Saturday 10 August 2024

Nick K on the RDH Trial

Dr Nick Kollerstrom has done his own report on the trial of Richard D Hall. He addresses the subject in his own inimitable style, referencing other reviews such as my own and Iain Davies'; and includes his personal analysis and commentary. Source: Iain has written his own book about the Manchester Arena and it is endorsed by Richard, see: I congratulate both these gentlemen on publishing this material because it is making the public more aware of the major flaws in the official story of the Manchester incident. The comments under mainstream news spots are also encouraging. Reality is something with a power of its own. One day nobody will be in any doubt. We will all be owed huge apologies, none more so than Richard.
See here for more information:


Gravity Mirror said...

"Reality is something with a power of its own." Indeed, everything that happens leaves an imprint of some kind which carries forward into the future. New kinds of physical evidence will emerge the like of which we cannot imagine today, maybe within the lifetimes of the perpetrators, as the murderer of Roy Tutill found to his cost.

I find it interesting that when tasked with playing bridge, poker and other games which can involve an element of deception, artificial intelligence works primarily by building the trust of other players. It recognises that deception is inefficient and unsustainable. I am confident we are heading towards a future where deception is impossible.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Hi GM. I think this is where a little voice of reassurance comes from. I didn't know that about AI. I expect somebody will have to give it a "social Darwinist lobotomy".