Sunday 31 May 2015

It's a Small World

When I travelled to Australia a few years ago I was expecting to feel excited at the prospect of arriving in some really exotic place, but when I got there the sensation was lukewarm and a bit anticlimactic. One of the first sights that greeted me at Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport was a branch of the Newsagents chain WH Smith; this is a household name in the UK and there was one in the departure lounge at London's Heathrow Airport where I set sail from my shores. I never thought I'd encounter one on the other side of the world. It got worse; as I walked along the streets of Sydney, Canberra and Alice Springs I saw the exact same high street names above the shop doorways that I see in Oxford. I had a meal in the Pizza Hut and as I was sitting in my seat and looked around me it struck me that if I didn't know in advance it would be impossible to tell where I was in the world. I had flown almost halfway around the world, but I felt distinctly that I had not travelled very far. There are some other far more poignant examples:

This is the Nome, Alaska branch of Subway. Nome is one of the remotest and most inaccessible places on Earth. It lies on the far north western extremity of North America, where the continent meets Asia at the Bering Straits. There are not even any roads that lead to Nome... but it still has a Subway!

Fancy a Big Mac in Seoul, South Korea?

This is one of the biggest KFC's I've ever seen and it's in Mumbai, India.

This branch of Barclays bank is in Zambia, a remote landlocked nation in southern Africa.

We do indeed live in a small world, and it's become a very uniform world. Native cultures are being swamped by unitary global fashions; and the commercial retail side of life is one of the principle means by which this is achieved. I did manage to find places in Australia that really were unique, but only when I got right out into the deep desert where mostly Aborigines live. In order to slow the advance of the world culture we must maintain whatever indigenous lifestyle we have.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Big Screener is Watching You

The other day I received the strangest of letters through the door. It was correctly named and addressed to me in print made to look like handwriting to give it a more informal mien. It was from a private health company called Bluecrest Health Screening, see: (Beware! When you click this link the website will try to note your location; if you don’t want it to, check your browser settings first to make sure you have the option of blocking it) The letter informed me that an appointment had been made for me on June the 17th for a full screening of my general health; including blood clotting, diabetes risk, liver function, lipid profile, arthritis risk, blood pressure, metabolism, hydration levels, body mass index, visceral fat levels and much much more. The only invasive procedure would be a blood sample and I would be able to remain fully-dressed except for having to remove my shoes to be weighed. Oddly enough the location of this clinic is not in a hospital but is at the Kassam Stadium, a football ground near where I live which is home to Oxford United. I presume this will be at the Kassam’s adjacent conference suites and not in the middle of the pitch. Nevertheless, this is a highly unusual location to conduct healthcare services. As you’ve probably guessed, I will of course not be attending; I considered calling to cancel my appointment, but then thought: “why the hell should I?” I didn’t make the appointment in the first place; it was made for me by somebody else without my knowledge or consent. One unspoken subtext to the letter is money. Nobody has yet asked me to part with a penny, but how long would that situation last? This newspaper article does indicate that at some point I would be charged a fee, maybe for that one little extra cancer-screening test to give me that “additional peace of mind”, see: There’s an element of understatement in this article though because the commercialization of healthcare has gone way beyond cold-calling for checkovers; it has infected everything, even… nay, especially… within the NHS, see:

Healthcare has also been highly politicized. Somebody I know who cleans a GP’s surgery has told me how the posters on the walls and the take-home leaflets in the boxes are not just the ones to do with eating healthier and getting more exercise etc; they’re about how vaccines are safe and nobody should pay any attention to the naysayers, that GMO crops are healthy or that organic food is no better than any other kind. The surgery even gives away glossy magazines with articles on this subject. One pamphlet I saw is called What’s it got to do with YOU?- 10 reasons why you should fill in those funny box things at the end of forms. It addresses concerns people have, including me, with the demographic surveys at the end of official documents, especially medical ones. You know, the ones where they ask your age group, race, religion, what languages you speak etc. One page is entitled Big Brother is NOT watching you, funny as that may seem, and it seeks to reassure the reader that the information being gathered has no malevolent and sinister intent. It’s good that enough people are concerned about this for a backlash to be arranged. The information “goes to help make things better, that’s where it goes! It tells the authorities where to direct their services… they can’t change things without your help… They’re not being nosy!... There are very strict laws to make sure they protect the information and deal with it responsibly… If you don’t fill in the form and then find that no one’s thought about YOUR needs, well, you can hardly complain can you?” The pamphlet is published by Stonewall, a LGBT welfare charity, see: I am well aware that in many instances “gay rights” is a perfectly legitimate issue, but like so much else in our society that seems on the surface to be benevolently standing up for the underdog, it can be abused, see: I’m also concerned with the question of how Bluecrest found out my name and address. According to the electoral register I’m still living at the place I used to over four years ago and I can’t be bothered to update it. It’s possible that they simply dipped into the various advertisers’ and marketers’ databases that all of us inevitably end up on, see: However most of those spell my name wrong. In fact I can even categorize my junk mail according to the different misspellings of my name. It wouldn’t surprise me if they’d got access to my file at my GP’s surgery. I have naturally opted out of the national patient database, but there’s so much corruption in the NHS nowadays that I wouldn’t be surprised if somebody on the inside has sold patients’ personal details for five pounds a name. It doesn’t matter to the healthcare system; so long as the consuming herds are marched into place on the rotating sickness gravy train; it’s all well and good. That is the ultimate objective.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Ben Emlyn-Jones at the Helen Duncan Convention

There will be a Helen Duncan Convention on the Friday the 21st and Saturday the 22nd of August 2015. The venue will be The Victory Club, 85 Chellaston Road, Derby, DE24-9AF. Tickets cost £5 per day on the door. Doors open 10 AM both days. This is the first ever event of its kind which is being organized by Margaret Hahn, Helen's granddaughter, who is campaigning to have her grandmother pardoned, see: I'm very glad to be involved because I have been following Helen Duncan's case and feel strongly about it. I have made three films on the subject; here is the latest with some updates: I will be speaking at the first Helen Duncan Convention on the history of the 1944 "Witchcraft Trial" and the suspicious circumstances surrounding it. I'll be exploring the political implications of what was done to Helen Duncan all those years ago. Margaret will talk about who her grandmother was as a person and the role she played in her family. If this conference is a success then it will hopefully become an annual event until such time as the government secrets about Helen Duncan are revealed. Regular HPANWO-readers will know that I'm also giving a presentation on Helen Duncan at an upcoming Bases Project Conference, see: #helenduncan

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Exopol M/C 2015

The Seventh Annual British Exopolitics Expo is coming soon and I very much recommend it. It will be held on the weekend of October the 17th and 18th of this year at the Leeds Beckett University (not named after the organizer). If you purchase your ticket now you will get it at an early bird discount, just £40 for the whole conference, see: You can also pay by cheque or postal order made out to "Exopolitics Great Britain," and send it to the address in the above link. There is once again a line-up of internationally renowned speakers including Richard Dolan, Mary Rodwell, Robbie Graham, Nigel Mortimer, Pierre Sabak, Steve Mera, Mike Clelland and Mr Exopolitics Leeds himself, Anthony Beckett. See here for a HPANWO Radio interview with Anthony: (We'll hopefully be doing another one of these soon) The compère will once again be myself. I really enjoyed being M/C for both Exopolitics events last year, the Second ET Communications Conference and the Sixth Expo, and so I'm really glad to be invited to do it again.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Twitter Joke Trial

After the general election last week there was of course an outbreak of satire and parody on social media, see: One of my friends posted a picture of Westminster flooded under about ten feet of water. I commented: "I'll blow up the Thames Flood Barrier and keep my fingers crossed! :-)" My friend immediately contacted me and asked me to add a disclaimer that I was only joking. At first I thought that he was joking, but he was serious. I suspect he was concerned because of a legal precedent that took place a few years ago. It is one of the stupidest criminal trials that has ever taken place and is a perfect illustration of the times we live in. In December 2009 a man called Paul Chambers had booked to go on holiday. He was due to fly out from Robin Hood Airport in South Yorkshire, but his flight had been cancelled due to heavy snowfall. Chambers was annoyed and inpatient and so he Tweeted: "Crap! Robin Hood Airport is closed. You've got a week and a bit to get your shit together otherwise I'm blowing the airport sky high!" Somebody in the airport's management saw the Tweet and called the police. Mr Chambers was arrested by the anti-terrorist squad and his house was searched. His phone and computer were taken in as forensic evidence and he was charged with "sending a public electronic message that was grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character contrary to the Communications Act 2003". He was found guilty and fined £600; he also lost his IT job as a direct result. He appealed at the High Court and won; thanks to support from celebrities like Stephen Fry and Al Murray. His lawyer was David Allen Green, known as the blogger "Jack of Kent", see main site links column. Thousands of his Twitter followers did a Spartacus by reTweeting his infamous message. The cost in taxpayers' money for this farce was in the hundreds of thousands of pounds, see:

It's good that so many people understand how we are living in a Big Brother state and want to do something to stop it; I just hope it's not too late. This state of affairs has crept up on us so slowly that we haven't even noticed. I suspect that everybody reading this can think of an example in their own lives. I've written before about the fingerprinting of my daughter at school, see: At the same school she was in as Nativity play one Christmas and one of the teachers got up on stage before it started to tell us that we were not allowed to take photographs or films because of new "child protection" legislation (I might ask how none of this legislation seems to be very good at protecting children from the legislators, see: We've also seen a man arrested on grounds of behaving suspiciously... because he had his hands in his pockets, see: It's become habitual now for people to watch every move they make and screen every word they say. Political correctness is another part of this Orwellian regime. I reported a few days ago about the anti-feminist female artist being banned from a convention, see:; and today a bakery in Northern Ireland have been prosecuted because they did want to make a cake for a gay wedding, see: Personally it doesn't bother me at all if a homosexual couple want to get married; good luck to them, but I'm very disturbed by the idea that the opposing viewpoint has actually been criminalized. Ultimately this leads to thoughtcrime in its completely Orwellian sense. We must resist it at every opportunity; we must all show the spirit that Paul Chambers' supporters did.

Monday 18 May 2015

Trident Submariner Speaks Out

Britain's Royal Navy is supposed to be synonymous across the military world with efficiency, power and excellence, but is this just a public persona intended to paint over the rust of corruption, squalor and negligence? The latest cable from Wikileaks would suggest so. This is a very significant exposé because in this case the whistleblower has gone completely public; he has allowed photographs of his Royal Navy ID card and even his passport to be published. His testimony is of vital interest to the public because it involves nuclear weapons. The whistleblower is AB (Able Seaman) William McNeilly and he was training as a weapons engineering technician for the UK's Trident strategic missile nuclear deterrent. He served in one of the four Vanguard-class ballistic missile submarines based at Faslane on the Firth of Clyde in Scotland. These huge subs are armed with the American Trident D5 missiles which can deliver nuclear warheads thousands of miles away and wipe out any nation which dares to attack the United Kingdom. This weapons system is highly controversial and at the moment the government is considering whether or not to replace Trident with a new and similar service in the near future, when the existing platforms and missiles become too old, see below and background links.

When he arrived at the Faslane base for his training AB McNeilly was very concerned by the lax level of security. The sentries guarding the secure part of the harbour where the submarines are berthed did not examine any of the trainees' ID properly, and this was a trend that continued after McNeilly joined a Trident crew. The gate to the wharf had an electronic lock where you have to enter a PIN code, but it was broken. He was also not searched and found it easy to smuggle unauthorized possessions onto the boat in a kitbag of private and contraband items like e-cigarettes and smart phones. Security at Faslane is not as stringent as in post-9/11 airports. "It's harder to get into most nightclubs than to get into the secure area of the base." McNeilly laments. It would be easy for a terrorist to bring a bomb on board and cause the worst nuclear accident the country has ever seen. The danger of Trident is not just the weapon system itself, but the toxic material inside the warheads and inside the nuclear powerplant of the submarine. Any explosion on board might expose them to the environment and create a Fukushima-type situation. As regular HPANWO-readers will know, in my view it's not just terrorists we have to worry about but government false-flag operations. "Prouty's Law" states that terrorist attacks do not happen, they are allowed to happen. The active role is played by those responsible for the security of the intended victim withdrawing their protection at a crucial time which allows the terrorist an opportunity to prosecute his target. In any investigation, don't look at the killer, look at those who were running security and failed their charge. However in the case of HMS Neptune, Faslane base, it appears there is nothing to withdraw. Trident submariners are also in grave personal danger from breaches of food hygiene and poor sanitation. Submarines that put to sea on long patrols have to take everything they need with them and nothing is wasted. Sometimes spoiled meat and other foodstuffs from dustbins are pulled out and added to the boat's stores. Drinking water is distilled from seawater and sewage has to be pumped overboard, but sometimes the plumbing systems leak and toilet water can flood out and contaminate the pressure hull. When dived deep on active deterrence patrol this is very unhealthy and many of the crew became sick from poor air quality. Fire-fighting equipment was also not stored correctly which is a deadly hazard because fire on a submarine is one of the most common causes of boats being lost. The Trident submarines are in a terrible mechanical state and everything seemed to be breaking down. Again, in some cases this can kill when it comes to the air supply, water, electrical power and the high pressure air bottles used to dump ballast. Electrical and chemical fires are commonplace due to poor maintenance, but also fires caused by much more stupid and easily-avoidable errors that a child should be able to spot, like storing toilet rolls by piling them up against a hot electrical appliance for instance. There have been many near-misses in which a Trident boat has almost been lost because of fires breaking out in crucial areas of the vessel like the engine room or missile compartment. If a missile becomes overheated its fuel might ignite inside the launch tube which would certainly result in the destruction of the submarine. Also the control surfaces, the hydroplanes, sometimes fail which is just like an aircraft losing its rudder and wing flaps. The aircraft would crash, so might the submarine. Without the hydroplanes it could lose depth control, especially if this is combined with engine failure due to fire, and the boat will then either float to the surface and risk collision with a surface ship, or plunge to such a great depth that its hull would be crushed by the sea pressure. "It's only a matter of time until a boat sinks." warns AB McNeilly chillingly. Whenever a submarine sinks it usually involves the deaths of everyone on board, see the Kursk and Thetis etc. The crew were also far from shipshape and Bristol fashion. There was none of the famous naval discipline we hear about; in fact the Trident boat's personnel were extraordinarily lackadaisical. Very often essential stations were left unmanned or manned by unqualified members of the crew, and the officers and senior ratings did nothing to improve the situation. Things were tidied up for the captain's inspection or for the various publicity events, but when the cat was away the mice played. Classified material relating to the submarine's engineering and nuclear weapons systems was not stowed securely and sometimes the boat's officers would take top secret documents home with them and leave them lying around like a holiday brochure. Navigation charts are also top secret because they show the Trident patrol areas, information which would allow an enemy to locate and destroy the submarines; yet McNeilly, a rated technician not authorized to view them, was shown these charts by a navigation officer. At one point he was also allowed to climb inside one of the missile tubes and examine one of the warheads, a bomb ten times the yield of the one dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. Some of the personalities on board the submarine were alarming too. Among McNeilly's shipmates was a man who liked killing small animals, one who enjoyed watching violent pornography and one who kept starting fights for no reason with his shipmates while out at sea. There are certainly men with psychopathic tendencies in control of the nation's nuclear deterrent. McNeilly reminds us of the incident in Southampton a few years ago in which a member of the crew in one of the new high-tech Astute-class hunter-killer submarines went on a shooting rampage killing one of his shipmates, see:
AB McNeilly says: "One of the main reasons nobody tries to talk about it is they've a lot to lose. A submariner in the Royal Navy gets paid quite a lot of money. They're handing out £50,000 bonuses, to keep people in the job. You're guaranteed to lose everything, if you talk; career, money, everything you own, your freedom, possibly your life, contact with family and friends. It's a lot to lose especially if you think there's a good chance you won't get much information, if any, out before you're caught, and of course there's good chance any information you do get out will be covered up. I know I have gained enough information to eliminate the biggest threat the UK faces. I also gained the knowledge that my desire to serve the people no matter what, wasn't some fantasy. I will sacrifice everything for the people I serve. I may be losing a great job, the money, the freedom, and possibly my life, but it's no longer the fight for those things that drives me; I'm driven by a vision of a better world. There's still one thing that does bring a few tears to my eyes. That's knowing this might cause my family and friends any kind of emotional pain. I'm here through my own choice; I could have kept my career, I could have sold the information and made millions. If I die it wasn't suicide. I'm willing to sacrifice everything, but I would never use my own hand to take my life." See here for the Wikileaks article: On the BBC it has just been reported that McNeilly plans to hand himself in to the police, see: I commend AB William McNeilly for his bravery and hope it is not in vain. It's ironic because most public information on submarines comes from Cold War thrillers like Tom Clancy's The Hunt for Red October in which the Russians are portrayed as backward, sloppy and incompetent whilst America and her allies are always advanced, polished and professional. However if AB McNeilly is right then it seems that the Royal Navy has produced a submarine service which is every bit as contemptible as the most derogatory jingoistic fictional portrayal of the other. I find this story especially evocative because if it were not for a twist of fate I myself might well have been where he is. I was once on a very similar career path to McNeilly when I was unceremoniously kicked off the Royal Navy's training cycle because of a fitness issue; would I have had the guts to do what he has just done? McNeilly seethes over the billions of pounds in taxpayers' money being showered onto such a decrepit system, and herein lies the problem I think. Trident is a highly politicized government operation and it always has been. In the background links you'll see that I have written before several times about the proposed renewal of Trident and when something is made such a Parliamentary hot topic it risks becoming dysfunctional due to political pressure. In this way Trident is very like the NHS; indeed McNeilly's report gives me a strange sense of familiarity. A lot of the issues he found wrong with his Trident submarine I could apply in their own way to my hospital. The NHS, which I was a part of for almost my entire working life, has degenerated into a pale shadow of its former self; see the HPWA in the links column. Maybe this was because it stopped doing the job it was supposed to do in order to become an entity of political propaganda. In that way Trident is the same. The difference is that the breakdown of the NHS cannot destroy the world in a nuclear fireball, the breakdown of Trident can. If we needed another reason to scrap this perilous white elephant, this must surely be it.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Ben Emlyn-Jones to speak at Bases at Merlin's Mound

I'm pleased to report that I will be speaking at the first of the summer conferences by the Bases Project. I've always admired Bases, see background links below, and so am delighted to be included on their speakers' list. This event was originally going to be an alternative Egyptology special hosted by Antoine Gigal, see:; however this was cancelled because Antoine has fallen ill. I wish her a complete and speedy recovery. Her event has been replaced by another on the same day, time and venue and will feature three speakers including myself. My lecture, Helen Duncan, is based on my film Helen Duncan- Wartime Psychic Jailed, see background links, but will include important and exclusive new updates. My bio and blurb will read: "Ben Emlyn-Jones is a researcher into the paranormal, government cover-ups, UFO's and similar subject from Oxford. His talk will be about the strange case of Helen Duncan. The 1944 'Witchcraft Trial' in which psychic medium Helen Duncan was imprisoned for nine months now took place seventy-one years ago, yet it still arouses controversy and is as relevant today as it's ever been. It concerns the true nature of reality, life and death. How much our rulers know about it? And how much are they willing to let us know? Will contain important and exclusive new updates!" (See: The other two speakers are Miles Johnston, director of the Bases Project (see below for his HPANWO Radio interview), and Cara St Louis, an activist, journalist and author on chemtrails. This webpage for the Bases at Merlin's Mound event will be updated over time: The venue is the Woodborough Social Club, Smithy Lane, Woodborough, Wiltshire, SN95PL, a couple of miles south of The Barge at Honeystreet. The date is Saturday the 20th of June, doors open at 10 AM and tickets cost £25 if you order them from the above webpage; £30 on the door.

Saturday 16 May 2015

My Last Word on the Roswell Slides

It's over. There is now no doubt at all and the case is closed. The creature depicted in the Roswell Slides is the mummy of a two-year old boy produced by the ancient Mesa Verde civilization, a culture which emerged in New Mexico and its surrounds over three thousand years ago. It is not an alien body. It is 100% human and 100% terrestrial. Moves are afoot to see if the actual mummy can be found again. It might still be on display somewhere or in storage at a museum, in which case with any luck we can get a modern photograph of it; it probably still looks the same. Then again it might have been given to the Pueblo Indians, the modern descendents of the Mesa Verde people, for burial. After Anthony Bragalia's confession, see background links, Don Schmitt has followed suit. He was one of the principle original spokesmen for the Roswell Slides' promoters. See:
"From Don Schmitt:
'It would seem like I've been here before... Asking my friends and colleagues to accept my sincerest apology for my participation in the recent event in Mexico City. I accept full responsibility for the fact that I allowed myself to be drawn into this situation, albeit with the best of intentions, I sacrificed my better judgement by being overly trusting when I should have known better. As one strives to make up for the mistakes of the past, there are times that emotions cause one to outrun their headlights. In my case, I ran it right off the road. Through the years I have worked hard to earn back your respect and confidence in my work only to presently jeopardize it all. For that I am especially remorseful. I am afraid that after spending almost half of my life devoted to one specific investigation, I allowed the allure of final resolution cloud my skeptical nature to be replaced by a false vision of hope. I now realize that the image in the slides is a mummy as specified by the display placard. At this time I consider the matter concluded and intend on moving forward. My only desire is that you try to understand that I never wilfully did anything to mislead or misrepresent what I thought was the truth and I only acted with the best of objectives. Still, if I have offended or hurt anyone through my participation in this event, you have my deepest apology and have every right to hold it against me. When the truth finally was made known to all of us, I realized that I could only blame myself for not only failing you, but more sadly, failing myself. I must do better. And with God's help and your understanding, I promise I will.
Donald R. Schmitt'."
That's a very dignified, honest and noble thing he's said and I wish Don all the best. I hope he can move on and rebuild his life after this disaster. People who denounced the slides from day one, like Philip Mantle and Kevin Randle, have been completely vindicated. Here's a radio show with both of them: At the time I thought they were being excessively cynical, but obviously their attitude was justified in the light of subsequent events.

During the weeks leading up to the Be Witness pageant in Mexico I became somewhat obsessed with the Roswell Slides, see the background links below. I took a very similar line to Richard Dolan, I was enthusiastic just in case they were the real deal, but never let go of the possibility that the slides might not be extraterrestrial. I don't regret anything I've done; it's easy for anyone to repudiate previous actions with retrospect. However I think I addressed the possibility in a positive and level headed way. It was a bit of a gamble, like getting on a ship. The ship might sail away and sink with you on it, yet it might sail to a beautiful new world and leave you standing on the quay. The UFO community is right now resonating with the sound of questions: "How!?"... "Who!?"... "Why!?"... The "how" questions are ones I'll have to leave for another day; not all the information thereof has come out yet. As for the "who", I'm also not going to comment at present. Lots of fingers are pointing right now, but I don't know who is to blame for this. Clearly some people got involved without intending any harm and were perhaps misled by others who were deliberate deceivers, for whatever purpose. Perhaps when more information comes to light we'll know the answers. As for the "why", I do speculate, especially in Programme 9 of The Poker, see background links below, and in an upcoming UFO Truth magazine article, that this could be an attempt at disinformation. If so then we can only try to break through it with our own information. The Roswell Slides will not go away; we have yet to experience the full Skeptic backlash. Right now though I want to leave this train wreck behind me and move on; I'm not alone there. So I hope sincerely that this will be my last word on the matter.

Friday 15 May 2015

Hellstorm- the Movie

As a child I travelled to Germany on a school trip once and was surprised by how modern everything looked compared to England, especially in the big cities. I found out many years later that this is because most of Germany's buildings are postwar. During World War II, which engulfed the world from 1939 to 1945, almost everything standing in Germany was destroyed. The story of the end of the war and the aftermath from the point of view of the defeated enemy has never been told in the mainstream. History, as they say, is written by the winners; the Allies, primarily Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States of America. In the first of that triumvirate, the country where I live, the sanctity of the Allied cause is never questioned; we brave Brits stood firm against the evil fascist menace! It's a major part of our national self-esteem. World War II is seen by the British as the ultimate virtuous war, good vs evil of an almost fairytale simplicity. In Soviet Russia it was called the "Great Patriotic War" and is similarly regarded, even in the post-Soviet era. Hollywood has helped promote the nobility of the war through its heroes like John Wayne, Steve McQueen and John Mills. However the victor in a war is never asked if he's telling the truth. It has taken a long time for the testimony of the vanquished to finally surface and it's without a doubt the most horrific untold story of twentieth century history. A film called Hellstorm has just been released, see: It's based on a book of the same title by the co-producer Thomas Goodrich, see: It's told from a pro-Nazi standpoint which is not one I share; however I don't believe pro-Nazis are "EEEEEEvil!", just mistaken, and when I meet them I debate politely with them; there are many nowadays in the Conspirasphere. When Goodrich was asked to describe in a single word what Germany was like during 1945 and in the few years afterwards he said that what happened was beyond genocide, beyond a holocaust... he could only think of one word: Hellstorm.
A few days ago in Britain and in the USA we celebrated the seventieth anniversary of VE Day, the official ending of the war in Europe. The elderly veterans and their families paraded through the streets of London to much fanfare and the Royals were out in full regalia, yet a few months ago another anniversary took place, that of the bombing of Dresden. The date was virtually ignored. The Dresden bombing was a part of what was known in Germany as "terror bombing"; it served no military purpose it was a simple act of wanton destruction, and it was destruction of the most excessive kind. Squadrons of aircraft, mostly from the British RAF, flew wave after wave of carpet bombing runs across the city. This was followed by incendiaries that started fires all over Dresden. A firestorm erupted that consumed everything in its path. The city was crowded with refugees from the east where the Soviets were invading and so the full death toll in just three nights of bombing could be as high as three to four hundred thousand people; all innocent civilians, mostly women, children and old people. The beautiful architecture of Dresden was eradicated. RAF and American fighters even strafed the city parks where people were taking shelter. This obliteration was mirrored in Hamburg, Bonn, Cologne, Munich and many other cities. I have an acquaintance who had been a British solider in Germany in 1946 and he told me there were an incalculable number of bodies buried under the rubble and everybody could smell them, see: As the Allies closed in on Berlin another depravity emerged which I find repulsive to contemplate, the systematic annihilation of German womanhood. As the Red Army moved across the countryside they committed mass gang-rapes of all the women they could find, even old ladies and young girls, in the most sadistic way imaginable. They also killed people on a vast number; men who tried to rescue their wives, daughters or mothers were murdered by being dismembered with carpenters' tools. Contrary to what feminists might tell you, this was not just a case of "men being men!" Such war crimes, on that scale, never just happen spontaneously. This atrocity was organized at the very highest levels of Red Army command and the Soviet troops were actually ordered to commit these barbarous acts. Infrastructure was destroyed too. Farms were burned, orchards cut down, food and other resources were torched. As the cities were all reduced to smouldering ash pits and the vicious Soviets ploughed westwards exterminating everything in their path, people fled any way they could, some on foot. It was the middle of winter and bitterly cold, and many quickly froze to death. There was only one avenue of escape, northwards to the sea. The ports of Danzig and Kolburg filled with over a million people hoping to break out across the Baltic Sea to Sweden or western Germany. Every ship available was packed to the gunwales with as many passengers as they could carry before setting sail. A large proportion of the people left behind simply died of hunger and exposure in the streets. The relief of those who managed to get on board the ships was short lived. Soviet submarines were waiting and as soon as the ships left port they closed like wolves. They launched their torpedoes from the impunity of the ocean depths against the slow, unarmed and overloaded merchant vessels. In one case over two thousand people drowned when a single cruise ship was sunk, more than who died on Titanic. From the west came other Allied nations Britain, the USA and France. The natives in the western Germany hoped to be treated better than their compatriots in the Soviet-occupied sector, but in many cases they weren't. Captured prisoners-of-war were redesignated "disarmed enemy troops" by General Dwight Eisenhower so he could circumvent the Geneva Convention on a technicality. He confined them to "camps" which were nothing more than fenced off fields. The inmates were given little food or water and there were no latrines. Many died of hunger, thirst and disease. They had to dig holes in the ground to sleep in because there was no shelter and so laid in their own sewage. Over 1.5 million German PoW's died in Eisenhower's killing fields, that is more than twice the number who fell in action during the six years of the war. The rest of the population were "de-Nazified" which meant being beaten, electrocuted, having their teeth pulled out and being deprived of sleep, until they confessed to being a Nazi. Guess what? They all confessed to being Nazis. The Germany we see today is the end product of that process, a shadow of its former self; it's really a miracle it even exists at all as a sovereign state and cultural zone. In fact there was talk among to Allies of wiping Germany off the map completely; they planned to extend the borders of France and the Low Countries eastwards and Poland westwards until they met in the middle. Under such a model the German language would be banned until it became extinct, along with all German culture.

I'm writing very matter-of-factly about this subject; however it has upset me like no other. Be warned, when you watch Hellstorm or read the book you will shed a tear or two. Nothing can possibly justify what was done to Germany and her people at the end of World War II. As I said above, I don't believe Hitler was a good guy. He was not the anti-New World Order activist that some people in the Truth movement have acclaimed him as. Adolf Hitler was probably the illegitimate grandson of Eugene Rothschild. His grandmother had become pregnant with Adolf's father Alois Hitler when she was working at the Rothschilds' Vienna mansion and had had an affair with one of the Rothschild gentry. Hitler's regime involved the destruction of all German Jewry, and he made no distinction between Zionist and non-Zionist Jews. In Nazi Germany disabled children were sterilized or even killed. At the end of the war Hitler fled and lived to a ripe old age in South America, see: The Nazi party was bankrolled by western business and finance, exactly as Kaiser Wilhelm II had, and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia a generation before. One of the Nazis' most significant benefactors was Prescott Bush, father and grandfather of two US presidents, George HW and George W. I think Hitler was put in place by the Illuminati to play a certain role, but very quickly he turned against them. This doesn't mean he was a nice guy; he may have had his own selfish and malevolent reasons for rebelling against the Illuminati. However from the Illuminati's point of view that makes no difference; they are merciless and brutal to all those who challenge them, and there has been no event in history as merciless and brutal as the Hellstorm. It's impossible to know for sure how many Germans died in the Hellstorm, but it almost certainly exceeds any estimate for Holocaust victims. This book and film demolish the myth of the just war, the "good vs evil" fantasy fable. The "fascist menace" was not beaten, it won! And it still rules the world today. This is a book and film that has come too late. Most of the survivors are now dead; but like Goodrich, I hope their posthumous voices can now be heard. Goodrich says that he doesn't hate anybody and he has no axe to grind against any individuals, nations or races. He just wants to make sure something like the Hellstorm never happens again, to anybody anywhere. Amen to that.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Tom Crawford Wins in Court

Tom Crawford has been returned to court over his case following the completely unsuccessful attempt to evict him from his home a few weeks ago. This was repulsed by a popular uprising of over seven hundred of Tom's supporters and well-wishers; I wish so much I had been able to attend myself. Amazingly his creditors, Bradford and Bingley, never even showed up in court. Very strangely, their legal team do not want a fee; how often do solicitors not want their fees!? It seems that their entire case has fallen apart and they're trying to save face; blaming computer errors and other excuses. Tom's daughter Amanda Pike has issued another statement on Facebook:
Share, share, share! Can't tag everyone (on Facebook). Here's the news from big poppa Crawford:
Basically... we've shown the court that we're in honour. But Bradford and Bingley have dishonoured the court by not turning up. And the reason is because we won and they lost. The judge basically ruled in our favour, but tried save face with clever words. It appears that it's against us, but it's actually for us. Remember this fucker works for the banks basically. So has to do it the right way to seem better and speaks in legalise. He's protecting his investors ultimately.

This is excellent news. I truly love this world when I see justice being done. I hope it encourages others to rebel against the crooked and oppressive financial system that is one of the most common weapons the elite use to control us. My good friend and fellow radio show presenter Lisa Sunkmanitu Wakan has been covering this case in more detail than I have, see: Lisa was also a guest on the HPANWO Show where we brought up this subject, see: and: When the eviction was due about seven hundred people showed up; they filled the entire street in Nottingham. What was sad was that some of Tom's neighbours came out to abuse and criticize the protesters. Why? It could be them next! Don't they have unlawful mortgages too? Unfortunately this is the effect of negative propaganda in the mainstream media; I hope broadcasts like mine and Lisa's are helping to break through that.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Tesco makes Record Loss

Some good news today; Tesco, that great Satan of the retail world, ended the last financial year more than 6.4 billion pounds gross in the red. Despite paying its workforce as little as possible and even creating three thousand "work experience" placements for the unemployed (see: the supermarket giant has entered a terrible financial crisis. These losses are its worst ever and one of the biggest in the corporate history of Britain. The BBC's business correspondent Kamal Ahmed puts this down to a combination of factors all being exposed at the same time, a practice known as "kitchen sinking", see: Apparently in sales revenue terms alone the chain is still operating at a 1.4 billion pound profit, which is still a reduction by 60% on 2013, but the value of its infrastructure has plummeted. The property value of its three thousand stores nationwide isn't worth a fraction of what it used to and Tesco already have plans to close forty-three of them.

I may be getting my hopes too high, but I can't help wondering if this is the effect of a lack of consumer confidence in a particular kind of way. The key words are in Mr Ahmed's blog where he writes: "...and shoppers turning away from larger out-of-town stores...". Does this means that shoppers have become aware of the greater economic consequences of their shopping habits and are starting to spend their money more ethically? Perhaps. In April last year, the beginning of the same financial year that crushed Tesco, I reported that the Nisa franchise had recorded a record-breaking ten percent rise in sales profits, see: Nisa are a chain of grocers run by independent cooperative small companies. They were specifically established to cater for the caring consumer. In its own words: "In 1977 we launched the National Independent Supermarket Association to protect the interests of independents against the insurgence of the national supermarket chains... The group grew dramatically over the next twenty years, attracting thousands of independent retailers to its membership... it expanded and pioneered central distribution to independent stores to provide them the same benefits as multiples. Today Nisa is a £1.43 billion turnover company which exists to provide benefits to its members, operating almost 2,500 retail stores, and provides every service that an independent needs to survive and grow in the grocery marketplace. Over the years, Nisa has ensured the prosperity of thousands of retailers and with its renewed focus on the consumer now seeks to provide greater means to achieve success..." Reading those words gives me a warm feeling inside. A while ago I made a film called New Tesco which was about how Tesco are trying to break into the urban cornershop market now that customers are turning away from the out-of-town superstores. A "Tesco Express" has opened up Abingdon Road in Oxford, they demolished a two-hundred year old pub, to make room for it, and I was very worried that it might put the neighbouring Nisa shop out of business, see: The Tesco Express did open shortly after I made that film, yet now, more than eighteen months later, I'm happy to convey that the Abingdon Road Nisa branch remains open for business, see: Tesco are striking back by cutting their prices and Mr Ahmed tells us ..."there is some evidence that customers are returning..." but for how long? Tesco will have to raise their prices to accommodate their current shortfall; they're just staving off the inevitable. If this story has emerged as the direct effect of customer choice then it will hopefully encourage other shoppers to join in. At the end of the day, it's up to us. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to do your shopping in Tesco. I know there is enormous pressure for some people because of Tesco's low prices, but I myself have noticed little difference at the moment between Tesco and Nisa, and that difference will shrink even more as Tesco struggles to rebalance its books. And you'll be proactively helping because by using small local businesses you increase their profit margin and allow them to lower their own prices in response, so it's a role utilitarian situation that can form a positive feedback loop. This is what I mean when I say that nobody is helpless and that people do have political power even if they did not vote in the election... in fact especially if they did not vote in the election, see:

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Ben Emlyn-Jones at UK Probe

I will be speaking at the Probe conference at its 2015 autumn conference. As regular HPANWO-readers will know, the Probe conferences are very important to me and so I feel delighted and very proud to finally be on the speakers list, see: and: The event will take place on the 10th and 11th of October at the YMCA centre at St Albans Road, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8-1XD. Tickets are £22 per day or £38 for the whole weekend; I very much recommend booking the entire conference because you will almost certainly want to stay once you get there. There is free car parking, a cafe and a large merchandise area, see: I'm the second speaker on Saturday. The full speaker blurbs have not been released yet and my own temporary is copied from the Wales on Sunday article about me, see: The conference page will take shape over the coming months and I will probably end up doing a speech about the Nottinghamshire Roswell, and I hope to have important updates by then. I'm honoured to be sharing the stage with many Probe regularly like Jo Ann Richards, Dex Dobie, Brian Halliwell, the first conference speaker I ever saw, and Miles Johnston. Also there are a couple of new faces I'll look forward to meeting. I suspect that my experience of going to Probe as a speaker will be very different to that of being a delegate. I'm thrilled at the prospect and am looking forward to it immensely. 

Monday 11 May 2015


I received some sad news today; an acquaintance of mine has just died. She actually died a few days ago, but I've only just found out. Her name was Jackie and she was a disabled lady in her seventies who could only walk a short distance and so used a mobility scooter. She was accompanied everywhere by her dog, a Yorkshire terrier called Phoebe who was as old as Jackie was in dog years. I often used to bump into them walking from place to place around the area of town where I do most of my work and we used to talk a lot. Phoebe would always demand a pat from me. Sometimes Jackie would invite me into her flat at a council-run old people's home and make me a cup of tea. She had never been rich in her life and lived on little income during her retirement; despite this she supported many charities and gave them her old furniture. What was sad was that she was rehoused just two months before her death; she didn't move far, just from her first floor flat to a ground floor one in the same block that had a bit more space, ma front door and small garden. Shortly before that time her granddaughter turned up on her doorstep with her own three year old son, Jackie's great-grandson, with nowhere else to go. Jackie had no choice but to put them up in the lounge of her one-bed apartment. She immediately called the council and started making arrangements to get her resident family housed somewhere else. At first the council were very helpful, but then she got a letter from them announcing that she was to be evicted; not just her granddaughter and great-grandson, but Jackie as well. Just like that! This was because she'd broken the rules of the sheltered accommodation centre; that there must be no overcrowding and that nobody under the age of fifty can live there. In a fair world the management might perhaps have bent the rules for a while in order to help Jackie out in her quest to give her family a home. This is what would be done in a world run by human beings; that is not the world we live in. Most people nowadays have had the humanity beaten out of them by society until they're nothing but robots designed to serve the system; see here for more details: Jackie was a loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother who nurtured three generations of her descendents right up to her dying day; she survived World War II and many other historical challenges since. No other species on Earth mistreats its elders the way mankind does. In fact other social animals have great respect for their matriarchs, as indeed indigenous humans used to in the pre-Illuminati ages. So old Jackie left this world while under pressure from bureaucratic authorities who thought nothing of her. She wasn't even a "human resource" to them any more; she was just what Henry Kissinger called a "useless eater". I know some people will claim that this is the fault of the "Tories!" and their government, but previous Labour governments were almost as bad. I think the "men in grey suits" had contingency plans for whoever won the election, see: It's a sign of the times. The "correct" thing for Jackie to have done in today's Big Society was to kick her granddaughter and great-grandson out into the street. But she didn't; she refused to become what Charlie Chaplin called a "machine man"; and he went on to say: "...Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines. You are not cattle. You are men. You have the love of humanity in your hearts. You don’t hate. Only the unloved hate, the unloved and the unnatural..." I spoke to Jackie's daughter who is currently looking after the youngsters and Phoebe the dog. I don't know if Phoebe will be able to survive without Jackie; she used to whimper if she were even taking into an adjoining room from where her beloved mistress was. Wherever Jackie is now, I hope she's in a better place than the one she left. RIP.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Anti-Tory Protests

Yesterday was Britain's first full day under the new David Cameron Government plc following Thursday's general election. In response to this, hundreds of people took part in an unplanned protest in Whitehall near the fortified junction with Downing Street and outside the Conservative Party's headquarters. In Cardiff a similar demonstration broke out on Queen Street near the statue of Aneurin Bevan, the Welsh designer of the National Health Service; very apt. The local singer Charlotte Church was among them. The protesters were calling for an end to austerity and also electoral reform. The current electoral system allowed the Tories to win with only 37% of the votes; indeed Tony Blair once won with less than 30%, see: What concerned me about this occurrence is that it was not reported on the BBC until the evening. It was covered in some newspapers, for example see: It was finally put on the BBC in the evening, see: The narrator in the video spot says: "The vast majority demonstrated peacefully", yet all the footage is of the small minority of rioters who did not. Why is that? We hear how seventeen were arrested and five policemen were hurt. Also we have the blasphemy against the "military religion" when a war memorial was defaced, and just before the 70th anniversary of the day of Victory in Europe. All in all this gives such a powerful psychological impression on the viewer that anybody who says they attended that demonstration should be regarded as they were portrayed there in the news vid: "Nasty thugs!". This is a very slick piece of propaganda; delay covering the story at all and then present it in a distorted way. Is it any wonder people are angry? After everything we've had to put up with these last few years and Cameron is still in Number 10. Personally I don't think it makes much difference, see:, but Cameron is still the public face of austerity, the bedroom tax, workfare, and everything else in these background links.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Oxford Communists and Aliens

I know that sounds like the title of an Ealing comedy, but it is in fact relates to a very unusual meeting I recently attended. I was checking through the Twitter list for #RoswellSlides and came across a Tweet advertising an event in Oxford on Thursday evening. This was literally the only one in the local area dealing with the Slides so I wrote and told them I wanted to come along, see: The Oxford Communist Corresponding Society is an analytical Marxist organization. When I hear the word "Marxist" I get an image in my head of badly-dressed and unwashed activists with loud voices and a tendency for antisocial behaviour, but the people at this meeting were nothing like that. They were well-spoken and academic sounding men; there was one woman there with short blonde hair who looked like a student. Woolfie Smith was nowhere to be seen. One of the men mentioned that he was a scientist and the chairman worked in psychiatric care. They were all very friendly and accommodating to me and I had to go to a small room in the town hall where the meeting was held. We sat around a table where we all had a photocopy of the first Slide in front of us.

The speaker was a rather Bohemian-looking man called Ed who is an expert on "studies of belief systems". He gave us a potted history of the Roswell Incident, the modern UFO era from the 1940's and the emergence of the Slides. He pointed out the similarity between the Alien Autopsy film and the Slides, including that the 5th of May 2015 is the 20th anniversary of the Autopsy's premiere at the London Museum on the 5th of May 1995. This is an issue I cover here, see: He said that Roswell had "totemic" status in UFOlogy, a word he didn't like to use. He saw the UFO community as being divided in the same way the media is between mass-market pulp entertainment and "bourgeois" refined art. The equivalent in the world of ghosts would be Most Haunted versus serious parapsychology. He thought Jaime Maussan made the Roswell Slides definitely a part of the former. There followed a discussion in which I spoke in detail about my own views and they asked me a lot of questions. They said they were analyzing the UFO, alien and Roswell Slides from a Marxist perspective. I found it strange that communists would ever even consider a subject like this; the ones I used to know when I was involved in trade unionism would laugh at the very prospect; indeed I would in those days when I myself was briefly and half-heartedly sympathetic to Marxism. However this group seems to specialize in the more arcane areas of society. Their position was distinctly Skeptic, and I'm interested in the connection between the Skeptic movement and political left, see: They appeared familiar with all the textbook Skeptic arguments to explain away UFO's. Confirmation bias, the Mirage Men idea, Chinese lanterns, the connection with religion etc. I responded as I would to a Skeptic. They asked me some questions about my psychology, but did it in such a way that I didn't feel offended. It's a valid question; regardless of whether I'm right or wrong about the existence of UFO's etc. Why do I have such an interest in them when most other people do not? I don't know. One man asked naively: "What do you think would happen if the government came clean and admitted there were UFO's?" I chuckled ironically and welcomed him to the rabbit hole of the Disclosure debate. Ed summed up at the end and thanked me for attending and that he found me very "interesting". He thinks there should be more studies into beliefs like mine; obviously I don't think they're beliefs. I assured them that I made an effort to be as rational as possible and always look at both sides of the story. This is fair I think, after all the day before I did travel all the way to London to listen to a man who thinks I'm a nutter, see: They invited me to join them at the pub afterwards, but I had to go home. It was polling day and one of the members at the meeting was standing in the election, this man I think: It was an interesting evening even though I was with people with very different views to myself... maybe that was what made it interesting.

Friday 8 May 2015

General Election Result

I put a bet on the general election; that a government stooge of some kind would win. The bookmaker offered me odds of 1-1. I won my bet. I've made an effort to avoid writing too much about the 2015 UK General Election™, but of course it is unavoidable; see background links at the bottom. Last night somebody asked me if I'd voted. I answered instinctively "yes"; but as soon as the words were out of my mouth I regretted it. Why did I lie? I chided myself for my dishonesty and cowardice. I think this was to do with a particular event I was at which I'll write about shortly. In fact the first and last time I ever voted in a general election was in 1997 when I voted Labour, for Tony Blair... No, I'm not proud of myself either. This time, contrary to the opinion polls which predicted a hung parliament, the Conservatives gained a majority. David Cameron remains prime minister and will now select a cabinet from his own party alone. The Tory victory was mostly at the expense of Labour, especially in Scotland where Labour crashed out completely; they now hold just one seat in Edinburgh. This means that apart from that and Clydesdale, the Scottish National Party have a virtual monopoly of power north of the border. It also demonstrates how Scotland had been propping up Labour all that time. It was very sad to see Labour supporters like the comic Jo Brand begging people to vote Labour because she wanted to "save the NHS!" In truth the policies that have devastated the NHS have been instituted by both Conservative and Labour governments and the ones during the last Labour term, the Blair-Brown one, were far more destructive than anything the Tories could come up with if they all downed speed, see:

British elections always work the same way. There is just a single day to vote, called "polling day" and the electorate vote by putting a cross on a piece of paper. This in itself is sinister because the cross is traditionally the signature of the illiterate, the serf, the fool. The count begins on polling day as soon as the polls close at about ten PM. This means that the vote-counters work through the night. Why not wait until the next day and count the votes then? Because as I've written about before, it is unnatural for humans to be awake and night and we are always drowsy, more suggestible and lose alertness, see: Therefore any tampering with the count for the purposes of rigging the election becomes much easier. This definitely happened with the Scottish referendum last year, see: It will also happen with the long-awaited much-promised EU referendum Cameron has agreed to, see: Remember that UK elections are completely unmonitored. The various international bodies that manage new elections in fledgling democracies are not thought to be needed in the land of the "mother of Parliaments". There will be no significant changes to the lives of British people because of the outcome of this general election. The "men in grey suits" make the decisions and they have contingency plans for any electoral result. Children will go on being abused no matter how you voted. UFO's, the paranormal and free energy will remain highly classified no matter how you voted. False flag terrorist attacks will continue no matter how you voted. Chemtrails, geoengineering, GM food and designer viruses will continue to spread no matter how you voted. Ian R Crane did a talk in Nottingham last week which was part of his Apathy Kills tour. I didn't realize until I'd seen it that for Ian "apathy" means not voting; in that sense he makes a similar point to Thomas G Clark, Another Angry Voice, see background links below. Ian's show was excellent and I'm still a big supporter of his; however this is something we totally disagree on. How can we effect change by participating in a fraudulent and illusory system designed to keep the real power brokers hidden? Indeed, they established this system for the direct purpose of fooling ordinary people into thinking we had political power when we have none within it. In fact people do have political power outside it, an infinite quantity in fact; but we can only wield it by understanding the real rules of the game and exposing the real culprits behind the troubles we're facing in the world today.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Dr David Clarke at Greenwich SiTP

(Photo by Colin Woolford. Notice Prof. Chris French looks very sleepy!)

I've returned to Skeptics in the Pub Greenwich, see here for a report on the last time I went there: Once again I went incognito... just in case. I was accompanied by my friends Colin Woolford and Andrew Burlington, both UFO researchers, and I think we were the only non-Skeptics there. The speaker this time was Dr David Clarke, one of the country's best known UFO Skeptics. He is currently launching his new book, what he reckons will be his last book on UFO's, How UFO's Conquered the World, see: He teaches journalism at Sheffield Hallam University and often works alongside his sidekick Andy Roberts, see: Clarke says his new book is partly autobiographical and that he has had an interest in UFO's since childhood. He first heard about UFO's on the children's TV news programme John Craven's Newsround when there was a report on the Broad Haven incident, see: He became an instant "buh-leeva!" in UFO's and wanted to know more about them. However when he watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind doubts emerged; this makes Clarke highly unique because he must be the only person on Earth to have been put off the subject by that film. In the case of Paola Harris, it deeply affected her entire life, see: He also realized that news reports on UFO's seemed to match whatever science fiction was on TV or in the cinema at the time. In the case of Broad Haven, the children saw a vision that resembled what had been on Doctor Who the previous evening. Clarke didn't mention this in his talk, but a very similar explanation exits for the Livingston incident of 1979 in which a forester called Robert Taylor was walking through the woods in Livingston, Scotland came across a strange craft, see:; I don't know if Clarke explicitly endorses this theory. Either way, from there it was a downhill run to Skeptic Avenue. Nevertheless his dismissal of the UFO extraterrestrial hypothesis did not come with a loss of interest in the subject. He continued to study UFO's and read books on them, seeing them instead as a piece of modern folklore rather than something objectively real. He became interested in the ideas of John Keel, one of the most innovative UFOlogists ever, and Carl Jung the psychoanalyst; this led Clarke to his psychological and cultural theories of UFO's, that they are essentially a 20th century mythology. He calls it his "psycho-social hypothesis". It began in the 1940's and the first recorded media reference of UFO's as extraterrestrial spacecraft was in June 1947 in the United States of America when the pilot Kenneth Arnold reported seeing strange objects while flying near Mount Rainier in the Cascade Mountains; he was misquoted by the press as describing them like "saucers" and the term flying saucer was coined. The USA remains the world's cornerstone of UFO awareness to this day. The idea of alien abduction was popularized by Betty and Barney Hill in 1961, and this is where the archetypal "grey" alien came into public consciousness; however my friend Colin pointed out that Clarke contradicted himself later on when he claimed that the "grey" was first seen in a science fiction story by HG Wells published in the 1890's. Clarke's involvement with the government's Ministry of Defence UFO desk and their record files in the National Archives led him to some remarkable discoveries, for instance the levels of UFO sightings reports rise and fall considerably, and he showed us a graph of them. There are distinct peaks in the years 1977 and 1995 which Clarke puts down to the release of Close Encounters and the Alien Autopsy film respectively.

As regular HPANWO-readers will guess, I disagree with almost everything Dr David Clarke said in that lecture. He talked about "UFO believers" and "they will believe anything instead of a rational explanation". He referred to the Roswell Slides which were released the previous evening, see: (Don't worry, I will be making a full statement on this matter very soon; keep an eye on the HPANWO TV blog, see links column). But Clarke is a believer too, whether he likes it or not; a believer in UFO's not being ET. He may deny it, like many Skeptics do, but his position is as ideological as anybody else's, and he exposes himself with his use of language. A "believer" under his definition means somebody who thinks UFO's are an objectively extant phenomenon; conversely a "rational explanation" is a statement that the UFO's do not exist and are all hoaxes, delusions, folklore etc. Do you see what's wrong with that? It means that a serious scientist who has concluded using the empirical scientific method that a UFO incident is a reality, is judged to be a "believer" in the same way a member of a religious cult is a believer in their deity or messianic leader. Conversely you might encounter somebody who knows nothing about science and never uses its methods but who says about the same incident: "Ya wot? Nah, mate. There ain't no such things as UFO's. It's all in yer head, innit?" Then he would be congratulated for providing a rational explanation for said incident. You see? This is very important to understand; Skeptics, no less UFO Skeptics, have a very faulty judgement of themselves, see here for more details: Another good example came when Clarke talked about "Occam's Razor". This is a problem-solving method which directs you to always consider the most likely explanation first. So, for example, if your radio stops working the most likely cause is that the batteries have simply gone flat; so change the batteries first before opening it up and fiddling with its wires. But Occam's Razor only works within a sphere of understanding that already exists; we already know how a radio works, that's why we can apply Occam's Razor to it. Therefore it's inappropriate to apply it the way Clarke did to the 2008 helicopter incident at RAF St Athan, see: Clarke claims that it is more likely that this was caused by Chinese lanterns, those beloved blessings for UFO Skeptics! He found a report that some people in Cardiff launched some of them during a wedding reception and one of the guests related that they saw a police helicopter hovering near one of them. However Occam's Razor in this case is a double-edged sword because I could just as easily use it to say: "Which is more likely? That highly trained police helicopter pilots were fooled by a paper balloon with a candle inside... or there is still a genuine mystery here." and there would be no answer to that; both sides' positions are equally unfalsifiable. Clarke makes some distinct factual errors too. Near the end of his speech he said: "Why is it that when UFO's crash, they always seem to crash in the United States, never anywhere else." That's not true, see: In truth, UFO's did not begin in the 1940's; people have been reporting them for as long as they could do so without being burnt at the stake for witchcraft. The same goes for alien contact; it can be traced back through all history and probably happened regularly in prehistoric times. People didn't called them "aliens" in those days; they described them as goblins, trolls and fairies, but their contact experiences were identical. The world's first UFO report is probably the author of the Book of Ezekiel in the bible which was written over two thousand years ago. Renaissance paintings show flying saucers in them and grey aliens can be seen in cave art from the stone age ten or even twenty thousand years BC. Millions of people have seen UFO's from all over the world, they always have; these are sane people, often whole groups of them. Entire towns and cities have had experiences. Witnesses include senior politicians, pilots, high-ranking military officers and astronauts. If UFO's can all be explained away as a "psycho-social hypothesis" or "folklore", then so can sparrows, Boeing 747's and frisbees. Dr David Clarke ended his address with a slide of the famous X-Files slogan: "I want to believe!" Well so does he.