Wednesday 31 May 2017

The Nottingham Noise

People in Nottingham have been plagued by a strange sound. The penetrating roaring, whooshing noise happens mostly at night or in the early morning and it has been described as being like a jet engine, a hot air balloon burner or blowtorch. It has been recorded and you can hear the recording on the source link. The noise has been recurring and has been heard all over the city of Nottingham and as far away as Wollaton and West Bridgford. I feel nostalgic hearing those names. Before last October I would have been in an ideal position to investigate because I could stay with Sue Ustane, but since then we've split up. There is no obvious cause for the "Nottingham Noise", but the phenomenon of strange sounds is not uncommon. See the link below about the "hum". The Nottingham area, as I have talked about before, also has a major part to play in the history of UFO research. Source:


Laurence said...

The descriptions given by residents indicates an indistinct, widely spaced, rushing sound. The geology around Nottingham is highly complex, notably so. The rocks happen to be susceptible to dissolution by running water; that and the recent combination of a period of very low rainfall followed by torrential precipitation last weekend suggests--to me at least--that underground rivers (possibly at 100 m below ground level) of rushing water within unmapped and unknown cave systems as the likely source of the anomaly. We can only hope that no sink holes open up, as happens in Ripon, North Yorkshire on a regular basis.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Thanks for the info, Laurence. That could be it.

Darren Perks (the real one) said...

Ben, this has been heard over the Radbrook area of Shrewsbury some 3 years ago. Again it was late at night or in the early hours. One witness I dealt with spoke of it actually pulsing intermittently.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Darren, I wonder if it is a British version of those weird chainsaw and trumpet like noises that covered North America a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Not trumpet . You are refering 2013 - Around end August. 5 races visit, and departure. Heard all around the globe , in some areas.