Wednesday 31 July 2024

Late Night with the Devil

There's a competition between rival TV stations to outdo each other with shock and controversy. A lot that is apparently an accident or gaffe is secretly a part of the plan, for example see: However, this can sometimes lead to a genuine catastrophe. Late Night with the Devil is a very unusual horror film that tells the story of a fictional massacre in the studio of a late night TV variety show in 1977. It is a "found broadcast tape" story, so to speak; an adaptation of the found footage horror genre. The presenter of the programme is a suave and professional individual called Jack Delroy who wisecracks confidently on screen, but deep down he is plagued by insecurity. He is locked in a bitter battle for ratings with a rival show that airs concurrently on another channel and his beloved wife falls ill; eventually she dies. In a desperate attempt to restore his television prominence as well as his personal self-esteem, Jack broadcasts a Halloween special in which he plans to shock the nation and upstage his adversary forever by conjuring up real supernatural phenomena. The results are cataclysmic and terrifying. One of the characters is a skeptic and is very closely based on James Randi. There is some humour at the end of the film where he tries to hand over his famous cheque, something he thought he would never do. There is also a powerful hint that Jack is more aware than he seems to be of the occult. He is a member of Bohemian Grove and is dating a parapsychologist who is rehabilitating a young girl who was a slave of a satanic cult. The cult leader is a man who looks and acts very like Anton LaVey. This is probably quite a low budget film. The cast are all B and C-list and it was an independent production based in three countries, but technically it is very slick. The acting is good and the script is cleverly polished. The style and atmosphere of 70's light entertainment TV is very well reconstructed. The result is surely the most original horror film for many years. It's a strange combination of Network, The Exorcist and Ghostwatch. It is pretty horrific though and therefore definitely not for the fainthearted. It is currently streaming on most major platforms for a few pounds rental.
See here for background:

Sunday 28 July 2024

ITER is in Trouble

ITER is the world's largest tokamak nuclear fusion experiment. It has been under construction in Caderache, France since 2007 and has slowly been taking shape. I have been following its progress on its official YouTube channel, see: These videos are primarily promotional and not much has been said in them about a major technical hitch. The heat shields and vacuum vessel have cracks in them caused by corrosion during manufacture; and also stress during installation, because the parts don't fit together properly. Repairing this problem is going to take a long time. It might even be necessary to extract the enormous modules and replace them with new ones which will take a lot of time, effort and money. Source: On the subject of money, the project has grossly overspent its original five billion euro budget. State-corporate organizations tend to do that; another obvious example being HS2, see: Its latest price hike is looking to top out at twenty billion euros; and all taken from ITER member taxpayers. The original plan was for the facility to be up and running by 2025; that has now been delayed, obviously. Latest estimates are that first plasma will be achieved in 2033 and energy should be produced in maybe 2039! Luckily for fusion proponents, ITER is not the only kid on the block and there are other cheaper projects being developed, for example see: The joke about usable nuclear fusion power is that it always ten years away. That was first said in 1982 when the JET at the Culham laboratory opened. However, as you'll see in the background link below, ITER and its associates are gigantic golden elephants wandering in the wrong direction, and I think that's the purpose. Free energy exists already. Energy that costs almost nothing, is simple to generate, safe, practical, infinite and environmentally friendly. It has been developed, it might even be in small scale use; but the general public are forbidden from accessing it. Instead our attention, not to mention our resources, is diverted towards sexy cash-guzzling megaprojects that don't work and are not meant to.
See here for background:

Saturday 27 July 2024

New 9/11 Footage

A new video recording of the September the 11th 2001 attacks in New York City has just been published, one that has been unseen for almost twenty-three years. It was filmed from somewhere east of the World Trade Centre, quite a long way off. Looking on a map I'd say the camera is somwhere on Long Island. It was uploaded to YouTube by somebody called Kei Sugimoto. There are three versions of the video on his channel; the original fifty-seven minute upload, a highlights reel just over six minutes long, and a 4K upscaled version of the latter. Kei is certainly not a 9/11 Truther, in fact his channel seems to be mostly about photography. The dialogue is mostly in a foreign language; based on its phonetics and looking at Kei's profile, I'd guess it's Japanese. Occasionally an English-speaker interrupts and joins in with the conversation. Source: You might think there is no point in watching this because we've seen it all before, haven't we? Well, every new angle on this attack could reveal vital clues. The most interesting part from this distance and aspect is the final destruction of WTC1. At the end we see the "spire". This is a section of the supporting wall structure of the tower that remained standing after the rest of the building had gone. It wobbled for a moment, which was very dangerous because it is several hundred feet high and must have been very heavy. If it fell sideways it could flatten an entire cityblock. However, it turned to dust. Skeptics have always claimed that the spire just collapsed like the rest of the building and we are simply seeing loose debris fall off it. It looks otherwise just because of the specific angle the video was taken. However, we can clearly see in Kei's recording that it does exactly the same thing. Most of the "dustification" is hidden by another cloud of fume, but it definitely happens exactly as we said it did. See here for more information: A lot of people see 9/11 as irrelevent in the modern world. It happened so long ago that it is now purely historical, like World War II or Queen Victoria; but this new video shows that it is not. You never know when new evidence might come to light about any subject. It could break out at anytime, anywhere from anybody. I'm sure Kei Sugimoto did not post this video for the purposes of helping the 9/11 Truth movement, but he inadvertently has.
See here for background:

Thursday 25 July 2024

RDH Trial- Day Four

See here for day three:
The trial of Richard D Hall is over. The final day, only a half day in the end, was indeed Mr Oakley's summation. He described what he felt were the "very strange" elements of this case, such as the announcement of a planned future injunction halfway through the trial. He criticized Mr Price for failing to address the factual elements of Richard's evidence, even though it was he who originally brought them up. He made the point that Martin Hibbert's principle gripe seems not so much Richard's conduct as it is his opinions. This again raises the subject of an obvious ulterior motive. Something happened on Tuesday that I thought it wise not to mention at the time, while the trial was in progress; because it might give away intelligence to the enemy, so to speak. During his cross-examination of "Miss G" Mr Oakley asked her a question that didn't seem relevant at first glance. Did she approve of the mayor of Manchester Andy Burnham's proposal for a law to force people not to question the official story of terrorist attacks; she replied "Yeah!" without hesitation and with a vigorous nod of the head. I wondered why the barrister had asked her that question, but then it became clear to me. It was similar to Mr Price's cross-examination of Richard. Mr Oakley had laid out a trap for Miss G and she walked straight into it. She exposed herself as bearing personal and emotional hostility to conspiracy theories. If she had said something like: "Well, I hate this nonsense about the Arena attack not happening, but I do believe in free speech so wouldn't try to stop people saying it" she would have come across as more reasonable and open-minded. As it was, her attitude added to the suspicion that this lawsuit is just a vexatious pretext to punish somebody whose views make them angry. It is a form of litigious cancel culture. The barrister also made the point that it is only through questioning official stories that true justice is often done. He cites the obvious example of the Birmingham Six and the Guildford Four, ten men imprisoned for a decade for a crime they didn't commit, the 1974 pub bombings. Another example is the Hillsborough inquiry; and there are many others. As expected, Mrs Justice (I'm sure her parents didn't call her that) Steyn ended the trial without making a judgement. She promised to do this in a couple of months. As we left the Royal Courts we were astonished to be faced with broadside of TV cameras and photographers snapping away; so you might have seen us on the news tonight! We did not speak to them and just walked straight down a side street to a pub for a well deserved drink. The trial is over, but we still don't know the verdict. Despite this, we were all in high spirits, especially Richard who is probably very relieved that this is all over, for better or worse. I know for a fact that regardless of the judge's decision, Richard will not go under. He has too many supporters and we will continue to support him. Mr Oakley came with us to the pub. As I said before, Richard's barrister was brilliant, but I did not know his real opinions. A good lawyer can act with enormous principled passion that seems genuine, but sometimes their own views are very different. This can lead to some misunderstandings, such as in this famous movie scene, see: As we spoke to him in the pub it became obvious that Mr Oakley was being sincere. I don't want to say too much in case it gets him into trouble, but suffice to say he is very much on our side. It was great to spend some time with so many like-minded people. Unlike a conference, this gathering had a serious purpose and a moral mission. I've made some really good friends this week. Despite it being an experience we'd rather Richard had not had to go through, and I'm quite certain he does too, we've all learned a lot and gained a lot. Richard himself should feel very proud of what he has achieved.
See here for background:

Wednesday 24 July 2024

RDH Trial- Day Three

At the start of the third day of the trial of Richard D Hall, everybody felt that Richard was way ahead. The defence had declared with a very high innings, but now it was the prosecution's turn to come out to the crease and bat. Mr Price began by calling Richard as a witness. The first two hours of his cross examination was baffling. He started doing what is similar to a skeptics' debunking of Richard's theories on the Manchester Arena; not unlike the recent one Neil Sanders has done (unsuccessfully in my view). This was very odd because it seems to run contrary to the summary judgement forbidding any discussion of evidence. I had the feeling there was some strategy involved that I, not being a lawyer, could not understand; and I was right, but I'll come to that later. Mr Price kept reminding Richard of his responsibilities as a journalist, quoting OfCom's rules relating to "fairness" and the welfare of contributors. He claimed that the Hibberts had been featured so much in Richard's filmography that they counted as contributors and not just subjects. I doubt that, but I'm sure it can be clarified. Mr Price appealed to emotion again, returning to the "cruelty" and "hurt" Richard's actions had caused, allegedly. How the final photo of Martin and Eve in the restaurant before going to the Arena was "very precious" to them. "What about compassion?" he implored. As I've said before, such guilt tripping is not uncommon and I think it has no place in a rational discussion, see: Mr Price kept pushing Richard to explore the hypothetical possibility of whether the Hibberts' story could be true. "Why don't you just believe them, Mr Hall?" he said. "Surely you can understand why, if their story is true, they would be so upset?" "It's a very serious matter because you're accusing them of a crime!" He then asked Richard if he had done a risk assessment before producing his programmes, as if Richplanet TV is some kind of building site. He quoted numerous media regulations and how journalistic freedom and the public interest have to be weighed up against privacy and social violation etc. Two questions I would like to have asked him which never came up in the trial were: How does Marianna Spring's invasion of Richard's market stall and attacks on his reputation weigh up in that rulebook? And: In his view, how does one legitimately portray Martin Hibbert and his family with anything other than unquestioning adulation according to his standards? I might add, as a KC Mr Price lacks the eloquence and conviction of Mr Oakley. It's just as well he is not on Richard's side. 
Richard replied calmly, choosing all his words carefully; but he remained defiant. He kept returning to the point that the evidence was what mattered and that whether the witness' testimony matched the facts was relevant. In his view, there are questions that people have a right to ask and should be asking; and I agree with him. He brought up examples of real life false flag and staged terror like Operation Gladio and the Baghdad bombing in which actors pretended to be dead bodies. He described the cagey and contradictory attitude of the public inquiry. It was only later on in his summing up that I realized the game Mr Price was playing with Richard; he was testing him. He claimed that Richard had the "arrogant" idea that he had no need to balance his journalistic rights to free speech with his duties of protection towards witnesses and subjects. However, if Richard had answered differently, for example saying: "Yes, if it turned out Martin and Eve were telling the truth then I would have to withdraw my books and films and apologize to them." then he would be lured away from his central argument, that he questioned the truth of their statements in the first place. This would lead to him to being trapped in an infinite paradoxical loop, saying that despite his doubts about their honesty, they might be honest; and therefore he would not have been doing this research in the first place which made him question that etc. Mr Price stated as fact that Richard's theories were "baseless"; I wonder why he used that word. I was waiting for him to say "egregious harm" and "trust the science", but he is not quite that corny. It was only just before the lunch break that Mr Price briefly brought up what I thought was the core of the Hibbert's grievance against Richard, his filming outside Eve's house. He did not successfully counter the points made by the defence though, in my view. He asked Richard why he thought he had got it right about Manchester when all the judges, the police, the emergency services and the city council etc all got it wrong, as if reality is some kind of election. He accused Richard of confessing that what he does is harmful because he shields his own nine year old son from what is going on while castigating the Hibberts for not doing so with Eve, but that is not an accurate analogy. Richard is shielding his son from his own court case; a very different affair. As with the Alex Jones trial, Mr Price presented Richard with some examples of recent social media posts about this trial, as if Richard is directly responsible for the behaviour of others, see: He did not include the HPANWO Voice posts in this series, probably because I am too reasonable for his purposes. There is only one day left in the schedule of this trial and I expect it will be mostly Mr Oakley summing up. I will be there tomorrow for that.
See here for day four:

Tuesday 23 July 2024

RDH Trial- Day Two

See here for day one:
I got up at five AM for a second time to catch the coach to London. Luckily there is a very good regular coach service between Oxford and London precluding the need for accommodation there which is very expensive. As I've said earlier, I always feel very uncomfortable entering the Royal Courts of Justice; that Dracula's castle in the heart of the capital gives me the creeps, and I'm not even the one in trouble... yet. Today consisted entirely of a series of three cross-examinations by Mr Oakley, Richard D Hall's barrister. The first was with somebody I will call "Miss B"; she is Eve's educational carer. She said she became aware of Richard's presence more recently than the others; it was when the Panorama documentary was broadcast in October 2022. Eve herself first heard about Richard the previous summer, when the family decided to nickname him "Stalkerman". They believed that Richard was "making money!" from conspiracy theories and that this is "unfair!" (In the portal link below I explain why that very unoriginal accusation is false.) Eve's access to the internet is closely supervised, seeing as she is a mentally and physically handicapped young adult. Mr Oakley accepted that the presence of cameras and the media at Eve's college was upsetting for her, but that was nothing to do with Richard. Eve's parents did not try to reassure Eve that "Stalkerman" was not going to come back and "get her!"; why not? Eve apparently is generally very nervous and needs constant comforting. The second witness of the day was a "Mr Ll". He is a friend of Martin Hibbert and he claims to have heard of Richard as long ago as 2018. He told Martin about it, but the latter dismissed it as unimportant. Mr Ll says that Mr Hibbert is a very proud man who masks his feelings. Mr Oakley repeated the point he had made to Mr Hibbert and Miss B, that any anxiety and trauma the family was experiencing, was not Richard's fault; it was due to the general aftermath of the event in Manchester. Richard was pretty much a transient figure in their lives until the beginning of Mr Hibbert's media career. Mr Ll said that "denial of their story", meaning the official story of how the Manchester Arena incident had taken place, had harmed Eve and Martin. This is another very hackneyed falsehood that is wheeled out whenever some disaster occurs, see: Mr Ll also claimed Richard had made an "implied threat" to a paramedic in one of his videos when in fact all Richard did was make his viewers aware that he had more information about that man that he might release at a later date. Mr Ll echoed one of the points made by Mr Hibbert, that he felt intimidated in the courtroom by the presence of... wait for it!... us! Richard's supporters, people like me. It is true that dozens of us have turned up to act as observers/McKenzie friends whenever Richard is in court; but, as far as I have seen, we have behaved ourselves impeccably. I have never approached Martin Hibbert on any of the occasions I have been with him in the Royal Courts of Justice. I believe none of us would be as stupid and counterproductive as to behave in a hostile manner towards him. In fact, at one time today I was passing through a door at the same time as Mr Ll and held it open for him. He said: "No, after you." I passed through the door and replied: "Thank you." We have a right to be there under the principle of open justice.

The most interesting witness was the last one of the day, "Miss G" who is Eve's mother and Martin Hibbert's ex-partner. She was not present in the courtroom and called in via CVP, which is similar to Skype or Zoom. Mr Oakley asked her how she felt about Eve's father's media presence; his TV and radio interviews and the new book he has just published. She shrugged and said it was his business seeing as they are separated and he is an adult. She trusts him and doesn't believe Eve could be harmed by the publicity. Like Mr Hibbert, Miss G is uncertain about the details of Richard D Hall's influence on their lives. Like the others, she first heard about him from Martin's discussions with her in mid-2021 and had no previous knowledge of him. She has only watched one of his videos and read a very short passage from his book. Richard's barrister then challenged her with many of the same points he had made to Mr Hibbert. Why is this a problem when Richard only approached their home on one occasion almost two years previously? Why had they never reported Richard to the police on any other occasion apart from summer of 2021? Did she know that Richard had stayed on a public highway and had not trespassed on her property? Miss G then contradicts Miss B by saying that she regularly informs her daughter about online content related to Richard, such as showing her Marianna Spring's TV documentary. She allows Eve to use the internet unsupervised, but says her daughter only watches music videos when left to her own devices. She says that Eve is still scared of Richard, but how does she know so much about him? Again, it seems that it is those around her who are actively keeping Richard fresh in her mind. Why don't they reassure her that he has gone and will never come back? Then something incredible was revealed, it turns out that Richard had had communication with the Hibbert's solicitor long before the harassment lawsuit against him had been initiated. The law firm had sent Richard what is effectively a cease-and-desist notice and Richard had replied that he was willing to remove some of the material that had been published by Mr Hibbert that he had reproduced, which he is not obliged to under established journalistic practice; if the family would accept that he had done nothing wrong. Miss G replied in a similar vein to her ex; she did not know this correspondence had taken place. That is extraordinary. I, personally, would be incensed if any solicitor acting for me tried to make secret negotiations with another party while keeping me in the dark. Somebody is lying here; either the family or their lawyers. Either way, this is a very weird situation. Of course, if this exchange between Richard and the solicitors had been made in the open, then that changes everything. It suggests a desire on Richard's part to deescalate and close the case amicably. The trial continues.
See here for day three:
See here for background:

Monday 22 July 2024

RDH Trial- Day One

The trial of Richard D Hall has begun; see the link below for background. Day one is over. It was held at the Royal Courts of Justice again and this time the court had made more of an effort to accommodate the large volume of visitors. A second courtroom had been set up with a cloud video platform, a type of CCTV, so the people who were unable to fit into the main courtroom have somewhere else to watch. Richard was represented by a barrister this time; and, as it happened, he turned out to be a right Perry Mason! Mr Price was once again acting for the claimant. There was a different judge this time, a Mrs Justice Steyn. The court officials were "robed" this time, wearing the traditional suits, gowns and wigs. Mr Price began by giving an overview of Mr Hibbert and his daughter's experience since the alleged bomb attack in 2017. I found it unfair that the prosecution is allowed to bring up evidence to support their cause, but Richard is forbidden by the summary judgement. What's more the claimant has himself criticised the Kerslake Report, the official story of the Manchester Arena attack, so why can't Richard? Richard's public views about the incident were described with words like "insulting" and "upsetting", but being insulting is not a crime. Mr Price stated that it doesn't matter whether Richard believes sincerely that the Manchester Arena event was staged; what matters is the damage it does to the people on the receiving end. The prosecution's opening statement was primarily emotional, not factual. Mr Oakley, Richard's barrister said pretty much all the things that I have said before, that this whole case against Richard had the ulterior motive of censorship. Martin Hibbert was called as a witness and most of the rest of the day covered the defence's cross-examination of him. Mr Hibbert acted as if he were still filming with the BBC instead of giving testimony in a courtroom. He spoke of his emotional trauma and fear for his daughter's safety, but at the same time he has sought publicity and is quite happy to appear in major media roles; documentaries, news stories, interviews etc. Nearly all the material Richard has used as evidence to criticize him is in the public domain, much of it published by Mr Hibbert himself. The only exception was when Richard went to Eve Hibbert's home. However, even this is not what it has been portrayed as. Richard did this in July 2019 while Mr Hibbert only found out about it two years later, in the summer of 2021. It was the visits by the police and not Richard that drew the neighbours' attention towards Eve. Mr Oakley also pointed out that, by his own admission, it is not Richard who has caused all of Mr Hibbert's trouble. His injury and mental trauma has. Hibbert gives contradictory dates about when he first heard of Richard as well as vague and uncertain statements about what effect Richard is having on him and his family. Hibbert includes a lot of rhetoric about his dislike generally of conspiracy theories. This makes the barrister question his motives. He brings no evidence at all to the table that supports his claim that Richard has harassed him.
Mr Hibbert generally seems very unsure of himself and what exactly he thinks Richard has done wrong. He can't remember the specific videos in which Richard is supposed to have caused him and his daughter so much emotional hurt. Doesn't he remember? I have really been harassed and I know off by heart every word said to me by "Team Droike" and where they said it, see: Why did Mr Hibbert drag this issue into court? There is a simple statutory commission grievance procedure for breaches of data protection. Mr Hibbert then made the unusual step of criticizing his own legal team for not telling him this. What is really going on here? The trial has begun well for Richard. His barrister did an excellent job. Of course there are up to three more days left to go and the prosecution will get the chance to strike back, but so far so good. I'll be going to London tomorrow for day two.

RDH Lawsuit Mini-Portal

I have decided to put links to all my publications on the subject of Richard D Hall's lawsuit into a mini-portal where readers can access them easily and systematically. This subject does not need a main site full portal because there will probably only be a handful of posts about it and many of them.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Ben Emlyn-Jones and the Crafty Nihilist 2

I have been featured on a livestream by the Crafty Nihilist:
This was an unplanned contribution. I happened to be watching and they invited me on. It went well considering I was ad-libbing and we discussed consciousness, past lives and Lord of the Rings.
See here for my previous appearance on the Crafty Nihilist's channel:

Saturday 20 July 2024

Lotus Eaters on Chemtrails

A couple of months ago I reported on how Podcast of the Lotus Eaters had started tackling more conspiratorial subjects, see: I am pleased to report that they have taken the next step by examining geoengineering. They were inspired by the Dubai flood story which sounds to me like either a rainmaking programme gone wrong or an act of environmental terrorism, see: Josh is joined in the show by regular guest panellist Godfrey Bloom and a young man called Lewis; and they reveal that recently there was an atmospheric aerosol test that was not revealed to the public until afterwards. They also speak as a truism something that has never been admitted formally, that the Lynmouth disaster was caused by an RAF cloud seeding experiment, see: The irrepressible Godfrey is famous for saying what he thinks and not caring what anybody says, so I found it quite moving to hear him talk about his life in the country and how he and his wife once saw chemtrails forming behind high flying aeroplanes covering the English rural sky in a white blanket. As the Eaters rightly say, chemtrails do not only poison the sky, but the ground too. Clifford Carnicom and Sophia Smallstorm have addressed that too, see: It appears the Met Office is very much involved, receiving massive donations from billionaires via a geoengineering lobby group. Along with chemtrails, geoengineers plan to move their interventions above the atmosphere by putting mirrors in space. Bill Gates has his finger in this pie of course. Incredibly there are currently 327 projects underway in the United Kingdom on geoengineering. These are supposedly only "hypothetical" projects; but then why so many and why are they being given so much money? I've spoken before about the Oxford Martin School, see: Source:’t-question-the-clouds:1. One wonders, with this new found awareness of all matters tin foil hat related, where will the Eaters go next? Be sure, when they do you will hear about it first on HPANWO Voice.
See here for more information:

Thursday 18 July 2024

The Book of Mormon

I don't often go to the theatre, but I did the other day because I was in London for a social event. We went to the Prince of Wales Theatre in the West End to see The Book of Mormon. This of course refers to a famous book that is claimed to be a missing third testament of the bible. It was published in 1830 by a failed American farmer called Joseph Smith. He claims that the book is based on a golden book shown to him by an angel in 1823. It refers to some previously unreported biblical figures who were followers of Jesus. They fled persecution by crossing the Atlantic Ocean and settling in North America. During the course of his life Smith's movement grew to the point where he established a religious commune. After his death the "Latter Day Saints" continued their evangelical mission and today there are over seventeen million of them. They have many communities around the world, most famously in Salt Lake City, Utah USA. The city was founded by LDS members who considered themselves refugees from persecution in other places. In areas where a lot of "Mormons" live they are rather notorious for their door-to-door preaching. The show begins with a song about how they ring doorbells and try to persuade the person who answers to join their church and be "baptized". The story covers two of these preachers who are sent to a remote community in Africa as missionaries. However, everything goes hilariously wrong and the two men end up compromising their message to make it more comprehensive to the people, and end up distorting it so much that it effectively becomes an entirely new religion. The play is a very irreverent parody of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It has some elements that are politically incorrect and I wouldn't be surprised if the show has been accused of "racism!" The acting, costumes and scenery are very good. Live theatre has become more technically sophisticated in recent years, with clever special effects, probably because of the influence of cinema. None of the cast are famous actors although one or two looked familiar, as if they had minor TV or film roles. It is a very funny musical and its possible offensive nature adds to that humour. The script is full of swearing and it's only suitable for adults. This is to be expected because it is co-written by Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park fame. It is really about how religious cults can emerge and, if I were in a cynical mood, I would say Joseph Smith decided to invent the story about the gold plates because he needed a new career after his farm went bankrupt. In the same way, did L Ron Hubbard create Scientology for the same reason, dissatisfaction with his literary career? The show is well worth seeing. It's at The Prince of Wales Theatre in Covent Garden, which is clean and comfortable, see:

Wednesday 17 July 2024

A New WOW! Signal?

A few months ago I reported on a rather strange pair of videos by Prof. Simon Holland, see: I have wondered since then if this would lead anywhere and it has. The good professor has released another duo to follow up his first two; the second has a very clickbaity title, even by his standards: PROOF? - Alien Signal. What surprised me the most, and embarrassed me a bit, was that it was something I had already heard of and even previously covered, but whose significance I hadn't fully understood. I actually added it onto the end of another article on a distantly related subject just as an aside. The two new videos by Holland mostly just recap what was said in those back in April, but then cite an article published in Nature magazine almost three years ago. What happened was that on the 29th of April (not the 1st!) 2019 the Parkes Murriyang Observatory picked up a narrowband signal from the star Proxima Centauri, famous for being the nearest star to the earth, apart from the sun of course. It was christened Breakthrough Listen Candidate One, BCL1. This was excitedly listed as a "technosignature", possibly generated by an artificial radio source. You can see it clearly as a solid yellow line standing out from the background noise in the waterfall graph illustrated above, and in the source document. This was not done with the drama of a Hollywood movie like Contact; it was all very calm and low-key. The astronomical team went about learning more and more about this strange transmission. It took over a year. They had to control for the usual interference problems generated by our own planet and eliminate natural phenomena that can create radio signals like stellar flares and coronal mass ejections etc. They also had to discern a drift rate from the candidate that was independent of that resulting from the earth's orbit, as explained in Simon's April videos. This revealed that the source was orbiting the star and didn't come directly from the star. This meant that it was probably coming from a planet. It does not, however, correspond to Proxima's known planets, most famously "earth's twin" Proxima b. They also then found that BCL1 was mixed with a number of other similar signals. You may not understand everything in the Nature article and, indeed, I certainly don't; but you don't have to. What is clear is that this is exactly the kind of result the SETI movement has been looking for since its inception in the early 1960's. What more can be learned? The article makes some suggestions including new computer technology to perform data analysis and more joint observations using numerous separate observatories. So far this has not been big mainstream news; and that might be because of an unhappy realization I have come to myself, along with others, that most people are not terribly curious and take very little interest of what lies beyond page one. Who controls what goes onto page one? The media moguls of course; and until they decide to publicize this story it ain't gonna be a story. Source: and: See here for the nature article: and my own contemporary reference:
What I don't get is the sensationalism with which Holland raised the subject in April. He was acting all furtively, talking about a secret insider he called "the source of the information" and making out he was a whistleblower of some kind. He also reckoned that there might be "pictures" in the transmission. Well, the Nature article says nothing that extreme at all. Or does his insider know something that was not published? In that case it brings me back to my previous question: how can something like that be suppressed in a worldwide network of astronomy teams? As I've said before, the conspiracy would be too top-heavy. Astronomy is the world's only truly democratic science and nothing can be covered up in it. Hopefully we'll learn more soon. However, from even the distance of the nearest star, our perception is limited by distance. Hopefully the new methods will work. Prof. Holland is doing a Q and A livestream soon. I'll be sure to watch and, if necessary, report back to you.
See here for background:

Monday 15 July 2024

Ben Emlyn-Jones and Rin Michaelis 14

I have been interviewed again by Rin Michaelis on her video channel:
This is an alt-tech exclusive and is not suitable for YouTube. Subjects discussed include: BRICS stands up to the dollar, is slavery coming back?, a possible future trade war and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on Rin's channel:
See here for Rin's YouTube channel:
And her Twitter:

Saturday 13 July 2024

Football Anglophobia

It is the eve of one of the biggest international football matches of the calendar, the European Cup Final in which England will take on Spain. What you see above is a house flying the flag of Spain; but this house is not in Spain, it is in Scotland. Also several of my Facebook friends from Wales and Ireland posted the memes below last week when England were playing the Netherlands. In sporting tournaments, people from the so-called, and wrongly called, "Celtic" countries will often support any team that is playing against England. Scotland is by far the worst of these nations in this way, but it's also a habitual attitude in my own, Wales. Sometimes this is just light-hearted, typical competitive banter; but it disguises a genuine deep-set historical hatred. I always joke that the only reason Italy was brought into the Six Nations was so that England could play just one game that was not a grudge match. I find it sad and uncomfortable to realize that this hatred is a central part of our national identity. In fact it has even become, in a strange way, a part of our self-esteem. It's an addiction in fact, a cult of self-pity. I sometimes wonder how we Welsh, the Scots and Irish would survive in a world where we were deprived of that lovely lovely cheesecake called victimhood. They will never admit it, but I suspect many people couldn't cope. They would lose all sense of patriotism and national identity. In a perverse way they literally need England to exist as an object of resentment so that they can exist. Without nasty old England, in a worst case scenario, these nations would culturally collapse and cease to exist as human tribal entities. I don't think that is healthy; it is what the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche called "slave morality". What's more, we've seen it elsewhere. Look at how British special interest groups are fighting each other over who is to be lauded as the most "oppressed!", see: In the case of our lands, this grievance is based on a legitimate interpretation of the past. It is fair to say that during the last millennium the primary dialectic of the history of the British Isles has been the expansion of England, with its culture and language, at the expense of the other native demographics, but those days are over. In the 21st century we live in a very different world. The order of nation states is at an end; it has been replaced by a network of federations, military or corporate alliances and trading blocs; all are answerable to some undiscussed yet omnipresent world authority. All the nations of these islands are now just pieces on a globalist chessboard and those who still talk about "big bad England" are living in their own historical fantasy theme park, like the characters in the film The Village, see: It is this delusion that has allowed Wales, Scotland and Ireland to be swallowed up so easily by the modern empire in Brussels, see: I know how important tomorrow is to a dedicated football fan, and there's nothing wrong with a bit of light-hearted mockery; but please don't take it too seriously!

Friday 12 July 2024

Alien Material Analyzed

A document by AARO, in association with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has been accessed via a FOIA request by John Greenewald Jr of The Black Vault (who else?). It concerns a specimen of physical evidence supposedly from the debris collection gathered at the Roswell UFO crash in July of 1947. Studying this debris has been an ongoing part of AARO's research, as it was with AATIP/AAWSAP beforehand. That had previously been contracted out to Bigelow Aerospace. The item in this case is a metallic chip roughly three centimetres square which is part of a collection that has been discussed on many UFO themed podcasts and YouTube videos, for example: Nobody knows exactly where it came from and its association with Roswell is only theorized. It has no formal chain of custody. ORNL has subjected the piece to several tests; a microscope, CT scan, scanning electron microscope, X-ray spectroscopy and others. It is an unusual alloy of several metals, mostly bismuth, lead and zinc; but with other trace elements such as iron, tin, cadmium, gold and thallium. (There is no point in trying to extract the gold for financial purposes. Even if this were possible the nugget would be tiny, probably microscopic, and therefore worthless.) The alloy is not homogenized and the different ingredients are arranged into different zones or layers in which one of the ingredients is more abundant than others, while in other zones another metal dominates. You might feel disappointed that the specimen contains familiar elements found on the earth, but that in itself is not significant because the elements and many of their common compounds are the same pretty much all over universe. They can be detected in distant stars by spectroscopy. The key point, the "fingerprint" as this eleven-page document calls it, is the isotopic ratio. This refers to the number of neutrons in the substance's atomic nucleus. Even though two substances can be the same element, with different isotopes they can sometimes have very different properties. Isotopic ratio can also indicate an origin point, what is known as "natural abundance"; to the level where a material that comes from the earth can be discerned from one that doesn't. This specimen appears to have been subjected to fatigue from heat and mechanical stress, but the ingredients of the alloy and their isotopic ratios demonstrate a terrestrial and synthetic origin. The layering comes "vapour deposition", the condensing of layers from material in gaseous or vapour form. The chip is likely to have been manufacturered by human hands on earth some time in the mid-20th century. Adding this kind of alloy to a structure was used to prevent corrosion. Many different alloys were tested in experiments. It certainly has no antigravity effects. Source:
Obviously this is going to disappoint a lot of people, including me. Despite that, there are many more specimens to study; in fact some already have been and have had very different results. It's worth listening to this interview I did with Dr Irena Scott, see: The analysis of implants has also yielded some curious information, see: and: I would also like a second opinion on the work already done. There are many voices on social media claiming this is another part of the UFO cover-up and accusing AARO and Oak Ridge openly of scientific fraud. This is not my first reaction, but it can't be ruled out. After all, there has been the obvious suppression of information before, see: This is not the end of the materials analysis project. In fact it is only the beginning.
See here for more information:

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Ben Emlyn-Jones Live at the Weymouth Spiritual Awareness Centre

I will be speaking at the Weymouth Spiritual Awareness Centre on Friday the 2nd of August. My talk will be entitled: Helen Duncan and the Witchcraft Trial- 80 Years On. In 1944 the psychic medium Helen Duncan was put on trial for defrauding the public by staging a fake séance. Was she really a fake medium? Or was something more complicated and furtive going on, something related to espionage and wartime security? The venue is: 1 Hope Street, Weymouth DT4-8TU, Dorset. The event starts at 7 PM and costs £10. See here for details:
See here for background:

Monday 8 July 2024

Happy World Disclosure Day 2024!

July the 8th is World ET Disclosure Day, and was awarded that status by Steve Becklow and Geoffrey West of the Paradigm Research Group in 2010, making this the fourteenth one. This is because it was on July the 8th 1947 that General Roger Ramey held a press conference in his office in Fort Worth, Texas where he put on display some wooden sticks and some loose crumpled pieces of aluminium foil; and he told the world's media that this is what Major Jesse Marcel of the Roswell Army Air Force Base had mistaken for a UFO. He was lying. Today, 77 years later, the Government are still lying. However, many believe that this is the day that the decision was made to institute what Stephen Bassett calls the "Truth Embargo." Reporters were descending like locusts on Fort Worth and New Mexico and the Government was considering whether to continue with the original "Flying Disk" story, and so come clean that UFO's exist, or else cover it up; they opted for the latter. Personally I suspect that this decision was made many years earlier when the Government had to deal with similar incidents to Roswell before July of 1947 and they had a contingency plan already in place that simply broke down to begin with, see:; but the day of the scene in Gen. Ramey's office is still a fitting and symbolic historic moment that illustrates the subject well. Therefore every July the 8th is now designated World Disclosure Day. This is of course just six days after World UFO Day because the 2nd of July was the date of the Kenneth Arnold sighting, see: The date of World Disclosure Day will remain every July the 8th until Disclosure happens; then the day will automatically transfer to that date.
It is now over a year since the David Grusch interview and it has so far not led to a major release of evidence. According to Grusch and his supporters, some of the witnesses he's been talking to have suffered retaliation. The skeptics and backslappers are claiming that the whole affair is a hoax. They say the inspectors general are not concerned about aliens, but only Grusch's bullying allegations. However, such everyday workplace accusations are usually sorted out under less secrecy. I know because it's happened to me, see: Yet the matter continues to be discussed in SCIF's. There must be more substance to it. There is now an attempt to resurrect the Schumer amendment for next year's NDAA. Also Danny Sheehan thinks the existing legislation might be enough. I'm not sure which is true, or either is. Maybe both can be true and considered possibilities. I doubt if Disclosure will happen this year, but you never know. There are upheavals going on in the political world right now in many nations. I still think other countries are more likely to be the Disclosure nation than the United States; my money is on Russia. And always, there is the shadow and the unexpected sunrise of "catastrophic Disclosure". That could happen without warning at any time from anywhere by anybody. If it does you will hear about it first on HPANWO Voice.
See here for more information:

Sunday 7 July 2024

Ben Emlyn-Jones on Beyond the Forbidden

I have been featured on Beyond the Forbidden TV. Subjects discussed include: "Catastrophic Disclosure", aliens false flag, spiritual contact and much much more.

Saturday 6 July 2024

That Hideous Strength

See here for my review of Perelandra:
When I started That Hideous Strength, the third and final part of CS Lewis' Space trilogy, I had to double-check I had downloaded the correct audiobook. The first few chapters are a story of a kind that I had never imagined Lewis writing; what felt to me like a criminal conspiracy thriller, almost like The Godfather. Ransom is not present at first and apart from a very brief referral to Weston it apparently had no connection at all to the two previous books of the trilogy. The main characters are called Mark and Jane, an English couple who live in an imaginary grand old university town called Edgestow, modelled on Oxford or Cambridge. Mark is a lecturer at the university. An organization with the insidious name of National Institute for Coordinated Experiments, NICE, wants to buy a piece of beautiful forested parkland in one of the colleges to turn into a new laboratory. The land will be ripped up and cemented over, HS2 style. They end up offering Mark a job, which he accepts. At the same time Jane is having clairvoyant dreams and she goes to see a psychologist. It doesn't take long for Mark to regret his change of career, but he soon finds out that nobody ever leaves the NICE. The land is sold and the local countryside destroyed; the river is rerouted down a canal. The NICE actually has a secret objective to transform the world into a diabolical, post-modernist, robotic technocracy. It even involves radical transhumanism and eugenics. In this way it will sound astonishingly familiar to modern readers who are concerned about the Tavistock Institute or the WEF. Mark is bullied with an increasing level of intimidation. The very names of his persecutors are menacing; Hardcastle, Wither, Frost. It is a very skilful and perceptive portrayal of subversion by bureaucracy, social violence, induced confusion, moral blackmail, passive aggression, exposure to degenerate artworks, ostracism and what you might call "gaslighting". It reminds me of a scene in the recent TV series 3 Body Problem in which one of the characters is offered a job, which they decisively refuse; yet their would-be employers just keep talking as if the character has accepted the job, see: The extremely sinister individuals who make up the leadership of the NICE remind me a bit of the angels in Good Omens, but without the humour, see: Readers like me who are very familiar with The Chronicles of Narnia might not be able to make the transition easily to That Hideous Strength. While The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and its sequels is aimed at children, this earlier novel is definitely adult material. In its pages you will find black magic, violence, murder and torture. It actually includes some horror elements.
CS Lewis wrote That Hideous Strength during the last couple of years before the end of World War II when the British government had already made preparations for "redevelopment", ostensibly to repair the damage done by the Blitz; but, with typical bureaucratic lust, they ended up repairing much that was undamaged. They demolished thousands of beautiful old buildings and replaced them with new ones that were considered far less aesthetic. It was this dark age of architecture that coined the phrase "concrete jungle". One of my favourite city centres, Bath, had a very narrow escape from this "urban improvement". The elimination of ancient structures and especially the natural world also inspired Lewis' friend JRR Tolkien. The NICE uses tactics to achieve its ends that we would today call false flags including engineered riots. One of the other best elements of the narrative, and one of the most disturbing, is the reader sees the process of corruption by evil in real-time from the viewpoint of a central character. However, as Galdalf said, there are forces of good as well as evil at work in the world. Ransom reappears following his return from Venus and, together with allies, fights against the destructive and hateful "bent" eldila. They use Jane for what in the modern world is called "remote viewing". It's interesting that the bad guys' organization is called "nice". Nice is a word that means benevolent and pleasant, but it is rarely used that way colloquially. I've found that if you are called "nice" it is often a subtle insult. I like warm and friendly people and I try to be one myself; however I've learned to be wary of people who appear "too nice". Very often that niceness is a haze of treacle intended to camouflage malevolent aspects of their personality. The personnel at the NICE organization smile, shake hands and speak politely and eloquently; but it's all a ruse, a crafty lure. They are really a gang of megalomaniacs who literally want to create hell on earth. The villains are complex and detailed, a bit like Ayn Rand's. I think they will be very recognizable to most modern readers. For example the NICE deputy director, Wither, talks in long monologues full of uncommon words that are impossible to comprehend yet deliver the superficial impression of being very clever. This reminds me of the satirical TV comedy series Yes Minister in which a feckless statesman, James Hacker, is constantly manipulated by his sneaky assistant Sir Humphrey Appleby. The evil that has infected the earth cannot be beaten by any physical weapon. It is in essence a spiritual war and good people will need to call on the ancient mythological forces of virtue to win it. Such as it is in real life, I believe. Our battle is between the divine and the profane. In the story, this battle is played out and the book's connection to the rest of the Space trilogy is made clear. The isolation caused by the "bent" forces controlling the earth is lifted. There is a brief but touching afterword by the author's best friend and fellow writer, JRR Tolkien.

Friday 5 July 2024

UFO Truth Magazine- Issue 67

UFO Truth Magazine Issue 67 is now available. It can be purchased on this page as a single copy, but please subscribe and save money if you want to read it regularly, see:
Issue 67 includes an article in my column entitled Contact in the Desert 2024.
Also you will find in Issue 67: Karl Nell tells it like it is, Bruce Maccabee RIP, more field research by Dave Hodrien and much much more.
Also in this HPANWO Show programme I interview the UFO Truth Magazine's editor Gary Heseltine:
See here for details on UFO Truth Magazine Issue 66:

Thursday 4 July 2024

Polling Day 2024

This polling day feels different from the others. It has the atmosphere of a holiday or special occasion. Google has even created a daily logo for it. I'm not sure why that is, because it's not as if the contenders are neck-and-neck or anything. The outcome is already very obvious with one party decisively in the lead and predicted to win a supermajority. It should be the most boring general election ever, so why are people treating it as the most exciting? I've been to the local polling station, see illustration, and I did my democratic duty. I voted during my lunch hour and there were only two other voters there. It is a very simple process; I just showed my passport and polling card and they gave me a ballot paper with a list of boxes to cross next to the candidate I want. After I had crossed the box I folded the ballot and slid it into a sealed box. I chose to vote once again for the Independent Oxford Alliance; their prospective parliamentary candidate is called David Henwood. I voted for the IOA in the local elections, see: If Oxford East had a Reform UK candidate I think I would have backed them instead, but this is one of the forty-one constituencies in the country Reform are not contesting. I predict cautiously that Reform might win five to seven seats; hopefully they'll get more. Because of our unique electoral system, the British parliament is dominated by larger and more well-established parties, and the glass ceiling is very high for newer smaller parties. It is very different in most continental nations which is why populists are achieving far more success there. I'm sure it is merely the presence of Nigel Farage and his party that has enlivened us, regardless of how many seats they win. His populism is a cultural as well as a political phenomenon. It is as if at the end of 2016 somebody pressed paused and now suddenly, after eight whole years, they've hit play again. The reaction of the establishment confirms this. They have taken huge risks and attempted some very disreputable manoeuvres to try and defame Reform. These luckily have not worked and their machinations have been exposed, see:; but why go to such lengths to stop a party that they know is going to lose? The "Reformolution" must be about far more than just this election. I don't know what will happen in the next five years; but, as I say in the background links, we have reason to remain positive and hopeful. So sit back, relax and enjoy this general election; and don't forget to pour a nice big glass of Tory tears! Please go to HPANWO TV to watch a special election livestream, see: Also, see here for my election HPANWO Radio show: PS: Happy Independence Day to all my American readers.
See here for more background:

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Ben Emlyn-Jones on Fockham Hall Radio 11

See here for the programme:
I have been featured again on Fockham Hall Radio. Subjects discussed include: Are Reform UK genuine?, the general election, media mind control and much much more. I was joined on the show by Nathan Lucius, see:
See here for my previous interview on FHR: