Thursday, 31 October 2024

CVD is Ruining Wales

See here for essential background:
For several years I have been a member of numerous Welsh history and culture Facebook groups and I've just decided to leave them all. This is because they are all infected with a very toxic mindset that they regurgitate and over and over again. I've also decided to write a follow-up article following the above one and particularly focus on the community council in Gwynedd who want qualification for a council house to be limited to those who speak the Welsh language. These people need to get over themselves! They're not supermen or gods; they just speak a language. I know how they will justify it; they "just want to keep the language going!" Exactly what scenario would have to take place in their minds for Welsh not to be kept going? According to the census of 2021, 538,000 people in Wales can speak Welsh. There is a lot of misinformation by those who believe in the CVD- Celtic Victimhood Delusion because, for them, over half a million is considered to be the language at death's door, as it has been in several periods of the past. There are also numerous Welsh speakers abroad; about 200,000 in England (including me although I'm pretty rusty following my long banishment), 5000 in Argentina, 30,000 in Chile, 5000 in the United States, about 1,700 in Australia and 3,800 in Canada. This means Welsh qualifies under the conditions of UNESCO as not endangered. Welsh probably has more speakers now than it ever has before during its entire fifteen hundred year history. It's about as likely to die out as Swedish or Portuguese. So why all this paranoia? I think because a sense of victimhood is very addictive. I've noticed the same thing with wokies and feminists. For some people, being hard-done-by is central to their identity and even, in a strange way, their self-esteem. It is an extremely destructive emotion, partly because it can lead to the narcissism practiced by the Botwnnog council. It can justify all kinds of cruel, antisocial and discriminatory behaviour that would be unthinkable to other people. Also it has caused the Welsh people to lower the drawbridge to Brussels, as I explain in the background publications. According to popular Welsh history, schoolchildren who spoke Welsh in class a hundred or so years ago were punished by having a "Welsh-not" put on them as a form of humiliation, like a dunce's hat. This was a wooden letter W hung round their necks as a pendant. According to John Davies, one of Wales most celebrated historians, this penalty was not practiced as often as many CVD cultists would have you believe. Source:

Today we have a very real "English not", and this manifests clearly in the entitlement of those council members who actually believe it's okay for them to dictate public housing policy in order to exclude human beings they consider unworthy. This is essentially forcing people to learn Welsh, not encouraging them through positive incentives. Some are monoglot Anglophones who are born in Wales and have lived there their whole lives and who suddenly find themselves being told "you're not really Welsh!" because they can't speak the language. Now they might even be denied a home to live in. It feels like my speculative novel Evan's Land is coming true, see: The basis of the CVD is a denial of what Neil Oliver calls "malinformation". This is information that it true, but everybody has to pretend it's not true because its absence serves some psycho-political agenda. Source: The basis of the CVD is a very widely held belief, virtually a truism, that the Welsh people, along with the Scots, Cornish and Irish, are the direct and sole descendants of the Celts, the name given to the population of the British Isles at the beginning of history. Of course, everybody knows they have languages descended from Celtic, but it goes deeper than that; they have also inherited the exclusive legacy of the Celts, racially and culturally. The English are all descended from the Anglo-Saxons who invaded Britain in the early middle ages. They drove inland like Orcs, slashing and burning their way brutally through the peaceful Hobbit-like Celtic lands. From that moment onwards, both the Welsh and English have practiced a stringent anti-miscegenation policy, refusing to marry those of the other side, so that in today's world the English are a totally different race of people and England has no cultural influence at all from the Celtic world. No Englishman has the right to call himself a Celt and no Welshman has a single drop of English blood... Everything I have just written above is utter nonsense. In the background links I provide full details, but it is this nonsense that so many of us think it true and it is ruining our country. This phantom menace has weakened us against very real hostile forces. Frankly speaking, we need a kick up the arse before it's too late!
See here for more background:

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

The Galileo Project by Si Rosser

Following the publication of my novel Roswell Rising- a Novel of Disclosure and its two sequels, see:, I've been keen to read other fiction with a similar theme. I find that different authors often tend to produce similar works at the same time, as if we pick up something in the air; for example Not Alone by Craig Falconer, see background link below. I've come across another person, Simon or "Si" Rosser. I discovered his titles in an unusual way, direct contact with the author. He is a member of an email group I am also in and we got talking. I've recommended the Roswell trilogy to him. I don't know what he makes of it, if he's read it yet. Despite our books having a similar theme, like Craig Falconer, his work is still very different in style. The Galileo Project refers not to Avi Loeb's UFOlogy effort, it is the title of the first book and the trilogy. The second is called Countdown and the third Disclosure. The story is a fast-paced thriller not unlike Sidney Sheldon's The Doomsday Conspiracy, see below, or something by Dan Brown. The main character is a James Bond like figure called Robert Spire, a daredevil action man who is a part of a secret agency called GLENCOM which has a hidden headquarters behind a nondescript door in a London side street. Along with his sidekick Travis Dexter he travels the world chasing the bad guys and trying to uncover the secrets about UFO's. It all begins in London when he is inexplicably summoned to a meeting at the Greenwich Observatory where somebody called Dr Robert Lazarus gives a speech. If that name sounds like a real person's then it's meant to... From there Robert and Travis dash from one exciting cliff-hanging situation to the next; in the Welsh Triangle to Rendlesham Forest to Area 51 and a collision course with the military-industrial complex. At the same time, the forces behind the Deep State Truth Embargo carry out their own pursuit of the dynamic duo to keep the UFO presence out of public hands. The narrative is reminiscent of travel literature, with photographs of the setting locations on the pages. This provides a sense of vividness that I liked. As regular readers know you, I have a sentimental affinity for good old fashioned books, see:; therefore I was dismayed to see that only the first two books are available as paperbacks, although Simon told me personally that he plans to release the others on undeletable ink and wood pulp as soon as possible. They can all be purchased on Amazon Kindle, see: He has many other books which look interesting too. Watch out for my reviews of them.
See here for background:

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Andrew Johnson vs Ashton Forbes

Andrew Johnson has decided after some deliberation that he does not like Ashton Forbes. This is hardly surprising because Andrew Johnson dislikes almost everybody. He is famous for being one of the most misanthropic Truthers there is. Even by the standards of the backslapper community, he is an extreme example. I have lost count of the number of people he has mercilessly denounced, people who often deserve better. He will flip out against anybody for even a minor failure of one of his ideological purity tests. I myself have broken all contact with him, although in my case it is over a strictly personal quarrel, see: Andrew first came across Ashton Forbes around the same time I did, about a year ago. Andrew was, as usual, suspicious. He made the point that Ashton is an IT consultant for the military. Not true; Ashton works in healthcare, not that that would be a reason to reject Ashton anyway, but this is what Andrew is implying. Despite this, Andrew was at first positive. However, a few months later he announced that he had been persuaded by debunkers similar to the Corridor Crew. He thus began that inevitable slide down into his typical rabbit hole, believing Ashton is doing a "muddle up". (That is actually a very unoriginal and fashionable concept at the moment, but it is wrong; see here for details: In my view, Ashton has successfully "rebunked" (his own expression which I love!) the RegicideAnon videos. Andrew went "backwards and forwards" for a while, which is uncharacteristic for Andrew; normally he does not suspend judgement for long. This changed when somebody asked Ashton for his opinion of the alternative ideas related to 9/11 and Ashton was very negative about the subject. Andrew then did his Andrew thing. I think Andrew is being unfair and excessively hasty in condemning Ashton. Ashton's response to the question is not one that supports the official narrative; planes, nineteen hijackers etc; he just states that it is something he doesn't want to address right now. What's wrong with that? Why should Ashton be a human jukebox for backslappers? But of course it was too late. Andrew has already added Ashton's name to that long, long, long blacklist of his. Source:

To be fair, there is backslapping going on on both sides of this debate. I recently posted a picture on Facebook of a bookshelf full of copies of Dr Judy Wood's Where Did the Towers Go? Tony Rooke commented underneath. I was surprised because Tony Rooke has been fairly quiet in recent years following his noble stand against the BBC for their lying documentary about 9/11. There was some concern raised because of some people in masks who turned up with "thermitically correct" banners at his trial. Source: Tony then produced a documentary of his own called Incontrovertible. This sounded like a play on titles against Dr Wood's Irrefutable, see: I went to review the premier on Tony's film, see below. Tony replied to my picture of Dr Wood's book: "Nearly four thousand qualified architects and engineers disagree... A pretty book of fiction. But yes, it was an inside job." I responded: "The truth is not an election. I've looked at both sides of that debate and disagree." Tony replied to that: "It's a free world, Ben...(allegedly)." That sounded a reasonable enough point posited in a calm and respectful manner; and I was about to continue the conversation, but he blocked me. It seems that there are intolerant and narrow-minded people wherever you look.
See here for background:

Monday, 28 October 2024

Ben Emlyn-Jones on Fockham Hall Radio 14

See here for the programme:
I have been featured again on Fockham Hall Radio. Subjects discussed include: this year's Halloween, karma in reincarnation, real life ghost stories and much much more. I was joined on the show by Nathan Lucius.
See here for my previous interview on FHR:

Sunday, 27 October 2024

Internet Archive is Back!

