Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Andrew Has Questions

Andrew Johnson has just done the most unusual interview I've ever heard from him. In it he expresses opinions that drive him dangerously close to the borderline over which he would be cast out of the backslapper fraternity. One of the features that define a cult is that its disciples are not allowed to ask questions, but Andrew does. There are three rules for backslappers.
Rule 1: All people except the backslappers fall into two groups, shills and naive people who are duped by shills.
Rule 2: Anything the backslappers don't believe in is a psyop.
Rule 3: Nothing in this world can ever get any better. The Illuminati have total power and can never be beaten. If anything happens that makes it look like the Illuminati are losing power, it's just a deeper and more devious act of the conspiracy that proves that their power is growing and they are winning even more. Only backslappers are clever enough to understand this.
Up until now Andrew Johnson has conformed to those three rules perfectly, but in this new interview he discusses President Trump in a very un-backslapping way. He deviates in a sacrilegious manner from backslapper doctrine by expressing unsure opinions about Trump. Andrew says he's trying to "work him out" and that Trump is "complex"; "I'm not sure which side he's on". Andrew is encouraged by a lot of the positive policies Trump has introduced, ones he has kept his promises about post inauguration. Andrew was interested about how Trump is planning a manned mission to Mars. In fact Andrew is now even open to the notion of that letter of the alphabet you can't say on Blogger, the one after the sixteenth letter and before the eighteenth. "It will become clear" says Andrew. So Andrew may not be as much of a Trump enthusiast as I am, but the fact he is not automatically and vigorously pillorying Trump as just another insider indicates he is developing doubts about the backslapper worldview. Source, from 47 mins:

Andrew Johnson has always been one of the greatest backslappers the world has ever seen. His arrogance and paranoia has led him to reject and turn against almost everybody else in the Truth movement. He has mercilessly denounced dozens of other researchers for even minor failures of his ideological purity tests, many of whom really deserve better. He treats other people as walking juke boxes who have to play the exact tune he wants exactly when he wants it. See here for an example: A lot of people are intimidated by Andrew's aggression; I am not. If he changes his mind about the backslapper dogma then how should we in the rest of the Truth movement respond? He could end up being shunned by other backslappers. I've recently said we should be ready to provide sanctuary to the skeptic Michael Shermer when he crosses the aisle, see: Skeptics and backslappers are two different social phenomena, although there is a slight overlap. Should we do the same for Andrew? That's up to us as individuals. I'm afraid I feel a lot less charitable towards Andrew than I do Michael Shermer because I myself have fallen out with Andrew, as regular readers know. People do change their minds about all kinds of things, often in unexpected ways. Obviously if Andrew Johnson develops a more open mind towards President Trump then I think he's on the right track; and despite the breakdown in my personal relationship with him, I'll continue to follow his career with interest.
See here for background:

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