Sunday 28 July 2024

ITER is in Trouble

ITER is the world's largest tokamak nuclear fusion experiment. It has been under construction in Caderache, France since 2007 and has slowly been taking shape. I have been following its progress on its official YouTube channel, see: These videos are primarily promotional and not much has been said in them about a major technical hitch. The heat shields and vacuum vessel have cracks in them caused by corrosion during manufacture; and also stress during installation, because the parts don't fit together properly. Repairing this problem is going to take a long time. It might even be necessary to extract the enormous modules and replace them with new ones which will take a lot of time, effort and money. Source: On the subject of money, the project has grossly overspent its original five billion euro budget. State-corporate organizations tend to do that; another obvious example being HS2, see: Its latest price hike is looking to top out at twenty billion euros; and all taken from ITER member taxpayers. The original plan was for the facility to be up and running by 2025; that has now been delayed, obviously. Latest estimates are that first plasma will be achieved in 2033 and energy should be produced in maybe 2039! Luckily for fusion proponents, ITER is not the only kid on the block and there are other cheaper projects being developed, for example see: The joke about usable nuclear fusion power is that it always ten years away. That was first said in 1982 when the JET at the Culham laboratory opened. However, as you'll see in the background link below, ITER and its associates are gigantic golden elephants wandering in the wrong direction, and I think that's the purpose. Free energy exists already. Energy that costs almost nothing, is simple to generate, safe, practical, infinite and environmentally friendly. It has been developed, it might even be in small scale use; but the general public are forbidden from accessing it. Instead our attention, not to mention our resources, is diverted towards sexy cash-guzzling megaprojects that don't work and are not meant to.
See here for background:


Gravity Mirror said...

Sometimes I wonder if DUMBs are connected to their local electricity provider, have a smart meter installed and pay a bill, as in for example to NV Energy, the public utility in Nevada. Well, perhaps the security gates do, but the depths of those installations must be prime candidates as places for the generation and use of some zero point energy. They're not going to leave themselves dependent on anything from the surface.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

They definitely won't, GM. They have their own energy supplies, probably from hidden technology. It is possible you are subsidizing some of their auxiliary supplies though.

Gravity Mirror said...

Yeah, the extent of the deception is mind-boggling. ITER and the like are such a waste of human endeavour and resources. Other golden elephants would be things like Blue Origin and Space X, both as pointless as piss in light of what's already possible with antigravitics. I suppose they are there to underpin the idea that this is what the world's biggest billionaires are doing so it must be cutting edge and the best we can do, otherwise they wouldn't be investing in it.

Anonymous said...

"Free energy exists already" It's a shame there is so much lobbying against free energy in the form of renewables (solar, wind, tidal etc) that would not only make us all less enslaved to the energy providers but also help against climate change. Just think about all the people already 'off grid'

It's almost as if there is an agenda by fossil fuel companies to install puppet politicians to keep burning fossil fuels whilst simultaneously actively practicing science denial to fool the masses whilst they line their pockets.

The next big push will be lithium mining for batteries, maybe look up Texas and it's vast reserves and Elon Musk's involvement in this as fossil fuels fade from mankind's memory.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

GM, absolutely, as well as long term strategic goals to preserve tnheir industry and the world socio-economic order.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Anon, that's exactly what they are doing. It won't work in the long run though.