Monday 26 February 2024

Giant Snake Discovered

This story might give a few readers nightmares. A giant snake has been discovered in the Amazon rainforest. The monster serpent is twenty-six feet long and weighs thirty-one stone. Its head is about the same size as a human's. It has been christened the Northern Green Anaconda, Eunectes akayima. It is not venomous, but still is potentially very dangerous. It is a predator and extremely strong; and it kills its prey by "constriction", wrapping its body around them and literally crushing them to death. It can swim very well, but, being a reptile, breathes air on land with lungs. The discoverer, amusingly and unusually, was a Dutch wildlife TV presenter with the name of Freek Vonk. There is a video that shows Prof. Vonk swimming fully clothed through some water right next to the snake. He gesticulates with excitement as he approaches the beast very closely; and with as little fear as Steve Irwin. Source: If you happen to come across a Northern Green Anaconda I would recommend treating it with caution and respect. Observe it from a safe distance. That snake could easily take out a human if it wanted to; and snapping a few sensationalized selfies with it is not a casual undertaking. As enormous as that specimen is, there may be even bigger Northern Green Anacondas out there, or other new species yet to be discovered. There are native legends of snakes in the Amazon, such as the "Yacumama", that dwarf even this new discovery. A discovery like this teaches us that we know less about our world than most people think. There are vast regions that have barely been visited, or even never visited; another example: Therefore, why are people incredulous that there might by a large animal living in the deep waters of a Scottish lake or walking upright through the forests of North America? I call for a "utopian zoological season", where we drop all our preconceptions and indoctrination, and carry out more rational investigations. Let's just give these ideas a chance!
See here for background:

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