Monday 22 October 2018

I Have a Passport

This might shock and dismay people who have been following HPANWO for a long time. One of the most famous things I've done over the years is divorce my statue law self, one such action involved destroying my passport, see: I now have to inform you that I have a passport. This is not a confession or apology. On reflection I think destroying my old one was a foolish and egotistical thing to do, a streak of false-martyrdom. Two things have changed my mind. The first is the 2016 Effect, see:, but the main reason is my daughter Louisa going on holiday to Malta. As soon as she told me her intention it suddenly struck me that if I didn't have a passport, she would be completely cut off from me if she needed me. She might have become stranded; if, for example, she was injured or taken ill, or got into trouble with the law. A barrier greater than any Trumpian wall would lie between us. This was intolerable. Despite the fact that she is now twenty-three and very mature in personality, I still feel enormously protective of her. So I applied for a passport and now I have one. Ideally I'd prefer a blue post-Brexit one, but those are not yet available. As soon as they are I'll get one even if my present one has not expired. So, I have not "sold out!", I have merely changed my mind on a technicality related to the changes going on in the world and the necessities of fatherhood. I hope everybody understands that.


Kelvin said...

No, you have not sold out here, you did that ages ago when you started supporting the vile Jacob Rees-Mogg.


Kant said...

At least you have a passport to get you to Denmark now, mate.

All the best.


Anonymous said...

I think it's great that you have a passport. Always handy and you can now attend that conference in Denmark in February. Cheers. Rob

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Rob and Kant. Yes, that is a bonus. I wouldn't be able to attend the conf otherwise.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Kelvin, do you read a single word I say? Please define "support". Am I a member of the Conservative Party? Am I a part of his election campaign? You are portraying everything as incredibly black and white.

Kelvin said...

You said you would support him to be Prime Minister. Stop twisting your own words. You are just a cap doffer. Just like you love Trump and his right wing policies. You want to see an end to cultural Marxism, surely you see that? I hope Brexit never happens.


Col said...

Surely, mate, you'd rather see Mogg in no 10 then Jezza, surely? At least Mogg went to Uni, Jezza is a fucking tree hugger, can you imagine him walking around no 10 in jesus creepers and a vest. Trump would destroy him, literally wipe him out. God I love The Donald. My favorite MP is John Redwood.


Carl said...

You certainly need a passport if you are going to save the world. And now you can go to New Mexico to research your new books, oh hang on.


Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Col. Yes, simply because it would be further evidence of the 2016 Effect. Corbyn is a good guy, but he will never be allowed to be PM for long. He is surrounded by the scum of the earth who will want his job. Corbyn in Number Ten means Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper or Diane Abbott three months later. I'm afraid I don't share your affection for John Redwood. He is the worst Welsh Secretary in history.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Kelvin, I don't consider myself left or right wing. Trump and Brexit are symbolic of something good happening in the world. I've listened to those who disagree and think they are wrong. What's wrong with opposing cultural Marxism? It is a form of mind control designed to make people hate others or themselves.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

It came too late for the Roswells, Carl. I'd still like to go there.

Adrian said...

Hi Ben, although I don't see myself as a leftist, the bogeyman of "cultural marxism" is in fact a misnomer. Troy Southgate who is certainly NOT left wing (ex NF, now writer of political philosophy) has written widely and convincingly on this. He argues that the Frankfurt School scholars were not Marxists and that one goal of the FS was to eradicate Marxist class politics. The liberal left eschew class and given that Marxism is in fact a class based analysis, there is no such thing as "cultural marxism". One could argue that "cultural marxism" has helped eradicate actual marxism and serves global capitalism far more than it does revolutionary socialism. It addresses identity politics and leads to fragmentation and anomie. Do you not question this banal use of a redundant term? I'm surprised that someone of your sophistication goes along with this. Not meant as a criticism mate. I'm just surprised. Cheers. Ade

Dean said...
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Tibbs said...

Couldn't you just turn into a Benoid and skim across the North Sea?


Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Tibbs, that would be a bit painful! I would arrive on stage in no fit state to perform.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Ade, I'm not familiar with that line of thought. Is Troy Southgate any relation to Leon Southgate? Whatever you choose to call it, it is messing up people's heads and making it easier for the government to control us.

Kirsty said...

Alright, mate. Is there anywhere in the world you wouldn't do a talk? I mean like North Korea or the Central African Republic, say? I can see you going on to massive stages and even getting bigger then Icke. Why the hell not, what you say is true after all so you are halfway there.


PS get yourself a good agent, you are hitting the big time now.

Adrian said...

No Ben not as far as I'm aware he isn't. If you Google Troy Southgate you'll get a better idea. The so called "cultural marxism" (aka political correctness) that you talk about has come from the centre left rather than the far left. Marx never said anything about gender, race, and sexuality as far as I know. Dielectical materialism influenced by Hegel. How material relationships(to the means of production) affect consciousness. The labour power of workers toward eradication of exploitation. That more or less is marxism. Cheers. Ade

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Kirsty. I'll go anywhere people are interested in hearing about me.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Hi Andrian. I will. I have a FB friend of that name as it happens. I think it's him.

Anonymous said...

Cultural Marxism is in reality our own predatory system mimicking various elements of Marxism whilst insisting that Marxists are forcing them to do so. This is just another example of the system people supposedly fight against, NWO, who parrot it's jargon and are part of the manufactured terms that do not exist (Whilst being 'against' said system). See-


Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Hi Shamus. I saw Neil on the Richplanet show and since then I've been working my way through his material. Did you see my article "Right Wing Conspiracy"? It's a report on his interview. The thing is, so far all he has proven is that there are rich people in the world who will use their financial clout and resources to influence politics. This may well be unethical, but it does not make them NWO-ers. I'm not a utopian and I'm quite sure such underhand activities will continue in the post-Illuminati world. The mistake Neil makes is that he appears to equate what he's discovered about the right with the NWO.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Shamus. Following your comment and other, I have written an update article: