Saturday 15 February 2014

EVP Ghost Debate- Don Philips with Ben Emlyn-Jones

EVP Ghost Debate- Don Philips with Ben Emlyn-Jones is a new film that has been produced by GSI Paranormal UK, see:
It is based on my live interview with Don Philips on the HPANWO Show on Critical Mass Radio. Much of it was filmed during the interview, but it includes a lot of additional material. We discuss Don's research, his work with the Electronic Voice Phenomenon, live spirit voice recordings and other manifestations of ghostly activity in our world. However, something strange happens during the show; it's at 39:48 in the film. When Don and I lose contact due to technical problems, you can clearly hear a man's voice utter the words: "Hey, Don." Neither of us recognizes the voice. Don is going to get the sound of the voice analyzed; I'll keep you posted with any resulting updates.

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