Monday 15 May 2017

Reconsidering Voting

It's been a rollercoaster of a past eighteen months! First we had Brexit, see: and then Trump, see:; two things I never thought could happen, but they did. This led me to consider whether this is the start of a collapse of Illuminati rule across the world at a very fundamental level; "springtime in Narnia", see: If that is so then I'm going to have to reassess many of my previous opinions on the political process. Up until now I've always boycotted all elections because I've regarded democracy as a fraud. I believed all the political structures of society were controlled at a higher level by a shadow government that never changes, and they were. If the shadowy elite's grip on power is weakening then perhaps voting in elections is not such a futile affair after all. I used to disagree vehemently with my old friend and fellow researcher Ian R Crane over this. He always said that it was vital to engage in the political process and he even made this appeal as part of his "Apathy Kills" tour, see: Now I'm not so sure. Ian posted this on social media a few weeks ago: "In reality, in England on Thurs 8th June, a vote for anyone other than the Labour candidate is effectively a vote for the Tories. And those who elect not to vote at all are effectively giving the Tories an easy ride back into office... with the inevitable consequences!" This followed the Prime Minister's announcement that there would soon be a general election, see:

Based on recent events, on balance, I probably will vote in this next election. This has led me to ask questions I've never had to address before. How should democracy ideally be conducted? Who should be eligible to vote? Should some citizens be excluded? Women? The elderly? The under twenty-one's? Despite my opposition to cultural Marxism I have no problem with female suffrage. I'm surprised how many people are now against women voting, even some women. Stefan Molyneux feels very dubious about it: As it turned out, more white women voted for Trump than Hillary. Also I would object to an upper age limit on voting. On the contrary, elderly people are often very wise; in fact if it wasn't for the "grey vote" we would never have had Brexit. What about a lower age limit? How old do you have to be to have the responsibility and knowledge to make an informed decision? Above all, who should I vote for? All of the mainstream parties repel me. The Tories? No way! Despite Ian's imploring I can't bring myself to vote Labour, even though I can't resist a grudging respect for Jeremy Corbyn, see: The Liberal Democrats are a bunch of pathetic Remoaning sell-outs. If I lived in Wales I would never vote for Plaid Cymru because they are "federalists", see: Who does that leave? I'd probably vote UKIP, although I have a lot of differences with them; for example, I don't think the burka should be banned, see: Anyway, they're not standing in my constituency. The situation in Oxford East is very interesting at the moment because Andrew Smith MP is retiring. Mr Smith is part of the furniture here in Oxford. He has been Member of Parliament for this safe Labour seat since 1987 and was one of "Tony's cronies", serving as Blair's Treasury secretary and then Minister for Work and Pensions. The local Labour district have announced that his replacement will be Annaliese Dodds, a "woman candidate!" of course. She has come up on HPANWO before, see: I don't trust her for various reasons, not least because of her rather uncommitted stance on TTIP. She will almost certainly win, but probably by a smaller margin than Smith used to enjoy. Larry Sanders, Bernie's brother, see:, is once again standing for the Greens and they will probably cut into Labour's majority quite a bit. So we'll see what happens. One thing's for sure; according to the electoral register I still live in the house I moved out of in 2011 so I'll have to pay the current residents a visit and ask for my polling card before they do an Elvis and return it to sender.


Denzel's Spare Wank said...

Just stumbled across this blog. Jesus wept, you love yourself don't you, mate? Who gives a thuck who you are voting for, after all it only counts once like everyone else's. Anyone would think the political future of this country rests in your hands.


Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Yes, Beetzart. I know already what you think.

Anonymous said...

It would still be a waste of time to vote, there are no people of sufficient skill and knowledge in politics, it's just another field of work that can and should be automated so that people who can do stuff can just get on with it.

There is some allure to the legal status of a vote, but I still think that a DIY adhocracy is the way to go. 1984 (the book) is tainted by the cultural conditioning of it's author, broadly pre-comunications dark age thinking, similar to how Malthuis knew nothing about mechanised farming, let alone automated farming, relativise the concepts based on what modern humans do, which includes a great deal of technological based individual agency.... schools are not putting these ideas into the minds of our children... then my head exploded.

Anonymous said...

Well said as always ben mate. I totally agree with you as always pal. Your right that women as always are gonna try and ruin this great country. Well it was great at the time of Churchill and been on the decline since. Enoch powell for my money would have been a superb leader of the nation to be fair. We wouldnt be swamped by your coloureds and muslims now nor all the welfare state scum.
I do think though Ben to be fair that though a woman margaret Thatcher did a lot of good. She smashed the left wing unions and got rid of the industry that was really a weight around are necks to be fair mate. Its your left wing women who are the danger if you ask me. More abortions and trying to get of men from ever spere of life. Labour is full of em. Thats why ill never vote labour ben to be honest. Would you not consider something different like bnp eh Ben? I mean you should vote for someone whos gonna stand for something nobel and that even if they wont win the actual election. I still say the right needs a new party for the working man and you ben have the brains and passion to lead such a movement. Cheers mate. Baz

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Buckshee, it will be a case of starting from scratch. All former assumptions will have to be discarded. All habits unlearned.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Thanks, Baz. I'm not against women in politics. Women can be great leaders; Marine Le Pen is one. I only object to the way women are weaponized against society in the form of feminism. Labour are particularly bad at this with their "women-only shortlists" and affirmative action of every kind. It's extremely destructive. It's become almost a crime to be a straight white male. Look at the evil things Diane Abbott has said, yet she is one of Labour's biggest stars. She may be prime minister one day, God help us!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! I love it ben mate. Yes god forbid the stupid old black bitch becomes leader. I think we aint that stupid or desperate yet though mate. Yeah your right that being a heterosexual white british born male is the worst thing to be in there eyes. We need to think for the future I reckon though Ben. To plan are fightback to be fair. We need a no nonsense party for the downtroden white man Ben. I cant think of anyone but you to lead it to be honest mate. You really should think of it mate. Cheers. Baz

Anonymous said...

Here Ben what you reckon about that evil bastard brady snuffing it? Should of been hung or burnt alive. I do think that Hindley was a lot worse to be fair. Brady was under her spell but coz she was a woman she got lots of sympathy from your lord longfords and other perverts. That bitch was far worse though they both should of been hung. Love to here your views on it pal. Cheers Baz

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Hi Baz, I agree with what you say about heterosexual white British-born males etc, but I wouldn't call Diane Abbott a "black bitch". We shouldn't descend to her level, not least because of the double standards involved. I'm glad you think I'd be a good political leader, Baz, but I think I'd be hopeless. I couldn't operate within the system, making compromises, dealing with the elite etc. It's not just about freeing white hetx males, although WHM's are certainly getting the short straw in our society. It's about freeing all humans from the Illuminati. Thanks for all your comments, mate.

Anonymous said...

"it will be a case of starting from scratch. All former assumptions will have to be discarded. All habits unlearned."

Indeed, but not all at once, unless there's another planet, or someone can bootstrap an arcology in the Scottish highlands. But, a defacto universal income, start it at 10k quid, something like direct democracy and admin of infrastructure all on the same blockchain, the rebellious act would be saying that this income does not count towards central gov taxes, encourage perks like providing transport to employees within this catallaxy. Make legal challenges against proven bad things like ownership of utilities outside areas where the resources are consumed, get the misdirected youth black blocking HMRC vehicles entering the area... fun for everyone :)

Government is crippled, therefore dangerous, it's better to start a conflict on your own terms, especially when in a weaker position, because all these fools are just waiting to be tricked into selling us out.

This kind of stuff is happening anyway, lets DIY it in the open

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

As for Brady dying, it's about time too! Good riddance to the sick evil demon!

Anonymous said...

Thanks mate and yeah all good points as always and your right I shouldbt say what I said about her coz only makes me look bad and are cause look bad as you say mate. See thats why youll be a great leader of a party coz your a natural diplomatic type chap and you certainly have the brains and the vision and you just look the part mate. Not just men but I think all people even women love strength more than anything else to be fair. A strong man its whats needed Ben and I cant see you ever shrinking from the task ahead. Not like your wimps in the tories or your labour party. The real people think there just a load of tossers in westminster ya know. The people as you have said before Ben need to wake the fuck up (excuse the bad words) and they need to know exactly who controls em from on high. I mean the illuminati as you say. No political party that I know Ben is trying to wake up the people. Mate I know its your life mate but I reckon your destiny is to lead us to better things. Cheers mate. Baz