Monday, 17 March 2025

Ben Emlyn-Jones and Rin Michaelis 18

I have been interviewed again by Rin Michaelis on her video channel:
Subjects discussed include: What's Trump playing at?, Why did a man climb Big Ben?, What's going on in Israel? and much much more.
See here for my previous appearance on Rin's channel:
See here for Rin's YouTube channel:
And her Rumble channel:
And her Twitter:


firechild_uk said...

What's Trump playing at? Answer Project 2025... Almost to the letter, now I'm not saying he's directly responsible as it's abundantly clear he isn't writing the executive orders he's signing however the 'flood the zone' to overwhelm the legal system and media coverage is textbook. The rubicon being crossed with his failure to comply with the deportations judgement at the weekend. Now without 'due process' the administration could (and likely will) directly challenge any judgement in the future. Without a legal system as a 'check and balance' it is no longer a democracy. In the case of the deportees we have no idea who they are or even if they are illegal immigrants except for the word of the administration. The right-wing authoritarian regime is in the room and trampling the constitution in front of the people. Will they react like 1930's Germany or will there be civil war? It would be a popcorn moment except it is terrifying to witness the impact globally. More chance of the UK eventually fighting a war against the US than China at this rate...

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

I can't think of a full answer to all those points right now, FCUK. I'll look into them.