Friday 16 December 2022

Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough

A few days ago, scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California USA made an announcement that they had achieved a major milestone in the development of nuclear fusion power. I've done a recent HPANWO TV livestream on this subject, see: The scientists had managed to produce more energy from an experiment than they put in. Unexpectedly, this was not done with a tokomak, but instead with an inertial confinement system based on a 500 terawatt laser. This fires 192 beams of laser light at a tiny fuel pellet about the size of a pinhead until it reaches a high enough temperature and pressure to trigger a nuclear fusion reaction. The amount of energy they generated was just enough to boil a few kettles, but the experts are calling the results "huge!" and "exciting!". Source:
I consider the declassification of free energy a "finish line moment". In other words, when it happens you will know that the New World Order agenda has been defeated because the suppression of free energy is so fundamental to creating the NWO. Hot nuclear fusion is a form of free energy; so does this announcement qualify? No. As I say in the background link above, we've been waiting too long. Billions of pounds have been spent, it's taken over sixty years... and we can now keep a Costa in business for a few hours. Also I mention how proponents of fusion power sometimes massage the figures when it comes to assessing these claims of energy dividend. Here's a new report on that subject, see: So what does this all mean? Why has it been published now? I came across another source that proposes something very interesting, the reason hot fusion is suddenly flavour of the month in the mainstream media is because another more efficient, practical and developed method of free energy is about to be launched. This other method has reached a point where it can no longer be suppressed, so what are the globalists going to do? Dirty tricks of course. Try to head it off at the pass with their own free energy programme which they set up on purpose to fail. It's disinformation, pure and simple. However, I think it's more than that, it's also a fallback position; and that's the good news. They must be worried. Something spooked them! Source (first 30 mins): "Health Ranger Report" believes that the free energy on the rise is low energy nuclear reactions- LENR, commonly known as "cold fusion". This was almost leaked in 1989 by Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann, but the bad guys managed to get the genie back in the bottle by the skin of their teeth, see: I have been told, confidentially, that there is a well funded programme that has been working on a system for a number of years, and they're about to publish a paper and apply for a patent. I can't tell you much at the moment about it except that it is based in, of all places, the Maldives. This island nation known best for jet skis, yachts and hammocks hanging from palm trees is an unexpected location to find pioneering free energy science, but it could be that the programme played the climate change fear card to get the government to licence it there. The Maldives is famous for being the lowest lying country on earth. It's highest "hill" is just eight feet above sea level. Climate scientists have told them, falsely, that their entire nation will cease to exist within thirty years because rising sea levels will inundate it. If you believe in manmade climate change then it is in your interests to support free energy because it has the potential to be a fossil fuel replacement and releases no greenhouse gases at all. The headline news from the Lawrence Livermore might be a hopeful sign that we're getting close to that finish line and the Deep State are making more effort to drag us back. They were lucky with Pons and Fleischmann, but how much longer will their luck hold out?
See here for more background:

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