Friday 28 April 2017

"Marine A" Update

In 2013 I reported on the case of "Marine A", a serviceman in the Royal Marines who had killed an injured prisoner-of-war in Afghanistan and was originally prosecuted for murder, see: Now he has been released from prison and his name has been revealed as Alexander Blackman, a sergeant before his discharge from the service. When I wrote the first article I didn't know what the outcome of this case would be; now I must say that I'm pleased he has been released. His wife fought a legal campaign assisted by a newspaper and the spy novelist Frederick Forsyth (see: Source: It turned out Blackman was suffering from a mental illness at the time. That's hardly surprising seeing as mental problems are an epidemic in the military land forces. Having had to take care of injured soldiers at my hospital, and process the remains of those who have been killed in this continuous 21st century super-war, I can understand why. The authorities have a very strange attitude to killing other human beings that is rife with double standards and hypocrisy. I realize the difference between shooting somebody in peacetime lying on a city street and shooting somebody injured on a battlefield just after a long fire-fight in which he almost killed you. However the government wanted to put Sgt. Blackman on trial for murder at the same time they themselves ruthlessly plan the cold-blooded extermination of millions of innocent people for the sake of Israeli imperialism and oil company profits. They arrange the sales of armaments to brutal regimes such as Saudi Arabia where the targeting of Yemeni schoolchildren is official military strategy. They deal death, injury, grief and misery in multiple digits, as they sit at a mahogany table in a suit. They never have to put on a tin hat and pick up a rifle and go to fight themselves... nor clean up the mess afterwards, like I had to. As I said in the background article, what right do they have to judge Blackman? Remember that the very same legal system declared that Tony Blair was innocent at the Chilcot Inquiry, see: Our society also permits the termination of pregnancy as a normal and regular clinical practice. Kill a newborn baby and that's murder, but kill it five minutes earlier in the womb and that's medicine. I'll have to write a separate article on the morality of abortion; the point for now is that society has a strangely contradictory and kaleidoscopic view on the ethics of taking human life. I hope Alexander Blackman will have a bright future now, back home with his family.


Laurence said...

God bless you for this article Ben. It is heart warming that a fellow human shares my belief in the life affirming rather than what Benedict XVI referred to as the 'Culture of Death'. Unfortunately, there is a big push on here in the Republic to introduce abortion on demand that is indescribably sad. There is a very good short film on what is happening in Ireland at present: Film - Cultural Marxism Ireland

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Thanks, Laurence. :-) I'll have a look at that video. I think it was you who sent me a link to the video about the 8th Amendment and the current campaign by cultural Marxists and depopulaters to repeal it (Can the Oireachtas of Ireland repeal a part of the constitution? I know in the USA this can only be done via a constitutional congress).

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben. Another first class post there pal. I've got a mate was in the marines to be honest and Iraq effected him badly. A top bloke to be fair but the army proper shat on him. Now hes a smackhead and it's so sad coz as you say Ben the political class are all shithouses to be fair. As for abortions well when they gonna make em illegal eh? It's just murder plain and simple. The men never get a f**kin look in do they Ben? No say in the matter at all. Your nothing if your a man these days ben as youve said before. Sorry mate but gets me angry it does and I've had a few pints to be fair but I hate the way men are treated these days. Cheers pal. Barry

Laurence said...

You are very well informed Ben, as usual, though that comes as no surprise to regular HPANWO readers, listeners, and viewers.

In answer to your question, the Oireachtas (Dáil - read Commons and Seanad - read Lords) are rabidly Cultural Marxist and about as evangelical for the vile ideology of G.B. Shaw and the Frankfurt School as their predecessors were for the theocracy of patrician RC. The Seanad is an abysmal little place, housing as it does Cultural Marxist-in-chief Ivana Bacik and paedophile sympathiser David Norris. So no hope there, either. The elected cowards recently set up a kangaroo court on the subject, the so-called 'Citizens Assembly' to further the cause.

P.S. Nice one Barry. It breaks my heart to see real men like your mate in that state. To quote C.S. Lewis, oremus pro invicem.

Anonymous said...

Just a thought ben and yes am bit drunk now am afraid but what do you think about muslims? I mean yes they are a concern and islam taking over from christianity is bad I see that but your muslim at least doesnt tolerate your problems with feminism yeah? I mean your muslim wouldnt allow men to be opressed or things like abortions to happen. Ive had mates in the EDL and have myself come close to joining Britain first. The thing is ben am not so sure now. Im starting to think that the muslim faith may actually be the only chance we have. I mean to stop women and cultural marxists from totally destroying masculinity and the natural order of things. Maybe you could do a blog on it Ben coz am proper confused to be fair. I need some guidance and what you say always makes things clear and I always agree with you. Thanks again mate. Barry

Laurence said...

Barry, IMO the Muslim lads in Europe are being driven to distraction by the atheist-secularist (post-Christian) society that they have arrived in. They are, in addition, horrified to be lumped in with 'wimmin' as part of #diversity #inclusion agenda :). Not what they signed up for, so to speak.

Labour voter from Tunbridge Wells said...

I don't like being spoken for by people like you three. I am a proud atheist and it is the only way to move forward if we want a just and fair society.

Anonymous said...

Good point there Laurence mate. I'm not educated myself to be fair but can see you are pal like coz is. However, it's complex isn't it coz on the one hand we on the right wing are against the third worlders, the muslims I mean but they could in fact be our saviours ya know. We could be fighting on the wrong side. I mean what if there right and the world should be as they want it? They are not materialist but in fact deeply spiritual I think. We in the west are fucked coz we have been bought and sold by capitalist materialist liberal bollocks. This has meant that the leftists atheists and feminists have won. As I say am not well read but I have my own views and agree with what Ben says on these things. No one can say the muslims are totally wrong despite the immigration side of the argument and integration problem

Anonymous said...

Hey Labour voter well get lost if ya don't like what ya see. I suppose you like that stupid lefty cow Diane Abbot eh? Ha ha ha to think that the idiot Corbyn was poking her. Ha ha. He must be bleedin desperate mate but thats commies for ya. Bleedin degenerate the lot of em. Barry

Anonymous said...

And oi Labour voter! Trust you to live in Bumbridge Wells eh? Bet you read the guardian and youd proper run a mile before you would associate with the working classes. Ha ha! Lefties. Shit em. Thats what I say. Baz

Labour voter from Tunbridge Wells said...

Enjoy the May Day bank holiday, people. Spare a thought for Marx and Engels if you will or bugger off to Maidenhead for the day and get taken up in all things...well May! Haha!