Monday, 31 October 2022

The BBC on RDH

The Deep State conspirators have launched a new tactic for suppressing dissent: outsourced lawfare. Instead of passing legislation or using slippery new courts to ban it directly, they stir up litigious paramilitaries to crush dissidents by ruining their character and livelihood in civil lawsuits. This was something I predicted would happen after the recent Alex Jones case, see: The precedent set by what was done to Alex is now being applied to Richard D Hall. I knew something was wrong a few days ago when somebody asked me if Richard's YouTube channel was down. (I have not been following Richard on most social media lately because I blocked him over a personal dispute, but that's not relevant right now.) I checked and saw that it was true. At first I assumed it was another typical act of censorship by Big Tech; then I wondered if the McCann's had flagged him, or that Richard deleted the channel himself on the advice of his solicitor. Today I found out I was right first time. The BBC have their own "specialist disinformation" correspondent, Marianna Spring, who was educated at Oxford and recruited to produce establishment propaganda; there's no other word for it. She has come to the attention of HPANWO before, see: Whenever you hear the terms disinformation, misinformation or fact checked from the mainstream media you can bet you're dealing with their lies. YouTube yeeted the Richplanet channel after Mzzzzzz Spring "contacted" them. She has written an article about Richard D Hall, see: She also has a series on Radio 4 with the title Disaster Trolls, see:
Effective propaganda does not try to persuade rationally; instead it engenders strong emotions in the minds of its target population. It delivers eloquent rhetoric in place of fake facts. Marianna Spring's article and radio series spends almost all its time addressing the human cost of conspiracy theories with a series of profiles about how a number of people have suffered, the people who claim to be the victims of terrorist attacks or have lost loved ones in those atrocities. The merest suggestion that they are being anything other than one hundred percent honest is described by phrases like: "laughably ridiculous if they weren't so offensive and harmful!" and "Does he know how much pain he is causing the survivors of these attacks!?" Similar cant would have been unthinkable in professional journalism a few decades ago. At no point does Spring attempt to explain neither why RDH's thesis is incorrect nor why the official stories are somehow correct. It's all about drawing the reader or listener's heart, not their head, into the everyday experience of those trying to rebuild their lives after "the worst days of their lives", coping with injuries and grief. Once the reader/listener's sympathy has been sufficiently stoked, along comes the sting; the next part of the story which tells how they were abused online by people allegedly incited by the EEEEEEvil Mr Hall. Richard himself is not accused of abusing anybody personally, the same way Alex Jones wasn't, in fact neither of them have ever suggested anybody should go out and do any such thing; but in today's courts, the actions of other unrelated individuals can be somehow transformed into their culpability which is a worrying legal application. One of the radio episodes is called Sharpening the Spike. This is a strange title. It comes from the time Richard considered planting a hidden camera outside one of the alleged terror victim's homes, on public land, to see if she were telling the truth about her brain damage. This is an extreme and high risk method of investigative journalism, but I think it is legitimate for Richard to use it in this situation. He does not break the law regarding privacy and data protection etc. What's more the mainstream media do things like this all the time, and worse besides. At one point they doorstepped a Scotsman called Colin Robertson, a man who is a recovering psychiatric patient. They even invaded his garden and blackened his name to his neighbours. They then published a front page headline calling him a "vile racist", see: Will Ms Spring denounce the Daily Record in the same way she does Richard D Hall? Will she publish an interview with Robertson weeping and talking about his pain?... I doubt it. "Sharpening the spike" is a deeply potent phrase. It is reminiscent of vampire movies and implies violence. What does it refer to in this context? Why, only the workings of Richard's makeshift camera mount. It is a wooden stick that he thrust it into the ground, so it had to have a sharp end. Why, what else did you think he meant by sharpening the spike? What a crafty, dishonest and manipulative way to warp language that is! Spring also goes to see Richard at his famous market stall. Richard wisely refuses to do an interview with her. (I've been in similar situations, see: Spring blames this for her omission of the Richplanet factual side of the story; but if he had spoken to her, his position would have been edited out or distorted anyway. She accuses Richard of profiting off people's pain and misery. The notion that people like us are "just in it for the money" is hardly original. It's been falsely applied to David Icke too, see: In the case of Richard D Hall he is a highly skilled man. He had a lucrative career as a qualified electrical engineer who once worked for Rolls Royce. He could have been a millionaire by now; but he gave all that up to produce Richaplanet.
In one episode of Disaster Trolls and Marianna Spring's article Neil Sanders is interviewed. No doubt he is going to get a lot of aggravation for that, but I actually think his intentions were good. He was trying to act as a positive character witness for Richard, but it won't work. This kangaroo court is not interested in anything positive. Neil has changed considerably over the last few years. He once wrote a definitive book about mind control and appeared on HPANWO Radio, see:, but since then has descended to just a single notch above full skeppa. He was once one of Richard's "favoured few"; but today he presents a skeptic podcast with another ex-conspiracy theorist, Brent Lee, see: This article and radio programme by Marianna Spring is not investigating anything. She is not trying to search for answers or get to the truth; or take your pick of whatever clichés of praise the conformist critics lavish her with. This is an attempt to suppress investigation into anything contrary to the establishment narrative. It is a warning shot at anybody else who may be considering a publication questioning the official story about other human crises. What the BBC hopes will happen now is Richard's reputation and livelihood will be ruined. They are banking on the cowardice and stupidity of third parties; market managers, booksellers, social media networks and sectors of the general public who will collaborate with this smear campaign unquestioningly. However, a time is coming when that essential element will no longer be so reliable. This attempt to destroy the character of Richard D Hall might be the turning point we have been waiting for. There is going to be a follow-up Panorama TV programme about Richard tonight, Halloween, which I will be reviewing in a HPANWO TV livestream, see
See here for background:

