Tuesday 8 October 2024

Chagossian Repatriation

That great anti-white brain donor David Lammy has announced that his government will be relinquishing all its territorial claims to the Chagos Islands and their sovereignty is henceforth to be under the flag of Mauritius. The Chagos Islands are the southernmost of a long chain of low-lying archipelagos stretching across the Indian Ocean from Lakshadweep in the north and the Maldives in between. (The Maldives have come up on HPANWO Voice previously, see: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2022/12/nuclear-fusion-breakthrough.html.) Mr Lammy, the Foreign Secretary, is reversing the former UK government's policy on the islands, which is to disobey a ruling in 2019 by the International Court of Justice which ordered the United Kingdom to cede its colonial administration of the Chagos Islands. Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/foreign-secretary-oral-statement-on-the-chagos-islands-7-october-2024. There are three main points to this matter, and it has filled me with mixed feelings. Firstly, I accept that what Lammy has done is the right thing to do, in a literal sense. In the 1960's the UK gained control of the islands after giving Mauritius three million pounds. It immediately entered into negotiations to lease the largest and most populous island in the archipelago, Diego Garcia, to the the United States so the latter could build a military base on it. The Chagos Islands had a population of almost a thousand people, mostly descendants of former slaves and lepers from Africa whose ancestors had lived on the islands since the 18th century. The US then requested that the UK exile the entire population; not just on Diego Garcia, but the whole of the Chagos chain. The UK dutifully obeyed and between 1968 and 1973 every Chagossian was shipped off the island to Mauritius and the Seychelles. Those who resisted were arrested and forced. A few were tricked by going to neighbouring islands to visit friends and relatives and having their passports cancelled in their absence, thus preventing them from boarding a ship or aircraft home. The islanders' pet dogs were all killed by gassing or drowning. There is plenty of room on the islands for all of the native population and the military base together. The base only covers a small part of one island, Diego Garcia. It seems the motive for the deportations was not living space; it was the risk of indigenous sovereignty claims and security problems from the ease of espionage. This action was, of course, an outrage. I oppose it totally.

The second point though is connected to many other issues over which I hesitate to assert myself, even though I know they are correct and fair. The reason is because what David Lammy has done is the right thing for the wrong reasons. He couldn't give a toss about the Chagossian islanders and their abuse at the hands of the UK and American governments. What he wants to do is generate white guilt in the hearts of the British people. That is his only intention in obeying the ICJ ruling. This is the only reason why tales of colonial infamy, whether real or just perceived, and even in the distant past, are being promoted so vigorously by the media and education. Lammy is a man who has grown up in a political culture that worships victimhood. It is the foundation of his identity; and even, in a strange way, his self-esteem. He recently addressed the Russian delegation at the UN Security Council on the subject of Ukraine with the completely irrelevant statement: "I stand here also as a black man whose ancestors were taken in chains from Africa at the barrel of a gun to be enslaved, whose ancestors rose up and fought in a great rebellion of the enslaved. I know imperialism when I see it." Source: https://united24media.com/latest-news/uk-fm-lammy-at-un-as-a-black-man-whose-ancestors-were-in-chains-i-know-imperialism-when-i-see-it-2577. He doesn't fool me; he is loving every moment of this! I don't think Lammy could cope if he lived in world in which he could not pretend that he was the Great Downtrodden. So from my own perspective, as a white man whose demography is being turned into the national and international scapegoat for everything bad that is happening, has ever happened or will ever happen in the world, I cannot stand with him. I know that the moment I express any positive sentiment about the return of the Chagos Islands to the population who rightfully lives there, David Lammy will just treat that as one more stick to beat me with.
The third issue is to do with the base itself. The Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia is technically British, but it is leased to the United States in a similar way to RAF Bentwaters-Woodbridge was, see: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2023/08/rendlesham-forest-non-human-tour.html. The new deal just brokered by David Lammy involves a special new lease by the Mauritian government to the UK and USA for the current area occupied by the base. It is not clear if this includes the entire island of Diego Garcia or just the military reservation. Either way, this is a single anchor chain for the Western globalists to maintain their military presence in that maritime region. The lease is to last ninety-nine years, like the British deal with China over Hong Kong. Why? What purpose does this military base serve, being so far away from anywhere? Its official line is that the base is there to "provide logistic support to operational forces forward deployed to the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf areas of responsibility in support of national policy objectives." which doesn't say very much. The fact is, the base is very like Area 51; its true activities are highly classified. In such an isolated area without the burden of nosy local residents, all kinds of secret missions and experiments could be carried out there. There is not even the tourist industry that Groom Lake has to endure (of which I was a part, see: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2023/11/meadows.html). There are numerous outfits based at Diego Garcia from the US Navy, Air Force and, interestingly, the new US Space Force, see: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2020/08/space-force-reply-to-steve-mumbling.html. One outfit in particular caught my eye, the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station, Far East. Its purpose is to maintain the military warfighting electronic networks and communications systems necessary for conducting operations in the Indo-Pacific Command theatre of operations; but this might include a covert intelligence role. It certain will have hardware that can be adapted to such. I recommend watching some of the YouTube content of Ashton Forbes because he believes the missing airliner MH370 might have ended up at Diego Garcia, see: https://www.youtube.com/@JustXAshton. There are a lot of videos there, but watching a few of them should be enough to give you a reasonable understanding of his evidence. Also see the background links below. If Diego Garcia is the site of some strange and potentially dangerous experimental technology this will no doubt influence whatever the political future is of the Chagos Islands and its people. However, I think such complexities lie beyond the meagre comprehensive powers of David Lammy plc. I hope somebody more intelligent is put in his place to represent my country in the global community. I think at least a basic knowledge of geography is essential. Lammy once declared that Gaza lies to the north of Israel. Most people know it actually is to Israel's southwest...


Gravity Mirror said...

Proper restitution should be made to anyone whose dispossession is documented in modern times (since WW2), by whomever and on whatever pretext. That would include displaced Palestinians.

This will provide a very fitting legacy for Lammy because it is glaringly incomplete and imperialism gets to keep the only thing that really matters to it, the base on Diego Garcia. If Lammy was concerned about imperialism he would never have joined the Labour Party under Tony Blair. He is a troughing, self-serving, opportunist pig.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

I certainly agree with your assessment of David Lammy! I also don't see why Palestinians should be forcibly moved anywhere. I also opposed to forced end of the Jewish settlements in Gaza and the West Bank. Pro-Israelis like Joseph Cohen and Douglas Murray insist that the Holy Land includes free movement for everybody. So that it should be.