Friday 3 February 2023

Would the Real RC Christian Please Stand Up?

See here for essential background:
Just five months after an heroic individual destroyed the Georgia Guidestones, a new documentary has been released claiming to have solved the mystery of its mysterious creator, a man who goes under the pseudonym "RC Christian". There has been much speculation about his real identity, that it was Klaus Schwab, that it is meant to sound like "Rosicrucian"; he was Ted Turner or L Ron Hubbard etc. All we previously knew was that the enigmatic one arranged the construction of the monument via a few contacts in Elbert County. The person he dealt with the most was the president of the Granite City Bank, Wyatt Martin. It was through this bank that the project was funded. RC Christian was obviously a wealthy man, or was authorized to handle a lot of money from other patrons because the masons who built the Guidestones deliberately overcharged him, but he didn't care. The site was unveiled at a ceremony in March 1980 and if Christian were there he was strictly incognito, mixed in with the general audience. Six years later he wrote a book, also under his alias, called Common Sense Renewed. In it he said: "I am the originator of the Georgia Guidestones and the sole author of its inscriptions. I have had the assistance of a number of other American citizens in bringing the monument into being. We have no mysterious purposes or ulterior motives. We seek common sense pathways to a peaceful world, without bias for particular creeds or philosophies."  Today Wyatt Martin is the only person left alive who knows who RC Christian really is and has sworn never to divulge his identity. He is interviewed for the documentary and stands by that principle, but he unwittingly provides a vital clue. He shows the filmmakers a formerly secret box of documents, including letters between himself and Christian. None of this correspondence includes the stranger's real name, but the camera does capture images of a postmark on one of the envelopes and an address which turned out to be Christian's assistant and book publisher. With some more investigative journalism they soon build up a significant circumstantial case pointing towards a particular individual. It is something of an anticlimax because the man in question died in 2005. The opportunity to solve this mystery in a truly satisfying manner was lost at that moment. Source:
I can't help feeling that the resolution of this mystery presents a bit of a moral dilemma. Wasn't it rather unfair to exploit the information gained from filming Wyatt Martin's document box? Were the filmmakers taking advantage of a genial and slightly naive old man? I would have been tempted to warn Mr Martin in advance that he had accidentally let slip the key to blowing RC Christian's cover. I can guess Mr Martin was not pleased when this film was published. Whatever the answer, the Georgia Guidestones are gone and I'm glad. However, the Elberton Granite Association, the stonemason that originally built the Guidestones, has offered to rebuild a facsimile monument based faithfully on the original plans, for no charge at all. This must be motivated by the blow to the tourist industry Elbert County has suffered as a result of the Stones' loss. For legal reasons I will not say what I hope will happen next...
See here for more background:


Anonymous said...

"For legal reasons I will not say what I hope will happen next..."

Considering your vocal opinions on other man made structures such as statues being defaced or destroyed because a section of society finds them offensive I find your view on the Georgia guide stones staggeringly hypocritical.

Especially given they had been around a long time (1980) before the 'conspiracists' decided through pure speculation it was the work of the NWO some time in the early to mid nineties (something astoundingly unbelievable unless the NWO is more the American world order as all the 'Likeminded benefactors' in thier creation were from the US).

In actuality it's more akin to some conservative evangelical Christians putting up a piece of their believes/moral code from that time period (circa late seventies) in much as the way they still do all across the US albeit in less obscure fashion (hence the speculation).

Though anonymous benefactors financing something of this nature are very common this doesn't seem to deter a good conspiracy...

I do agree that I dislike the message also but I don't go around blowing up message boards outside churches or on highways as a non-Christian so I wouldn't do the same to the guide stones even if I had been led to believe they were somehow part of the NWO.

Free speech is for everyone even if you dislike the message.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

I can think of no rebuttal to that right now, Anon. Maybe this is just another sign we are at war. If so then concepts like objection to hypocrisy will have to wait until peace once again returns.

John said...

Nobody can support a monument that condones genocide , which is in effect what the stones called for. You can dress it up any way you like but thats the truth of it.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Exactly, John.