Moments which give me both satisfaction and frustration are
conspiracy theories that are proven true. Other examples I've given are Jimmy
Savile, see:
and Hillsborough, see:
Suddenly all the laughter and scorn we receives stops and we are left with
nodding heads... but never thanks or apologies. We who are banded as
"loonies!" and "stupid!" have warned for many years about
how rich and important people are often involved in child abuse. We maintain
that this abuse is institutional and run through huge cartels of organized
crime. We are not afraid to name names if we believe evidence is forthcoming
and the name Jeffrey Epstein is one of them that has been tabled by many people
and organizations such as We Are Change long before it was vilified in the
public arena. The American financier was convicted in 2008 of soliciting
underage girls for sexual purposes after a fourteen year old complained to the
police that she went to Epstein's house to give him a "massage". He
served thirteen months in an open prison; one wonders if he had been less
powerful he would have received a harsher sentence. Now he has been arrested
again on a far more serious charge, of running a "vast network" of
sex slaves that included young girls. He also allegedly paid some of the girls
to recruit other girls. Source:
The key phrase on the charge sheet is: "...conspired with others including
employees and associates..." This certainly means that the police
investigation is not yet over. Jeffrey Epstein had a typically elitist circle
of friends that includes Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew. Maybe the police will
turn their eyes upon them. Could this be "the Storm" that QAnon talks
about? The day when all the sealed indictments against the
State are finally opened and the
miscreants arrested? Obviously I hope so. Interestingly Q disappeared for about
two weeks and made no posts at all, but returned just as news of Epstein's
arrest broke. (For more details on the QAnon controversy, see the background
links below.) This video has just been released based on Q-drops posted on the
main QAnon aggregators:
Of all the names the public is most heavily speculating
about who may be among Jeffery Epstein's collaborators is US President Donald
Trump. This is obviously inevitable with all the hatred in the media and intelligentsia
for the president; the feverish attempts to ruin him. However, is there genuine
evidence for it? The boy who cried "wolf!" might be right this time.
One of the supposedly suspicious elements of Epstein's case relating to Trump
surrounds Alexander Acosta who is the incumbent Secretary of Labour, an
important position in the US Executive governmental branch. In 2008 he was the
attorney for the US District Court which prosecuted Epstein for his
aforementioned crimes. A plea bargaining situation emerged in which the federal
case against Epstein would be dropped in exchange for a number of names not
being mentioned in court. Four of these names were young women, who were
teenagers back in the 1990's, who had been paid by Epstein not only as prostitutes,
but as "talent scouts" to find other teenage girls to join Epstein's
underage harem. The accusation is that some of the "other names"
included the rich and famous, such as... Donald Trump. When Acosta was invited
to a lucrative position in Trump's administration after he became president,
this was seen as payment for services rendered. However, Acosta's appointment
to the office of Secretary of Labour actually went through all the normal
channels. Trump did not recruit him to the job through some kind of nepotistic back
office handshake; the US Senate interviewed and approved him in the usual way. There
was also a news story released today in
Washington Post reminding people of an incident where Trump praised
Epstein. Trump said:
"I've known
Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy... He's a lot of fun to be with. It is
even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are
on the younger side." The article is accompanied by a photo of the two
men posing with a pair of attractive young women, see the illustration below.
However it is clear from the photo that Trump is considerably younger in it
than he is today. Indeed, the article dates from 2002 when nobody knew what a
pervert Epstein was. It is also obvious that the two ladies who are with them are
adults, over thirty years old I would guess from appearances. It is hardly a
sexual aberration for older men to enjoy the company of younger women, and those
who have to means to do so are not committing an offence when the women are above the age of consent. Trump's "younger side" comment has been
interpreted as gloating, in the same way Jimmy Savile did in his book. I
suspect it was a warning. Trump was trying to get the word out, even if only
subconsciously, in the only way he could back then without getting shot. What's
more Trump did
know Jeffery Epstein
in the literal sense, but they were not close friends socially. Source:
Post article makes a big deal out
of Epstein's visits to Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in
Beach, Florida USA.
What it does not mention is that Epstein gatecrashed on a
"bring-a-friend" ticket and Trump threw Epstein out because he was
flirting with the teenage daughter of a friend of his. There is a photo going
round the Internet showing Trump Joe Bidening a young girl with Jeffery Epstein
in the foreground... Beware! It is fake. Epstein has a private mansion in the
US Virgin Islands, known as "
Island" and the private jet he
used to ferry guests there is known as the "Lolita Express" for
obvious reasons. Accurate flight logs have been kept of that aircraft and not
once did Donald Trump board that plane. Bill Clinton, on the other hand, took
twenty six flights on it. Strangely enough he travelled without his US Secret
Service bodyguards. This is odd because, as a former
President, he is entitled to their protection for life... I wonder if the
socialists and feminists ranting about Trump at the moment will
ever turn their attention on the
family. Trump did fly twice with the Epstein fleet, but it was on a different
aircraft and it was to
New York,
not Epstein's creepy mansion. Epstein simply offered him a lift. Another
strange impediment to the notion that Trump was a loyal sidekick of a
paedophile ring is the fact that Trump cooperated fully with the 2018 Epstein
investigations by the FBI. He dealt with the police and with Bradley Edwards,
the solicitor representing the victims. This was despite the fact he was
president by then. Source:
The closest anybody has come to a connection between Trump and Epstein is a
lawsuit taken out against both of them by a woman who claimed both men had
sexually abused her in 1994 when she was thirteen years old. The civil case was
launched on three separate occasions, April, June and September 2016. The first
time it was dismissed by the judge and with the two others, the summonses were
never served to the defendants. Of course during 2016 Donald Trump was in the
middle of his presidential campaign and we all know how much effort the
authorities were putting in to derailing that. This alone makes the timing of
the lawsuits rather... convenient, shall we say? Because of "MeToo"
culture there is a popular idea that women are incapable of lying when they
report sexual offences committed by white heterosexual males; but they are and
they sometimes do. I'm reminded of the Brett Kavanaugh situation, see:
It is frustrating that the very same people who champion "MeToo" seem
to lose interest when sexual abuse allegations are made in which the attacker
happens to be leftwing.

What will happen next? It is far too soon to tell for sure.
However, the fact that the published charges include the possibility of an
organized conspiracy means there will hopefully be other arrests. Famous names
are listed as part of Jeffery Epstein's social circles such as the aforementioned Bill
Clinton and Prince Andrew, see:
This just might be "The Storm" long promised by Q, perhaps finally
here. I'm trying to stay rational, but of course I'm only human and want so
badly for the truth to come out. As I've said many times, the full scale and
severity of what is being done to children is THE biggest secret; not the
UFO's, not 9/11, not even the reptilians. We will see people weeping in the
streets across the world when the day of full revelation comes. But come it
must. I've seen that the anti-2016 contingent in the Truth movement have already
published their opinions about Trump and Epstein being as thick as thieves;
indeed some of them have contacted me directly, asking me to comment. I am well
aware that there is literally nothing I can say in response to the "Can't
you see it, Ben...!?" brigade that will meet with their approval other than
total assent. Just one word defending President Trump will be interpreted by
them as bias. The same goes for silence on my part. Source:
Of course I have a bias; everybody does. I feel very dubious about those who
claim not to have a bias. In fact they tend to be the most biased people of
all. However, I think I have made an attempt to be objective. The reason I have
not talked in detail about Pizzagate is that I'm not totally sure about it. I
do believe we have reason to be hopeful about what has just been revealed in the
Epstein case. Where it leads, we don't yet know; but this evil surely cannot
last forever. As Gandalf in
Lord of the
Rings said: "There are forces for good at work in the world, Frodo, as
well as those of evil." You might think it's just a story, but JRR Tolkien
was in touch with very deep spiritual forces. I still hang on to the dream that
the present era truly is "springtime in Narnia".