Internet Archive is one of the most valuable online resources in the world, see: As its name suggests, it is a repository of online material in the same way a library is for books. (I also firmly support free libraries.) In this age of government mass surveillance and censorship, its services are more precious than ever. Over the last few years it has suffered from a series of attacks in the form of lawsuits and hackers. These are apparently not connected, but I question that. They have recently lost a major court battle when it was ruled that the "emergency library" they had established during the Covid lockdown to keep people's access to books was a breach of copyright. The class action lawsuit by a consortium of high street publishers argued against the claim that the website's lending policy constituted fair use. In the 28th of last month the entire site was struck down by a massive distributed denial of service that caused the entire operation to cease. The hacktivist group "Anonymous Sudan" claimed responsibility and justified it by accusing of being "pro-Israeli" and that they were fighting for the rights of the Palestinians. I'm not sure how an Ameircan based internet collection project can have anything to do with the Gaza conflict, but there you are. The hack included the seizure of over thirty-one million users' login details. Management advised everybody to change their passwords as soon as they can. This was of particular concern for me because I use regularly as an alternative podcast source for HPANWO Radio. I've recently had to leave Spreaker so some of the recordings of some shows are only going to be there for a short while longer, see: (I plan to find a backup site soon, possibly by simply purchasing some cloud space.) I also have a collection of old Mind Set and KBS programmes there which are treasured deeply by me and many others because, of course, Gareth Davies and Kev Baker have both died, see links below. Now I am pleased to report that Internet Archive is back. Well, it's not completely up and running yet; the media players are not yet working, but you can download, which is the main thing. Also you can't login yet, but when we can I will find out because I'll no doubt be prompted to change my password. Luckily all their data is intact. A few weeks ago something happened that made me appreciate Internet Archive all the more; I gave them a donation as a result. I found a PDF of a book I've been longing to read for ages, a real classic from 1979; but it's out of print and old copies cost literally three figures. I'm talking about Phone Calls from the Dead by D Scott Rogo and Raymond Bayless. This is a study of one of the most common of all paranormal phenomena, strange phone calls or similar electronic communications from people who are known to have died, usually very recently. It's available here: On a common sense level, I don't consider this a breach of copyright for a book that is so old and commercially unavailable. I hope will suffer no further mishaps; however, its operation rides in essence directly contrary to the role the government plan for the internet of the future, so unfortunately I think they should brace themselves. And so should we. Download everything there you find particularly important and keep it safe.
See here for background:

Saturday, 26 October 2024

Trump talks Conspiracy on Joe Rogan

Donald Trump has appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience, an obligatory rite of passage for almost any potential American political leader these days. The YouTube video alone has had over thirteen million views, at the time of writing. The mainstream media must be seething with envy over those viewing figures, but they have only themselves to blame for that. There are so many issues raised in this very detailed discussion; but I was, of course, most keen to hear those of a conspiratorial nature. Could Trump be the Disclosure President? I suppose the obvious question is: why should we even ask that when he has been US president already, from 2017 to 2021, and he didn't do Disclosure then? Perhaps, but also it could be that times have changed since then. Contrary to popular belief, the US president does not have unlimited power, especially over domestic politics. As always, Trump mentions many conspiracy theories in a positive light. He uses the term "Big Pharma" and says that he wants his former rival-turned-supporter Robert F Kennedy Jr to be a part of his new administration, although his disagrees with RFK about fossil fuels. As we all know, Kennedy is one of the leaders in the movement trying to expose the health crisis caused by a certain popular medical treatment that was meant to protect us from an infectious disease. He also brings up the JFK files, as he has before. Trump famously did not release the files he promised to during his first term in office. According to the lawyer, journalist and former Supreme Court candidate, Andrew Napolitano, Trump had told him when pressed that he had decided not to release the files after reviewing the situation. Napolitano describes the president as being scared; as if he might meet the same fate as the subject of the files. The conversation, according to Napolitano, went thus: "I said, 'you promised you would release the records of the JFK assassination.' He said to me, 'Judge, if they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn't have released it either.' And I said, 'who's they? And what did they show you?' And then he said, 'Judge, someday when we're on the phone.' And then he raised his voice, 'And there aren't 15 people listening to the phone call,' back to a normal voice. 'I'll tell you.'" Source: Trump told Joe Rogan in this current interview that he would open the JFK files. It is a time for "cleansing"; although he added: "I can't tell you if you will find anything of interest." He said that the reason he failed last time was because of data protection issues. He was asked not to release the files by "very good talented people". He said there might be some national security issues that he might not necessarily know about. This sounds like he is signalling that all is not well at the Washington mill. Indeed if the US president lacks the necessary authority to know what his own government is doing, you could say that. Amazingly he said there is also a secret government file on Martin Luther King, somebody supposedly assassinated by "another lone nutter". He has promised to release the JFK files this time "almost immediately on entering office."
Oddly enough it was the guest who raised the subject of UFO's, not Joe. President Trump said he has been told "a lot". Unfortunately he didn't tell Joe much that he has not already said in his interview with Lex Friedman. Trump said he has personally interviewed pilots, he didn't specify what kind, who told him they'd seen things like "a round ball" that was not a comet or meteor capable of hypersonic speeds, one of the five observables. I got the impression that Trump was uncomfortable with Joe's questions. Joe seems to sense that and softens them a bit to addressing the probes on Mars and the presence of Chinese drones and balloons. Joe eventually switches the conversation back onto the express track. He talks about the Nimitz footage. Trump then obtrusively changes the subject. Source: What does this tell us? There are professional statement analysts like Peter Hyatt who no doubt would be able to pick apart every word and even every syllable uttered by the president. I regard statement analysis as an important tool, but I tend not to put too much weight on it. In the modern Conspirasphere, the individuals who focus on statement analysis tend to be the same characters who have abandoned all other forms of scholarship. For them, statement analysis is not just one tool in a big toolbox; it is a replacement for all the other tools. I don't think you need Hyatt's skills to see that Trump is evasive and uncommitted to this subject. Does this mean we should reject all possibilities that Trump can be the Disclosure President? No. It could be his prevarication is a result of him still being over a week away from the election. If there are people among his supporters and protectors who want Disclosure, they may have a plan that doesn't involve jumping into the fray too early. I think Trump deserves another chance. However, what about the other candidate, Kamala Harris? She has never mentioned UFO's, to my knowledge; and she has declined the invitation to appear on the Joe Rogan Experience, which does not bode well for her campaign.
See here for background:

Friday, 25 October 2024

Apollo Discussions 2

See here for the film.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
This second Apollo Discussions film with me in brings more new and original information that casts doubt over the official story of the first moon landings. The editing and visual effects in this video are the best ever.
See here for background:
See here for the previous film in the Apollo Discussions series:

Thursday, 24 October 2024

"Eve's Law"

See here for essential background:
The claimants have made a public statement following their victory in the lawsuit against Richard D Hall. It has been covered in the mainstream media with the usual bias and denial of facts; I have described all that before in detail. However, they don't intend to leave it there. They have also announced future plans: "I do want this to open the door for change and to help protect others from what we have been put through in the future. I will be discussing this with my legal team... with the aim of establishing a new law in Eve's name." Source: When a new law comes along and it is given a sentimental nickname, that means trouble. Effective propaganda attacks the heart not the head. It does not try to persuade rationally; instead it engenders strong emotions in the minds of its target population. It delivers eloquent rhetoric in place of fake facts. In this case we have a Common Law precedent named after a disabled young woman, the ultimate portrait of vulnerability. The news is not reporting the reality of the case; instead the public is shown a sadistic and heartless man "sharpening a spike" outside the house of a brave and unfortunate girl cared for by her dedicated and loving parents. I've come across other examples of this trickery, see: The mainstream media coverage of the trial reminds me of the episode "Homer Badman" from The Simpsons, see here for a clip that illustrates exactly how such hit-pieces work:

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

RDH Trial Final Verdict

See here for essential background:
The judge has ruled in favour of the claimants. Mrs Justice Steyn has decided that Richard broke Section 1 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. Source: Obviously, for reasons I detail in the background, this is an abomination. Sadly it is not unexpected. I don't know what happens next, but I know Richard will carry on fighting. This ruling will trigger a worrying new process in Common Law in which other people can be sued for doing what Richard did; that is, vocally doubt the official story of terrorist atrocities. Who will be next? Me? At least nobody can kid themselves anymore that there are no conspiracies to silence dissenters.

Monday, 21 October 2024

Ben Emlyn-Jones on the Paranormal Peep Show 23

I have been on the Paranormal Peep Show again. This programme features an interview with Jackie Tonks, the cryptozoologist and explorer.
See here for the audio version:
And here for the video:
See here for my previous appearance on the Paranormal Peep Show:

Thursday, 17 October 2024

RDH Trial Transcript

See here for essential background:
The transcript of Richard D Hall's trial is now available here: Richard is expecting a verdict within the next few days. As I said in my own daily reports, there is no doubt Richard won the case. Whether the judge rules on that is another question. Richard has created his own portal about this lawsuit, see:

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Oxford Humanists Launch Event

I have attended a launch party for a new organization in Oxford. It is a local chapter of the British Humanist Association, today called Humanists UK. Humanist groups are not new to Oxford, in fact they have always been a part of city life, whether "town" or "gown", but it's still an occasion when a new one appears. I was curious to witness this so went along as myself, registering under my real name, and nobody objected; in fact if they had worked out who I was they didn't say anything. The event was held in the Old Fire Station, a social venue in the city centre, in their pleasant cafe. (The Old Fire Station used to be a thriving and rather raucous nightclub, and it was a popular haunt for off duty hospital porters, including myself, see: The event was free to attend and that was very generous because they provided cooked food and soft drinks. The food was delicious; "made by women refugees!" one of the organizers announced proudly. They just asked for a donation which I put into their collecting tin. The seats were arranged around the tables rather in rows which was much friendlier because if you went there on your own and didn't know anybody, like me, you were forced to sit next to somebody new and strike up a conversation. Also we were provided with stickers to wear bearing our names, which made introductions a bit superfluous. We began with a series of short speeches by some "celebrants", these are people who conduct humanist ceremonies that are secular equivalents of baptisms, called "baby naming", weddings and funerals. I was surprised to learn that other pivotal life moments can also be marked by a humanist celebration that I'm sure your local vicar wouldn't dream of entertaining; divorces; "coming out", that is announcing publicly that you're homosexual; "transitioning", changing gender; and menopause, the end of female fertility. As you'll see if you look at the UK Humanists website, see:, humanism is dominated by leftwing ideals, most of which I do not share. Despite that, I am a libertarian and so I have no opinions at all about other adults' private lives, positive or negative; but, among other caues, I oppose their stance on abortion, see here for details: Along with celebrants UK Humanists also provides "pastoral carers". This is their equivalent of chaplaincy in hospitals, prisons or the armed forces etc. They also carry out inaugurations for mayors and other officials. The need for secular events like this is becoming more popular. It is interesting to me that humanists' lives that are strangely parallel to the deeply religious, even if not equivalent; this is an observation I have made before, see the background links. There used to be a humanist "Sunday service" at East Oxford Community Centre where people would sing songs and recite poetry. In some Jewish areas there are similar events held on Saturdays in facilities that resemble a synagogue. The only thing different is there are no prayers, hymns or any talk of God, except in a negative way. In fact I have often felt concern that a promotion of atheist rights, something I wholeheartedly support, can so easily morph into the oppression of theists once the boot of power is on the other foot. We have seen this inversion so many times in other contexts.
They keynote speaker was Andrew Copson, CEO of Humanists UK. He was the only person in the room who appeared to recognize me. He stared at me in alarm for a few moments when he first came in. I was a bit surprised at first because I have never spoken to him, but I have spoken about him many times and I should have realized that he was bound to have seen my publications eventually. He didn't cause a scene though. He just did his speech and I listened to him politely. After all, I have attended many of his other public events, for example see: He has been on the receiving end of my particular brand of humour; but I always intended these jokes about him to be satirical, not malicious or derogatory, for example see: He was joined on stage by a man called David who comes from Guatemala in Central America. He has just founded a sister organization in his own country. One of the issues humanists most often campaign on is their support for euthanasia, usually known as "assisted dying". This is very topical at the time of writing because our own parliament is currently debating it. The bill was introduced by "laughing" Kim Leadbeater. (If you want to know how she earned her nickname watch this: I have mixed feelings about euthanasia. I support the idea in principle, but I've seen a very dark and sinister side effect emerge out of it, see: The current House of Commons is comparatively secular and it has the youngest average age ever; we could well see this bill passed for better or worse. Despite not knowing anybody there personally, I saw two other people I recognized from the Oxford atheo-skeptic scene whom I've encountered at other events, Peter Atkins and Stephen Law. Atkins is famous for being a mate of Richard Dawkins and has had a similar career, debating religious pundits, for example: I've actually met Dr Stephen Law several times, for example see: Humanism is difficult to define. I picked up a few giveaway pamphlets to take home with me. I'm familiar with most of their content, but still find the overarching concept difficult to pin down. You can be of any nationality, race or political stripe (although most are very leftist as I said) and still be a humanist. I think it is possibly the desire to form an ethical philosophy without any supernatural basis. This is not a new idea; it goes back thousands of years to early history. This makes it a bit different from the skeptic movement which is more focused on the philosophy of science, but of course there is a huge overlap. But even that is not close enough. Perhaps it could be summed up by the UK Humanists' motto "for the one life we have". I would probably say that if there is one issue that unites them all it is a disbelief in an afterlife. Actually this foundational adage is stated unequivocally in their literature. This means that despite the fact that I like the idea of secular ethics and science, and I reject organized religion, I could never be a humanist because I believe in an afterlife. This leaves some people out in the cold, philosophically homeless in a world of religion and humanism equally. I'm reminded of the sad occasion when Sue, my partner at the time, lost her mother. We found it difficult to arrange a suitable funeral for her, see: I heard that George from CMR did have a humanist funeral even though he did believe in an afterlife, so maybe even that rule is not set in stone, see: Humanism is nothing if not very flexible, it has to be said; and so their open-mindedness might even extend to suspending their core principle. The Oxford Humanists plan to hold future events and I was amused to see that their next one is with Prof. Chris French, somebody I and my readers are very familiar with, for example see: I'll attend if I'm free to go, but now my cover has been blown I might not be allowed in. Time to dig out the "David Jones" disguise again!

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

New Oxford Cycle Track

The purpose of HPANWO Voice is not to cover local environmental issues, but I'm going to make an exception in this case. Near where I usually work there is a recreation ground bordered by copses of trees. Oxford City Council has a plan to build a new cycle track across the ground. Currently pedestrians and bikes are following an informal diagonal track across it which has left a muddy rut. This obviously needs to change and a paved eight-foot wide cycle track is a good idea. However, they plan to drive it through the copse on the southern edge of the ground meaning twenty-five trees will have to be felled. This includes some mature willows that soak up a lot of water which eases flooding a massive problem in the Isis bank area. They also clean the air, provide shade from the sun and shelter from the rain. They are also a habitat to millions of insects, plants and fungi. Source: Residents have an alternative suggestion. Extend the cycle track at right angles along the southern edge of the ground inside the copse and keep the existing gate. That would save the trees at little inconvenience to cyclists. If you live in Oxford please email the OCC and voice your objection: Quote this reference: 22/02446/CT3.

Monday, 14 October 2024

New Bridget Jones Film

It's been formally announced that a new Bridget Jones film is going to be released early next year. Renee Zellweger is coming back to give yet another authentic and captivating performance as the famous sweet-natured young Londoner whose romantic comedy diary adaptations of her life-size life have made her a grassroots heroine for many people. Most Bridget fans are naturally excited about the new film, which will be called Bridget Jones- Mad about the Boy; but I will not be watching it. The reason is not because I dislike the Bridget Jones films, it's the exact opposite. I loved the first two, Bridget Jones' Diary and Bridget Jones- the Edge of Reason. Then came Bridget Jones' Baby. This was a letdown. I interpreted this as yet another example of a franchise in decline. It has happened to so many others; Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings etc. They achieve greatness, but then fall like Icarus. The cause of this is sometimes wokery, but not always. Often it is simply that the franchise loses creative energy. It seems there is a finite amount of this, no matter how much it starts off with. The response from the producers is usually to double down and press on, pouring out sequel after pointless sequel and an array of watered-down spin-offs. It doesn't work; it never works. I would be happier if they just quit while they were ahead. It is heartbreaking for dedicated fans to witness this degeneration, holding on to the hope that maybe... maybe, they are just one more remake away from regaining their former glory. I have taken a different tactic. As soon as I detect the early symptoms of the great downfall I stop watching the new releases and just enjoy what has been done already. I have the DVD's of the first two Bridget films and I can watch them over and over again, whenever I like. Nobody can take that away from me.
See here for more information:

Saturday, 12 October 2024

Ben Emlyn-Jones and the Crafty Nihilist 3

I have been featured on a livestream by the Crafty Nihilist:
An informal panel featuring myself talking to the Crafty Nihilist. We were joined on the air by our friend Nick as we discussed the recent live David Icke lecture in Oxford. See here for background:
See here for my previous appearance on the Crafty Nihilist's channel:

Friday, 11 October 2024

David Icke Live in Oxford

David Icke has appeared live in Oxford and I went to see him... of course. The gig was held at a location in the city I will not divulge in case David wants to use it again. As it was, the venue was only revealed to the attendees twenty-four hours beforehand. This is because of the relentless and puerile protests intended to disrupt David's events and bully the hosts into cancelling them. As it happens this time there was no trouble at all. I met up with a group of my friends that included The Crafty Nihilist who have appeared in my publications before, for example see: Also Tajinder Gill, see: We had a few drinks and a meal and then went to the venue which was comfortable and had good support facilities, although the loudspeakers in the auditorium were not very good quality. I was alright where I was sitting, but some people in other seats complained that they could hardly hear. There were about four hundred people there. This is the first time I'd seen David speak live since 2018, see:; and the format has changed. Instead of simply lecturing solo with a series of slides, David spoke in a sit-down interview by his son and tour manager Jaymie Icke. The second half of the four hour presentation was a question-and-answer session from the audience; but because of David's detailed replies, there was only time for about half a dozen of those. David is now seventy-two years old, but he has lost none of his energy and I can still tell his mind is racing like a dozen hamster wheels. His hairstyle is now different. He has cut his hair shorter with a wave across the crown. For somebody familiar with his ideas, I recognized that about half of what he said I had heard before. This is not a criticism; all his works are intended to be self-contained and he always puts a new spin on things, and centres his publications on a different theme. He was promoting his new book at this event called The Reveal. I have not read any of David's new books since he brought out Human Race, Get Off Your Knees. This is not because I have gone off David or rejected any of his ideas; I just feel I have moved on somewhat. I need to focus on different subjects. He gave some new information that I had never heard before, like how as early as the late 1960's the psychological elite had plans to "make boys and girls the same"; something that has become very topical lately. (I have had some nasty and painful dealings with the psychological elite personally, see: David warned about fake climate change leading to a Hunger Games like society with engineered food shortages. He points out the "opposame" of organized religion vs. atheism, something I've noticed myself. He cites Dr Nick Bostrom who has been a guest at the Bilderberg Group. Obviously the backslappers are going to go nuts about this, but David's choice to mention him is for totally innocent reasons. Bostrom is one of the leading researchers into the simulation hypothesis of the universe which is something David has always taken a keen interest in. One of the most unusual points David made, and one I had not heard from him before, is that the "matrix" includes the afterlife as well. So, according to David, people who report near-death experiences are not seeing reality, the world outside the Platonic cave, they are caught in the trap of soul recycling. This is not a new idea, in fact it is called in India the "wheel of Samsara". It dates back at least two and a half thousand years because it was taught by the Buddha. David mentions graphine oxide, a chemical found in the C**** V****, see here for an explanation: and: It can also be detected in chemtrails and might function as a conductor of electromagnetic radiation from HAARP and the "bunch of five grapes" mobile phone network. David brought up Ray Kurzweil, the futurist, MBA-er and promoter of transhumanism. A post-human world would probably not be the paradise of cyborg supermen promised by its enthusiasts. Kurzweil suggests our own minds could be melded by AI which doesn't bear thinking about. One thing David said that I totally disagree with it that Trump is just another insider. He is not, see here for details: What the Illuminati have planned for the future is something David called an "emotional Blitzkrieg". I think it's already happening. This is a very frightening prospect, but I felt comforted because I was in a room with over four hundred comrade souls, facing it with them united together. I am not alone. I really enjoyed this talk by David Icke. Many thanks to him, Jaymie and all the organizers. It was lovely to see my friends again. I hope to see David live again soon. I include some photographs from the event.
See here for background:

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Return to Orford Ness

There's a new series on Amazon called Hidden History of Britain. (This is not to be confused with several other series with similar titles like this ingenious one, see: It is presented by Michael Portillo, a former government minister and present day TV journalist. The second episode is called Orford Ness- Defence of the Realm and it includes a tour of the abandoned secret research base on the Suffolk coast. People in the know will spot immediately that this was filmed a long time ago because the famous lighthouse is there. It has sadly since been demolished, see: Indeed, the Amazon programme is a repeat and it was first broadcast on Channel 5 back in 2018. The intrepid Mr P walks around the now derelict base and tries to work out what really went on there by examining the ruins and interviewing those who served there. This is a bit of a puzzle because a lot of the scientific work done is still classified. Government organized experiments began there in the 1920's, but the area is best known for its project "Cobra Mist". This was allegedly an attempt by the British and Americans to develop more powerful and sensitive radar. It is famous for its giant landmark, the fan-shaped antenna array which covered more than three hundred acres and was two hundred feet high. There are also two buildings called "pagodas" because of their shape. They have very heavy and thick roofs indicating they were intended to contain explosions. One of the staff there says they were used to test H-bomb detonators and missile engines which were at the time, the early 1960's, the ultimate secret. Some buildings are half buried in sand. In the 1930's there was an attempt there to invent a directed energy weapon, a kind of "death ray". One of the guest contributors in none other than Dr David Clarke, better known for his UFOlogy work, for example see: There are many scenes of Portillo creeping along dark corridors and unlocking old filing cabinets, disturbing the dust. He is using a torch in most of these scenes; and I expect this was done for dramatic effect because in other scenes you see that in at least one of the buildings there is electricity and lights could be switched on. Source:

The big questions my own readers will want to know is, did the activities at the Orford Ness laboratory have anything to do with the famous 1980 UFO close encounters in Rendlesham Forest? Without more information about what activities went on at the secret base it is impossible to answer with certainty. However, we have enough information to make a guess. UFO incidents are often associated with certain human activities; two are nuclear weapons and electromagnetism. Both can be found in Orford Ness and its surrounding area. The Scottish author Brian Allan suspects the very transmissions from the Cobra Mist operation caused the conditions by which UFO's could appear. In his book The Hole in the Sky, he explains how electromagnetic radiation, both artificial and natural, open interdimensional portals that release phenomena like UFO's, see: This could be true. UFO's are often associated with thunderstorms too, which is a natural phenomenon that also causes huge electromagnetic charges in the environment; examples are some famous ones like the Roswell and Varginha incidents, see: Possibly more digging by archaeologists or further government transparency will make Orford Ness give up more of its secrets in the future, in which case there will be a sequel, I'm sure; both of this article and Portillo's series. However, so far, Secret History of Britain does not mention UFO's at all.
See here for background:

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Chagossian Repatriation

That great anti-white brain donor David Lammy has announced that his government will be relinquishing all its territorial claims to the Chagos Islands and their sovereignty is henceforth to be under the flag of Mauritius. The Chagos Islands are the southernmost of a long chain of low-lying archipelagos stretching across the Indian Ocean from Lakshadweep in the north and the Maldives in between. (The Maldives have come up on HPANWO Voice previously, see: Mr Lammy, the Foreign Secretary, is reversing the former UK government's policy on the islands, which is to disobey a ruling in 2019 by the International Court of Justice which ordered the United Kingdom to cede its colonial administration of the Chagos Islands. Source: There are three main points to this matter, and it has filled me with mixed feelings. Firstly, I accept that what Lammy has done is the right thing to do, in a literal sense. In the 1960's the UK gained control of the islands after giving Mauritius three million pounds. It immediately entered into negotiations to lease the largest and most populous island in the archipelago, Diego Garcia, to the the United States so the latter could build a military base on it. The Chagos Islands had a population of almost a thousand people, mostly descendants of former slaves and lepers from Africa whose ancestors had lived on the islands since the 18th century. The US then requested that the UK exile the entire population; not just on Diego Garcia, but the whole of the Chagos chain. The UK dutifully obeyed and between 1968 and 1973 every Chagossian was shipped off the island to Mauritius and the Seychelles. Those who resisted were arrested and forced. A few were tricked by going to neighbouring islands to visit friends and relatives and having their passports cancelled in their absence, thus preventing them from boarding a ship or aircraft home. The islanders' pet dogs were all killed by gassing or drowning. There is plenty of room on the islands for all of the native population and the military base together. The base only covers a small part of one island, Diego Garcia. It seems the motive for the deportations was not living space; it was the risk of indigenous sovereignty claims and security problems from the ease of espionage. This action was, of course, an outrage. I oppose it totally.

The second point though is connected to many other issues over which I hesitate to assert myself, even though I know they are correct and fair. The reason is because what David Lammy has done is the right thing for the wrong reasons. He couldn't give a toss about the Chagossian islanders and their abuse at the hands of the UK and American governments. What he wants to do is generate white guilt in the hearts of the British people. That is his only intention in obeying the ICJ ruling. This is the only reason why tales of colonial infamy, whether real or just perceived, and even in the distant past, are being promoted so vigorously by the media and education. Lammy is a man who has grown up in a political culture that worships victimhood. It is the foundation of his identity; and even, in a strange way, his self-esteem. He recently addressed the Russian delegation at the UN Security Council on the subject of Ukraine with the completely irrelevant statement: "I stand here also as a black man whose ancestors were taken in chains from Africa at the barrel of a gun to be enslaved, whose ancestors rose up and fought in a great rebellion of the enslaved. I know imperialism when I see it." Source: He doesn't fool me; he is loving every moment of this! I don't think Lammy could cope if he lived in world in which he could not pretend that he was the Great Downtrodden. So from my own perspective, as a white man whose demography is being turned into the national and international scapegoat for everything bad that is happening, has ever happened or will ever happen in the world, I cannot stand with him. I know that the moment I express any positive sentiment about the return of the Chagos Islands to the population who rightfully lives there, David Lammy will just treat that as one more stick to beat me with.
The third issue is to do with the base itself. The Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia is technically British, but it is leased to the United States in a similar way to RAF Bentwaters-Woodbridge was, see: The new deal just brokered by David Lammy involves a special new lease by the Mauritian government to the UK and USA for the current area occupied by the base. It is not clear if this includes the entire island of Diego Garcia or just the military reservation. Either way, this is a single anchor chain for the Western globalists to maintain their military presence in that maritime region. The lease is to last ninety-nine years, like the British deal with China over Hong Kong. Why? What purpose does this military base serve, being so far away from anywhere? Its official line is that the base is there to "provide logistic support to operational forces forward deployed to the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf areas of responsibility in support of national policy objectives." which doesn't say very much. The fact is, the base is very like Area 51; its true activities are highly classified. In such an isolated area without the burden of nosy local residents, all kinds of secret missions and experiments could be carried out there. There is not even the tourist industry that Groom Lake has to endure (of which I was a part, see: There are numerous outfits based at Diego Garcia from the US Navy, Air Force and, interestingly, the new US Space Force, see: One outfit in particular caught my eye, the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station, Far East. Its purpose is to maintain the military warfighting electronic networks and communications systems necessary for conducting operations in the Indo-Pacific Command theatre of operations; but this might include a covert intelligence role. It certain will have hardware that can be adapted to such. I recommend watching some of the YouTube content of Ashton Forbes because he believes the missing airliner MH370 might have ended up at Diego Garcia, see: There are a lot of videos there, but watching a few of them should be enough to give you a reasonable understanding of his evidence. Also see the background links below. If Diego Garcia is the site of some strange and potentially dangerous experimental technology this will no doubt influence whatever the political future is of the Chagos Islands and its people. However, I think such complexities lie beyond the meagre comprehensive powers of David Lammy plc. I hope somebody more intelligent is put in his place to represent my country in the global community. I think at least a basic knowledge of geography is essential. Lammy once declared that Gaza lies to the north of Israel. Most people know it actually is to Israel's southwest...

Sunday, 6 October 2024

Don Philips on Unsolved Mysteries


Netflix has released the fifth season of Unsolved Mysteries, an excellent series of documentaries about mysteries that have yet to be solved, as the unimaginative title reveals. It covers a mixture of the paranormal, the UFOlogical, cryptozoological, historical enigmas and unresolved crime. The second episode of the new series of four is called My Paranormal Partner and is a profile of Don Philips, the medium and paranormal investigator I know well myself and have collaborated with. The programme covers Don's life and development. Some of Don's other friends and colleagues are interviewed such as Steve Mera, Jackie Heighway and Barry Fitzgerald. There are scenes describing some of Don's research projects that were supervised by Steve; however there are many details that weren't covered in depth, probably because there was not enough time. The show did treat Don and the others respectfully and honestly, certainly in comparison with most mainstream media productions on this subject. Some of his missions, especially the haunting of Keith Linder's house, would have needed an entire feature film or book in order to explain it all, and indeed that has been done, for example: There was some concern from some quarters about "Becky", the spirit Don most commonly channels who acts as a guide and provides a lot of his information. Her identity is unknown, but she claims to be a human soul and provides a story about who she was when alive; but this story cannot be confirmed. So has Becky lied to Don? Some other researchers fear that this might be a case of possession. That is a word that conjures up images of horror films, but possession is not necessarily a destructive thing. Whatever Becky is, Don has channelled her for many years and she has not done him any harm so far. She may be a benevolent or, at worst, neutral spirit who may wish to experience human sensations through Don's mental and physical presence. It is not just spirits who can be coy. There's a difference between lies of deception and lies of discretion. I myself am not a hundred percent honest with other people all the time. I might refuse to answer some people's questions about me or even give false information in response. This is not because I'm trying to deceive them for malicious purposes; I just want to guard my privacy. I'm sure I am not alone in that. Don has made his own public statement about the matter, see: Source: To accompany the release of his feature in Unsolved Mysteries, Don has uploaded a short TikTok video giving a summary of his career and including comments by several very clever individuals, one of which you will immediately recognize, see:
See here for background: