Sunday 16 April 2023

Third Rail EVP Update

See here for essential background:
After writing the above and below articles I decided to do an accompanying HPANWO TV video, see: One of my regular viewers, called Gary, is a sound recording engineer, an Englishman living in Mexico; and he offered to carry out a full analysis. As I explain, the HPANWO TV one disappeared, but the original Third Rail one is still there, so he focused on that soundtrack. I sent him all the clips I had made of the segment and waited for him to get back to me. When he did, he told me he had discovered something remarkable, that there are two anomalies on the soundtrack instead of just one. The noise in question consists of two collections of sound. There is a series of unintelligible warbling consonants and vowels and then straight after a brief pause a "hmm" sound. It turns out the two were created very differently. Gary thinks the first sound is not significant; it is merely Trevor's words distorted and fed back through his Skype channel after a delay because my microphone was receiving. The "hmm" doesn't come from either of us. It is also higher pitched and different in tone, a feminine voice. It has a different readout on his frequency analyzer; its waveform makes it look like it's been processed in a totally separate manner. I'll post Gary's screengrabs below. As I said in the background article, there is no mundane explanation for this I can think of.
See here for more background:


Laurence said...

Great to get an expert opinion on this Ben. I myself have heard very clear examples of demonic-type voices through video calls. In this regard, you may be interested in the following paper that discusses the role of the demonic in both electronic devices and communications, in general:

Electricity Paper

From p.10, we have:

"Some Catholic exorcists have reported instances where they received a text message
from a demon, warning them to abandon their attempts to free a victim of demonic
possession. Once they gain a grip on a person, demons hate to let go and will resist
attempts to expel them by every means possible. We should not be surprised,
therefore, if they avail of modern technology to do this – one witness saw his phone
typing out a text message when no-one was touching the keys."

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Hi Lawrence. Amazingly, I'm just working on my new article which tackles this very subject in the UFO world! Investigating the paranormal is generally something taken too lightly and should always be treated with caution because there are malevolent entities out there, demons if you like.
It's alarming that in the same page there's that but about demons using AI to enter our world. It reminds me of my video and Third Rail show about "loab". Google it if you've never heard of it, but be prepared for a shock.

Laurence said...

Many thanks Ben. Synchronicity like this is becoming increasingly common, IMO. Regarding the loab creature, the first resemblance that sprung to mind was Kate Middleton :). (It may be worthwhile to browse the following short but reassuring article of Miles Mathis on the subject: Miles Mathis Paper

Snarnok said...

It would not surprise me if Gareth Davies tries to contact you at some point. I still greatly miss him...

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Will do, Lawrence. Thanks. I find AI art very creepy. Not just "Loab"

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Same here, Snarnok. I hope he does.