James Fox' new documentary, The Program (sic), is one of the most hotly anticipated new movies
in present day UFOlogy, and that's in quite a crowded market. It was a very
troubled production. The Anglo-American film maker has had to wait a long time
before releasing his new and updated report on the UFO scene because a previous
distributor pulled the rug out. That will no doubt have allowed him to add new
scenes, so I'm sure the time was not wasted. A lot has changed in the world,
especially the United States ,
in the intervening period, see: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2021/01/donald-trump-portal.html.
The film is not cheap, £15 to buy on Amazon UK .
Once again there is no rental option. Is it worth it? The style is similar to
James' other productions, see background links below. There are some very well composed time-lapse vignettes. It begins with a recap of
the history behind the current situation and includes interviews with people
who haven't yet spoken out about it, like Andre Carson. The narrative moves on
to interviews with a series of people who claim to have insider information on
the UAP programme; some speaking out anonymously. However a few are quite prepared
to talk openly in a lit location and giving their full identity, like Lenval
Logan, somebody I had not heard of before. Some witnesses are more famous and
often more controversial, like Jason Sands; although his story sounds like many
other close encounters and it is accompanied by newly released footage. Some
participants are very persuasive; Sarah Gamm, in particular, impressed me with
her testimony. There is one scene where she gives a long pause before answering
a question and there is a close-up of her facial expression that I sense is
sincere. Compare that with this very contrived piece of theatre: https://youtu.be/7ByWCFX4ZQs?si=QodDgckduvT-6Hj1&t=2759.
One interviewee goes to a long way to protect his privacy. He is dubbed
"Naval X", in the same pattern as the Brazilian "Military
X" in Moment of Contact.
The Program delves
into a quite old but very important piece of UFO Disclosure history, the case
of Gary McKinnon. It includes some new and often quite shocking information
about Gary 's case regarding his
personal experience. See here for my own coverage: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2012/10/gary-mckinnon-free-man.html.
James Fox also investigates the Calvine UFO incident, the "photograph of
the century". He interviews Dr David Clarke, Nick Pope (of course!) and
Craig Lindsay. Fox believes he has found the exact location the photo was
taken; this has always been a big mystery. In one scene Fox confronts Dr Clarke
over the same conundrum I had with him, that "Folklore man" had ruled
out a non-human origin for the object. Clarke's response was not included in
the film. See here for background: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2024/06/would-real-kevin-russell-please-stand-up.html.
James includes his own reportage of his presence at the recent NASA press
conference, see: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2023/09/new-nasa-press-conference.html.
The Program is a good summary and
introduction to the modern Disclosure discourse and "New UFOlogy". A
lot of it I'm already familiar with, because I'm such an enthusiast that little
escapes my attention; but it contains some information I had never heard of
before and some intriguing interviews with people who have hitherto remained
silent. Is it worth the fifteen quid? Although it is less groundbreaking than Moment of Contact I would still say yes.
See here for background: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2020/02/ufo-disclosure-portal.html.
And: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2022/11/moment-of-contact-watch-party-review.html.
See here for background: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2020/02/ufo-disclosure-portal.html.
And: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2022/11/moment-of-contact-watch-party-review.html.
"the most hotly anticipated new movies in present day UFOlogy"? That title goes to Capel Green surely?
A year ago I would have said yes, Anon; but the expectation for CG has waned for most people.
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