Friday, 27 July 2018

Medical Cannabis Legalized

The Home Secretary Sajid Javid has announced that, for the first time, medical cannabis will become legal for doctors to prescribe in "exceptional circumstances" in the UK. The decision was made after the Chief Medical Officer reviewed the cases of two young boys suffering from severe epilepsy. It will become a fully licensed drug in October. Source: The concession is very slight and strictly limited to rare cases of epilepsy; it also excludes Northern Ireland. Cannabis remains a Class B drug. However it is a step in the right direction. It will hopefully be the thin end of a wedge and it also will change the legal landscape to reduce the prosecutions and disciplinary actions against doctors who have used it illegally in the past. My mother's doctor advised her to obtain cannabis privately to treat her multiple sclerosis, but he insisted that their conversation was strictly off the record. This could be a first stage toward further legalizations in which it can be used more widely and easily to treat more conditions. For instance, the number of anecdotal cases in which THC and CBD has had excellent results with cancer patients has been rising exponentially and this includes people I know personally. The legalization of medical cannabis will therefore not be welcomed by the cancer industry. We must be prepared for a backlash from them.


Laurence said...

I was given heroin based painkillers while in intensive care. The general public would be unaware that heroin is prescribed in extremis.

Anonymous said...

I'm more interested in the story behind the story, if we look at who is involved behind the scenes, it certainly looks like the establishment is running the narrative.

The Volteface lobby group funded and arranged the trip to Canada for Billy Caldwells mother, also sponsored the meetings with ministers & media. Volteface, run by Steve Moore, former chair of David Cameron’s Big Society Network, who once worked for the former Con chief whip Lord Young.

Then there's the drugs minister, Victoria Atkins, who's husband is MD of British Sugar, which is licensed to grow cannabis for GW pharmas newly approved (in the US) epilepsy drug, Epidiolex. British Sugar owns Cornerways Nursery in Wissington Norfolk, which grows 1/4 million cannabis plants, it's so big it uses robotic tow-cars to move the product from the glasshouse to the packaging and distribution area. Oddly Victoria Atkins has always been a hardline prohibitionist. (can anyone say hypocrite)

Then there's Capital Group, the investment fund that employs Philip May, the prime minister’s husband, the largest investor in GW pharma.

Looking at the bigger picture, the push in the US/Canada was more of a grass roots thing from the late 90's, with the narrative being run by groups such as NORML, allowing the industry to get going before the globalists could step in to take over. In the UK, although late to the party, it seems the establishment is taking the lead to control the playing field, expect any new laws to cement this hold on the market, only 'approved' derivatives/drugs will be allowed out into the wild IMO.


Brenda said...

I wonder if my dad taking cannabis would have stopped the violent spread of cancer across his neck, ear and face. No one once mentioned the use of cannabis to him not even off the record. I suppose the medics willingly let him die because the makers of morphine and fentanyl had offered them new golf clubs or AA membership for a year. And yes my dad's death was real and awful something I hope I never have to witness again with another loved one, but all it might have needed was some pot. I'm not saying pot doesn't help some if not many people but if it was a panacea then it would be legalised and prescribed, so cut the crap.


Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Brenda, you totally misunderstand the nature of the cover-up. And please don't use your father's tragic death to try and make me feel guilty! So many others have to die in order to keep this secret.