Tuesday 25 May 2021

The Disclosure Backlash

As the promise... and threat, of UFO Disclosure is looming larger than it has in decades, there's a distinct sign of unease from the Deep State advocates. Alternative media coverage of this process, and that's what it is, has focused on a series of individuals, often post-service and/or from the Trump administration, or foreign; who have made surprisingly candid statements about UFO's. See the background links below for details. Compare that with Joe Biden, the supposed President of the United States. On Friday he was asked what has become a fairly common question in a press conference by a journalist. Even though the questioner was rather jocular, Mr Biden responded: "I would ask him (President Obama) again. Thank you." and he walks off the podium. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tph6mUfiAl8. What's he scared of? Is he aware of the Truth Embargo in his own imbecilic way and knows that its ending is bad news for his regime? Strangely enough, Steve Bassett takes the opposite view to me. He sees the departure of Trump and Biden's inauguration as the dawning of a new age of hope, see: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2020/11/ufo-disclosure-2020-perspectives-with.html. I wonder if that clip will make him reconsider.
At the same time there has been a worrying update in the tragic death of Mark McCandlish. The UFO and antigravity technology researcher passed away last month after decades of investigation and lecturing about how the government has secret antigravity technology that powers the vehicles of the secret space programme. Some of these systems were gained from back-engineering crashed flying saucers, so called "alien reproduction vehicles". Contrary to how we are misrepresented by the skeptics, believers in these things do not immediately jump to the conclusion of foul play. However we do if there is good reason to. According to McCandlish's close friends, he died of a gunshot would to the head which the coroner of Shasta County, where he live in California USA, is calling a suicide. Source: https://gizadeathstar.com/2021/05/the-sad-and-mysterious-death-of-ufologist-mark-mccandlish/. Is this another Jeffrey Epstein incident? According to the same source, Mark McCandlish was about to address the US Senate on the subject of UAP's. Was he "suicided" to silence him? Put that together with Joe Biden's evasiveness and we can see the smoke of a rather large and dangerous fire. Is there a secret war waging inside the establishment right now between pro and anti-Disclosure lobbies? This is what Tony Topping suggested, see: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2021/04/tony-topping-on-talk-radio.html. Or is this all a huge charade to prepare us for a distorted Disclosure? If so then McCandlish may well have testified that the AATIP/TTSA UAP's are possibly manmade and American. As I've said before, this would have to mean the Truth Embargo are planning some kind of fake Disclosure.
See here for background: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2020/02/ufo-disclosure-portal.html.
And: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2020/08/free-energy-portal.html.


Greta Thunberg's Agenda 21 Events Organiser said...

The level of candidness in next month's report will be correlated against the success of Rheiner Fuellmich's imminent class action. Biden knows that UFO Disclosure is Deep State code for the end of the scamdemic in the West, which the fake Administration would not be in favour of, for obvious reasons.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Hi, Greta Thunberg's Agenda 21 Events Organiser (great name!). That's an interesting observation. Thanks.