Friday, 28 October 2022

EVP on Third Rail

Something strange happened while Trevor Murray and I were recording last week's episode of Third Rail Radio, see: At 1.28.07 a bizarre noise can be heard on the recording. I heard it while we were recording and made a note to go back and check it at the time. Trevor and I co-host the show and we record it in advance on Skype; and I record it at my end with Skype's house recorder, but at the same time I run a backup in the form of a cheap freebie that produces a standard definition stereo track. Occasionally when we're recording, artefacts occur, such as echoes. This is mostly caused by feedback if one of us, for example, uses speakers for our audio instead of earphones. Sometimes when we hand over the dialogue or interrupt each other our tracks are distorted because the gain is high on both microphones. However, I can't find another occasion when our system causes a noise like this. I've listened to the programme again and this is the only place in the recording that it happens. The anomaly is a burbling electronic sound that to me resembles a distorted voice. It appears to utter two words that I can't make out, but I can detect a series of about half a dozen consonants and vowels. If it is a voice then it does not resemble either mine or Trevor's. The anomaly also occurs on the backup recording and, because app records in stereo, I can hear that it occurs at Trevor's end only. However Trevor was not talking at the time and if it is an echo of my own voice, how come it sounds nothing at all like my voice? The other feedback echoes are recognizable. Trevor and I were both completely alone in our respective recording rooms. We called each other again after the recording and discussed the anomaly. We decided we would bring it up in a future programme, this one:; but until then we would keep the matter private. The reason for this was that we wanted to see if any Third Rail listeners also spotted it independently. So far none of them have contacted us about it. Could this be an example of EVP, electronic voice phenomenon? If you're unfamiliar with this subject I've posted some background links below; but it is fascinating. A strange noise was picked up on one of the Mind Set Central shows too, but I can't find the episode, sorry. I'm curious to see if the anomaly repeats.
See here for background:

Monday, 24 October 2022

Calvine Clown's Day Off

See here for essential background:
I've given Dr David Clarke a lot of stick over the years, but he really needs to be congratulated in his recent effort to restore the Calvine UFO photograph to public attention. Since his initial news drop he has managed to gain an official response from the government via his MP Louise Haigh, who is also the Shadow Secretary of State for Transport. She contacted the Ministry of Defence and received a reply from the Armed Forces and Veterans Minister James Heappey. He said the only information about this incident are the documents already available in the National Archives; this is because of its "historic nature", meaning they threw out the files that were getting too old... Do you really believe that? One of his predecessors at the MoD, Nicholas Soames, claims the incident is "of no defence significance". That's odd considering it's an unknown aircraft operating in British airspace. Heappey did not confirm or deny whether there was an RAF scramble as a result of the incident in question, but he did give this rather shady and contradictory statement: "While we are aware that the existence or otherwise of a 'secret American Aurora aircraft' was linked to this alleged event, with a number of theories suggesting that it was this aircraft that was allegedly seen, this is not a matter for the MoD, rather it would be a matter for the US Government. However, the UK Government has given no authority for any such aircraft to fly over or land in the United Kingdom and has no evidence to suggest that any such aircraft has." He refers to the theory that the Calvine photo depicts the secret US Aurora spy-plane that is said to lurk at RAF Machrihanish in Argyll, but he deals with it by washing his hands of the possibility and leaving it up to the Americans; but in the next sentence he says that such an activity has not been authorized by the UK government. Why? According to what he said before they need no permission. Which is it, Jimmy?
The article gets even more laughable when Dr Clarke wheels the skeppers in. Apparently somebody has solved the mystery... no kidding! Wim van Utrecht, whom I'm guessing is a Dutchman by his name, of CUFOS, says the photograph was concocted by hanging a Christmas ornament from a tree and taking the shot from a certain angle. There's only one problem, zero evidence. Meneer Utrecht has found a picture of a Yuletide bauble that looks similar and speculates that this is what the photographers did. This is another perfect example of the clown's day off fallacy. It states that any explanation that does not involve aliens must be prioritized above all others. Regardless of how absurd and baseless it might be, it wins by default simply because it does not involve aliens, through some principle that the skeptics have never explained. Conversely, any explanation that does involve aliens must be handicapped, or even ignored, regardless of whether it makes perfect sense and there is a huge amount of evidence for it, see: Source: I do hope people reading the article and Utrecht's guesswork realize this. At a recent conference somebody approached me personally and revealed some private information that might explain why Dr Clarke is so convinced the Calvine photograph depicts a secret American aircraft. I'm afraid I agreed to keep the details and their source strictly confidential, but I do hope this information can be published soon. For reasons I explain in the background links above, I don't think the Calvine object is the Aurora. The Aurora is a very sophisticated next generation reconnaissance platform, but it is still an aeroplane. It cannot hover or ascend vertically. Despite my misgivings, this is still an achievement of sorts by Dr Clarke. He has opened a channel of dialogue to the highest echelons of the UK military establishment. He is honest enough not to deny real evidence when it is handed to him so I feel more confident leaving this matter in his hands than I otherwise would have previously.
See here for additional background:

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Moment of Contact- a Review

James Fox is an established name on the UFOwood scene and has made many classic documentaries on the subject of UFO's. I was impressed with his previous work, The Phenomenon. It included no new cases, but lots of updates on existing ones, including new archive footage from the Lonnie Zamora encounter and the first exclusive interview with Mr Greenwood, the science teacher at the Westall school on that fateful day, breaking his silence after nearly fifty-five years. Therefore I eagerly anticipated Fox' new arrival, Moment of Contact. This is about the Varginha incident of 1996 in which several aliens were seen literally wandering the streets of a Brazilian town. See here for background to the incident: The film dropped like a meteor yesterday onto all the major streaming services. I was worried it might not be on the UK version of Amazon Prime, the easiest and cheapest way to watch it; but it was. Unfortunately there is no rental option so I've bought it. £9.99 is not bad value actually. Some people in other countries are complaining that it's not yet visible on their own internet. It may just be technical errors, so hopefully that will be remedied soon. See:
The film is very different in style to The Phenomenon. It follows the director James Fox to Brazil to investigate the incident personally. The film was, of course, made during the Covid 19 lockdown; as a result the crew have to wear masks some of the time. This is disconcerting, but maybe unavoidable. Varginha today has made a tourist attraction out of its UFOlogical superstardom and why not, as I said here?: There is an alien museum and even a water tower in the city called Disco Voador, literally "flying saucer" and it looks like one. There is nothing in this documentary that is in itself revolutionary, yet it contributes a lot to what I call the "pile of Disclosure", the accumulation of evidence that when it reaches a critical mass inevitably ends the Truth Embargo. It also includes an interview with that late great hero Stanton T Friedman, one of the last he ever gave before we lost him, see: Because this is rural Brazil, the dialogue is almost entirely in Portuguese, but there are good subtitles that are easy to follow. This is a much stronger case than most crash-retrievals because research into it began straight away; compared with Roswell in which it took thirty-one years. Fox and his team begin with the simplest method imaginable, standing on street corners with placards asking for comments from the Varghinian public. It turned out to be an effective method because they get an interview with the mayor who it turns out is also a "Buh-Leeva!" As with The Phenomenon, some of the questions in this existing case that have remained mysteries were settled. Where did the "minibus-submarine" UFO crash? A witness takes them to the exact location. Carlos de Sousa, who was interviewed back in 1996, is very emotional as he leads the crew to the spot. It's obviously the first time he has been back there in all those years. Another new witness talks about how there was a military cordon in the town around where the alien was seen by the three girls and captured by the two cops. The witness says the army do not normally operate inside the city which contradicts what Lieutenant Colonel Lúcio Carlos Finholdt Pereira stated as an explanation, that the trucks seen in the street were doing normal military operations. Fox and the team visit the exact spot where Liliane, Valquiria and Katia saw the brown being. At the time it was a grassy passage between houses that gave access to the wooded valley between Jardim Andere and the eastern side of Varginha. There has been a lot of building in the area since and that access is blocked; but today, for some reason, the slot where the alien was seen has never been built on. It's a patch of waste ground seventy feet across. Equally perplexing is it is behind a locked gate and the crew had to break the lock to get in. The three girls stand by their story, after all these years, as does their mother who went to the location shortly afterwards and found a footprint of the alien. There's also an interview with the sister of Marco Chereze, who ironically looks very much like another UFOlogical heroine, Brenda Butler. She has been campaigning to find truth and justice for her brother, the policeman who handled the being, since the day he died, not long afterwards. As with Fox last production, there is exclusive old footage seen for the first time. In this case it is videos of Dr John Mack and Dr Roger Leir exploring the area and talking to the witnesses. There are also other new witnesses, including a family who live nearby who wished to remain nameless. They saw a UFO shortly after the alien was captured. They got the impression it was looking for the lost beings, as if it were a rescue party. There was also an interview with a radiographer at the hospital where the aliens were taken who did an X-ray of one of them, being told of course that he was not allowed to tell anybody. I wonder if this is the "surgeon" Timothy Good spoke to. He might have lied about his position to hide his identity. The most interesting new witness was a man codenamed "Military X" who reports that he drove one of the vehicles to the Humanitas Hospital to pick up the ET. It had been seen by several people in a box being loaded aboard a lorry. He provides a photograph from the actual mission which must have been taken surreptitiously. It shows the vehicles driving along the streets of Varginha. He reports he glimpsed the being in the box at the hospital before being ushered out of the room. Apparently all the other personnel involved in that operation have vanished. They were transferred out of the garrison and have not been in contact with the soldiers left behind. Things turn rather hairy at one point because Fox' team manages to track down Chereze's supervisor on that day. He was in the car with Chereze when they went to capture the alien. His name is Eric Lopes, but he was not very amenable to being questioned. When Fox' crew approach him in his home he orders them to leave and threatens to shoot them if they don't. Why would somebody make such a fuss about a pregnant dwarf couple and a local disabled man? Moment of Contact achieves a lot. It must surely reopen this case and make it current again. I'm not sure it has the most relevant title, but that doesn't really matter. What matters is that whoever is keeping the secret of the Varginha incident, "Brazil's Roswell", they are going to hate this film. The skeptics will too because all their favourite dismissals were discredited in it. As I said, there is no single deal-breaker moment in this documentary, but it all contributes to the pile and who knows where its revelations might lead?
See here for additional background:

Tuesday, 18 October 2022


I have joined Substack. This was recommended to me by Laurence, a regular reader. Substack is a blogging platform which also acts as a newsletter distributor. The reason I have added Substack to the HPANWO franchise is because Blogger has recently shown itself to be different to how I thought. Although I previously had had HPANWO TV videos deleted and had Facebook post and Tweets banned, I had never lost any material on Blogger, until my original "P*R" portal was blocked for containing "inappropriate content", see: That made me realize that Blogger is becoming just as tyrannical as the rest of social media. That's disappointing, but not really surprising. However, it is an obstacle that can be overcome. My new Substack blog is called HPANWO Free and can be seen here: I've already posted an introductory article, see:
See here for additional background:

Sunday, 16 October 2022

The War on Gender Interview with Claire Rae Randall

I have interviewed Claire Rae Randall, a researcher, author and commentator on science, literature, theology, politics and many other subjects from a philosophical and spiritual point of view. This video is now on Claire's YouTube channel.
See here for the interview:
We discuss her very controversial new book The War on Gender, see:
See here for additional background:

Thursday, 13 October 2022

Encounters in the Papers

See here for essential background:
Tina has managed to publicize next year's conference in the mainstream media and the article is surprisingly good, especially in the online edition, see: (I managed to read the print copy by magnifying the illustration.) The report is factual, serious and informative. It includes a drawing of some aliens and promotes Tina's new book. It also has a background link to another UFO page on the Hampshire Chronicle's website, which indicates the journal generally has an open mind on the subject. This is one of the best examples of the dramatic post-2017 change in the media profile of the UFO phenomenon. It does make a few mistakes. It describes me accurately, I am an "author"; but Marshall Vian Summers will not be appearing at Encounters. However his dedicated UK advocate and vendor of his books at almost every UFO conference, LaRae Wilkins, will be there and doing a presentation for the first time that I know of, an exclusive. I do urge everybody who can get to this event please to do so. I hope my sore throat will be better by then!
See here for background:

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

The Walk-In

The phrase "based on a true story" gives a work of fiction a sense of importance and validity; even if it's not true, or only partly true. The new TV series The Walk-In has nothing to do with Sandra Daroy, it is a harsh and violent drama about a real event, the alleged attempt to assassinate a Member of Parliament. I'm familiar with the story behind the series because I subscribe to the newsletter of Hope Not Hate; or as I call them, rather unoriginally, Hate Not Hope, see: Notice how they are promoting the series on their homepage. This is because it was made with their full cooperation. It is also funded directly by the government and says so proudly. This is unusual for a programme on ITV. Hate Not Hope has slandered the characters of many people, most notably David Icke; and even Simon Parkes has been on their hit list. They regularly apply words like "racist", "fascist", "misogynist" and "anti-Semite" to anybody who so much as utters a positive word about white people, no matter how innocuous. They work behind the scenes to ruin these people's lives by informing their employers, friends and family; and getting banks to close their accounts etc. Stephen Graham, best known for his gangster movies, plays Matthew Collins, a real person who as a teenager in the '80's had been in the National Front, but had defected to Searchlight, a forerunner of Hate Not Hope. Today he is head of intelligence for the organization and uses his experience of his former life to work out what the so-called "far right" is doing today, including the handling of spies. He had a number of informants inside National Action, a group that was banned in 2016 by the government for alleged terrorist offences. He also inserts deep penetration agents. The term they use for these human intelligence sources is "walk-in". The series can be watched for free on ITV's on demand site. It's easy to set up a basic account. I've only watched the first two episodes so far. Unfortunately there are a huge number of adverts on the player and if you mute it or minimize the tab it automatically pauses so you have to watch them all, see:
The Walk-In seems to be made deliberately to polarize and strawman anybody who questions the agenda of Hate Not Hope. When Robbie Mullen, an angry and frustrated young man, is being recruited by National Action, they exploit the fact that his father died of cancer by telling him that there really is a cure for cancer but it is suppressed by "the Joooooooz!" I share the suspicion that effective cancer treatments are being withheld, but it has nothing to do with Jews, see here for details: However, that scene is an effective way of propagandizing everybody who sees it. They may well think in future that anybody who questions the official story of cancer medication automatically blames it on the Jews, even if they do not. As I say in the background links below, an accusation of anti-Semitism under any circumstances is almost impossible to falsify. The vast majority of people accused of it are completely innocent, including myself. The National Action members are portrayed as living secret lives separated from society, not even communicating with people outside the organization. Despite this they somehow seem to own their own pub, or at least they keep going to a pub in which they are the only people there. They appear in the series as almost monolithic ciphers of hate. They all wear similar clothes and their facial expressions never change from an agonized frown of bitterness. They all speak in the same joyless monotone voice. Their lexicon consists of about fifty words and they have to say "vermin" at least once in every sentence. They may as well be clothes shop dummies. I made this same criticism of another series, this time a BBC one, called Ridley Road, see: It is set in the early '60's, but has a very similar plot. Again, the "EEEEEEvil white people!" are portrayed as mindless and heartless clones. There is a lot of very graphic violence in The Walk-In and the most extreme example in episodes one and two is where a young Collins and his fellow NFers invade a library where there is a mother-and-baby group taking place involving mostly Asian pregnant women. They then proceed to beat the women senseless. Collins is appalled by this action, understandably; and this inspires him to leave the gang. However, did this atrocity really take place? I can find no reference to it. Surely an act of such brutality by white males would enjoy a status of historical infamy, like the Stephen Lawrence murder; but it appears nowhere. Is it apocryphal? If so then how can anybody really claim that The Walk-In is based on a true story? Like the cancer comment, this shocking scene projects an image of what all white positive people are supposed to be like, regardless of their personal beliefs or conduct. Hate Not Hope excel at this kind of defamation. Robbie Mullen approaches Hate Not Hope to warn them that one of their number is planning to assassinate an MP, being inspired by the Jo Cox murder. There is a dramatization of the Jo Cox killing, or supposed killing, in the series. However the truth of what happened that day is not at all certain, as Richplanet TV has exposed, see: and also see: The same goes for the MEN Arena bombing, see: and the Westminster Bridge attack, see: If these incidents are staged government false flags instead of individual terrorism carried out by the nominated perpetrators then it changes the entire political dynamic of modern Britain. Yet The Walk-In will never address this point. It is something both Hate Not Hope and their targets both agree on. The programme has good acting and is thoughtfully adapted from the actual reports, but those reports are themselves based on events that might well be fictional. Were National Action themselves "Hollywood Nazis", see: It is also loaded with toxic anti-whiteness. I probably will not watch any more of this five-part series.
See here for background:

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Brighton 1955 Crash-Retrieval?

Several times I have written articles asking readers for information and this has been very successful, for example: Therefore I'm going to do it again. I watched a video the other day that made me gasp, see: Here is the source from the video description: I know very well that Roswell is not the only "Roswell"; in fact it was not even the first, see:, but I've never heard of most of these reported incidents. I was surprised to see that there was a second event at Roswell two years after the famous one. The Nottinghamshire case is not listed, probably because it was only first investigated in the late 90's and was rediscovered more recently by myself and a few others, like Kristian Lander, see: and: Of course UFO crash-retrievals are not confined to the United States, and why should they be? They are a worldwide phenomenon, and when they happen the governments respond in the same way in every nation that I know of (We'd all certainly have heard if there were an exception!); as if they are obeying a global policy. Obviously the United Kingdom has had its fair share too, but I had no idea there was an alleged incident in Brighton! I know Brighton is no stranger to the weird and wonderful. A few years ago a supposed interdimensional portal appeared there, see: There's also a location just outside Brighton called Clapham Wood where strange things occur. It is a murder hotspot and also numerous people, horses and dogs have vanished there. There are a few pages of information online about this and it seems the rumours about it have been circulating for a number of years. Some researchers have expressed a desire to track it down and even have pinpointed the date to May the 5th 1955. (This is just two months before the Bexleyheath landing, see: The reports claim a number of bodies were retrieved. The article itself cites an old American magazine, a quarterly called The New Atlantean Journal which ran from 1973 to 1984. The issue in question is summer 1980. Amazingly I found a copy on Ebay which I will purchase it if necessary, but I thought I'd ask readers first if they have one, because it's not cheap. I've requested a PDF from an archive where it is being stored in the USA. They apparently got their information from a now defunct group called "MARCEN" and their journal Believe It. Please let me know if you have any more information. Obviously a long time has passed, almost seventy years, but it may be possible to locate some more details.
See here for background:

Saturday, 8 October 2022

Ben and Colin at Bases 2022

The recording of Colin and me at the Bases 2022 International Conference and Workshops is now available, see:
This dialogue between Colin Woolford and me at the Bases 2022 International Conference is now available. We were booked at this event as "Ben E.F. Fluent Jones of Wyre Piddle and Colon Woolly Ford from The Baseless Society and Shitterford." In this dialogue we discuss the intersections of both our conference presentations.
See here for my own coverage:
See here for the official recording of my presentation:

Saturday, 1 October 2022

Govt UFO Logo

A strange artwork has appeared online that appears to be a design for an official badge of a government department in the United States. It has the words: Office of the Director of National Intelligence NIM-Aviation. It includes two stars. "NIM" stands for "National Intelligence Manager". The actual office referred to is this one: The National Intelligence Manager- Aviation is called Maj. Gen. Daniel L Simpson. However, the emblem in question does not appear anywhere on that website. This means it could be a draft for a replacement logo, leaked to the public by the artist who designed it, or a spy. The motif is very different from the standard formats used by American politics which tend to be based on classical or Roman formulas. It also does not mention the NIM- Aviation's proper governing body, the National Aviation Intelligence Integration Office. This whole thing could be some kind of prank. What I find interesting is the image in the middle. It shows a series of aircraft flying along as they would be seen from the ground looking up. They are, from right to left, a wide-bodied aeroplane like an airliner or tanker, a combat jet, a futuristic triangular delta-wing aircraft and a twin-tailed plane like a high altitude drone. All the aircraft have coloured trails behind them and the third plane seems to change course. All the aircraft are depicted above a globe sector of the Americas. What is most strange of all is that to the bottom left of the image is a very distinct disc shaped UFO. I wonder why. That depends if this is a real logo. If it is then it's giving out a highly provocative message. Why, and why now? The NIM- Aviation's job is, to quote their mission statement: "lead intelligence community efforts to identify, analyze and integrate intelligence of threats and vulnerabilities in the Air Domain." If we were being visited by beings from another world in flying craft, it is the NIM- Aviation whom we would expect to lead the project to deal with them. He played a role in the recent UAPTF report, see: On the other hand, if this is some kind of joke, it is very well concocted. The artist clearly has talent and maybe ought to apply for a job as the Pentagon's graphic designer.
See here for background: