Sunday, 2 February 2025

Brexit 50p

I swear somebody at the Royal Mint is gaslighting us! A few weeks ago it was announced there was a two pound coin coming out themed on George Orwell, see: Now, on the fifth anniversary of Brexit they have brought out a new fifty pence piece to "celebrate" it. The reverse simply has the words "Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations. 31 January 2020." Several high profile Remoaners have pledged to boycott the coin. If they ever get one they will refuse to use it... Fine; feel free to send them to me! One of them is the obnoxious Philip Pullman... who unfortunately does write very good books. He also complained because the sentence has no Oxford comma, meaning one that precedes the word and. Even though this is officially correct grammar, it has fallen into disuse and only staunch pedants would make this point; but knowing Pullman's leftwing bigotry I'm sure it's an ulterior motive. Well, not so ulterior; he as he has admitted it. (There's a song about this subject with a very watchable video, see: One artist has been embossing the EU stars onto the coins he gets. Source: As with the Orwell coin, it seems contradictory that the authorities would laud Brexit with this ultimate honour. Are they just having a laugh at us as they melt down every coin ever minted and replace it with the CBDC, or does this have another purpose? Is somebody inside the Bank of England on the side of freedom and is taking power; and giving out secret symbolic messages to give us hope?
See here for background: