Tuesday 23 May 2017

Manchester Attack

Last night at about half past ten there was a huge explosion at the Manchester Arena where the singer Ariana Grande had just finished a concert. The media report that twenty-two people were killed and fifty-nine injured. One girl is still missing. There was a stampede as survivors rushed out of the venue and from the Victoria railway station next door. Some of the victims were children; the youngest being eight year old Saffie Roussos from Leyland, Lancashire. According to official police reports, the explosion was caused by a man named Salman Abedi. He walked into the foyer carrying explosives, with nuts and bolts to act as shrapnel, hidden in his clothing and detonated them in the middle of the crowd. I'm sure I join all readers in giving my condolences to the loved ones of those who died and wishing the injured a speedy and complete recovery. The local community has responded to the atrocity with courage and dignity. Obviously, as with the previous incident in Westminster, see: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.co.uk/2017/03/westminster-attacks.html, I never accept the official story of anything without scrutiny, but until we know more about what actually happened I shall say no more. It's perfectly possible that the official story is true. Thanks to the government-sponsored hate-preachers being brought into British mosques from Saudi Arabia, there are enough lunatics around to do something like this for real. Incidentally somebody reTweeted this article of mine: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/mysterious-explosion-in-manchester.html. In case you come across it, I wrote it in 2014 and it refers to an entirely different event.


Laurence said...

Thanks Ben for providing a platform for comments on this; firstly, I would like to second your condolences to the bereaved. I have to admit to never having heard of this singer, previously and frankly would have no interest in learning anything now. However, I would be interested to know whether the act falls into the Cultural Marxist sexualisation-of-children agenda. In addition, it appears that 'false flag terror event' bingo is in effect; Nick Kollerstrom's checklist is being ticked-off at a rapid rate, most notably a known terror attack drill at the location (this time last year) and an ID being found; the alleged perpetrator has, in addition, been tried and found guilty in the MSM within hours.

Porter from Workington said...

I will add my condolences, too. My thoughts go out to those whose lives have been cruelly snubbed out and families destroyed. But, Ben, why the need to post such a generic blog into the melting pot? You have added nothing and you hint at not taking the official story at face value. Please tell me, and your other avid readers, how you will obtain information to the contrary. Thank you.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Porter, basically looking for the kind of problems Laurence mentioned above. I don't think what I said was "generic"; it was similar to what I said about the Westminster Attacks.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Laurence, quite possibly. Perhaps it's connected to the Rotherham scandal and other cases where young girls have been sexually abused by Muslim gangs.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben, great article mate as ever, very sucsinct. I would say we need to like restore the death penalty preferbly in public but these bastards like being marters to there course and death is what they want so ya can't win to be fare. Dunno about this false flag stuff as they always seem to say it and I reckon it just detracts from the real problem which is to many of your Muslims in this country. Your Mi5 and the special branch should draw up a list of any radicolized muslim bastard and then kick them the fuck out of are country. The left wing and your liberals make me want to vomat quite honestly mate, always going on about human rights for these immigrants who only want to kill us or at least out breed us and rape are women. Yer left wing should be slaughtored with your muslims. I work in an abetoir myself and I would do the job thats needed without pay I should add. Anyway mate am gonna vote BNP for sure now. Lets stop taking shit and lets be men and fight these monsters. Cheers. Baz

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Hi Baz. It's a time when nobody can help being angry, but I am looking into the possibility of this being a false flag. You want MI5 to round up the radical Muslims? The Govt let them it!... No! BROUGHT them in. They've been putting Saudi hate-preachers in British mosques to poison the minds of the youth. You must realize that this is a deliberate strategy to break down European society so it can be reconstructed into the NWO in line with the Kalergi Plan. Kalergi was the instigator of the European Union. The BNP only detract from the real problem in my view.

Anonymous said...

You may be right Ben and obviously you know a lot more than I do on all these things to be fare mate. I do think though politically the BNP are the only ones offering a solution to the here and now. Most people want action Ben. If those radicol Muslims where brought in as you say well we need a radicol nationalist government to sort it all out I reckon. Talking and analysng it all is fine but action is what's needed. The peeple demand action. Sooner or later therell be a race war and it cant come soon enough to be fare mate. Cheers. Baz

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Sure, Baz, I want action too, but without analysis we may end up playing a part in an engineered war, race or otherwise, instead of fighting the real enemy. I also think we're heading for a civil war in Europe, but it's one that the Elite want so they can introduce a new and more authoritarian version of the EU. The govt are not merely playing a passive role, weakened by liberalism. They know exactly what they're doing. This MUST be exposed. If the BNP are willing to go there then they'll have my vote too. So far they're not.

Laurence said...

Rotherham would be an interesting angle Ben; if a connection exists it would be worth pursuing, although I would not envy anyone that would. This event seems to be quite elaborate, IMO, involving perhaps 2 or even 3 separate NWO agendas. I could not help but notice yesterday how much "innocence" was mentioned in the MSM: perhaps an attempt to normalise the sexualisation agenda (the images of scantily clad children looked far from innocent). I agree wholeheartedly with you [in response to Baz] that there is an intelligence behind all of this, as they presumably need to control the Muslim population as much as they have the indigenous one.

Laurence said...

Porter from Workington said, "But, Ben, why the need to post such a generic blog into the melting pot?" It's called old fashioned reporting of facts; I would suggest that you have become too used to opinion pieces sold as news by the MSM.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Laurence, maybe Rotherham was a trial run. They wanted us to see how we would react to a depraved crime against young girls. They want a civil war, yes, but they want us to play a role in it of their choosing.

Anonymous said...

When ya like say it's a NWO false flag job surely you still think that people died as they say or has it all been staged to look like theres fatalities and all that? Nah I aint having that mate. Look Im sure your cultural marxist politicians have swamped us with savage backward muzzies so that is like a conspiracy thing but thats it. I reckon those politicians are just very thick and they reckoned yer muzzies would integrate. As if! Well we bleeding know theyll never integrate but the gray men in suits from yer Oxbridge who impose it are not as Street smart as we are mate. I reckon those now sayin its a false flag and and all that are just as bad as yer cultural marxists coz they aint attacking the racial roots of this. Muzzies are from the stone ages to be fair and I say kill em all. Make em stateless at least. Im thinking of going to a BNP meeting next week in Dagenham were I live. I reckon even they aint got the bottle for task ahead. Maybe I need a more radical party to be fare. Ben mate wish you were more on the right wing but your a good bloke and I know you speak a lot of sense. Cheers Baz

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Hi Baz. It was a REAL incident. There was a real explosion and real people died. Who did it is a separate question. Not all "muzzies" are savage and backward. I live with two Sudanese Muslims and they're great guys. We should nor tar everybody with the same brush. I don't think the politicians are thick at all. They know exactly what they're doing and they do not want the Muslims to integrate. In fact there is a counter-integration problem with two or three generation UK Muslim families, in that today's youth are LESS integrated than their parents and grandparents. This is because of the hate-preachers, as I've said before. Let me know how you get on at the BNP meeting, Baz. I would never discourage you from going. One thing I value above all else is free speech. All the best. Ben

Eton produces terrorists.. said...

No suicide bomber. Are all you people blind? False flag written all over this. The 'government' blow innocent people up and blame it on Islam - to create hatred against Muslims. It is common sense. Israel are behind this along with Theresa May and all the high ranking Freemasons within Manchester City Council.

Anonymous said...

OK mate fare points I would say and well argued as ever pal. I think I just hate cultural marxism with a pashion to be honest mate. I dont hate your Muslims personally speaking but I hate the race traitors for bringing em here. I hate islam even without the hate preachers and don't want no mosques anywhere - end of mate. End of. Mate you must admit they breed far quicker than us. I read that in like 30 years we'll be the ethnic minority. Surely Ben that bothers you mate? Cheers Baz

Leonard said...

Ben, you make some fine points. It must be a long hard job getting all this info together and presenting your case in such an easy to understand manner. This is why people are attracted to you and your work because it is so smart and makes complete sense. Yet there has got to be more them meets the eye. This may sound really, really stupid but I reckon there is a set of secret tunnels under London with railways linking to other cities, all for the elite of course. Think about it, safer then flying or going above land. They don't care about the common freeman at all. Saying that I am a bit of a FOTL if I'am honest. I spend hours researching the stuff. Trying to get out of paying council tax at present. When I succeed I will pass you the recipe for sure. Cheers, and sorry I have mad ideas.

Leonard said...

Eton mate. Come on. I believe some weird shit like I think Norfolk is actually a sovereign country with a monarch and armed forces. I can prove it, and why it is kept secret. It is because they have several hydrogen booms and the King is a bit tetchy. Still, I am still with the out jury on the Manchester attack. I am concerned with the poor people who died and suffered when all they wanted to do was have a good night out. I'm an ashiest and I've been to the Pitcairn islands and that was when I first heard of HPANWO. Their internet is a bit basic and runs at something crap like 120 kb/sec. Loading a pic of Ben took over an hour. It was pure accident because I was researching a hospital in New Zealand where I was going to work for a few months and google brought up Ben's page. I was enthralled at his commonsense no bullshit approach to alternative ways of thinking. The 50 or so islanders, who are quite religious, now follow Ben's path to truth and they hope to meet him one day. Reminded me of the Cargo Cult and John Frum. They would treat you like a king if you ever went there Ben. Anyway, Eton chap reign it in, mate. Get some evidence first. Anyway, back to 1644 law books to see how I can get out of a £100 parking ticket. I was on double red lines for one minute while I popped in a shop to get come fags.

Anonymous said...

Ben was just thinking that your Mi5 surely foil loads of terror plots and so the state does some good surely? Yes they let the fuckers in the country but they also stop a lot of these attacks from happening. What you reckon about the good Mi5 does? Baz