July the 8th is World ET Disclosure Day, and was awarded
that status by Steve Becklow and Geoffrey West of the Paradigm Research Group
in 2010, making this the eleventh one. This is because it was on July the 8th
1947 that General Roger Ramey held a press conference in his office in Fort
Worth, Texas where he put on display some wooden sticks and some loose crumpled
pieces of aluminium foil; and he told the world's media that this is what Major
Jesse Marcel of the Roswell Army Air Force Base had mistaken for a UFO. He was
lying. Today, 74 years later, the Government are still lying. However many
believe that this is the day that the decision was made to institute what
Stephen Bassett calls the "Truth Embargo." Reporters were descending
like locusts on Fort Worth and New Mexico and the Government was considering
whether to continue with the original "Flying Disk" story, and so
come clean that UFO's exist, or cover it up; they opted for the latter.
Personally I suspect that this decision was made many years earlier when the Government
had to deal with similar incidents to Roswell before July of 1947 and they had
a contingency plan already in place that simply broke down to begin with, see:
but the day of the scene in Gen. Ramey's office is still a fitting and symbolic
historic moment that illustrates the subject well. Therefore every July the 8th
is now designated World Disclosure Day. This is of course just six days after
World UFO Day because the 2nd of July was the date of the Kenneth Arnold
sighting, see:
The date of World Disclosure Day will remain every July the 8th until
Disclosure happens; then the day will automatically transfer to that date. This
Disclosure Day is different. The atmosphere in the world towards UFO's has
changed. The media is reporting it differently, see background links for
details. Does this mean Disclosure with a capital D is happening? I've always
had my doubts that such a thing is even possible, although there is a part of
me that is always saying: "What if...?" That feeling has been growing
for the past few years. Either way, regardless of where this is leading, the
government have definitely changed their tactics. The second half of 2020 and
the first half of 2021 are probably the most exciting times in the history of
exopolitics. What will happen in the second half of this year and beyond?
Nobody knows, but we can make educated predictions. There will be more from the
UAPTF, maybe information from other countries. There is no real reason why this
movement should centre on the

Despite this, Dr Steven Greer chose the Fourth of July
holiday to premier his new documentary
Cosmic Hoax- an Exposé. Unusually for him, he posted it in one go onto an
array of public sites for free, for example see:
I always watch every new Greer movie with interest. I have mixed feelings about
all of them and I have to say this is definitely his worst. It is loaded with
what can only be called wanton slander. I have never suggested that we should
hang onto every word uttered by Lue Elizondo, Chris Mellon or Tom DeLonge etc,
but there is nowhere near enough evidence to support the shill-shaming Greer
hurls at them. But it gets far worse. His attack on Leslie Kean is truly contemptible.
She has been in this business almost as long as Greer and a lot of what we have
learned about the state's relationship to the UFO phenomenon in the last couple
of decades is thanks to Leslie Kean. It is mostly because of her and Ralph
Blumenthal that we are living in this post-2017 world in the first place.
However, Greer sees all of "new UFOlogy" as just one more psyop in
that long, long list of opinions coming from anybody who has dared to question
the omniscience of His Royal Muscleiness. I can't help wondering if what really
bothers him is that Disclosure is not all about
him. Dr Greer has every right to be proud of the good things he has
done. His dedication to exopolitics for almost thirty years is undeniable; but
he needs to learn the lesson of the Buddha and control his own ego, see:
I think a lot of confusion has arisen over the use of the word
"threat". In the parlance of military strategy, a threat is not something
that you automatically shoot at immediately and pre-emptivly. It is simply
something with variable that the forces cannot control and so therefore
might result in enemy
action. Very few military threats ever escalate that far. It is fair enough
that UAP's are considered a threat under that definition. On the positive side,
the film publishes for the first time a new photograph that depicts what looks
like a tall humanoid creature being examined by doctors. The being appears to
be a corpse and the clothing and hairstyle of the personnel date it to the
1920's. The print is in bad condition and faded. It appears to be damaged with
a rip in the middle. Hopefully more information on the photo will be published
soon. Does the negative still exist? Was it in an album with other similar
photos? Who are the people examining the creature? I look forward to the
answers. Along with everything else going on, could this be the last year ever
we celebrate World Disclosure Day on this date?