Neil Sanders is an expert on mind control who has lectured widely
and has written a series of interesting books on the subject. He has also been
a guest on HPANWO Radio, see:
He has more recently spoken on radio interviews and written in his blog about
Brexit and Trump and who he believes is behind them and why, for example:
Donald Trump was a
New York
businessman who came out of the blue to be elected President of the
States. With every corner of the mainstream
media opposing him and despite running against one of the most powerful women
in the world, he triumphed. For some people in the Truth Movement, including
me, it looked as though things had gone badly wrong for the New World Order at
a very fundamental level. I even wondered if we might be looking at the defeat
of the New World Order agenda in our lifetimes! This is the great hope; I came
out with phrases like "Brexit-Trump", "springtime in
Narnia", and "the 2016 effect", see:
Naturally, at the back of my mind, there has always been a whisper of caution.
Could this simply be another trick? What if Trump and Brexit are just a
craftier and more subtle twist in the machinations of the globalist elite? Neil
says yes. That is exactly what is going on. He dismisses the notion that Trump
is a wildcard and not a government insider; on the contrary, he says Trump is
in fact a placeman for a powerful network of super-rich plutocrats centred
around somebody called Robert Mercer, a computer scientist and financier from
New Mexico USA. Mercer is the single biggest individual donor in the entire
2016 US Presidential Election. He used his skill in the world of computing to
influence the internet using a data analysis and strategic communications firm
called Cambridge Analytica. Neil says this is a psychological warfare outfit
and its methodology is similar to the CIA, MI5, GCHQ and other organizations
which have been proven to have meddled in foreign democratic processes,
especially in
South America. Mercer was helped by a now
notorious individual called Steve Bannon, the company's vice-president; and
they used a number of underhand schemes to influence public opinion in favour
of Trump's campaign. The media organization Breibart was essential to this and
Steve Bannon soon became editor-in-chief of it. It was subsidized by Mercer.
Robert Mercer also used Cambridge Analytica to engineer the Leave vote during
the Brexit referendum and worked closely with Nigel Farage. Fear of Islam and
Muslims was a tactic they used and they have been helped by Rebel Media, which
is another part of Mercer's network and includes Tommy Robinson, former leader
of the English Defence League. (I have been concerned about this myself for a
long time and have written before about how the "counter-Jihad" has a
place in the future civil war being planned and also furthering the interests
Israel, see:
The scale of this network is huge and it contains numerous names familiar to and
respected by those in both the Alt-Right and the Conspirasphere, such as Alex
Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos, Richard Spencer, Lauren Southern, James O'Keefe, Dr
Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin. Laura Loomer and many many more. Even the slogans
"drain the swamp!", "make
great again!" "build the wall!", "fake news" and
"deep state" come from Mercer and Bannon's public relations
This is disturbing news. If Neil is right then it means the
possibilities an entire sector of the Truth Movement were hoping for are wrong;
we have been chasing a mirage. Is this the case though? Neil describes himself
as apolitical. He is neutral over the subject of Brexit and does not vote in
elections. He describes the situation with this analogy
: "Voting in the US Election/UK Election/EU referendum was
like being a child choosing a boarding school. It doesn't matter what you want,
it doesn't matter which option that you decide on; the only certainty is you
are going to get screwed by an older person who is richer than you."
He says he is equally opposed to left-wing authorities too and he only opposes
the right because we have a right-wing government. He said:
"I can't wait for Corbyn to get him so
I can have a go at him as well!" The only reason he is exposing this
right-wing conspiracy is because it is the only one he has found so far.
Despite his professed neutrality, Neil uses a lot of left-wing buzz-words in
his speech such as "Nazi", "far right", "white
supremacist", "white privilege" etc. He sees politics as
primarily a clash between the interests of rich and poor people which is a
distinctly Marxian worldview. It is true that the Illuminati have used the
right in politics to advance the New World Order, but they have also used the
left. Neil explores the way Muslims and Islam are portrayed as the biggest
threat to civilization and says: "Before Muslims it was people on
benefits, and before them it was black people, and before them it was the
Irish." However there is a left-wing equivalent of this which is that
white heterosexual men are responsible for everything bad in the world, past
and present, and destroying them is the solution to all the world's problems;
yet Neil fails to address this. In fact in one of his interviews he says:
"If you're worried about white
genocide, just go and have children with another white person; problem
solved!" But he ignores the noble work of one of the people he lists
as part of the Mercer-Bannon network, Lauren Southern. She has made a
documentary film called
Farmlands about
the very real genocide of
South Africa's
white population, see:
The global community is looking the other way and pretending this atrocity is
not happening. If this right-wing network truly is all-powerful, can't it do
something about that? Here is another example of left-wing global interventionism,
Neil also uses the phrase "Muslim ban" to refer to Executive Order
13769, the Trump administration's policy for reducing access to the
States by possible terrorists. If it is a
ban on Muslims then why is
not on the list of prohibited nations, why not
Over three-quarters of the world's Muslims live in those four countries. Neil
has unfortunately just repeated fake news. Neil also mentions "men's
rights activists" in a pejorative context. This is no doubt because Dr
Jordan B Peterson is on the Mercer-Bannon hit-list. However Dr Jordan Peterson
has been somebody I have studied closely and I have found his insights inspiring
and uplifting. I discuss him in detail on this HPANWO Show, see:
I must ask Neil, was Dr Peterson therefore inserted into the public space to do
some kind of damage? Was his persecution by his employers, faculty and students
Toronto University
some sort of act to bring him to the attention of "Nazis!"? When he had
eggs thrown at him, had labels like "racist!", "misogynist!"
etc hurled at him by hecklers in his lectures, was this all set up by Steve
Bannon? "Think you can handle it, Jordy? Don't worry, mate; we'll pay you
compensation." What Dr Jordan Peterson has done is teach people that they
don't have to hate. Women don't have to hate men to be free. Black people don't
have to hate white people to be free. White men don't have to hate themselves
to be free. This revelation has given millions of people across the world a new
lease of life. I cannot accept that the richness, depth and complexity of Dr
Peterson's work are just the machinations of a billionaire conservative plot to
enslave the world. The same goes for many other "problematic
pseudo-intellectuals!" I've been following. Honestly, how far has Dr
Peterson's work advanced the white male redneck ruling class hegemony? From
what I can see, not one inch; in fact it has done the opposite. This is why I
question Neil's middle-of-the-road persona. Could Neil Sanders be a closet
pinko? If he is, I won't hold it against him. There is good on the left. I
myself support some leftist principles, such as a fully-funded National Health
Service, see here for details:
Neil can come out to me if he likes and I'll be understanding. Also why does
Neil not mention several other people, such as Stefan Molyneux, Carl Benjamin
("Sargon of Akkad" on YouTube), Rin Michaelis, Dave Cullen and a few
others? These are very influential centrist, anti-feminist, anti-cultural
Marxist and conservative spokespeople; why are they not being funded by Richard
Mercer? Neil also dismisses the QAnon phenomenon as a hoax perpetrated by
trolls on 4-Chan. Again, this doesn't fit with what I've discovered, see:
Neil also doesn't explain all the details of Richard Mercer's donation. Yes,
Mercer donated to the 2016 US Presidential Election, yes he donated over
thirteen million dollars-US and that was a record-breaking amount... but most
of it went not to Donald Trump, but to Ted Cruz, Trump's rival in the
primaries. Mercer originally backed Cruz and then switched to Trump. Obviously
I am biased over this issue; I want Neil Sanders to be wrong... because if he
is not wrong then probably, to put it politely, we're fucked, see:
However, this does not automatically mean that any of my criticism or
questioning of Neil's research is to be therefore instantly disregarded because
of my feelings on the matter. I have endeavoured to remain objective here. I am
able and prepared to face the truth however much it hurts; but I think Neil has
missed something. I don't dispute that he is factually correct about the
activities of Richard Mercer and his associates, but perhaps there is another
explanation for it than the one he has proposed. To answer that will take
further research. For the time being, in my view, what Neil has published so
far is not conclusive.