The biggest reason for my decision to bin the full review is that the show contains virtually no new information at all, no material that has not been discussed before and found to be extremely questionable to say the least. I’m sure the programme actually contained scenes that were put in the original Conspiracy Files TV show that was broadcast a few years ago. I lost count of the number of times the pejorative phrase “conspiracy theory” was mentioned, but it was at least 3 times in the intro. Believers in the official story are never called by that name, although technically they are. There were the standard traumatized witnesses saying: “These eeeeeeeeevil conspiracy theorists just don’t care about the 9/11 victims or the pain they’re causing the relatives...” I’d answer by asking the person why it’s necessary to cover up a murder in order to show respect for the victims of that crime.
The only difference between this and other disfiguring anal disorders I’ve suffered is that they had a little bit in it about the Bin Laden “killing”. They even produced a real CIA agent to convince us that the Bin Laden killing was true! I cover this story here: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2011/05/osama-bin-laden-is-dead-duh.html It might have also helped to interview a member of the special forces team which carried out the assassination, but unfortunately they’ve been killed in an air crash... purely by coincidence I’m sure. OW! I need to get some Preparation H! If I lie down could one of you put them in for me?