Reddit is pretty typical of 2020's social media in that it
is a dumping ground for all kinds of information, favouring quantity over
quality. Also what gets upvoted is not always what I would consider the finest
mental nutrition; one must use one's common sense. Occasionally though, a post
appears that stands out. It has a ring of authenticity and some circumstantial
evidence that leads to the more rational members of the Conspirasphere picking
it out and highlighting it. A good example dropped two years ago and was posted
in two subreddits,
r/aliens and
r/biology. It was by somebody claiming
to be a molecular biologist who used to be part of a secret programme to study
what they called "EBO's- Exo-Biospheric Organisms". This person had
signed numerous legal contracts forbidding them from telling anybody about it,
but they'd decided to break those rules anonymously because
"every human being has the right to
know the truth... When the governments eventually reveal these secrets, there
will undoubtedly be a societal upheaval; but in my opinion, the longer we wait,
the worse it will be". This person goes to great lengths to protect
their identity, obviously to avoid the consequences of breaching their secrecy
agreements. They describe a bit of personal background. They did not seek to
get involved in the programme; they ended up working there because they met the
right person at a conference while studying for a PhD and were recommended. When
the scientist was first offered the job they were not told the whole truth
about what was involved. This recruitment process is probably pretty standard.
People not involved will never hear about it, but those involved will be talent
scouting. They will approach potential applicants, rather than the other way
round as would happen in a normal job. The applicant will only be given
information gradually in stages, depending on how they react to what they are
told at each stage. In this way it's similar to how spies are recruited in an
enemy nation, see:
When the scientist was fully briefed they were given very little extra
information beyond what was functionally necessary to carry out their work.
There are probably other experts working on other aspects of the programme who
know nothing of this scientist's duties. Only a handful in senior management
will know the full picture. The scientist nominates the location of their
laboratory as
Fort Detrick, Maryland
USA. This is probably not
true and the Redditor themselves admits they include red herrings in their
testimony to bury their true identity deeper. Fort Detrick is an obvious possibility
because it has long been the centre of the United States biological defence
programme; but if there were an "EBO" project there it would probably
only include a few people; the witnesses says there are twenty-five, and therefore
their individual cover would be blown very quickly. Operations at this
classification are probably spread out in numerous locations, including some
abroad. The scientist says their team is studying four alien bodies that are
all badly dismembered in various ways, like motorcycle crash victims. These
injuries were probably caused by UFO crash-retrievals. Maybe these are the
The aliens' genetics are remarkably similar to our own. This
could be a strange case of parallel evolution, in which different forms develop
in the same way because of being in a similar habitat; but this seems unlikely.
It is more likely that they are related to us in some way. Their genome appears
to be artificial, a product of genetic engineering. This matches the reports of
"PGLF's" being bred at alleged deep underground military bases in
places like Peasemore and Dulce, see:
I dispute the notion that these creatures are all products of secret human
government; for several reasons, but primarily for their antiquity. People have
had encounters with them long before we invented modern science. It's
interesting how the grey alien has become such a pop cultural icon and they
were first depicted on cave walls thousands of years ago; and the scientist
remarks on their resemblance. I also don't agree with the "future
humans" hypothesis. Travelling backwards in time is probably against the
fundamental laws of physics and would create causality paradoxes. Any
indication that the aliens are "us sent back from the future" means
they probably come from parallel universes, see:
However, there is a lot of information from many angles claiming that the greys
are some kind of biological robot genetically engineered by another ET race for
a specific purpose. As the Redditor puts it:
"They are artificial, ephemeral and disposable organisms created
for a purpose that still partially eludes us". There is no doubt that if
their genetics are a product of biotechnology, then it is extremely advanced.
The scientist is convinced this is the case. Some of their biochemistry is
different to ours and does not match any known life form from earth. Their skin
is unusual because it doubles up as their excretory system; in other words,
they release their equivalent of urine from pores on their skin. This could
explain the fact that, according to witnesses, they smell bad; for example the
one at Varginha, see:
It has a four-lobed brain and eyes covered by a biosynthetic film; that is why
they look black. They have no bone marrow and their blood is brown. This
matches a description given by Timothy Good, see:
There is an organ called a "hepatorenal" that does not exist in any
earth species, but combines the functions of the liver and kidneys. It has a
very underdeveloped digestive system with no teeth or stomach indicating that
it is intended only to consume a very limited diet in liquid form, possibly as
some kind of broth. The scientist was told a little about their psychology and
comments that the aliens are a part of a hive consciousness independent from
their bodies; this resembles some spiritual traditions on earth. This reminds
me of what is said about the being in the "alien interview", see:
The scientist came back to the post a few times to answer subreddit members'
questions. At one point the scientist reveals a connection between themselves
and the Battelle Memorial Institute. That fits in with what Dr Irena Scott told
me, see:
I don't know whether this revelation was deliberate or accidental, but it may
have led to what happened next. Source:
Of course, "UFO whistleblowers" are two-a-penny these days; but this
Reddit post stands out from the junkpile. This is mostly because of the
technical level of its language. The person behind this information is
definitely scientifically educated and many commentators who are also feel a
subtext of validity from it. For a while I wondered if it were Garry Nolan; or
maybe somebody else already active in the UFO community. Another strange thing
is that the post was removed within days and the author's account deleted. I
don't know if they did that themselves because they were scared, or maybe they
were silenced to plug the leak. I hope they're safe. Luckily the posts were
archived by then and today millions of people have downloaded them. There's
also a YouTube audio version, see:
I'm convinced that programmes studying alien life exist; probably in major
military, defence industrial and academic institutions. Maybe just a short
distance from where I am sitting, in
I do hope the truth about all this comes out soon.
See here for