes its duration indefinite and might jeopardize the schedule so I would only advocate for it to be used in the final ties. Penalties make it more upsetting for the loser and anticlimactic for the winner.) Unfortunately, in this internet paradise we live in, trolls being trolls, they hurled obscene racial abuse at the non-white players. Of course every decent person was outraged by this cruelty, yet the proponents of censorship felt no qualms at all about exploiting our emotions for their agenda. Have they ever before? Media figures began calling for increasing regulation and exclusion online. They demand that the government "crack down!" on social media companies with "tough new laws!" Along with these pronouncements, Twitter suspiciously held back more so than they would normally from removing the racist abuse from their platform. I think an internet variation of Prouty's Law applies here... Left, right and centre were united in their frenzy for internet reform. Piers Morgan Tweeted: "Social media firms must end all anonymous accounts. If you want to spew vile abuse, you should be forced to do so publicly under your genuine identity, not while hiding behind the cloak of billionaire-backed secrecy. Let’s see how brave these racist morons are then." That is ironic considering how so many offendedistas have tried to silence him. Mike Graham, somebody I normally quite respect, demanded that racists be stripped of their citizenship. Seeing as how loose the definition of "racist" is these days, that is a terrifying suggestion. Source: This reminds me of the hysteria over pornography a while ago, see: Fortunately, complete internet control is impossible; however state and corporate actors can do a lot of damage trying. What will it mean for life privacy? What about whistleblowers? Sadly, it seems that right now nobody is asking those questions. On the contrary, somebody has started a petition calling for verified ID to be a requirement for opening a social media account. It has had over six hundred thousand signatures already. Conversely, the one calling for the repeal of the Orwellian Section 127 of the 2003 Communication Act has only had twenty thousand. My hope is that calmer voices will be heard as time goes on and the hurt wears off because right now, anybody who raises a word of protest will be accused of "pandering to racists who abuse our football heroes!"
See here for background:

Tuesday 13 July 2021

Ben Emlyn-Jones on the Mindset Central Livestream 6

I have been featured again on a Mindset Podcast Livestream, see:
This is a live YouTube programme from Mindset Central presented by Gareth Davies of the Mindset Podcast. It is one of a new series he is doing called "Mindset Mornings- Start the Day!".
See here for my previous appearance on the Mindset Livestream:

Thursday 8 July 2021

Happy World Disclosure Day 2021!

July the 8th is World ET Disclosure Day, and was awarded that status by Steve Becklow and Geoffrey West of the Paradigm Research Group in 2010, making this the eleventh one. This is because it was on July the 8th 1947 that General Roger Ramey held a press conference in his office in Fort Worth, Texas where he put on display some wooden sticks and some loose crumpled pieces of aluminium foil; and he told the world's media that this is what Major Jesse Marcel of the Roswell Army Air Force Base had mistaken for a UFO. He was lying. Today, 74 years later, the Government are still lying. However many believe that this is the day that the decision was made to institute what Stephen Bassett calls the "Truth Embargo." Reporters were descending like locusts on Fort Worth and New Mexico and the Government was considering whether to continue with the original "Flying Disk" story, and so come clean that UFO's exist, or cover it up; they opted for the latter. Personally I suspect that this decision was made many years earlier when the Government had to deal with similar incidents to Roswell before July of 1947 and they had a contingency plan already in place that simply broke down to begin with, see:; but the day of the scene in Gen. Ramey's office is still a fitting and symbolic historic moment that illustrates the subject well. Therefore every July the 8th is now designated World Disclosure Day. This is of course just six days after World UFO Day because the 2nd of July was the date of the Kenneth Arnold sighting, see: The date of World Disclosure Day will remain every July the 8th until Disclosure happens; then the day will automatically transfer to that date. This Disclosure Day is different. The atmosphere in the world towards UFO's has changed. The media is reporting it differently, see background links for details. Does this mean Disclosure with a capital D is happening? I've always had my doubts that such a thing is even possible, although there is a part of me that is always saying: "What if...?" That feeling has been growing for the past few years. Either way, regardless of where this is leading, the government have definitely changed their tactics. The second half of 2020 and the first half of 2021 are probably the most exciting times in the history of exopolitics. What will happen in the second half of this year and beyond? Nobody knows, but we can make educated predictions. There will be more from the UAPTF, maybe information from other countries. There is no real reason why this movement should centre on the USA.
Despite this, Dr Steven Greer chose the Fourth of July holiday to premier his new documentary The Cosmic Hoax- an Exposé. Unusually for him, he posted it in one go onto an array of public sites for free, for example see: I always watch every new Greer movie with interest. I have mixed feelings about all of them and I have to say this is definitely his worst. It is loaded with what can only be called wanton slander. I have never suggested that we should hang onto every word uttered by Lue Elizondo, Chris Mellon or Tom DeLonge etc, but there is nowhere near enough evidence to support the shill-shaming Greer hurls at them. But it gets far worse. His attack on Leslie Kean is truly contemptible. She has been in this business almost as long as Greer and a lot of what we have learned about the state's relationship to the UFO phenomenon in the last couple of decades is thanks to Leslie Kean. It is mostly because of her and Ralph Blumenthal that we are living in this post-2017 world in the first place. However, Greer sees all of "new UFOlogy" as just one more psyop in that long, long list of opinions coming from anybody who has dared to question the omniscience of His Royal Muscleiness. I can't help wondering if what really bothers him is that Disclosure is not all about him. Dr Greer has every right to be proud of the good things he has done. His dedication to exopolitics for almost thirty years is undeniable; but he needs to learn the lesson of the Buddha and control his own ego, see: I think a lot of confusion has arisen over the use of the word "threat". In the parlance of military strategy, a threat is not something that you automatically shoot at immediately and pre-emptivly. It is simply something with variable that the forces cannot control and so therefore might... might result in enemy action. Very few military threats ever escalate that far. It is fair enough that UAP's are considered a threat under that definition. On the positive side, the film publishes for the first time a new photograph that depicts what looks like a tall humanoid creature being examined by doctors. The being appears to be a corpse and the clothing and hairstyle of the personnel date it to the 1920's. The print is in bad condition and faded. It appears to be damaged with a rip in the middle. Hopefully more information on the photo will be published soon. Does the negative still exist? Was it in an album with other similar photos? Who are the people examining the creature? I look forward to the answers. Along with everything else going on, could this be the last year ever we celebrate World Disclosure Day on this date?

Wednesday 7 July 2021

The Mind Set Podcast Programme 456

I have been featured on Programme 456 of the Mind Set Podcast.
See here for the show:
Subjects discussed include: Make UFOlogy new again, wokeism vs racism on TV, Ben's mind controlled past and much much more. Subscribe to Mind Set Central on Patreon for bonus material and early bird access to the public content, see:
See here for my previous appearance on The Mind Set Podcast:

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Ben Emlyn Jones on Beyond Room 313

I have been featured on the Beyond 313 Symposium show with Thomas Sheridan and Jason Robba, see:
Subjects discussed include: the Men in Black, life in the solar system, how human are the aliens? and much much more.
See here for Thomas' latest interview on HPANWO Radio:

Monday 5 July 2021

Ben Emlyn-Jones on the Paranormal Peep Show 10

I have been interviewed again on the Paranormal Peep Show by Neil Geddes Ward and Andrew Chaplin. In this programme we analyze the recent first UAPTF report.
See here:
See here for my previous appearance on the Paranormal Peep Show:

Sunday 4 July 2021

The 11th Green

Christopher Münch's new political drama, The 11th Green, is very explicit in its exopolitical themes to a level that surprised me. This is no low budget amateur production either. It is clearly a top studio work with actors who may not be A-list household names, but are still quite high level and make frequent Hollywood appearances. The writer-director-producer is clearly very familiar with conspiratorial UFOlogy or has researched it deeply. The central figure is a man called Jeremy, a journalist whose father has just died. When he attends his father's funeral he learns some dark secrets about his life as a staffer for the US President Dwight Eisenhower. The narrative includes a series of flashbacks to 1967 and President Eisenhower's final years in retirement. The president is skilfully portrayed by George Gerdes. The acting in this film is generally of a high quality. There is a UFO cover-up and Eisenhower has to deal with that, even after he has left the White House. This ties in closely with the reports that the president had to preside over the Truth Embargo in a way no other did, before of after. What is interesting is that the modern setting appears to be on the eve of a Disclosure event, in this case the military-industrial complex admitting it has antigravity technology gained from the study of debris from salvaged flying saucers. Jeremy enters by presenting such a programme. Interestingly his wife, Lila, is uncomfortable with the idea of Disclosure and considers the Truth Embargo justifiable as a necessary comforting lie. Eisenhower experiences dream sequences where he meets with his future successor, Barack Obama; which is strange seeing that when the film was released, last year, Donald Trump was the president. There is also an alien present at these meetings called "Lars", played by a young man with long hair. No attempt is made to portray Lars as particularly non-human, which is fair enough because that's what some aliens look like. His name is Norwegian which could be because he is a "Nordic" type being, but there's no evidence to connect one nationality of humans to any particular species of alien. Eisenhower calls the ET's "visitors" and the agents of the cover-up "the backroom boys". There are some references to real UFO close encounters Eisenhower has to deal with, like the Malstrom incident and Kecksburg (Slightly ahistorical because that took place two years earlier in 1965). During Eisenhower's dream, Obama reveals that he has been briefed into the UFO secret, but that the secrecy is necessary, for the same reasons as Lila states, who is not politically connected. The president is shown a free energy machine. There are a lot of very perceptive lines describing the psychological rationalization of both the Truth Embargo and Disclosure, for example: "They can see it, but they're not going to believe it till we tell them to believe it". There are many scenes of secret meetings. I really recommend this film. It is one I think was made for UFOlogists and is not shy about exploring all the theories concerning this extraterrestrial Watergate. See here for the trailer:
See here for background:

Saturday 3 July 2021

Ben Emlyn-Jones and Thomas Baden-Riess

I have been featured on a livestream with Thomas Baden-Riess, see:
Subjects discussed include: UAP Disclosure, mind control in the media, forced medication during the pandemic and much much more.

Friday 2 July 2021

Batley and Spen By-Election

Labour have held onto the Batley and Spen constituency by their fingernails. This was after a bitter and vitriolic campaign in which the police had to be called numerous times. The Labour candidate, Kim Leadbeater, beat the Tory challenger, Ryan Stephenson, by just 323 votes. This seat has been a very symbolic one since the assassination of Jo Cox MP in 2016, although there's a question mark over what really happened there, see: (I also strongly recommend this investigative documentary by Richard D Hall: Kim Leadbeater is Jo Cox' sister and the resulting sympathy vote probably helped her defy the polls, along with the fact that she is a local candidate in an election inundated with parachutists. The most obtrusive of these is George Galloway. One of the reasons the pollsters predicted a Conservative win was because the charismatic veteran independent is popular with Asians, people who would normally vote Labour. The Tories planned to break through that split and seize the seat. It almost worked. Galloway and his Workers' Party came third with 8,264 votes. It is possible he took some Tory votes as well because of the Brexit situation and the recent sleaze scandal involving Matt Hancock. The Conservatives are down 1.7 % on their last election figures. Amazingly Mr Galloway plans to contest the election in court, even though it is not on his own behalf as a third placeman. Source: I don't know what George's fans will think about him aiding and abetting a Tory. Sir Keir Starmer popped his greasy grey head up in the constituency overnight to support his candidate. He gave the less-than-totally-stirring speech in the link above about "healing divisions". Speech writers aren't even trying to be original these days. Starmer portrayed this as a glorious moment and a vindication of his leadership. The fact is, this is a pyrrhic victory for the Labour Party. Their narrow win involved a 7.4% drop in their vote since 2019. This was in what was once considered a safe Labour seat. If you look at the chart of Labour's popularity rating since 1997, right now they are at their lowest ebb, see: Unless they can perform a miracle between now and May 2024 they will once again be fighting like crazy to hold on to the seat. There is something distinctly odd about the Batley and Spen constituency. In the 2019 general election, the Brexit Party's candidate was Jill Hughes, somebody who believes in aliens, see: (The Brexit Party has really gone downhill since then. Farage has left them... again, and they've changed their name to the very insipid "Reform UK".) What will happen in 2024, assuming there is no other by-election between now and then, depends on events, such as the continuing success of Brexit, the lockdown cycle and whether Boris Johnson can escape the Dark Side he is currently as deeply embedded in as Darth Vader... Still, remember that story did end happily.
See here for background: