Thursday 19 March 2020

The Coronavirus Industry

I have caught the COVID 19 disease. I don't know where I picked it up. It has a very long incubation period; that is the time between infection and when the infected person falls ill. For colds and influenza this is a few days, but for the coronavirus it can be as long as a month. As regular readers know, I travel a lot and so I might well have contracted the illness in London, Essex or Hull, see: and: I began feeling poorly in the middle of last week and have self-isolated since Monday. Luckily today I feel a bit better so hopefully I have began to recover. For me the disease feels like an exceptionally bad case of flu. I was hot and dizzy with a slightly drunk feeling of detachment that filled my head. My neck glands expanded making it difficult to turn my head. My limbs ached and felt weak. I was devoid of energy and felt tired all the time. I coughed a lot; it was a painful dry cough that raked my throat. My lungs were sore and it felt difficult to draw my breath in too much. I could not have run or carried out heavy exercise because I would not have been able to breathe fast enough. I've also lost my appetite and had to force myself to eat. It's an unpleasant illness. I've not been this sick since I was a child and had glandular fever and mumps. However, it is not life threatening for me. I am reasonably young and fit. I have no health conditions that make me vulnerable. I've kept away from my father who is seventy-two; and my daughter's uncle who is generally very sick. I managed to do an episode of The Mind Set Podcast from my sickbed, see: In a minority of cases, the malaise develops beyond the initial symptoms into pneumonia that can kill and does. So far, about eight thousand people have died of COVID 19. Those most at risk are the elderly. As always, the Remoaners have cashed in on this opportunity. Somebody Tweeted: "Coronavirus is the ghost of Brexit coming to kill the old people for voting wrong". Readers can guess what I think about that, see:

The COVID 19 disease is bad in itself, but the effect it has had on people psychologically and culturally is also very serious. There has been a lot of panic-buying in shops, including this ugly scene from Australia where shoppers fought over the remaining toilet paper stock, see: Napoleon Bonaparte once said that every society is just three meals away from revolution; it appears ours is three bog rolls away. The news media have been filling their screens and pages with stories of doom and gloom. The pound has fallen to its lowest level in thirty years. Schools are shutting in Britain, as they already have done in Iran and Italy. The railway network and London Underground are scaling back their services. The country is entering a state of lockdown. The economy is failing; the FTSE 100 and Dow Jones, these are the top companies in the world, have lost value on all their shares. The US Treasury has cut interest rates to almost nothing. The UK police have been given the right to detain people who refuse to self-isolate. The army is on standby. It's all such a mess, but is it for everybody? Is nobody gaining anything out of COVID 19? The answer is yes. The virus appeared last autumn in the city of Wuhan in China, which just happens to be the location of a major international biological laboratory; could be a coincidence, but... Oddly enough all the major viral outbreaks of the last few years have begun in China; avian flu, swine flu, SARS etc. Laboratories around the world are working to develop a coronavirus vaccine. When this vaccine becomes available it will become the hottest property the pharmaceutical industry has ever enjoyed. It will be their ultimate payday. State and private healthcare providers across the globe are going to be desperate for vast amounts of the new vaccine. They will pay very high rates for it. Entire factories will have to be set up to produce it. Whoever wins these production contracts will earn, not billions, trillions! Source: The financial chaos caused by COVID 19 ought to be temporary. It was inevitably going to happen as a result of people not buying and selling; the collapse of service industries and retail sphere. However, what better excuse exists for those who want to engineer a more long-term economic crisis? It's the perfect opportunity for the currency world reset, see: The future of the economy is designed to be cashless; after all, you can catch the coronavirus off banknotes, so we've been told. It has also given the governments of the world a chance to stretch their authoritarian muscles. The state has clamped down with the biggest jackboot it can slip on. Nations have been sealed off, transport networks have been restricted, and conferences have been cancelled such as Probe and Awakening Manchester, see: Football fixtures have been called off and even pubs have been shut in Ireland, something I never believed would be possible even if Dublin were invaded by aliens. These new government restrictions are not being brought in because the government cares for the people; no, it cares for itself and its own power. Even if the coronavirus is not as bad as has been dreaded, the fear of it has caused people not to object to encroachments of tyranny that they would otherwise object to. David Icke has done another interview with London Real in which he describes the emergence of a "Hunger Games society". He predicted many years ago that a global pandemic would be used for what he calls "problem-reaction-solution". Source: There's no doubt the illness is real; I've had it and I can assure you. I understand the need to protect vulnerable people from infection, but to take it to such alarmist extremes that the whole world falls into a state of emergency won't protect anybody from anything? The news is reporting that the infection has already peaked in China where the disease first emerged... if you believe them. Either way, the pandemic cannot last forever. It's struck at its weakest time of the year too, the northern spring; and so if the weather becomes warmer the season will end making it peak here sooner. History shows that once the population has allowed the state to take additional power it is very reluctant to part with it after the need, or perceived need, for the power is over. Examples include the Reichstag fire and 9/11. Therefore we must stay calm and not panic. Do your best to stay healthy, but if you get sick, take care of yourself. Seek medical attention if necessary. Avoid infecting other people. However, keep it in proportion. It's not the end of the world, but if we let fear drive us into the arms of dictators it might be.


Laurence said...

Global stock markets have been inflated over the last decade through stock buy-backs funded by fiat (effective zero interest rate loans granted to companies as an artefact of QE). Now, what better way to reset all that fiat currency than wipe out those stock-market gains? I cannot think of a better engineered solution to the problem of increasingly worthless petro-dollars than to simultaneously crash the stock-markets of the world and reduce the price of crude. 2020 was a significant year after all Ben, the year that the NWO pressed the big red button.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're feeling unwell, but I wouldn't get sucked into this "it's coronavirus" mentality as it's likely just the flu you've got. Hope you get better soon.

Regarding David's statement when he said that he predicted a pandemic years ago, I'm confused, because as far as I can recall, I don't remember him mentioning a pandemic until fairly recently. I've listened to most of his talks and online interviews, but I don't remember him talking about a pandemic. Admittedly, I haven't read many of his books, so I assume it was mentioned in one of his books. Do you know which book he said this in?.

I agree with David that this "pandemic" is being used (in part) to bring in a cashless society and more authoritarian control, sadly though, most people will just say "that's nonsense, they're not doing that", and over time when it does happen they will have gotten used to it and not connect the dots.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Laurence, it could indeed be that 2020 is when the NWO has finally bit the bullet on their financial system. Of course their plan will be to reorganize it in their image, but their plans may well backfire, many others have this decade. Hope so!

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Thanks, Anon. I feel a bot better now. However, I promise you this is not flu. It is far worse. I've not been this sick since I had glandular fever as a kid. I'm afraid I can't recall which book he said that in. As you know, his writings are voluminous. I remember him saying this a few years ago though, I think during the swine flu pandemic. It is sad how many people are playing along with the psyop, but we can only hope enough of them hear voices saying otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I mentioned about the suggestion that this is to create a stock market crash and putting small and medium sized businesses out of business, leaving only (as David Icke rightly said) the giant corporations left. A reply I got was "well, why are the supermarket shelves empty and nothing left, yet the local shops have plenty of stuff?". I don't think people think of the long term, gradual impact, they think it's gonna happen over night. It is odd though that the big supermarket shelves are empty, yet all the local family run ahops aren't and you can still buy essentials like toilet rolls etc. They must be getting their stock from somewhere. I've heard a rumour that some supermarkets are deliberately taking some of the items off the shelves to create a mass rush, how true that it I don't know.

mjmitch said...

There is NO definitive test for "COVID-19". Is it possible you have flu?
What about the widespread diagnostic test for the virus in humans? Is this PCR test accurate? Is it useful?

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

No. I've had flu many times and it has never been half as bad as this. I can't prove it was CV because I never had a viral screening. I was diagnosed over the phone by the helpline. But what else was it likely to be?

mjmitch said...

Hope you feel better soon. What do you make of this?

And this?

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Thanks, Mjmitch. 5G is very bad for people, but I don't think it is the cause of COVID 19

Laurence said...

It never ceases to amaze me how some assume that you will believe any old conspiracy chucked your way, eh Ben? I do not mean any disrespect to mj (whom I'm sure meant well) but your presumed plausibility appears to be based on your belief in UFOs and the paranormal. This despite UFOs and the paranormal being a reality acknowledged officially the world over. Until very recently, a scientific background did not preclude belief in the supernatural; on the contrary, just about any significant scientist that you care to mention was a believer in the afterlife (many going so far as to admit that their interest in scientific truth stemmed directly from it).

Anonymous said...

I'm confused on the 5G link to Coronavirus. Why are some researchers claiming this, what has 5G got to do with it all (is the pandemic to distract us from 5G?), and what evidence is there?. And why hasn't David Icke talked about this?. In the London Real interview he talks about the many excuses this will allow the elite to bring in more restrictions, mandatory vaccination, an excuse to roll out the cashless society on the basis that cash will allow the virus to spread, to destroy small or even medium size businesses leaving only the giant corporations.

Speaking of that London Real interview, but one of the YouTube uploads has got 2.5 million views.

mjmitch said...

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Laurence, I cover that in detail in my skeptic videos, radio programmes and articles. What skeptics calls "science" is for them a cultic ideology which is fairly recent. Actual science is very different as you say.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Anon, I think 5G is a terrible thing. It is bound to cause a general drop in human health. There is no evidence I've seen that 5G is the direct cause of the conomavirus. However, it could be that the influence of high frequency non-ionizing radiation on our immune systems, like that from 5G, smart meters, TATRA etc, could make us more vulnerable to the virus.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

MJ, I'll have a look at that. Thanks for the info.

Zanthodon said...

If it's to do in the person's who voted Brexit, their aiming isn't too hot.

Zanthodon said...

If, as some suggest, it was to punish those that voted Brexit, their aiming's not too hot.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Zan, incredibly, but so obviously, there are Remoaners celebrating COVID 19. Thre is no "Fuck you!" big enough for such people. As if we Leavers would rejoice in a disease that killed mostly young people?