Pareidolia is a subject I recently covered in a
controversial CMR interview I did with the Fortean researcher Trystan Swale,
It is a human psychological phenomenon in which we see recognizable forms where
there are none. An example could be seeing a cloud that appears to be the same
shape as the
British Isles or the face of an old man in
the lines of the bark of a tree. Our brains seem to be geared towards
perceiving recognizable shapes and we will often pick those shapes out of
completely random patterns. The same goes for our other senses; when it comes
to our ears we might hear recognizable sounds in white noise, like voices
calling our name in the hissing of a badly tuned radio. I was recently walking
Oxford and I saw something
that caught my eye, something stencilled on a window; I ended up photographing
it, see at the top. My first thought was that this is a picture; it looks to me
like the head of a monkey or ape. It's in profile facing right; you can see its
snout, its right eye and thick fur on its head. This hair is streaming out
behind its head as if blowing in the wind and the artist has captured this dynamic
feature of the image very skilfully; you can just see the monkey's ear poking
out through its hair. You can see its shoulders and arms in the picture and it
seems to be wearing clothes as if it's an anthropomorphic simian from a science
fiction story, maybe a "super-chimp" from a novella by Arthur C
Clarke. It looks like its running; its right arm is pulled back and its left is
forward. You can just see its left hand at the edge of the frame and it appears
to be holding something in it that looks like a gardening trowel. All in all
that snapshot-like energeticism is apparent in the entire tableau. It's a great
work of art I think... But then is it? Could it be that I'm not seeing a
picture at all; I'm just seeing a random pattern caused by the metal foil liner
on the pane being torn? Therefore my brain has done its job well by
interpreting the meaningless rips and scratches on the liner as a recognizable
form. The big question, the one I wanted to discuss with Trystan, is: how can I
It's a question that you might think is easy to
answer; a picture is obviously a picture, and a random pattern is obviously a
random pattern, isn't it? Yes it is, if you have proof that what you're looking
at is artificial, in that there is a known artist involved whom you're positive
definitely produced that work, but what if there isn't? What evidence do you
have to go on if you come across what looks distinctly like a painting or
sculpture, but it is totally anonymous? If you decide that it is indeed a
synthetic work of art then how do you make that judgement? If you think about
it, the answer must be somehow to quantify the resemblance the alleged image
has to the real object it supposedly represents; for instance, if you come
across what looked like a painting of Mother Teresa on a wall (Or in a teacake;
this actually happened, see:
and it was totally anonymous. Then you'd have to ask yourself how closely the
painted image resembles the real Mother Teresa; to do that scientifically you'd
have to invent a practical mechanism with some kind of scale. Once that was
designed there would have to be a discussion about what "level of
closeness" would become the universally agreed cut-off point between what
was to be considered a random pattern and an artificial image. a statistical ceiling. This so far has
never been done and therefore pareidolia has become something of a trump card
for Skeptics, an unfalsifiable wreaking ball that they can drive into any
debate to end it forever. If you're ever in such a situation with a Skeptic
then I recommend making this point. After all, if I wanted to be a truly
obsessive curmudgeon I could claim that the Sistine Chapel murals are just
random patterns. Michelangelo just got in a temper one day and kicked some cans
of paint around the room; what resulted is a completely haphazard splash of
flying paint drops and if you see any recognizable shapes there of cherubs, naked
angels and Hands of God, then I'm afraid it's just your brain interpreting
those splashes as organized imagery when there is none in fact there. If you
think what I've said is ridiculous then you need to enter into this discussion
to define exactly where we draw the line between the random and the
intentional, otherwise I'm entitled to use that argument as heedlessly as you
do. This is very important when it comes to anomalous phenomena because the
pareidolia Joker is so often played to discredit cases like the Face on Mars or
the Solway Firth Spaceman, see:
One man, Mark J Carlotto, has attempted to clear the question up by writing a
computer programme that "measures artificiality", see here for more
but this is not a task to be undertaken by any one individual; there has to be
a consensus formed so that any future discoveries of this nature can be
calculated precisely and the studies can then skip over that tedious hurdle
that's been holding them back for so long. What applies to the visual sense
applies to many other things too, as I discuss with Trystan in the link above.
It is very important when it comes to analyzing evidence collected for the electronic
voice phenomenon- EVP. When is a voice a real voice and when is it just us
mistaking white noise for a voice? After the interview I play some music and I
joke about how good random noise can sound!
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