Thursday 31 October 2019

Al-Baghdadi Killed

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, aka Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim, aka Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai, aka Abu Du'a, aka Al-Shabah the Ghost. aka Amir al-Mu'minin, aka The Caliph, aka Sheikh Baghdadi, aka Faerlan Ramsey, has been killed... allegedly. The leader of the rogue fiefdom known as ISIS, ISIL, IS or Daesh has been positively declared by the United States government as dead following numerous rumours that he had been killed previously. Following the death of Osama bin Laden... his third death that is... al-Baghdadi became the latest Doctor Who regeneration of the Mohammed Evil al-Turban Emmanuel Goldstein Snowball character that has been a part of global mainstream media for several decades. The Islamic State took power after the chaos of the Iraq invasion and occupied a large area of Iraq and Syria. Its fighting force consisted mostly of an international brigade of irregulars and mercenaries. It was very well funded and armed for a rebel guerrilla force. Unlike the Viet-Cong or Fidel Castro for example, who had to build munitions and infrastructure from whatever could be begged, borrowed or stolen, IS had right-off-the-line purpose-built vehicles, brand new weapons and general issue uniforms. This was supposedly from money raised by illegal oil sales, but that is doubtful considering the area was under siege. This state was completely unrecognized by the international community and almost every nation on earth declared war on it. As a result the IS was driven out of most of the territories it occupied and will shortly be officially considered defeated following the death of its leader. Al-Baghdadi was tracked by intelligence to a military compound in Barisha in north-western Syria; and American special forces carried out a raid on it last Saturday. They stormed the compound, blowing a hole in the wall with explosives and used sniffer dogs to find the IS leader. When he was cornered he is said to have killed himself by detonating a suicide vest. Two of his children died with him. The soldiers removed documents, computers and mobile phones for the purposes of intelligence gathering and then the compound was destroyed by an air strike. Source:

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was the perfect media boogie-man with his sinister name, long beard, religious devotion, arrogant manner and his reportedly malevolent behaviour. He had a number of women living with him whom he called his "wives", but apparently none of them married him willingly. One was said to be the missing American aid worker Kayla Mueller. As you've probably gathered, I am dubious about the entire story. Its plot is one that sounds eerily similar to one that has been written before, the aforementioned supposed death of Osama bin Laden. It even has the same ending which I predicted. The body was immediately disposed of. His remains were taken back to the American base and buried at sea, which the commander of the operation said was "in accordance with the laws of armed conflict". This is also in line with Muslim funeral rites. Well, not according to the US Embassy, see: The Americans say they have identified the IS leader by DNA specimens; however the DNA was provided remotely by a spy. Also, did they have a laboratory at the base that could analyze this DNA specimen on the spot? Obviously when one is killed by explosives worn in the clothing the body will be badly dismembered, but was it good practice to throw every physical remnant of al-Baghdadi into the sea? Do you understand why I wonder if the whole report is a sham? If the story of al-Baghdadi's death is faked then why? Why have the, dare I say, script-writers decided to kill off their central antagonist now? These announcements are usually timed for a purpose, for example see: and: Who will replace him as the go-to newscaster's pantomime villain? (As an aside, Stefan Molyneux is very angry that the media are reporting on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi more favourably than they do about him. This is a fair point, see: One thing we should be wary of is the safety of the special forces unit that carried out the Barisha raid. If any of them are reading this then I advise them to watch their backs. This is following the "coincidental" deaths of Seal Team 6, see:


Laurence said...

One thing to consider Ben is that Trump made a big deal of this. That makes it more likely to be genuine.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Possibly, Laurence. Or maybe somebody simply had Melania in the wings with a gun against her head. Remember Trump fired missiles against the Syrian govt twice a couple of years ago.