Ain't that just typical!? After Christmas Day's alleged bomb attack on a plane near Detroit there are calls for increased ssecurity at airports across the world. This includes "electronic strip searching" and even brain scans! See: http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/ICTS.html .
Was it even Abdullah Mohammed Whatshisname Evil al Turban at all? See:
http://pennyforyourthoughts2.blogspot.com/2009/12/tale-of-two-terrorists.htmlThe Porton Down plastic surgeons have had a field day here!
I've also heard that the "bomb" on the plane might not have been a bomb at all, just a battery that blew up in the low air pressure of the cabin. Also the "Bomber's" treacher was interviewed on BBC News the other day and said that he never thought that this bloke was capable of doing what he did.