When the AATIP and TTSA revelations dropped in December 2017,
it didn't take long for Richard D Hall to get on the case and his assessment was
very predictable. No doubt his hypersensitive shill detector lit up like a
Vegas casino almost the moment Luis Elizondo's name
was first mentioned. In his latest programme, number 293 entitled
Who Controls The Planet?, he denounces
the former AATIP director, inevitably, as a disinformation agent. The answer to
the question in the title is: whoever controls space. At the moment there is a
"space rush" across the world with nations setting up space forces
and launching military satellites. Like the oceans a few centuries ago, the
enpire that rules space will have as much power as the empire that once ruled
the waves. Richard brings on Andrew Johnson... again, and together they analyze
the post-2017 change in the media's depiction of UFO's. They claim that what
has happened with AATIP and the TTSA is fundamentally no different to previous
UFO revealations over the years, such as the Condon Report of 1969. They are
totally wrong. After December 2017, the media underwent a transformation in the
way it addressed the UFO issue that decisively broke away from the
"official ridicule and denial" strategy that they had been operating
under continuously, across the globe, since the Cutler-Twining memo of 1947.
Why this radical shift took place is an important question for which I do not
have a complete answer, but in no way can anybody successfully state that it
has "all been done in the past hasn't it?" No. What we see now is totally
unprecedented. See here for details:
I was astonished and dismayed to see that when it came to the AATIP videos,
Richard and Andrew simply accept the skeptic debunking of Mick West and Philip
Mason (Thunderf00t). This has been comprehensively discredited by so many
people, including myself, that I don't know where to start. Richard and Andrew
could have read my article in issue 47 of
Truth Magazine and spared themselves some embarrassment, but they haven't.
Why? Because Gary Heseltine is yet another name on their enormously long blacklist,
I'll come back to that point later. Richard and Andrew didn't even look at the
primary source material. Their dismissal of the "Go fast" and "Gimbal"
footage comes from what Richard calls "good analysis". It is not
analysis; it is a video by the science vlogger Anton Petrov who does little
more than repeat the original nonsense, see:
Richard also calls Tucker Carlson's very courageous coverage of the UAP
With this false conclusion taken as read, Richard and Andrew
move onto the roles played by Senator Harry Reid and Bob Bigelow. Here they
find a more secure footing in reality. It was actually Bigelow's influence on the
US Senate Majority Leader that caused AATIP to be established in the first
place. Reid might have been the brainchild behind it, but it was his friend's
idea originally. Bigelow, as we know, was directly involved with AATIP as a
contractor to examine physical evidence gathered from supposed UFO's. Reid
wrote a letter in 2009 to the Deputy Secretaty of Defence, William Lynn, that
did not refer to UAP investigation at all; but instead the development of
advanced military technology. How strange. It appears Harry Reid and Bob
Bigelow have an unterior motive for creating AATIP. John Greenewald of The
Black Vault has noticed more suspicious elements, see:
The fact that Bigelow's specialized role in AATIP was physical debris science means
a picture starts to emerge. Even before the study was complete, the
government was considering practical applications for back-engineering unknown
salvaged material with unusual properties. Another piece of that jigsaw is
Anthony Bragalia's Freedom of Information Act request, see:
It could be that this project is already well advanced; which is what might be
in the 143 pages too hot for FOIA. When the subject of Luis Elizondo comes up,
Richard falls back once again on statement analysis. As I've said before, for
statement analyisis should never be ignored, yet at the same time it should not
be used as a substitute for other methods. Even though Richard controlled the
analysis with two separate tests, I still question its objectivity. At one
point Andrew says: "Anybody that gets promoted like that is promoted for a
reason and it's not for good reasons." Richard agrees. This exposes both
men's attitudes to a fallacy I have identifed before, that everything which seems
to reduce a conspiracy or be against it has to be automatically rejected on the
grounds that it is just another level of the cover-up. By this reasoning the
conspiracy can never be seen to end. See here for more information:
At the moment neither Richard nor Andrew are open to any other possibility. Funnily
enough, apart from that, Richard and Andrew have no evidence at all that Elizondo
is a shill. It is simply their assumption based on the other information they
think they have. On the subject of the "five observables", Richard
and Andrew state that all of them are also within the capabilities of secret
government technology. They bring up Mark McCandlish, who died in mysterious
circumstances a few months ago, just before he was about to brief the US Senate.
That should be a solid ribbon on our corkboard leading to Bigelow and Reid's
activities in the 2000's. That is all true, so why should we assume that the
UAP's are extraterrestrial? I do not assume that all of them are, but at the
same time I don't believe none of them are. This is partly due to the antiquity
of the phenomenon. The images and descriptions of the AATIP footage have been
reported by pilots since aeroplanes were invented; in fact there are some very
convincing studies from World War II. I also doubt the secret space programme
hypothesis for most cases because of the behaviour of the phenomena. There is one
avenue of inquiry we should keep open though, the problem of the threat
narrative. This is a legitimate sticking point and it might be a motive for
government to use antigravity and free energy vehicles to impersonate alien
invaders. I have covered that in detail many times, for example see:
Some UFOlogists have adopted the paradigm of prevention and planted their flag
on the 100% man made hypothesis; mostly, unlike Richard and Andrew, for political
instead of intellectual reasons. After all if they're proven wrong, what do
they lose? Actually, quite a lot. If there is information about real ET's being
slowly released then it could be a prelude to willing Disclosure. That is an
opportunity too important to miss. It's a narrow path we have to tread between
the two sides of this dilemma, but tread it we must. Source:

On a personal note, people have often asked me why I am so
critical of Richard. I have to think before replying; I am not
so critical, I am merely
critical. Should people not be critical
of Richard D Hall? Is he above criticism? Why should he be; not least seeing as
he himself does not hesitate to criticize others, sometiems very harshly, and
usually unfairly? He once described Miles Johnston as a "clown!".
Miles is a good friend and comrade of mine who I consider a dedicated workhorse
in this movement. He was running an Irish UFO group in the early 1970's when
Richard was still in primary school. The thing is, very few people do criticze
Richard because he has a reputation for being very abrasive and intimidating;
and, frankly, most people are scared of him. Well, I am not. I must admit I have
a score to settle because I myself have been on Richard's hitlist. Many years
ago on a public Facebook group he once called me a "fucking servant of the
mainstream media!" I didn't react and maybe I should have. I have a habit
of bearing grudges like this and reacting can often save me from endless
brooding. I should have instantly replied to Richard and proposed an
"Abingdon town centre" solution, like I did with Slaxxxer, see:
If Richard is ever as rude to me like that again, believe me, I shall. It is
telling that one of the few people in the entire conspirasphere to remain in
Richard's good books is Andrew Johnson, who himself is capable of deeply
antisocial behaviour, see:
This doesn't reduce my respect for both men professionally. I have found I can
keep those two worlds separate. I think Richard D Hall's current failures comes from the contempt and distrust he feels for almost all other Truthers. Why is
that? Are we not all on the same side here? We differ in conclusions and
methodology, but that does not make us all disinformation agents or dupes or
shills. It doesn't mean we are deserving of the condemnation Richard so
thoughtlessly heaps upon us. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we need
some kind of tribunal system to sort things like this out, see:
is not the first time Richard has made such a monumental blunder. In the case
Rendlesham Forest
it came from the fact that he did not consult with other researchers, because
of his low opinion of us, and relied entirely on his magic wand, see:
He is capable of doing better. He has done better. I hope he will lean a lesson
from his errors and not, as The Who sung, get fooled again.