Sunday, 16 March 2025

I'm a Why Files Supporter

A lot of social media content creators include a paywall. Most commonly they have a basic amount of material that they publish for free and then a selected annexe that they sell, usually for a periodic fee. The fees tend to be low, just a few pounds a month. I respect dedicated content creators, obviously I am one myself; and I'd like to support them all, but I can't afford to. I decided my budget could cover two of them and one is The Why Files. The Why Files is a series of videos, primarily on YouTube in which the host AJ Gentile describes a particular paranormal, UFOlogical or conspiratorial phenomenon; each episode is dedicated to a single subject. Technically the show is very sophisticated, with video clips, images and sound effects. AJ himself clearly makes an effort to be balanced and present as many perspectives as possible. He is a calm and professional broadcaster. However, he has a co-host who is very different. Always sitting next to him is a goldfish in a bowl called Hecklefish Moriarti. Hecklefish is really the id of AJ, the believing side of the host with all rational filters removed. He yells and cheers through the presentations, constantly interrupting AJ and making jokes in his brash New York accent. AJ tries to do the show while putting up with Hecklefish and the interaction between the two is very entertaining. Source: If you visit The Why Files' Patreon page you can join at various levels, all named after fish. I chose "Koi", the most popular tariff. If you buy a year's subscription in one go there is a discount. Supporters are given certain privileges, such as seeing the new uploads early, access to a special Discord community and private hangouts with AJ and the crew every so often. At the end of the show all the supporters are shown in the credits and you'll see my name there. I feel proud to be an official supporter of this project. What I love about The Why Files is its nostalgia. It takes me back to my own past. I've been a conspiracy theorist for over thirty years now, but my feelings about the Conspirasphere and the world I see through it have changed. The Why Files hearkens back to an era when these subjects were fun instead of frightening. You may be wondering about whether I plan to set up my own paywall. The answer is no; but then again I already have one, of sorts. My books. If you want to support me financially and enjoy additional HPANWO-esque information, simply buy them, see below.
Roswell Rising is here!:
Roswell Revealed is here!:
Roswell Redeemed is here!:

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