Wednesday 31 March 2021

Vaccine Passports Begin

The inevitable has happened. The term "vaccine passport" has never been uttered from an official source and has so far only used sarcastically by critics of the Covid 19 mass vaccination campaign, like me. However what else can we call the policies now being rolled out in at least two places? According to this vlogger, an American expat living in Iceland, the country is soon going to reopen its borders to tourists, but only if you're vaccinated, see: At the same time New York USA is bringing out a mobile phone app that you have to show to attend some events such as social gatherings like weddings and funerals. The threat to civil rights is obvious, but there is also the privacy issue of having some of your medical records on a portable device that could be hacked. When I was a hospital porter I had to move medical records and they were sealed tight in hard plastic containers. The medical records depository was like Area 51. To enter it I had to ring a bell and was allowed into an anteroom. The medical records clerk then addressed me through a sealed service hatch. For non-Americans, it's important to remember that "New York" means an entire state, not just New York City. A pub in a small village in the upper Hudson valley will have to scan you for the app just as much as a restaurant in downtown Manhattan. Source: The New York initiative has recently been endorsed by the "US president", see: It is vital for us to resist. Refuse to have the vaccine no matter what! The latest opinion polls indicate that in Britain 35% of people are going to refuse. Hopefully other countries are similar. If all those people stick by their guns then any vaccination social filter will become unworkable.
See here for background:

Monday 29 March 2021

The Mind Set Podcast Programme 442

I have been featured on Programme 442 of the Mind Set Podcast.
See here for the show:
Subjects discussed include: Is Thursday really Thursday?, Joe Biden attempts to do a press conference, online psychics and much much more. This is a controversial show with considerable disagreement on the panel.
See here for my previous appearance on The Mind Set Podcast:

Sunday 28 March 2021

Suez Shipwreck

International trade has been thrown into turmoil yet again, just as it was attempting to restart as the pandemic lockdown eases. The cause of this breakdown is astonishingly small and, at first glance, insignificant. A single ship has run aground. What makes it so catastrophic is the type of ship and the place it ran aground. The ship is called MV Ever Given and she's a Golden-class container carrier, one of the biggest in the world, displacing 230,000 tons gross. She is 1,312 feet long, 192 feet in beam and can carry 20,000 containers. At the time of her accident she was fully loaded and it happened in the Suez Canal. The story goes that the navigation crew lost control of the vessel due to high winds and the ship was blown again one of the canal banks. She is currently wedged crossways in the canal, completely blocking it. There is an attempt to refloat Ever Given by dredging the bank where she is trapped and pulling her with tugs. Source: So far this has not worked and there is already talk of a more long-term salvage operation involving unloading her cargo and fuel. This could take weeks. In the meantime there is a massive marine traffic jam building up at both ends of the canal. Ships can always divert, but this means sailing around the entire continent of Africa which would take ten to fifteen days or even longer, depending on the speed of the ship and its seagoing endurance. That will make transportation costs rise. The canal was constructed in the 1860's to provide a shortcut so that international shipping could avoid that slog.
The wreck of MV Ever Given demonstrates how fragile the globalist resource-based economy is. This is partly because all the quickest and most efficient sea lanes are dependent on the Suez Canal, which for some of its 120 miles stretch is just a single channel; which unfortunately is where the shipwreck is. The canal is so important that in October 1956 there was a war fought over it involving Egypt, Israel, France and Britain. Some people have suggested that the grounding is an act of sabotage to cause a new economic crash, but I can find no evidence for this so far. Even leaving aside the shipping subject, this crisis is a product of general globalization. In times past it wouldn't have been so serious because all nations had a manufacturing sector. Today the world is treated economically as a single giant nation and the heavy industry has been shifted to the Far East. Former industrial heartlands in Europe and North America are now just "rust belts". This means international freight transport is needed more than ever, hence the advent of the super-container carriers like Ever Given. In a pre-globalized world Western nations would have picked up the shortfall through their own factories and mines, but now we can't. Britain, for example, is one hundred percent reliant on imports, from commodities to manufactured goods. That narrow channel through the Egyptian desert is the horsehair by which our economy dangles. When I was a teenager I wanted to be a sailor and was very sad when that career never worked out. With retrospect it might be just as well. Maritime life today is a stressful and dangerous occupation, see: The Suez shipwreck debacle should make us all aware of this terrible system and work to try and change it.
See here for more information:

Friday 26 March 2021

2021 Census

Ten years ago I became famous for my activities relating to the 2011 census form, see: and: This has inevitably meant that many people have contacted me asking if I plan to repeat the stunt this time. I was considering this and waited for my form to arrive and then I found out that most people had already had their form delivered while mine had not appeared. I wondered if it might have been sent to my old address by accident. I actually moved just a month after the last census fire festival yet some of my post still turns up there. However I am in touch with the residents of my old home and they regularly keep any post for me; and I drop in to pick it up every couple of months. After a while I found out what had happened. My landlord had taken the delivered forms and filled them out for us online; myself and my two fellow residents, Axmat and Hosn. The landlord said: "There was one voluntary bit I left blank." He blushed slightly. "What were they?" I asked. He explained. This year's census is, for the first time, including questions about sexual orientation and gender identity. They want to know how many people are heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. Source: They also want to know whether people are suffering from sexual dysphoria in large numbers. I consider this an intrusion into people's private lives. What is it with the government? They're obsessed with sex! I know answers to these questions are not compulsory, but all the same it's very creepy that that it's even a request. It's incredibly nosy and more than a bit sinister. I don't think it's right for the government to ask any question that I would not ask a stranger in normal polite conversation. There is no way I would ask somebody I had only just met: "Are you gay?" I thanked my landlord for leaving that part blank.

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Richard Dolan's Black Pill

Richard Dolan has just produced two videos after a month of silence. The first is called Disclosure in a Divided World (I've not seen the second one yet). It's a solo show and quite long by the standards of his monologues. He has clearly developed the pessimistic themes he introduced just before and during his debate with Bryce Zabel, see: In this new video he describes the current UFO Disclosure situation as it relates to the turbulent world we live in today, torn apart by racial hatred and the Covid 19 pandemic. He makes the point that UFO transparency is always at its best in times of crisis, which sounds positive; and he states that the window of opportunity for Disclosure brought about by the 2017 AATIP and TTSA revelations is still open... but unfortunately it's closing fast. He believes that it is important to deal with the facts realistically, even if they are not pleasant. There is currently a drive towards more and more authoritarianism across the world which is racing to head off the rising tide of grass roots rebellion. It is armed with increasingly sophisticated surveillance technology. I know that, and the question both Richard and I have asked is: Who will get to the finish line first? Richard states dispassionately forty-six minutes in: "They beat us to it." They have total control over the media, not just the "legacy media" (Richard obviously watches Styxhexenhammer666), but the internet too. This means the kind of Disclosure we're getting from the power structure is very limited and distorted, and it is coloured over into obscurity by other world events. If somebody told Richard in 2010, when he was writing AD with Zabel, everything that happened in 2017 would happen, he would reply unequivocally that this would be an avalanche event, that is something which puts the world onto an inevitable and speedy course towards capital D Disclosure. But it never happened. This has given Richard a cynical attitude towards the UAPTF report countdown that is due to end in June. He expects that all the best material will remain classified and the public release will probably just consist of a few standard man-walking-dog-on-Cannock-Chase stories. There is a "red line", he says, a point where the merely interesting information becomes revolutionary; and this is decisive physical evidence, in other words: crash retrievals. I agree. Although the current FOIA drops talk about "meta materials", see:, if there were a full, open and permanent, ie unretracted by the media, admission that they came from a salvaged artefact of extraterrestrial manufacture then Mick West and Prof. Brian Cox would have to be put on suicide watch. Source:
Nevertheless, Richard Dolan thinks that red line will not be crossed by the UAPTF report. There is still hope of slipping through the gap between the window and frame before they slam together for another cycle of history. He thinks it is possible that somebody important might have the goods, probably a prominent political figure; and they might speak out. This is my hope for Trump, see: Dolan is always scrupulously apolitical, but I am not. Contrary to mainstream media reports, President Trump is down, but not out. There is a good chance he will return to the White House within the next few months, see: The upheaval caused by this sudden truth injection would transform the intellectual environment under which the first UAPTF report is published. I think hope lies with whistleblowers. These could be the known ones; Manning, Snowden and Assange etc. It's possible one or more of those individuals has red line proof of UFO's somewhere in their leaked caches. Keeping them hidden might be a survival tactic of theirs, understandable from their point of view; a kind of: "kill me and these files hit the internet!" situation. However, Assange, in particular, has reached the point where he has nothing left to lose. Might he press that button? There may be other whistleblowers whose names we do not know yet, the person or people known as QAnon; or maybe somebody we've not even heard of. I agree with Richard that we have to face reality unconditionally, even if it really is grim and hopeless; but is the current reality as dismal as he sees it? He believes that ET Disclosure is the best way of stabilizing our unstable world, and that's probably true. I think the UFO issue connects to many others, that together will liberate and enrich the world, see: The truth embargo no longer enjoys a monopoly of power. The 2016 Effect is still at work and its results might be as unpredictable as its initial appearance. The globalist forces running fake regimes in the USA and many other nations are feeling the pressure; they are showing the signs of insecurity and fear, see: The elite do not in fact have total control over the internet. Richard does not mention the rise of alt-tech which I consider one of the most promising developments of the last few years. All attempts to quell this renaissance of free speech have failed, see: I think Richard Dolan's black pill is premature and short-sighted. There are of course no guarantees, but I suspect emerging events will prove him wrong.  
See here for background:

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Ben Emlyn-Jones on the Kev Baker Show 68

I have been interviewed again on the Kev Baker Show (aka MrGlasgowTruther) on Truth Frequency Radio, see here for the podcast:
And here for the illustrated YouTube version:
Subjects discussed include: a million views on Ben's video!, secrets in Antarctica, a demonically-possessed hotel and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on the Kev Baker Show:

Monday 22 March 2021

John Ratcliffe mentions UFO's

I have been reporting on how some very highly placed people have made remarkable statements on UFO's. These are the people one would previously assume would be the least likely people to talk candidly about UFO's possibly being extraterrestrial artefacts. John Brennan and Heim Eshed for example, see background links. Now another prominent figure has come clean, John Ratcliffe, who served as the Director of National Intelligence under President Trump. The Director of National Intelligence is not to be confused with the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; the latter being Brennan's role. The DNI is a political position rather than an operational one. The DNI is a member of the executive cabinet. Last Friday he was interviewed on Fox news and was asked about UAP's; he replied: "There are a lot more sightings than have been made public. Some of those have been declassified. And when we talk about sightings, we are talking about objects that have seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain. Movements that are hard to replicate that we don't have the technology for. Or travelling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom." He added that the intelligence establishment goes to great lengths to eliminate the possibility that UAP's are the product of foreign nations who have advanced ahead of the United States in terms of science and technology. He said also that UAP encounters are a worldwide phenomenon. He went on: "When we talk about sightings, the other thing I will tell you is it's not just a pilot or just a satellite, or some intelligence collection. Usually we have multiple sensors that are picking up these things and some of these are unexplained phenomenon, and there is actually quite a few more than have been made public." Source: (Thanks to the Facebook friend who made me aware of this.) The basis of Ratcliffe's words are no different to Brennan's statement, although no less valuable; however he revealed some amazing new angles that I never previously knew existed. He divulged the fascinating fact that UAP detection also includes satellite imagery and that sometimes more than one kind of sensor detects the same phenomenon at the same time. This is yet more confirmation of what UFOlogists like me have projected many times. It vindicates not only David Fravor and the present witnesses, but what UFO witnesses have been relating for generations. Ratcliffe refers to the June 1st deadline for the estimated first UAPTF report (I'm pleased that this is St Theo's Day! See: Some say that this will be the moment of Disclosure with a capital D. I'm not so sure, but I'd love to be proved over-cautious. Until then, do any other senior government figures want to spill some more beans of UFO's? Go for it!
See here for background:

Sunday 21 March 2021

New Area 51 Airway

Last Friday, the 12th of March, something very strange happened near Area 51. The Federal Aviation Administration issued a "NOTAM- Notice to Airmen" giving special instructions to pilots and air traffic controllers. This NOTAM stated that a volume of restricted airspace was being created. This airspace is actually an airway. It is 426 miles long, twenty nautical miles wide and 15,000 feet high. It runs from Area 51 to the Pacific coast between four waypoints. The first leg is from the secret base to a spot near the California border, and then straight to the coastline which is crosses just south of Monterey. Then it turns northwest just outside the twelve mile limit and then goes west again off San Francisco Bay. The airway was only temporary and lasted from 5.45 PM on Friday to 8.15 PM on Saturday. During that time no other air traffic was allowed to enter that zone. This was not really a problem because of its altitude. Its base was 45,000 feet, which is higher than most commercial airliners fly and it topped out at 60,000 feet. Most aircraft are not capable of reaching that altitude. Concorde used to, but it no longer flies. The news was reported on the Dreamland Resort website, which is a superb resource for news about Area 51. Source: (Thanks to my Facebook friend who made me aware of this.) The cause of this mysterious development is obvious; a classified aerial mission was underway. The aircraft involved may well be one of the new highly secretive spy planes or strike bombers that were probably being housed in the new hangars that I reported on previously, see: and: Of course, as soon as the NOTAM was issued thousands of plane-spotters hot-tailed it to places underneath this enigmatic air corridor to try and get a glimpse of the covert wonder passing by. I've not heard of any reports of success, but it was worth a try. I suspect the plane will only cross the populated areas at night and being so high up it will be difficult to see. The plane-spotters will no doubt have brought telescopes. It will also fly without navigation lights or radio transponders. If anybody manages to obtain a suitable radar set then they are likely to be foiled still because one of the drives of today's aviation technology is making aircraft radar illusive. What was the aircraft's mission? Nobody knows that except those involved. Maybe it was just a training exercise or mechanical trials. Maybe it was spying on Russia or North Korea. I'll keep a lookout for more events like this.
See here for more background:

Saturday 20 March 2021

Elisa Lam Netflix Docu

I don't pay for Netflix, and never will since doing this interview with Rin Michaelis: However, I live with somebody who has an account on our television; therefore I was able to watch Crime Scene- The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel. This is a four-part documentary about the disappearance and death of Elisa Lam. I have covered this subject myself, see the background links below. The programme goes through the enigmatic and tragic story in detail including interviews with many of the people involved; the hotel manageress, the maintenance man who discovered the body, the detectives involved in the investigation, local historians and several other people. I looked at the situation very briefly after it had ended, but while it was going on a huge number of amateur sleuths got involved. Apparently there is an entire culture, mostly online, of real life Poirots and Miss Marples who try to solve genuine ongoing crimes. They have made a significant contribution in some instances; however, the professionals have mixed feelings about them. Sometimes they can more of a hindrance than a help. For example, in the middle of trying to get to the bottom of Elisa's disappearance and death the police also had a call from a frightened young man in Mexico who had been receiving death threats and abusive accusations from some of these Inspector Morse wannabes. Pablo Vergara is an actor and musician who specializes in black metal. He performs under the stage name "Morbid". This kind of music includes harsh sounds and disturbing videos depicting violence. Just like Elisa, he stayed at the Cecil Hotel once and also wrote song lyrics with the word "China". Elisa's ethnicity was Chinese; her parents were both immigrants to Canada from Hong Kong. Nothing more was needed to stir up an internet hate mob; and that doesn't surprise me because I've experienced some myself, for example see: However, Mr Vergara was never arrested or even questioned by the police. He was simply not a suspect. Yes, he had been at the Cecil Hotel, just like Elisa; but he had stayed there in March 2012, a whole year earlier. He had gone there because of the hotel's reputation. Like many people who enjoy black metal, he is interested in the occult and demonology. Some of the hotel's current guests are attracted out of curiosity. Some are ghost hunters, others true crime aficionadoes.
In Crime Scene- The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel, the history of this strange hotel is explored. There is absolutely no doubt there is something seriously wrong with the place. It has been the scene of murders, suicides, assaults and other crimes of every description, and they are so numerous that the idea that there is some kind of malevolent supernatural force at work in the hotel is completely plausible. Two serial killers, Richard Ramierez and Jack Unterweger, used it frequently. The hotel has now been rebranded "Stay on Main", but if you search for "Cecil Hotel" online you can still find it under that name. According to the final coroner's verdict, Elisa Lam died as a result of an accident. She had not been taking her psychiatric medication and as a result suffered a nervous breakdown. She climbed onto the roof of the hotel, jumped into the water tank and drowned. However some of the amateur sleuths are not convinced. Why did the police sniffer dogs not detect a single whiff of her on the roof when they had traced her all over the fourteenth floor? There's also some ambiguity over whether the hatch over the water tank was open or shut. The original report has said it was shut, making it impossible for Elisa to have acted alone because it can't be shut from the inside by somebody floating in the water. However, we now hear that it was open and there had been a "misunderstanding". Had it really been open all those weeks Elisa had been missing? Open, even though the hatch was on the top of the tank and it would have been clearly visible from the air when helicopters were overhead assisting with the dog teams on the roof? What about the smell she would have made? In my view there are still vital questions about Elisa's Lam's death that have not been answered. It may well be connected to the evil energy infecting the hotel. The programme focuses of Elisa as a person and emphasizes the tragedy of a young woman dying aged just twenty-one. She left behind a prolific blog on Tumblr and has gained many new readers since her demise, see: Who knows what she might have gone on to achieve had she lived on. Her parents sued the hotel for wrongful death, claiming that the management were liable for dereliction of their duty of care to their guests. The hotel fought the case and it was dismissed. There is a Facebook memorial page for Elisa Lam here:
See here for background:

Friday 19 March 2021

Paul Is Dead Interview on YouTube

My HPANWO Radio interview with Mary Ann Howard and Anne Walsh is n ow available on YouTube here:
We discuss their new book The Shadow of a Bass Man, a fictionalization of what really happened to Paul McCartney. See here for the full show: The novel is just the first of a series of books and the others are coming soon. See here for more information:

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Antikythera Mechanism Decoded

In 1900, sponge divers near the Greek island of Antikythera discovered a shipwreck dating back to the first or second century BC. Inside the ancient hull was a collection of eighty-two bronze circular objects that looked like gears. After extensive analysis, archaeologists came to the astonishing conclusion that it was some kind of mechanical calculator. In 2008, technology was invented that allowed archaeologists to detect inscriptions on one of the fragments and it has revealed it to be an orrery, a device for computing astronomical movements. It is extraordinarily detailed and its users could work out the motions of the planets and the sun, the phases of the moon, solar eclipses, the position of zodiac, and even the timing of sporting events such as the ancient Olympiad. The first thing made in modern times matching the intricacy and complexity of the Antikythera Mechanism are the clocks invented in the Renaissance... but the  Mechanism dates from 100 to 200 BC! Source: That kind of technology is not supposed to have been available in those days; it is not historically recorded. This means the Antikythera Mechanism must be the product of some kind of secret school of knowledge, maybe a product of the ancient equivalent of what Richard Dolan calls "the Breakaway Civilization". If that kind of technology had been publicly available in the 2nd century BC then the industrial revolution could have happened around the time of Christ and by the early Middle Ages we could have had rockets in space. The possibility of technological progress being purposefully slowed down by the rationing of knowledge is one I explore in the three novels of the Roswell trilogy, see: The ship carrying the Antikythera Mechanism was from Rhodes and the direction it was sailing meant that it was probably heading for Rome. At that time Greece was a protectorate of the Roman Republic and much of its glorious and ingenious knowledge was being plundered; "the milking of minds" as Credo Mutwa calls it. This of course raises the question of whether Greece was Illuminati occupied before the Roman conquest or not, seeing as Rome was the prime vehicle for expanding Illuminati rule in the ancient world. I'll have to think about that. There is other evidence suggesting the presence of lost wisdom in ancient Greece, such as the mysterious manuscript of Archimedes which indicates that he knew about calculus, something previously attributed to Sir Isaac Newton in comparatively recent times, see: There's also the Library of Alexandria which was burnt down by the Illuminati. This leads to a tantalizing question: If the secret knowledge network of the ancient world is really one and a half to two millennia ahead of declassified science, what wonders is it hiding from us right now?
See here for background:

Sunday 14 March 2021

Sarah Everard- What's the Truth?

The kidnapping and murder of Sarah Everard, a young marketing executive from London, has shocked the nation. I badly want to see justice done and her loved ones have my deepest condolences. Sarah disappeared on the evening of the third of March while walking home across Clapham Common. Posters were put up all over the city as her family and friends desperately tried to find her. Her body was found in Ashford, Kent last Wednesday. By then a suspect had already been arrested on suspicion of kidnapping, Wayne Couzens. As always when an atrocity like this happens, it is immediately exploited by feminists for their own agenda. The MP Jess "I wouldn't even vote for you" Phillips made a speech in Parliament where she read out the name of every woman... or should I say "Woman!" in which the convict, or even the person charged, was a man. Feminism messes with people's heads so badly that thousands of women turned up for what had been called a "tribute" to Sarah Everard on Clapham Common, but instead degenerated into an Orwellian Hate Week. Source: Sarah's murder is being portrayed as just one part of a much bigger problem, something organized and systemic. Men (only white men of course!) are deliberately killing women all the time, as part of a conspiracy to preserve the "White Male Patriarchy!", and the state grants them permission to do so. A member of the House of Lords yesterday called for a curfew on men in an ironic way, but this was picked up and taken seriously by many other politicians. As always, we can depend on Sargon of Akkad to deconstruct this evil and dangerous nonsense, see:
This malicious hoax by feminists does need to be exposed for what it is, but there is a much more serious conundrum that has been brought up by this horrific crime. The suspect, Wayne Couzens, was a police officer, but not just any beat policeman; he was a member of an elite unit, the PaDP- Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection squad. Their duties are: "Protection of government-owned buildings and embassies; residential protection for high-profile ministers, visiting heads of state, heads of government and foreign ministers; searching and access control of visitors and vehicles to New Scotland Yard and Downing Street; and assisting with protection at buildings such as the Palace of Westminster." The officers are all firearms trained and are routinely armed. Also there is another fact connected to the case which has not been widely publicized; partly, of course, because it contradicts the feminist narrative, but also because it could reveal that there is far more going on connected to this murder: a second person, a female, was arrested at Couzens' address and is under suspicion of assisting an offender. This is an early speculation, but it's important to ask this question: Could Sarah Everard's murder be a "procurement gone wrong"? Survivors from inside government secret programmes often independently give details of senior figures in the elite who abuse or even kill ordinary people for pleasure. The best known of these is Cathy O'Brien who accuses over a hundred and fifty people of crimes like rape, torture, kidnapping and murder. Among those she names are Bill and Hillary Clinton; Brian Mulroney, prime minister of Canada; and George HW Bush. None of these people have ever sued and her books are still in print. Very often the elitists are said to employ members of their own security detail to carry out this gruesome extra duty. They capture the kind of person the elitist wants; usually it is a child, but sometimes it is a teenager or adult. The same employee then disposes of the body afterwards and covers up the crime via their influence in the media and police forces. The downside for anybody who agrees to such a malevolent mission is that if anything goes wrong during the procurement process, they take all the rap. It could be that this has just happened to Wayne Couzens. For whatever reason, the operation to deliver Sarah Everard to whoever "ordered" her was bungled, the secrecy was blown and now the person doing it is being portrayed in the media as a random thrill-killer who took Sarah's life for his own sickening reasons. If somebody "ordered" Sarah then they will remain safe from public scrutiny. I don't know if what I've just speculated on is true, but there's enough reason to suggest it. If such acts of monstrosity are going on then they need to be stopped, so I make no apologies for anything I have said in post.
See here for background:

Saturday 13 March 2021

Utopia 2013

My prejudice against remakes shows no sign of being proven wrong. Although I was impressed with the 2020 Amazon production of Utopia, see:, I was aware from the start that it was a remake of an earlier series brought out by Channel 4. That Utopia had the same structure of six fifty minute episodes per season and came out in 2013. The difference was that it had a second season whereas Amazon's was cancelled, see: The original series is far superior. Much of it is the same or similar and was reproduced accurately by Amazon. The elementary plot is the same. Some of the characters are almost identical, even in terms of their clothing and hairstyles, like Arby and Wilson, although they are not played by the same actors. The 2013 version includes the same shocking violence and gallows humour. Like with the 2020 remake, there is a lot of confusion over whose side every character is on, along with the fact that each of them has their own personal agenda as well as their affiliation to their cause. It also accurately depicts a sense of realism, which is probably how it's been described as being a little bit too topical for comfort. However, the Channel 4 original is not the same in other ways. The biggest difference is that it is set mostly in Britain instead of the United States of America. There is no central antagonist, the equivalent of a Kevin Christie. Instead a handful of individuals play his role. The one who gives the initial reveal when he is captured is played by Stephen Rea, who, appropriately, was also the chief of police in V for Vendetta. The cast is far more upmarket than the Amazon version and it includes some very big names like Geraldine James, Ian McDiamid and James Fox. The team of protagonists seem to represent the kind of people Stephen King writes about; that is, ordinary people thrust into extraordinary situations. It's interesting how they change and adapt to their new lives. Channel 4 hit that message better than Amazon. Jessica Hyde is very different to her depiction on Amazon. She is somewhat older and calmer. She is less emotional than in Sasha Lane's performance of the same character. She is sometimes very cold, bordering on psychopathic. However, she has the same unusual and harrowing background, as a ward of secret government research projects; and on occasions she exhibits the same childlike affectations that reveal her mental trauma, and were so heart-rending in the remake. In the early episodes, she forms a very tender and almost maternal relationship with Grant. She also is attracted to Ian, which of course brings her into conflict with Becky, who is played by a Welsh actress, Alexandra Roach, who speaks with an exaggerated Newport accent. The original is unequivocally explicit in displaying the harshness, deceit and cruelty of its setting. The way that government officials are in the pockets of pharmaceutical corporations, the database state of CCTV, facial recognition systems, internet surveillance should make the most ardent Orwell detractor tremble. In one scene Ian tries desperately to meet up with his brother and the electronic grid spots him despite all his attempts at concealment. We also see staged murders with fabricated news stories to explain them away and people framed with perfectly concocted fake crimes. The conspirators, known as "The Network", are as ruthless and sadistic as they are deceitful. They threaten and blackmail anybody who steps out of line, harm their loved ones and destroy their reputation. Like with the remake, the Channel 4 original includes scenes of violence that are taboo-breaking and extremely disturbing.
The original has a second season which includes an opening flashback episode explaining how the conspiracy began in the 1970's. The central figure in it is Jessica's father, a scientist called Philip Carvel who works on the biotechnology used in the virus and vaccine. He is skilfully depicted like Jesus on occasions, with long hair and a beard, although that was fashionable in the '70's. However sometimes light glows behind him showing him to be the ironic saviour god, the one willing, to quote Christie: "To do enough evil to do good." There are references to real historical events, such as two high profile assassinations in 1979: Richard Sykes, UK's Ambassador to the Netherlands, and Airey Neave, an MP. Both these killings were blamed on a splinter group of the Provisional IRA, but some researchers have cast doubt on that verdict. In the plot of Utopia, both men are eliminated on the orders of The Network. The storyline and script in the original are more comprehensive. For example, this time I understood why Wilson decided to betray his friends, where in the Amazon version it is not properly explained. Both Utopias are described as "dark humour" or "black comedy"; however they are much too harrowing to be funny. They are cynical, unsettling and distressing. Both of them, but the original in particular, is very vivid and resembles the real world very strongly, which could lead people to think carefully about what is actually going on in their own lives. I found it interesting than in many of the outdoor settings, wind turbines can be clearly seen and are obviously included deliberately, emphasising the environmental concerns taken to extremes in the series. In another scene, one of The Network's accomplices berates a young woman at a coach station simply for having a child. Perhaps this is why Utopia 2013 was also cancelled, albeit at least after a getting out a second season. Utopia 2020 only managed one, see: Channel 4 said: "Utopia is truly channel-defining. Strikingly original, powered by Dennis Kelly's extraordinary voice and brought to life in all its technicolour glory through Marc Munden's undeniable creative flair and vision. The team at Kudos (The commissioned producers) delivered a series which has achieved fervent cult status over two brilliantly warped and nail-biting series. It also has the honour of ensuring audiences will never look at a spoon in the same way again (a reference to the scene where Wilson is interrogated). It's always painful to say goodbye to shows we love, but it's a necessary part of being able to commission new drama, a raft of which are launching on the channel throughout 2015." That's not really a very good explanation. If it really had "fervent cult status" then other new fiction could surely be squeezed in around it. As with the Amazon remake, I suspect the real reason the TV networks have shied away from this story is that it so very closely echoes real world affairs, which is viral pandemics and mass vaccination campaigns. Its narrative flies in the face of the official dogma.
See here for background:

Monday 8 March 2021

The Mind Set Podcast Programme 441

I have been featured on Programme 441 of the Mind Set Podcast.
See here for the show:
Subjects discussed include: Gareth's brush with high strangeness, more book-burning, false flags proven true and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on The Mind Set Podcast:

Sunday 7 March 2021

Farage Quits... Again!

Nigel Farage has made an announcement that he is stepping down as leader of the Brexit Party; or, as it is now known, Reform UK (I personally think they should have stuck with the original name, I dislike the new one and the old one is more dynamic and topical). His reasons were the same as the last time he resigned from UKIP after the Brexit referendum on June the 23rd 2016. He gives a summary of his political career and feels he has done what he set out to do. He skips the details of the Brexit Party's foundation. It split from UKIP in 2018 after many UKIP members, including Farage, protested UKIP's association with people they considered disreputable like Tommy Robinson, Carl Benjamin (aka Sargon of Akkad) and Paul Joseph Watson. The new leader of Reform UK is Richard Tice. Source: Farage says he is not retiring from political activism and I suspect his departure from the party is not permanent anyway. It certainly was not in 2016. I feel confident that he will answer the call if he is needed. I think that such a time might be coming soon because yet another crisis in the Brexit process is looming, just when I thought the whole thing was done and dusted, see: The cause is once again the strange engineered demimonde of Northern Ireland. At the moment there is a special protocol in place. Under the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 that ended the Troubles, the border between the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland must remain completely open, but at the same time the EU requires some food produce from outside its trade zone to undergo customs checks. This means a rather cumbersome new boundary has been created between the province and the rest of the UK. However, it was announced by the EU a couple of weeks ago that this protocol was not being enforced and after lots of warnings they are now threatening to take Britain to court over the issue. They're refusing to ratify the December 31st deal until the matter is resolved. Also the political wing of the loyalists is now turning its back on the Good Friday Agreement altogether because they say the Protocol undermines Northern Ireland's sovereignty as one of the constituent nations of the UK. They are frightened that the arrangement might fuel calls for a united Ireland. The nightmare of the Troubles returning is too much for most people on the whole island of Ireland to bear. Boris Johnson has struck back by threatening to default on the Protocol. Source: The predictable response from remoaners will be that this whole predicament is the direct and inevitable result of Brexit itself. This is false, as I've explained many times; see the background link below. The border between the two parts of Ireland has existed for a century now and has been one of the most functional national frontiers in history. The problems we're experiencing today are caused by political sabotage. The remoaners are preparing the ground for the "Rejoin Alliance". We mustn't fall for this kind of trickery.
See here for background:

Saturday 6 March 2021

Mandela Effect Experiment Update

See here for essential background:
The mystery has been solved. As I said in the background link, I could find no evidence for any Mandela effect with the experiment; and now I know exactly what actually happened. My memory was not a dream or fantasy, it was real. The scene with the "you are here" dot on a map that turns into an aerial shot of a real dot painted on a cityscape was present in a music video. However, it was not the video of Our House by Madness, it was the video of (Keep Feeling) Fascination by The Human League, see: The latter was released just six months after the Madness single. I must have watched both on TV and had simply mixed the two up in the chaos of my childhood memories. Many thanks to my social media friend David for finding the solution.

Friday 5 March 2021

Mandela Effect Experiment

On Wednesday I posted the above tableau on social media asking if it meant anything to anybody. This has caused a lot of curiosity and many people have contacted me asking what it was about. I told them that I couldn't explain because this involved an experiment if I told them it would ruin the controls of the experiment. Now the experiment is over I can reveal all. It concerns a video from the '80's two-tone ska band Madness. When I was a child, Madness were very famous and I was fond of their songs. My favourite is probably Our House. The video of this has recently been remastered with a new non-musical intro, see: A few days ago I watched the video and realized that I was possibly experiencing a Mandela effect. You see, that was the first time I had seen this video since around the time of the track's release in 1982, almost forty years ago. I must have watched it on Top of The Pops or a similar musical TV programme. However I remember the start of the video being very different. In the video as I remember it, the opening scene shows a map with a big circular pink spot in the middle with a label next to it saying "You are here"; which is a common feature of maps on public display. The frame then zooms in on the spot and the picture segues to an overhead shot of a street that mirrors exactly the marks on the map. At the place where there is a pink spot on the map is a house. The house and the area around it are all painted pink, the roof, the walls, the garden, the pavement and road outside; in a circle corresponding to the scale of the spot on the map. The video then changes to the familiar one you see above. I first assumed that the remastered video must have edited out that opening or replaced it, so I searched for earlier versions of the video, expecting to find them. I couldn't.
I realized that this might not be a Mandela effect. It might simply be a conflation, a natural error of memory that inevitably occurs over time with everybody. Try watching a film you haven't seen for twenty years; it will be different to how you remember it. Mandela effects are the same distortions of memory shared by numerous other people, see the background links below. In order to test my theory I devised this experiment. I knew that if I just asked people: "Hey, do you remember that Madness video? Did it have a pink spot that turns out to be a painted house?" then that is not a proper experiment because it is presenting them with the idea from me, or even giving them the chance to make up a story, consciously or subconsciously, that they remember it like I do. If this were a true Mandela effect then they would remember what I remember independently of me; so I had to secure the process by not telling anybody. I felt the best method of inquiry was to give out a hint that would jog their false memories, if such memories existed. So I combined the "You are here" spot with a reference to Madness and thought that it would be enough. As it happened, after three days nobody has reported the false memory I have which means it probably is not a Mandela effect. It really is just me. I have misremembered the content on the Madness video because of four decades of conflation. Alternatively I might have confused it for another music video from a long time ago, or even maybe a dream I had. Still, I think doing the experiment was a good idea and if something like this happens again I shall have another try. I recommend using this method if you think you are perhaps afflicted with a Mandela effect and that way we have a chance of discovering a new one supported by proper evidence.
See here for background:

Thursday 4 March 2021

Ben Emlyn-Jones Online at the EAUFO Group 3

I will be speaking in an online event organized by the East Anglia UFO group on Monday the 15th of March. To take part you will need Zoom. This is a free online live communications app, very similar to Skype or Messenger. It can be found here: Install it and create an account. Then press the button that says "join". This will open a box where you can put in the ID you see in the poster above. EAUFO are not charging for the event. It starts at 7.30 PM. My lecture is entitled: "Nottinghamshire Roswell. The Roswell Incident is not the only one of its kind; in fact events like it happen regularly all over the world. In the UK a strange occurrence took place in Nottinghamshire in November 1987. Could we be looking at the 'Nottinghamshire Roswell'? How does it tie in with recent UFO news?" See here for more details: and:
See here for the HPANWO TV video of my previous live appearance at EAUFO:

Wednesday 3 March 2021

UFO Truth Magazine- Issue 47

UFO Truth Magazine Issue 47 is now available. It can be purchased on this page as a single copy, but please subscribe and save money if you want to read it regularly, see:
Issue 47 includes an article in my column entitled UFO Skeptics Get it Wrong Again.
Also you will find in Issue 47: alien abduction syndrome, UAPTF developments, will we find life on Mars? and much much more.
Also in this HPANWO Show programme I interview the UFO Truth Magazine's editor Gary Heseltine:
See here for details on UFO Truth Magazine Issue 46:

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Trump at CPAC

President Trump has spoken at the Conservative Political Action Committee. This is his first major public appearance since losing the presidency in the November election... allegedly. Personally, if I'd been MC-ing the event I'd have introduced him thus: "Ladies and gentlemen, the REAL president of the United States... Donald Trump!" It was an extraordinary event to watch. He spoke as if he were an active political leader instead of a former statesman in retirement. It was a hotly anticipated presentation and he came onto stage with a standing ovation (Interestingly people have been claiming the design of the CPAC stage has occult symbology, see: Patriotic music played in the background, including the song Proud to be an American by Lee Greenwood, which has become something of an anthem for Trump. It felt exactly like one of Trump's hustings. You could be forgiven for thinking that he is still the president!... What if he is? Maybe this is why he could be legally impeached, see: Candace Owens wasted no time pointing out that the viewing figures for Trump's CPAC speech far exceeded any address made so far by "President" Joe Biden, see: Trump's tone was optimistic and defiant. He once again stated that the mission he and his supporters are on is not over. It's only just beginning. "In the end, we will win!" he said. Source:
Commentators have provided fascinating analysis to this remarkable event. The Democrats are continuing their obsession with who is supposed to be the ex-president. They've rehashed their previous empty accusations about Trump's tax returns. Trump has still not conceded the election and maintains his position that the vote was stolen by electoral fraud. He never once uses the term "President Biden". The only time he refers to his supposed successor was as "the chief executive" which has a very different legal meaning. See: and: and: Joe Biden and his accomplices are continuing to crouch in terror behind a ring of steel. Rather strange considering Biden is supposed to be the most popular president in American history with an electoral mandate that is unprecedented. Why is not doing the Lambeth Walk up and down Pennsylvania Avenue every day while millions of his fans cheer ecstatically? He, Harris, Pelosi and others are actually acting like a bunch of naughty schoolchildren who are scared of getting caught. Biden's administration is still desperately rushing to restore the pre-Trump globalist status quo. They have carried out a military strike in the Middle East already. I knew this would be on the cards, but it's happened even sooner than I expected, see:  A number of commentators have looked forward to the mid-term elections in 2022 or the next presidential election in 2024. It is clear Trump intends to stick with the GOP and rumours of him starting his own party are false. The phrase "Trump 2024!" has been repeated everywhere. This is where they are overlooking an obvious problem; unless the conspiracy to rig the 2020 election is exposed then Trump cannot run for election again, in fact nobody can ever run for election again except elitist hacks because anybody else will be stopped by fraud. The good news is that I think President Trump himself is aware of this problem and intends to deal with it. I look forward to Trump returning to his rightful place in the White House very soon.
See here for background:

Monday 1 March 2021

The Mind Set Podcast Programme 440

I have been featured on Programme 440 of the Mind Set Podcast.
See here for the show:
Subjects discussed include: Remembering Ian R Crane, UFO airliner close encounter, occult symbolism at CPAC and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on The Mind Set Podcast: