Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Plane Rage Increase

2024 has very much been the year of strange goings on in the sky; and I don't just mean UFO's. I have reported previously on the strange case of the "crazy plane lady", see: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2024/02/crazy-plane-lady-back-on-tv.html. Since then there has been an increasing number of similar incidents, or at least reports of them. It's not possible to know for sure which is the cause or effect. Maybe these videos get more attention because of the antics of Tiffany Gomas, rather than her antics being part of an objective trend. Nevertheless, the last few weeks have seen an alarming spate of aviation accidents. On December the 23rd a Swiss International Airbus A220-300 had to make an emergency landing in Graz, Austria after the cabin filled with smoke. The plane was quickly evacuated, but one of the flight attendants died. On Christmas Day, Azerbaijan Airlines Flight 8243 crashed in Kazakhstan killing thirty-eight of the sixty-seven people on board, including both pilots. The cause of the crash is currently unknown, but theories range from collision with a bird or drone to a missile. Then worst of all, on Sunday, a Boeing 737-800 crashed while trying to land at Muan International Airport, South Korea. The cause is unknown, but video of the crash shows clearly that the plane did not lower its wheels. It hit a wall at the end of the runway and 179 people were killed; only two survived. On the very same day a KLM airliner crashed while trying to take off from Oslo on a flight to Amsterdam. Luckily this time nobody was killed or injured. Why do incidents like this not happen more randomly, spread out over time? A skeptic would say it is statistical clumping; a coincidence. That's impossible to disprove; but, as I've said many times before, without an agreed statistical ceiling anything can be dismissed as a coincidence, see: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2021/08/skeptics-portal.html. Put together with more and more videos of passengers exhibiting bizarre behaviour and I can't help wondering if something is haunting our skies; and I mean that in a different sense to the title of John Hanson's famous UFO encyclopaedia. I will not include the more common "Karening out"; this is just somebody being very uppity and complaining loudly to the staff, usually over a problem that is their own fault. I'm referring to people like Tiffany Gomas who truly appear to experience something that causes them to descend into a fit of rage or fear. The first of these two cases for example, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODGSZTIDHz0. Here we see a woman attempting to change into Spiderman, see: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/video/lifestyle/unruly-woman-climbing-seats-and-screaming-unintelligibly-deboarded-from-airplane-by-authorities/vi-AA1vo8X9. Luckily in this case, as with Tiffany, the aircraft was not in the air and the passenger could be forcibly disembarked. It's interesting that even the news report uses the word "possessed" to describe her behaviour. Here's a similar incident which did happen while flying and the plane had to make an emergency landing, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb1Qep_gyM8. In this case another passenger claims that the woman is possessed. Ghost stories have been recorded on planes, just like everywhere else, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8gc0_PCyuM. If this phenomenon is increasing, then why? Does it have anything to do with the UFO situation, see: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2024/12/ufo-melee-livestream.html? A very happy New Year to all HPANWO readers.
See here for background: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2015/08/gremlins.html.
And: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2024/11/demon-face-syndrome.html.

Sunday, 29 December 2024

New Chinese Warplanes

China has revealed the existence of a pair of new aviation designs that significantly upgrade its air forces. This was not a formal unveiling; they simply flew the two prototypes over a populated area, allowing the common people to see them and obviously photograph them. The United States has done similar acts of viral marketing to publicize its own power, see: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2022/02/new-plane-spotted-at-area-51.html. It seems to be the normal way things are done in this day and age; don't be surprised if the response is that we get some similar informal aerobatics over Las Vegas in the next few weeks. Not much is known about the new Chinese planes, although I expect intelligence services have a lot more information than they will admit. The first design looks very like the new US one. It has a diamond-shaped plan with no vertical control surfaces; in fact it seems to copy some of the wing and tail constructions from the B2 Spirit. It therefore has been built with stealth capabilities. It has three jet engines and, as you can see, its wheels are down, indicating it has just taken off or is about to land. Its role is not known yet although it is probably a bomber. The second aircraft is one with a more traditional design. The Chinese government have yet to reveal anything officially about these new aircraft. Source: https://aviationweek.com/defense/aircraft-propulsion/new-chinese-advanced-combat-aircraft-emerge-flight. No doubt the first vehicle, with its unusual look, will cause some UFO reports, in fact Third Phase have mentioned it. Despite what they claim about it maybe being able to "reach outer space", we don't actually know what its altitude limit is. They're right though, that it might be based on American technology stolen by spies. Skeptics will try to harness this plane, like it has so many others, to explain away every single flying triangle reports. They will say that this is all the TR3B is when it's obvious that the TR3B is a totally different piece of engineering in every way except its superficial shape. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKcD5xN9-s0. I wonder if the new planes have a free energy auxiliary drive, like the B2 is alleged to have. If so, will this also remain secret? If it doesn't then this could be a Disclosure opportunity.  
See here for background: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2020/08/free-energy-portal.html.
And: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2022/12/area-51-portal.html.

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Battle for Disclosure

A few days before Christmas, I reviewed James Fox' newest documentary The Program, see: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2024/12/the-program.html. At about the same time "UFOwood" dropped another documentary, Battle for Disclosure. This is the latest epic featuring that walking male hormone replacement therapy clinic Dr Steven Greer. I personally doubt that its release date was a coincidence. I've noticed that Greer tends to launch his own events at the same time as "the other side" does theirs, almost as retaliatory strikes. For example, while the US Congress held its famous hearing last year supported by George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell, literally just a few hundred yards away at the National Press Club, Greer was hosting his own little knees-up; the UFO/UAP Disclosure Press Conference (not to be confused with a similar one that took place at the same venue in 2001, also organized by His Royal Muscliness). Why does he do this? I think because nowadays Disclosure is not all about him, and he can't stand it. It is very trendy these days to be anti-Elizondo, and Greer is; but this is not because Greer is a backslapper, it is because Lue Elizondo embodies the post-2017 "new UFOlogy" vibe, this new hope for willing ET Disclosure that has left Greer just one player on a much larger field instead of the sole champion standing on his own Mount Sinai surrounded by an exodus of his cheering fans. This is why he is not rejoicing as he should be... as I used to think he would. What does Steven Greer really want out of this movement? It made me begin viewing in a cynical mood and wonder if honesty was a price Greer would pay in the quest to pacify the ugly ravages of his insatiable ego. The cost of the video is lower than the new Fox, just £5.49; a £3.49 rental option was added after I purchased it. It is of a familiar format and produced by the same team. Once again it is written and directed by the Cousins'; and the star, the centrepiece, the anchor, once again, are those testicles framed in denim.

Battle for Disclosure is actually less groundbreaking than The Lost Century in terms of its technical style and atmosphere. It is more like Endgame and Unacknowledged etc. It covers all the latest current affairs in conspiratorial UFOlogy and has an interesting array of interviews. Some of these interviewees also take part in other people's UFO media, like Tim Burchett; others are pretty much exclusive to Dr Greer's organization. One of the most interesting was a photo editor for the National Enquirer who explained how the media has been used by the CIA for UFO cover-up propaganda. Greer has a supporting cast of experts like Michael Schratt, a regular contributor of his, Shawn Ryan and Billy Carson. There is a long scene about Objectgate, see: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2023/06/objectgate-mini-portal.html. Greer believes it was a psyop to test public reaction; also to give the media a trial run on UFO coverage. I'm not so sure, but that could be true. Objectgate was timed to match the emergence of Congressional whistleblowers like David Grusch, which Greer believes is staged. I doubt that for reasons I detail in the background link below. A few of Greer's military witnesses have so far barely spoken outside the Disclosure Project. They appeared on stage in 2023 at the Press Club. Michael Herrera is a former US Marine who claims he witnessed a UFO apparently being used by human traffickers and weapons smugglers. This, Greer says, is an alien reproduction vehicle, a manmade aircraft based on technology captured from ET artefacts obtained during crash-retrievals. Many people have disputed Herrera's story, including a man called "Nathan" who claims to have served with Herrera and discredits him, even accusing him of desertion. Who is telling the truth? I find Herrera less sincere than his fellow Marine witness Jonathan Weygandt. Another man who spoke in Washington is also featured in the film, Steven Digna. He encountered ARV's while on a live-fire exercise in which Raytheon was involved Again, I feel more inclined to believe him than I do Herrera. He describes the smell, sound and touch sensations as well as what he saw. Another witness is DC Long who describes a secret laboratory in which scientists were levitating giant stone blocks. As with his previous cinematic productions, I have mixed feelings about Dr Steven Greer's latest. I think some of its information is correct, some of it less so. I just hope the part that is true is soon revealed for the entire world to see. The question is though, after that what is Greer going to do to attract public adoration? Battle for Disclosure can see watched on all major streaming platforms now. See here for the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRo899sHywI.
See here for background: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2020/02/ufo-disclosure-portal.html.

Friday, 27 December 2024

Missing Reddit Scientist

Reddit is pretty typical of 2020's social media in that it is a dumping ground for all kinds of information, favouring quantity over quality. Also what gets upvoted is not always what I would consider the finest mental nutrition; one must use one's common sense. Occasionally though, a post appears that stands out. It has a ring of authenticity and some circumstantial evidence that leads to the more rational members of the Conspirasphere picking it out and highlighting it. A good example dropped two years ago and was posted in two subreddits, r/aliens and r/biology. It was by somebody claiming to be a molecular biologist who used to be part of a secret programme to study what they called "EBO's- Exo-Biospheric Organisms". This person had signed numerous legal contracts forbidding them from telling anybody about it, but they'd decided to break those rules anonymously because "every human being has the right to know the truth... When the governments eventually reveal these secrets, there will undoubtedly be a societal upheaval; but in my opinion, the longer we wait, the worse it will be". This person goes to great lengths to protect their identity, obviously to avoid the consequences of breaching their secrecy agreements. They describe a bit of personal background. They did not seek to get involved in the programme; they ended up working there because they met the right person at a conference while studying for a PhD and were recommended. When the scientist was first offered the job they were not told the whole truth about what was involved. This recruitment process is probably pretty standard. People not involved will never hear about it, but those involved will be talent scouting. They will approach potential applicants, rather than the other way round as would happen in a normal job. The applicant will only be given information gradually in stages, depending on how they react to what they are told at each stage. In this way it's similar to how spies are recruited in an enemy nation, see: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2020/01/spies-of-london-part-1.html. When the scientist was fully briefed they were given very little extra information beyond what was functionally necessary to carry out their work. There are probably other experts working on other aspects of the programme who know nothing of this scientist's duties. Only a handful in senior management will know the full picture. The scientist nominates the location of their laboratory as Fort Detrick, Maryland USA. This is probably not true and the Redditor themselves admits they include red herrings in their testimony to bury their true identity deeper. Fort Detrick is an obvious possibility because it has long been the centre of the United States biological defence programme; but if there were an "EBO" project there it would probably only include a few people; the witnesses says there are twenty-five, and therefore their individual cover would be blown very quickly. Operations at this classification are probably spread out in numerous locations, including some abroad. The scientist says their team is studying four alien bodies that are all badly dismembered in various ways, like motorcycle crash victims. These injuries were probably caused by UFO crash-retrievals. Maybe these are the Roswell aliens.
The aliens' genetics are remarkably similar to our own. This could be a strange case of parallel evolution, in which different forms develop in the same way because of being in a similar habitat; but this seems unlikely. It is more likely that they are related to us in some way. Their genome appears to be artificial, a product of genetic engineering. This matches the reports of "PGLF's" being bred at alleged deep underground military bases in places like Peasemore and Dulce, see: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2017/05/peasemore-4-delta-gate.html. I dispute the notion that these creatures are all products of secret human government; for several reasons, but primarily for their antiquity. People have had encounters with them long before we invented modern science. It's interesting how the grey alien has become such a pop cultural icon and they were first depicted on cave walls thousands of years ago; and the scientist remarks on their resemblance. I also don't agree with the "future humans" hypothesis. Travelling backwards in time is probably against the fundamental laws of physics and would create causality paradoxes. Any indication that the aliens are "us sent back from the future" means they probably come from parallel universes, see: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2019/05/time-traveller-comes-back.html. However, there is a lot of information from many angles claiming that the greys are some kind of biological robot genetically engineered by another ET race for a specific purpose. As the Redditor puts it: "They are artificial, ephemeral and disposable organisms created for a purpose that still partially eludes us". There is no doubt that if their genetics are a product of biotechnology, then it is extremely advanced. The scientist is convinced this is the case. Some of their biochemistry is different to ours and does not match any known life form from earth. Their skin is unusual because it doubles up as their excretory system; in other words, they release their equivalent of urine from pores on their skin. This could explain the fact that, according to witnesses, they smell bad; for example the one at Varginha, see: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2022/11/moment-of-contact-watch-party-review.html. It has a four-lobed brain and eyes covered by a biosynthetic film; that is why they look black. They have no bone marrow and their blood is brown. This matches a description given by Timothy Good, see: https://youtu.be/J0mHBeIXtAg?si=nCvbdqNhLUzMEm6c&t=5673. There is an organ called a "hepatorenal" that does not exist in any earth species, but combines the functions of the liver and kidneys. It has a very underdeveloped digestive system with no teeth or stomach indicating that it is intended only to consume a very limited diet in liquid form, possibly as some kind of broth. The scientist was told a little about their psychology and comments that the aliens are a part of a hive consciousness independent from their bodies; this resembles some spiritual traditions on earth. This reminds me of what is said about the being in the "alien interview", see: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2024/11/alien-interview-update-with-jon-stewart.html. The scientist came back to the post a few times to answer subreddit members' questions. At one point the scientist reveals a connection between themselves and the Battelle Memorial Institute. That fits in with what Dr Irena Scott told me, see: https://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.com/2017/12/programme-259-podcast-irena-scott.html. I don't know whether this revelation was deliberate or accidental, but it may have led to what happened next. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/14rnjoa/from_the_late_2000s_to_the_mid2010s_i_worked_as_a/ and: https://www.reddit.com/r/biology/comments/14s2j9w/from_the_late_2000s_to_the_mid2010s_i_worked_as_a/. Of course, "UFO whistleblowers" are two-a-penny these days; but this Reddit post stands out from the junkpile. This is mostly because of the technical level of its language. The person behind this information is definitely scientifically educated and many commentators who are also feel a subtext of validity from it. For a while I wondered if it were Garry Nolan; or maybe somebody else already active in the UFO community. Another strange thing is that the post was removed within days and the author's account deleted. I don't know if they did that themselves because they were scared, or maybe they were silenced to plug the leak. I hope they're safe. Luckily the posts were archived by then and today millions of people have downloaded them. There's also a YouTube audio version, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LuL0HIModY. I'm convinced that programmes studying alien life exist; probably in major military, defence industrial and academic institutions. Maybe just a short distance from where I am sitting, in Oxford. I do hope the truth about all this comes out soon.
See here for background: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2020/02/ufo-disclosure-portal.html.
And: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2014/04/oxfords-secret-science.html.

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Christmas Doctor Who

I hope all HPANWO readers had a merry Christmas and I hope you're all having a great Boxing Day. I ended up watching the Doctor Who Christmas Day special yesterday. This was not my intention. I have not watched Doctor Who seriously for many years, basically since the mid-David Tennant era. The reason is because it went downhill very badly after Christopher Eccleston's brief halcyon. Since then I've seen many trailers and clips that have reinforced my opinion. The phrase "horribly woke" has become a cliché and indeed I could talk for ages about this subject; and have done, see: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2021/08/political-correctness-portal.html, but it's true. I was at my daughter's boyfriend's house where I had been invited to spend Christmas Day and it was their idea to watch the new Who after we'd finished dinner. I settled down to join them. I was feeling very ill anyway and didn't really care (Not because of dinner; I've had a bad cold or flu). In the end I was surprised; the episode, called Joy to the World, was, despite my underlying criticisms, actually quite good. It is based around the common feature of hotel rooms, that they often have an extra door that is always locked. This is actually so that they can be converted into a suite with a neighbouring room, but the programme writers decided to have fun with the idea. What results is a scenario similar to the children's TV cartoon Mr Benn. The Doctor turns up at this timelords' hotel. He is played at the moment by Ncuti Gatwa, an ostentatiously gay black man; trying too hard to be like Chris Tucker's character in The Fifth Element with embarrassing failure. Yet he is supported by a likeable young woman who plays his one-time companion really well. He also forms a close platonic bond with a member of the hotel staff and that subplot is done really well. I also found it funny and clever to have him enter into a blazing row with himself, when he comes from the future to help his past self out. The script and storyline is really very well done. I was surprised that it was penned by Steven Moffat and not Russell T Davies. Although I thoroughly dislike the latter personally, I consider his screenplays superior. The episode includes the Silurians again. These reptilian humanoids date back to Jon Pertwee's first season; but in this episode they can disguise themselves as humans by shape-shifting... Where have we heard that before?, see: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2020/08/david-icke-portal.html. To my amazement this episode has a distinct open-minded spiritual theme. This is a first for Doctor Who, at least from what I've seen of it; in fact the series has often contained a lot of atheo-skeptic propaganda. The ending is even positive to Christianity. So, even if you agree with me about its politically correct millstone, it might be worth giving this one episode a chance. See here for the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-wN7V4x5P0. Does this mean I'll be eagerly tuning in to the upcoming 2025 season, I hear you ask?... Don't push it!

Monday, 23 December 2024

Ben Emlyn-Jones and Rin Michaelis 16

I have been interviewed again by Rin Michaelis on her video channel: https://rumble.com/v61sz3w-10-disney-villains-that-would-be-impossible-to-create-today.html.
See here for the condensed YouTube version: (coming soon).
Subjects discussed include: Disney villains, antagonist or antihero?, childhood movie memories and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on Rin's channel: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2024/09/ben-emlyn-jones-and-rin-michaelis-15.html.
See here for Rin's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinMichaelis/featured.
And her Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/user/RinMichaelis.
And her Twitter: https://twitter.com/RINMichaelis.

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Ben Emlyn-Jones on the Paranormal Peep Show 25

I have been on the Paranormal Peep Show again. This programme is a special mulit-feature show for Christmas 2024. Andrew Chaplin co-hosts.
See here for the audio version: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/the-paranormal-peep-show-night-crawlers-and-the-nottinghamshire-roswell-crash--63362003.
And here for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAIrsh-HZxs.
See here for my previous appearance on the Paranormal Peep Show: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2024/11/ben-emlyn-jones-on-paranormal-peep-show.html.

Thursday, 19 December 2024

The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu

See here for essential background: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2024/09/the-3-body-problem-book.html.
Cixin Liu's sequel to 3 Body Problem was published in 2008 and has a different English translator, Joel Martinsen. The Dark Forest or é»‘暗森林 carries on from where the last book left off and its beginning is adapted in the current Netflix TV series. The Wallfacer project is launched as an attempt to beat the sophons the only way anybody knows how. The main character is a rather immature and irresponsible young scientist called Luo Ji yet he is chosen for the project because the Trisolarans have mentioned him personally. Unfortunately he simply exploits his lavish position, at one point spending a fortune on an antique barrel of beverage brought up from an ancient shipwreck. The centuries old booze is undrinkable, as you would expect after all that time, but he doesn't care and simply pours it away. The wallfacers are confronted by ETO agents called "Wallbreakers", but Luo Ji tries to escape them and join his family in the future by going into suspended animation, called "hibernation", like in Arthur C Clarke's works, to be revived centuries later, closer to the time of the Trisolarans' arrival. This is a common plot device of science fiction in order to keep using the same characters over a long period of time. In the future there is a new faction called "escapists" who want to get off the earth in spaceships until the Trisolarans have come and gone. There are also characters seeking transhumanism. My hopes were high when I picked up this book, because the first one was so good; but in this sequel the story loses almost all its energy. It turns into a rather cheap kind of Star Trek. I found myself zoning out as I was reading. I forgot who each the characters were and had to keep flicking back to remember. In fact, I've decided not to read the last novel of the trilogy, Death's End. I might catch any TV adaptations instead.

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Sean David Morton Dies

I'm very sorry to report that Sean David Morton has passed away. This was after an illness that lasted several years. Sean was an accomplished figure in the alternative media. He was a guest on the HPANWO Show back in 2016, see: https://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.com/2016/07/programme-196-podcast-alien-interview-20.html. He also assisted me with research into this article: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2015/01/area-51-alien-interview-new-research.html. I first came across him in the Area 51- The Alien Interview documentary, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvamS6X5l2I. Sean was born in Texas USA in 1959. He was introduced to alternative ideas at a young age because his mother was an alternative health therapist. Sean wrote a number of books including Area 51- Nightmare in Dreamland. He presented numerous films and TV shows including Ancient Aliens, Sightings and Apocalypse According to Doris. See: https://www.strangeuniverseradio.com. He will be sadly missed. His wife Melissa and all his other family and friends have my deepest condolences. Rest in Peace, Sean.

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

The Program

James Fox' new documentary, The Program (sic), is one of the most hotly anticipated new movies in present day UFOlogy, and that's in quite a crowded market. It was a very troubled production. The Anglo-American film maker has had to wait a long time before releasing his new and updated report on the UFO scene because a previous distributor pulled the rug out. That will no doubt have allowed him to add new scenes, so I'm sure the time was not wasted. A lot has changed in the world, especially the United States, in the intervening period, see: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2021/01/donald-trump-portal.html. The film is not cheap, £15 to buy on Amazon UK. Once again there is no rental option. Is it worth it? The style is similar to James' other productions, see background links below. There are some very well composed time-lapse vignettes. It begins with a recap of the history behind the current situation and includes interviews with people who haven't yet spoken out about it, like Andre Carson. The narrative moves on to interviews with a series of people who claim to have insider information on the UAP programme; some speaking out anonymously. However a few are quite prepared to talk openly in a lit location and giving their full identity, like Lenval Logan, somebody I had not heard of before. Some witnesses are more famous and often more controversial, like Jason Sands; although his story sounds like many other close encounters and it is accompanied by newly released footage. Some participants are very persuasive; Sarah Gamm, in particular, impressed me with her testimony. There is one scene where she gives a long pause before answering a question and there is a close-up of her facial expression that I sense is sincere. Compare that with this very contrived piece of theatre: https://youtu.be/7ByWCFX4ZQs?si=QodDgckduvT-6Hj1&t=2759. One interviewee goes to a long way to protect his privacy. He is dubbed "Naval X", in the same pattern as the Brazilian "Military X" in Moment of Contact.

The Program delves into a quite old but very important piece of UFO Disclosure history, the case of Gary McKinnon. It includes some new and often quite shocking information about Gary's case regarding his personal experience. See here for my own coverage: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2012/10/gary-mckinnon-free-man.html. James Fox also investigates the Calvine UFO incident, the "photograph of the century". He interviews Dr David Clarke, Nick Pope (of course!) and Craig Lindsay. Fox believes he has found the exact location the photo was taken; this has always been a big mystery. In one scene Fox confronts Dr Clarke over the same conundrum I had with him, that "Folklore man" had ruled out a non-human origin for the object. Clarke's response was not included in the film. See here for background: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2024/06/would-real-kevin-russell-please-stand-up.html. James includes his own reportage of his presence at the recent NASA press conference, see: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2023/09/new-nasa-press-conference.html. The Program is a good summary and introduction to the modern Disclosure discourse and "New UFOlogy". A lot of it I'm already familiar with, because I'm such an enthusiast that little escapes my attention; but it contains some information I had never heard of before and some intriguing interviews with people who have hitherto remained silent. Is it worth the fifteen quid? Although it is less groundbreaking than Moment of Contact I would still say yes.
See here for background: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2020/02/ufo-disclosure-portal.html.
And: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2022/11/moment-of-contact-watch-party-review.html.

Monday, 16 December 2024

Ben Emlyn-Jones and The Crafty Nihilist 4

I have been featured on a livestream by The Crafty Nihilist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9CQklxG4aw.
An informal panel featuring myself talking to The Crafty Nihilist. We were joined on the air by our friend "Secret Sally". Unlike previous livestreams we were all physically in The Crafty Nihilist's studio.
See here for my previous appearance on the Crafty Nihilist's channel: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2024/10/ben-emlyn-jones-and-crafty-nihilist-3.html.

Wednesday, 11 December 2024


I can't remember who recommended me the film Skullduggery, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066384/, but they said it would suit me. The subject matter does, but it was very badly executed. I don't know if this is a pattern, but it is based on a French novel, like Planet of the Apes, another clanger. Do French novels always adapt into bad English movies? The lead is played by Burt Reynolds, normally one of my favourite actors. I know him primarily for his series of outstanding comedy road movies directed by Hal Needham such as Cannonball Run and Smokey and the Bandit. His character in this film really makes no sense. Well, it seems to split into two halfway through the film. He is, on the one hand, a classic 60's alpha male; conventionally good-looking, pragmatic, single-minded and materialistic. He and his friend have a plan to make their fortune mining a mineral in Papua New Guinea for use in making televisions; a reference to third world commodity exploitation in the western luxury goods industry. Indeed, Skullduggery tries in vain to become an early form of eco-fiction; a proto-Avatar. This falls flat on its face because of the failure to make Reynolds' character credible. It's almost inevitable that he would end up in the love interest subplot, a must for all films of that era; but his relationship with the leading lady, played by Susan Clark, is bootstrapped very badly into the narrative. They seem poorly matched as a couple with zero chemistry. She plays a scientist studying the "Tropies", a species of cryptid primate living in the middle of the island's dense forest. Reynolds and his mate decide to use Tropi slaves on their mining operation as unpaid labour. For a while it looks like the story is blending with my own novel Rockall, see: https://hpanwo-bb.blogspot.com/2009/02/rockall-chapter-1.html. So where is the Dill Gibson? The answer is almost unbelievable; Reynolds' character becomes the Dill Gibson. It appears even the film makers themselves seem to realize how inadequate their composition is because in one scene Clark says to Reynolds "I never knew you were the bleeding heart type." Nor did anybody else, especially this viewer. There is no process or development explaining Reynolds' transformation. Ideally that role should have been the domain of another character, but no such character was ever written. So when Reynolds decides on the spot that he is no longer the hard-headed entrepreneur and is instead a crusading humanitarian conservationist, he ends up in court accused of murder when one of the Tropies dies. The essence of the trial is whether the Tropies are human or not. This could have been a profound storyline, exploring what it means to be human in a deep spiritual sense, but instead it all came down to whether they were fertile with humans and whether they had a spoken language etc. What a missed opportunity Skullduggery is. The title is also very odd; and it's spelled differently from the similar word "skulduggery". I'm not sure why it was chosen, possibly because skulls appear a lot in the film.
(Apologies for the current lack of activity on HPANWO Voice. I've not had time to update it.)

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Ben Emlyn-Jones live at Dorset Earth Mysteries 4

I will be speaking at the Dorset Earth Mysteries group on Thursday the 4th of September 2025.My talk will be entitled: SETI and UFO's. Blurb: "The news has announced that "BLC1" a signal from an extraterrestrial civilization might have been found. SETI, the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence, is a scientific project to find intelligent life beyond the earth. So is UFOlogy. Then why are the two so divided from each other?" The venue is: Stapehill Village Hall, 224 Wimborne Road West, Stapehill, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2DY. The event starts at 7.15 PM. See here for details: https://dorsetmysteries.org/index.php.
See here for a recording of my last appearance at the DEMG: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2024/08/neil-wards-dorset-tour-videos.html.

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Why I left FMOTL

One of the central drives of the Truth movement in the 2000's and early 2010's was the "Freeman on the Land" movement and it's associated philosophies. It was embodied by its charismatic chief theorist, John Harris, see background links below. I was very keen on its ideas and the people proposing it. I was a member of TPUC, went on protests and attended British Constitution Group meetings. FMOTL sounded like the perfect solution. The very law of the land itself contained the means to undo the New World Order and change our society into a just and free one. It even sounded easy; certainly controlled and non-violent. Today I have completely abandoned FMOTL. How I rejected its ideas is a long and complicated story, but I am not alone. In fact most people I know who used to be Freemen are now as cynical about it as I am. Several things have happened that made me realize that it is wrong. The first was the fate of Carla Buckle. Carla is a friend of mine who used to help run the group Oxfordshire and Berkshire Seeking Solutions. She endured fifteen minutes of media infamy after she refused to pay her council tax and was jailed. I remember talking to her about this before she started her project. She had researched it thoroughly and examined every element of the legal situation and was confident that the authorities could not wriggle out of it... But it was not to be, see: https://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.com/2015/03/programme-131-podcast-carla-buckle.html. The second lesson I learned is far more recent, the defeat of Richard D Hall at the Royal Courts of Justice, see: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2024/07/rdh-lawsuit-mini-portal.html. I have not rejected FMOTL because I think it is fundamentally incorrect, morally or lawfully; it is not. I've rejected FMOTL because it is impractical. It is based on the assumption that our enemy has a sense of fair play and will obey its own rules when those rules are wielded against them. It will not. In both Richard and Carla's court cases, the defendants technically won. They were both right, but they still "lost", meaning that the government just replied with a "So what? Yah-boo sucks to you, we're still going to screw you!"

I'm a big fan of the science fiction TV series Blakes 7; it is one of the most interesting and meaningful TV shows ever made. I've even reviewed the entire series, see: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2007/10/blakes-7.html. There's an episode called "Voice from the Past" in which a group of three rebels plan to overthrow the Federation by establishing a legal challenge to its rule. The leader of the Federation, Servalan, responds simply by cornering the three and killing them. In the classics this is called a "Melian dialogue", a conversation in which only one side has the power. It is from an incident in which Athens blockaded the island of Melos in 416 BC and negotiated with the captives. There is no point trying to use the system to overthrow the system. This is a common mistake also found in the world of politics; it's a lesson Nigel Farage has not yet learned, see: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2024/07/general-election-2024-livestream.html. So what is the solution then, Ben? I hear you ask. To be frank, this country has become so authoritarian that there is actually a limit to how I can answer that question without ending up in prison myself. I will say this much, I still have faith in something coming out of left field. It could be something related to Donald Trump, "that letter of the alphabet", see: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2022/08/pr-portal.html, UFO's, or a revelation by a group of insiders. It might be something else we haven't yet heard of. All I know is that I must stay on course in the present. We need patience. The future must be left where it is.
See here for background: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2015/06/john-harris-dies.html.
And: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2022/03/andy-barlow-in-oxon.html.