That wheelchair-bound Cassandra, Stephen Hawking, has yet
again foretold the end of the world; in fact this time it's not only the world
that's on the block, but the entire universe. In the foreword to a new book by
the astronomer and rock star Brian May, Prof. Hawking writes about a new and
unsettling discovery to do with the Higgs Boson, the so-called "God
particle". The research done into the Higgs Boson has revealed that the
cosmos is in an unstable equilibrium, a bit like a pencil balanced on its
point, and that if one of them lost that balance it would instantly topple down
into a new energy level; this could happen, theoretically, if the particle were
subjected to a powerful nuclear force. Unfortunately, because the energy level
of the Higgs is one of the foundation stones of the universe's physical
structure, this would cause a chain reaction that would spread to all the other
particle and it could end up in "vacuum decay". A huge bubble of void
would immediately form around the location of the first Higgs Boson to collapse
and this bubble would expand outwards at the speed of light until the entire
universe was engulfed. This catastrophe to end all catastrophes could happen at
any time, anywhere, we could do absolutely nothing to stop it, and we would
have no advanced warning of the edge of the bubble approaching the Earth, see:
There's a newly diagnosed psychological condition called
"Cosmophobia", the irrational fear that the universe is dangerous and
will destroy you. It's not irrational at all, there are many natural forces in
outer space that could kill all life on Earth and crush the entire planet with
the ease and impunity of a boot on a beetle- comets, supernovae, gamma ray
bursts, solar flares etc. But should we really be concerned? Well, yes and no.
All this inevitably leads me to consider what I've said
before about the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland ,
see background links at the bottom. Since it was first designed and built in
the 1980's questions have been raised concerning its safety. The nuclear physicist
Walter L Wagner has been speaking out about the supposed dangers of particle
accelerators for many years. He believes that the high energy collisions of
protons will inevitably produce mini black holes which could coalesce into a
full size black hole that would engulf the Earth; Alternatively the collisions
could produce "strangelets", a different kind of matter that has the
power to convert normal matter it comes into contact with into a copy of
itself; thus starting a downward spiral that could result in the Earth mutating
into a "strange star", see:
CERN denies all this and its defenders naturally include another rock star-scientist,
that smiling Simeon of the small screen, Prof. Brian Cox, see:
I believe that Cox is being groomed to play a completely new and unique role in
the media, see:
If the LHC is indeed dangerous then could it be possible that there are people
behind the creation of it, and other particle accelerators, who know this and
are still building them? If so why? Do they not care, or is it possible that they
want to destroy the Earth? In the background articles below I pose the
possibility that there are elements of the Illuminati that know that they've
lost the battle to build the New World Order. They are acutely aware that free
humanity is going to prevent them completing their "Great Work of
Ages" and the "sheeple" that they've looked down upon with such
contempt for millennia are going to defeat them. The spiritual energies in the
world and rising conspiratorial awareness are going to make their goal unattainable.
Because of the extremely arrogant and spiteful mindset of these entities I can
well imagine that at some point they might decide to pull what I call a "Götterdammerung
manoeuvre"; this is a kind of dog-in-the-manger, scorched earth policy,
writ large. If they know that they can't have the Earth then they'll drag it
down with them into Hades rather than let free people have it. How do I know
this? I don't for sure, but I know the reptilian consciousness, I've heard how
a crocodile cornered by others with its captured prey will toss it away into a
river to be lost to them all, because it knows that its rivals are about to
steal it. Also CERN has a very unusual statue in its forecourt, that of the
Hindu God Shiva; isn't that a bit of an odd emblem to put outside a scientific
institution, see background links below? As for the dangers of destabilizing
the Higgs Boson, could the LHC, and its proposed follow up colliders, the Very
Large Hadron Collider and the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider, be a
doomsday weapon, a detonator to trigger the unbalancing the Higgs and begin the
vacuum decay? Stephen Hawking says that to do this artificially would require a
proton beam with the power of a hundred billion giga electron volts- GeV. The
LHC at full throttle can yield 14 GeV. Hawking says that a
collider big enough would need to be over the size of the Earth and he quips that
"such a project would not be funded in the present economic climate".
But could the Illuminati be constructing such a massive instrument on another
planet, maybe below the clouds of Jupiter, or in space near a star light-years
away? If so, what can we do about it? Well I don't want to give you sleepless
nights, dear HPANWO-readers. Like Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, I believe there are forces for good as well as
evil at work in this world. I know there's no such thing as a messiah to sit
around waiting for and that we humans are masters of our own destiny; it is up
to ourselves to create a better world. Nevertheless, if there is some horrible
atrocity awaiting us that is beyond our control, somebody will step in and lend
a hand. Indeed, could this by why the LHC suffered from mysterious technical
problems a few years ago?
See here for
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