Friday 30 April 2021

Mick West Webinar

I've taken part once again in a skeptic online meeting. Mick West is the director of the Metabunk website, see: He has made a name for himself in UFOlogy these last few years for his dedicated dismissal of the AATIP footage and all its subsequent revelations, for example see: Most of the time he is wrong and I am one of his biggest critics. In fact I'd have to say, he's not even a particularly original skepper; most of what he said has been said before by people like Michael Shermer or Prof. Chris French. He began his skeptic career with chemtrails and eventually moved into other areas. He lives in the USA and his nationality is stated as American, but he speaks with a strong English accent and may come from the other side of the Atlantic. In this event West focused on psychology. His talk was about what to do if you have somebody close to you in your life, a friend or family member, who is a conspiracy theorist. How do you talk them down off that woo-woo ledge? He has created a "spectrum of craziness" with what he considers the more sensible and possibly true conspiracy theories at one end, such as the US government passively allowing Bin Laden to carry out 9/11, to the far end with the allegedly most extreme and outlandish viewpoints, like the earth being flat, which even I don't believe in. He warns us that the deprogramming process takes a long time and you need a lot of patience. Keep a line of communication open with your friend or family member. Don't get angry with them or insult them because this will just drive them away, further into madness! He cites Dr Phil Plait's famous "Don't be a Dick!" speech, see: and: West does seem to have an open and appreciative manner to him that is rare for a skeptic. He doesn't stoop to the usual slurs and fixation on ad hominem that most skeppies do. On his YouTube channel he regularly interviews non-skeptics, or ex-believers who are new to the skeptisphere, see: I do the same, see: and:
This webinar was hosted by Leighann Lord of the Centre for Inquiry and its recording is available, see: I registered for this event for the same reasons I attend other skeptic meetings, both in real life and online; to learn about the other side of the argument, which I consider essential. I also feel that somebody needs to "show the flag" so to speak for the woo-woo contingent. I was joined by my good friend and comrade Colin Woolford. This webinar was not as fun as the media one, see:, because there was no public chat and only the hosts and guest were visible. The communication from the audience was private and one-way with the host. We submitted questions to her and she read out the best ones. As you'll see, Colin had that honour. What I found amusing about this lecture is that every single point Mick West made could be inverted and applied by the UFO/paranormal/conspiratorial position. I could write a transcript of his entire address and by merely substituting "skeptic" for "conspiracy theorist" it would sound equally coherent. I have indeed been in that exact equivalent position with my own family and friends. I did indeed convert a few people, mostly colleagues at my hospital; I've given up on my family. I learned for myself the same lessons West has. I was polite and respectful. I took my time, planting mental seeds and seeing if they grew. I sought common ground and tried to keep our relationships active. I addressed my challenges to their skeptic beliefs on their own position within the "skeptic spectrum". Watching this webinar supports my own observation of the skeptic movement, that it is a kind of mirror image of our own world, the UFO/para/con community, see background links below. I'm glad I joined this webinar; it was interesting. Let nobody claim I live in an echo chamber!
See here for background:

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Flatliners 2017

I have a prejudice against movie remakes. This partly because it frustrates me that Hollywood has so lost its creative spirit that they can no longer think of new stories; and also because remakes, with a few exceptions, are far worse than their originals. I'm a big fan of the 1990 psychological horror film Flatliners and I've just watched its 2017 remake by Neils Arden Oplev; and I was impressed. Source: The plot is pretty much the same; a group of medical students decide to research the near-death experience phenomenon by putting themselves into cardiac arrest. This is totally unrealistic and would be far too dangerous ever to work in real life, but both films allow me to suspend my disbelief quite well. After their experiments the students suffer terrifying ordeals in which manifestations of people they know attack them and cause them to have nightmarish visions. Only two of the four students see people who are dead. In those cases the students killed the people, but the acts were of negligence rather than malice. The two other experimenters are haunted by living people who they both harmed on purpose. It seems that the experiment released a tulpa like physical monster from within the experimenters based on their own guilt. They all badly mistreated people they knew in the past, either deliberately or through neglect, and feel very sore about it. The two whose victims were living escaped their fate by apologizing to them. One of the characters is killed by her inner demon. Both films star Kiefer Sutherland. In the original he plays the lead experimenter who is haunted by the manifestation of a boy he bullied to death as a child. In the remake he is the dean of the medical school. It is quite common for remakes to include a cast member from the original, usually in a different role. In fact Peter Jackson tried to bring in an elderly Fay Wray for his 2006 King Kong, but she died just before production. That King Kong is one of the exceptions to remakes being worse than the originals and I'd say the same for the 2017 Flatliners. The 2017 one is actually better in some ways, mostly due to improvements in special effects. It also involves the experimenters using a PET scanner to examine their brains while they're having their NDE's, indicating that they do not eliminate the brain function hypothesis. It's an interesting new angle. However, despite their foundational objective, the characters, and therefore the film's theme, never really go into detail about their primary subject matter, the NDE itself; although there is a brief attempt in the original. I'm fascinated by the NDE mystery and it came up on the most recent Third Rail Radio, which led me to want to watch this film, see:
See here for more background:

Monday 26 April 2021

The Mind Set Podcast Programme 446

I have been featured on Programme 446 of the Mind Set Podcast.
See here for the show:
Subjects discussed include: Lucid dreaming, sleep disorders, out of body experiences and much much more. Subscribe to Mind Set Central on Patreon for bonus material and early bird access to the public content, see:
See here for my previous appearance on The Mind Set Podcast:

Friday 23 April 2021

Kurten vs Fox

London mayoral elections tend to be somewhat more interesting than most and this year's appears to be rather curious even by its own standards. London's population has been changing considerably from the mid 20th century to today. Most people in the capital do not have native roots. They primarily have a racial background from the Indian subcontinent, the Caribbean; and, more recently, Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Unlike the ethnic British, most of those Londoners feel no shame in voting for somebody who they believe will represent their racial interests. As a result Labour have a huge majority and the incumbent Sadiq Khan appears unshakeable, despite numerous corruption scandals and a reportedly contemptuous, arrogant attitude to his citizens, for example see: and: However Khan has two popular and respected libertarian conservative voices challenging him for his seat. Laurence Fox is an actor who became infamous for standing up to a wokeist thug on BBC's Question Time in one of the few scenes on that cowpat of a programme worth watching: David Kurten was formerly in UKIP, but has recently left and founded his own organization, The Heritage Party. He is the AM who attacked Khan over grooming gangs and BLM in the above link. Kurten in particular has proved a formidable enemy for the SJW's because, as you can see, he is not white. The usual ad hominem abuse therefore won't work on him. It may be partly down to Kurten that the cultural Marxists have come up with their new theory of "multiracial whiteness" to explain why a large number of non-white people are supporting what they call "white supremacy!" I don't live in London and I personally will not bother voting in the 2021 local government elections. There's no point. Since the fall of BoJo we've gone back to the bad old days of politics I'm afraid, see: If I lived in London I would definitely vote, but I'd like to vote for BOTH David Kurten and Laurence Fox. It's a problem the Tories and the Brexit Party had in the last general election; vote-splitting. The two libertarian populist candidates are competing against each other when they should be competing only against Sad Git Khan, see: Therefore I recommend that they form a coalition, if the rules of the London mayoral allow it. Alternatively if one gets into office he should select the other as his deputy mayor or something. It's time for people who feel a sense of "whiteness", whether multiracial or otherwise, to join forces against the gibbering hoards of wokeism. There's another problem; the election website's biggest headline is about applying for a proxy vote, see: I expect the familiar spectre of postal voting will rear its ugly head again; a reminder that the road to freedom is going to be long and twisted with many potholes along the way. However, let's take the first step. Vote for either Laurence Fox or David Kurten on May the 6th.
See here for background:

Thursday 22 April 2021

MSM Deletes Bad Program

The BBC has declined to comment on why one of its presenters has left after being "exposed!" as a "Covid denier!" Jemma Cooper had a long and illustrious career as a newsreader, reporter and weather forecaster for BBC Points West, the regional news programme that covers the entire West Country. "A woman matching Ms Cooper's likeness was pictured at rallies in Birmingham last summer and Cardiff in October." warns The Daily Mail... Is she armed and dangerous? She is certainly supposed to have reduced a colleague to tears in an argument in the studio, for disagreeing with her. Damn snowflakes! It appears there was a lot of backstabbing from the complicit individuals in the corporation, which is sadly what always happens. It did to me too, see background links below. Source: Jemma has voluntarily stepped down from the BBC, which she calls "the Devil"; and that is probably being too kind. However, she merely jumped before she was pushed. I'm aware of the background to this story because I know Jemma. She is the woman I call "Jenny" in my reportages of conferences, for example see: She also introduced me at AwakeCon, see: I gave her a false name to try and protect her from exactly what has happened to her. Really, it was only a matter of time before she was spat out of her institution the way I was spat out of the NHS. State and corporate bureaucracies are merciless to subversives. Jemma was in the business of propaganda and psychological warfare which is a bit like making Richard Dawkins the Pope. I have long predicted the forced end of her TV career. Yet, like David Icke when he was in an identical situation, she is getting on with her life. She is now free to do what she does openly and without threat of professional persecution. I wish her all the best.
See here for more background:

Tuesday 20 April 2021

Ben Emlyn-Jones on the Kev Baker Show 69

I have been interviewed again on the Kev Baker Show (aka MrGlasgowTruther) on Truth Frequency Radio, see here for the podcast:
And here for the illustrated YouTube version:
Subjects discussed include: the return of Indrid Cold, football in the pandemic, Mars helicopter takes flight and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on the Kev Baker Show:

Monday 19 April 2021

The Mind Set Podcast Programme 445

I have been featured on Programme 445 of the Mind Set Podcast.
Subjects discussed include: Is Gareth's new home haunted? British pubs finally reopen, social media for experiencers and much much more. Subscribe to Mind Set Central on Patreon for bonus material and early bird access to the public content, see:
See here for my previous appearance on The Mind Set Podcast:

Friday 16 April 2021

Tony Topping on Talk Radio

My good friend, the ET experiencer Tony Topping has been interviewed on TalkRADIO. I've always been unconditionally opposed to getting involved with the mainstream media productions, but I make an exception when it comes to live broadcasts which cannot be edited. There is of course a director in the gallery who will cut you off, for example, if you swear; but they cannot actually alter the meaning of your words. Therefore Tony was in a unique and powerful position the moment he was added to the Mark Dolan (no relation to Richard) Show on Tuesday afternoon. He commented on the latest UFO events in the USA, see: He also refers to a distinct split in the US defence establishment that has led to indecision on their part and this explains the leaked information. This wavering on the part of the Truth Embargo could, in the near future, end up with Disclosure with a capital D, possibly inadvertently!
See here for Tony's appearance on TalkRADIO:
Tony used his opportunity well. He was simple and positive about the true nature of the latest UFO news. He communicated in a way any listener could understand. At the end Mark tells the listeners about Tony's website, Twitter and new book. Well done, Tony!
See here for background:

Tuesday 13 April 2021

The Mind Set Podcast Programme 444

I have been featured on Programme 444 of the Mind Set Podcast.
See here for the show:
Subjects discussed include: Alien autopsies and Norwegians, new US Navy UFO footage, death of the lizard prince and much much more. Subscribe to Mind Set Central on Patreon for bonus material and early bird access to the public content, see:
See here for my previous appearance on The Mind Set Podcast:

Monday 12 April 2021

Ben Emlyn-Jones on the Andy Peacher Show

I have been featured on the Andy Peacher Show on Horizon Talk Radio, see:
Subjects discussed include: Pubs reopen after the lockdown, Prince Philip dies, sacred geometry in our cities and much much more.

Saturday 10 April 2021

New Triangular UFO Clip

For a few months now it has been rumoured that a new image or motion clip of UAP's exists similar to those already released by the TTSA via AATIP. This new one is said to be of far higher quality and shows clearly a structured triangular object. Many have doubted whether that is true, however a new video has come to light that could qualify as a candidate. It was released by Jeremy Corbell, the UFOological documentary film-maker and he states that he is certain it's authentic. The clip is twenty seconds long and shows a view through a night vision optic. It depicts a cloudy sky with a number of bright lights. The low cloud helps because it eliminates astronomical normalities. In the foreground we see a straight vertical object which could be a ship's mast. This fits with the report that the sighting took place aboard USS Russell, a US Navy destroyer. One of the lights is moving and as the optic zooms in we see it take on a distinct triangular profile. It flashes repeatedly, as if it has an aircraft's navigation beacon... cue Mick West! In the background we can hear men's voices, presumably the ship's sailors. George Knapp helped Corbell with verifying the footage and they concluded that it is genuine. It was taken in July 2019, so it much more recent than the previous AATIP clips. Source: Corbell has also obtained stills of a spherical craft from another warship, the inshore patrol vessel USS Omaha. He received this evidence via anonymous correspondence. The UFO social media community is buzzing about it. It remains to be seen what this tantalizing material really represents, but it could some more of the hard evidence we've been seeking continuously since the December 2017 TTSA-AATIP bombshell. I'll post an update as soon as I have more information.
See here for background:

Friday 9 April 2021

Prince Philip Dies

His Royal Highness Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh has left this world. His loved ones have my condolences. That's all I can really say. I don't think they are large in number; the Queen, Prince Charles and other senior royals. Philip was very old, ninety-nine years; and to coin a phrase: "He had a good innings. It was just his time." Generally the British people seem to have a very neutral opinion of Prince Philip and that includes me. There are currently livestreams showing people at Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace and I would not describe them as mourners. There are a few dozen bouquets left at Windsor, as well as a horse shaped balloon due to Philip's love of equestrian sports; but I've not seen any tears. Compare those scenes to the ones when Princess Diana was killed, see: Or even a commoner like Prof. Stephen Hawking, see: I cover this subject in more detail in this recent Third Rail Radio programme, see: and this HPANWO TV livestream:
See here for background:

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Alison Chabloz Jailed

Alison Chabloz, a regular attendee of Nick Kollerstrom's London Keep Talking group, has been sentenced to eighteen weeks in prison. She had been convicted in 2018 of "malicious communications" and received a twenty week sentence that was suspended on condition that she did not use social media for a year. The supposed malicious communications were some YouTube videos of her singing satirical songs. She is a musician and used to perform on cruises. The case began as a private lawsuit by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, an organization that has also been persecuting David Icke, see: Alison has been accused of being a "Holocaust denier", believing that the history of the death camps in Nazi Germany have been either exaggerated or even fabricated. Source: "Horrible!" you might think? "Disgusting!", "Evil!" You might be happy that Alison is now is jail. Then I would ask you to think twice. Why do your feelings of disgust and offence, no matter how severe, justify prosecuting them under the law in the most severe way possible? This case is similar to that of Mark Meechan, known online as "Count Dankula". Mr Meechan trained his girlfriend's dog to behave like a Nazi, imitating Roman salutes and watching Hitler's speeches on TV. The Scotsman was convicted under the Scottish Communications Act 2003. The video was described as "grossly offensive!" The controversy is analyzed best by Jonathan Pie with his classic acerbic wisdom, see: The problem with things being "grossly offensive" is that the very phrase refers to something ultimately subjective. Things are not literally offensive; a person is offended by things. Different things offend different people in different ways. Generally Jewish people will, of course, feel more offended by both Alison Chabloz and Mark Meechan's activities than I would, being a gentile (One of Dankula's defenders was actually the Jewish comedian David Baddiel); but other people will find other things offensive. Being white British I feel very offended by so many people shrugging their shoulders at the South African farming situation, see: People of a different ethnicity may well feel less hurt than me, even if they do express some sympathy. This is a legal minefield and the laws connected to offence should never have been passed. It has resulted in the absurd situation of the police wasting their time investigating "non-criminal hate incidents" whose definition is so vague they could cover just about anything. This is an excellent commentary: These laws will inevitably be exploited to gag selectively those expressing dissent of all kinds as this world descends further and further into internationalism and authoritarianism. Free Alison Chabloz!

Tuesday 6 April 2021

The Mind Set Podcast Programme 443

I have been featured on Programme 443 of the Mind Set Podcast.
See here for the show:
Subjects discussed include: Big Brother is jabbing you!, the positive side of the pandemic, atheists as foolish as believers and much much more. Subscribe to Mind Set Central on Patreon for bonus material and early bird access to the public content, see:
See here for my previous appearance on The Mind Set Podcast:

Saturday 3 April 2021

Can't Get you Out of my Head- Part 4

See here for my review of Part 3: Part 4 is called: But What if The People Are Stupid? and that question coming from elitists is of course rhetorical. See here for Part 4: and: One phrase I recall very well from my early childhood was "Vietnamese boat people". I didn't understand what that meant, but I realized that they were people who lived in a far off part of the world who were suffering badly. The children's TV show Blue Peter collected money for them. Years later I learned that they were refugees who fled their homes in Vietnam following the final victory of the communist north in 1975. They bolted from the country by sea on any craft they could find, sometimes on overcrowded vessels that were not designed for long voyages. Their plight split the leftist community of the time because the left had supported the Viet Cong northern guerrillas' fight against the American-backed south. Some, like Jane Fonda, regarded the boat people as the enemy because their reason for fleeing was that they had collaborated with the capitalist southern regime of Nguyen Van Thieu. She thought they should be abandoned. Her fellow singer Joan Baez, who had stood beside Ms Fonda in the antiwar movement, supported the boat people. She said they were still human beings, mostly children. It shows how people sometimes put political ideals above common humanity. This has also recently been exposed in South Africa, see: Charity is sometimes abused and even some of the funds for Bob Geldof's Live Aid were simply used as another weapon in the Ethiopian civil war. This had caused the horrific famine that inspired the Western public to part with millions of pounds. At the same time the first transgender activist, Julia Grant, was facing the challenge to be who she believed she really was.
Meanwhile, in China, Mao's ex, Jiang Qing, was put on trial for treason and mass murder. She was sentenced to death. China was run by a heartless bureaucracy. They tried to appease the growingly angry masses by creating a "democracy wall" where people could post flyers and sell pamphlets on any subject they liked. However, this got out of control and resulted in the infamous Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989. The problem in China was similar to the one Isaiah Berlin prophesized in The Trap, see the background link at the bottom. How much good can "negative liberty", individualism without demanding outside change, really do in a world where change is needed? There is a growing feeling around the world that the government no longer benefits the people it is supposed to govern. There was a public outcry in 1999 when Tony Martin, a Norfolk farmer, was being constantly attacked by local gypsies and he shot one of them dead. Surely, wouldn't he be acquitted by pleading extreme provocation? No, he was jailed for life. The government have stopped being the people's representatives and instead are merely administrators of a global technocratic hegemony. Were they ever anything else really? We are now in a new era which is post-democratic and nobody knows exactly what to call it. What name will it be given? What will happen to Jiang Qing? I'll have to watch Part 5 to find out.
See here for more background:

Thursday 1 April 2021

Can't Get you Out of my Head- Part 3

See here for my review of Part 2: Part 3 is called Money Changes Everything and it continues some of the stories explored in the other previous two episodes. See here for Part 3:,
and: Those stories include the careers of Jiang Qing, who was antagonizing the Chinese authorities more and more; and the perpetrators of "Operation Mindfuck" who continued their aptly-named fake conspiracy theory hoax. I found it interesting they brought up Chaos Theory because I recall an excellent TV documentary about it from when I was a child. I'm glad to say it's been YouTubed and it even has the first ten minutes that were missing from my old VHS TV recording, see: We also learn about the invention of the drug known as Valium or Diazepam, the most popular medicine on the market. The inventor, Arthur Sackler, worked on devious ways of selling it to patients. You may have the catchphrase: "There's a pill for every ill." Of course with Big Pharma, it's the other way round: "There's an ill for every pill." We find out what the connection is between trade unionism in the Appalachian coal mines and a brave Russian astronaut who was killed on a space mission in 1967. We also find out that Betty Ford, President's Ford First Lady, was addicted to medical drugs. How sad it is George Orwell didn't live to hear about China's "Department of Public Tranquillity". The same regime under the new leader, Deng Xiaoping, tried to get the Chinese people addicted to money and consumerism, and how that inspired the last Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev when he tried to save his charge via Perestroika. President Nixon dropped the Gold Standard from America's currency throwing the financial world into turmoil. Another subject covered is a strange American base built under the ice of the North Pole, and nobody can deny this one is real. There is no real internal narrative to Part 3 of this series and it is very much open-ended both at the start and finish. I suspect it will all make sense when I watch the last three episodes.
See here for more background: