See here for
essential background:
The battle for Larry Warren has settled down again, but this time on a higher
plateau. I continue to find daily threats of legal action in my inbox, for all
the various laws that I haven't broken. The bollocking I got off Larry's
solicitor is clearly not enough for these people; they want more revenge. I've
also been informed by some individuals, those with access to the expanding
event horizon of cyberspace shut off from my gaze by the wall of blocked social
media users, that my name continues to be blackened. I am alleged to be in
possession of the addresses of all the letter's recipients and I apparently
intend to publish them, or pass them on to the first homicidal axe-murderer who comes my way. The good news is that nobody outside the echo-chamber of the
Warren cult believes
this claptrap... and frankly I question how many
it do.
There has been a development concerning the A10 photograph.
We have, for the first time, independent contact with Barry Greenwood. Gary
issued this statement on February the 1st:
In late January 2017
I put out a magazine statement saying that Larry Warren had found the original
A10 colour print. I stated that a 600 dpi scan should be taken of the original
print and that either the original or the high-resolution scan should be sent
to the renowned photo analyst Bruce Maccabee as he had been involved in the
earlier analysis of the enhanced A10 image produced by Richard Martens in 2014.
In recent days I became aware of a statement made by Barry Greenwood, the
respected US co-author of the book Clear
Intent, which had included several pages devoted to the Rendlesham Forest incident. He stated that he had a set of original scan images that
Larry Warren had given to Barry's co-author Larry Fawcett showing pictures of
the forest, that he believed were taken during Larry’s honeymoon in 1985. Given
the fact that I had reported the A10 story in UFO Truth Magazine- Issue 10, I feel a sense of involvement to
investigate the story to its conclusion. In recent days, I have been in direct
communication with Barry Greenwood to try and clarify the origins of the A10
image. As a result, he sent me nine sets of three photos, twenty-seven pictures
in total, all at the 600 dpi resolution, which he stated were Larry’s pictures
of the forest taken during his honeymoon in the summer of 1985. These photos
included the A10 image which people are familiar with. When I examined the
high-resolution image he supplied of the A10 photo it immediately became clear
to me that it was by far the best quality image of the A10 picture I had ever seen
and that it did not show anomalous images above the aircraft.
If the high quality
image does not contain any anomalous image then it begs the question, where did
Robert Marten’s get his A10 picture from in which to make his enhancements? Martens
stated that he had copied the picture from a photo album that was on Larry
Warren’s original Facebook page. Note: Larry Warren will state that his
original FB page was hacked in the summer of 2015 and he lost access to all of
the photos contained in the albums on his page. That hacking forced him to
create another FB identity profile page in the name of "Lawrence Warren". Larry Warren’s account in brief is
that he took the A10 image on the morning of the 27th December 1980 using a
Keystone 110 camera and that he’d taken a few random shots of the base and forest
before going into Ipswich with several friends; and then returning to the base
later in the day so he could go onto shift later that night, a night that would
become the third night of UFO activity at the base. For over thirty years Larry
Warren had paid no attention whatsoever to the A10 image because he had never
seen anything other than the A10 aircraft and the forest in the picture. However,
that all changed in the summer of 2014 when he was contacted by Mick Sayer on
Facebook who told that he believed there was 'something’ above the A10
aircraft. Then he was contacted by Robert Martens who sent him what he said was
an enhanced image of the strange object seen above the A10 (and supposedly
derived from the A10 image in Larry Warren’s original FB album). This enhanced
image clearly showed a structured-like object above the A10. Larry was amazed
by this ‘find’ and told me about it which led me to write the article that
appeared on it in Issue 10. At the end of the article I stated that there was a
need for the original negative to be found to confirm the anomalies seen above
the A10.
Barry Greenwood believes that the high quality image of
the A10 is from the summer of 1985 whilst Larry Warren maintains that it was taken on December
27th, 1980. Within the nine sets of
three images that Barry Greenwood sent me there were several that contained
images of a man and a woman walking around the forest and wearing light
clothing and not carrying any coats. One of the sets also showed a picture of
Larry Warren himself wearing a light cardigan type top and not carrying any
coat. The light clothing and lack of coats appears to be consistent with them having
been taken during spring or summer period and do not appear to have been taken
during midwinter and thus appears to be consistent with Barry Greenwood’s
belief that they were taken during the summer of 1985 whilst Larry Warren was
on his honeymoon in the UK.
Only one person can
be right? Was the A10 image taken in 1980 or in 1985?
How can the Barry
Greenwood ‘original’ A10 image show no anomaly whilst the Larry Warren ‘original’
print appears to show at least one anomalous image? Ultimately, as Barry
Greenwood suggests in his email to me, there is a need to examine the original
batch of negatives for both the Bentwaters series and Larry Warren’s honeymoon
photos, however, as far as I am aware, the negatives for both sets cannot be
found and almost certainly after several decades are unlikely ever to be found.
I want to add one point on the A10 date controversy especially in light of the
high resolution image supplied by Barry Greenwood: If the A10 picture was taken
during the summer of 1985 how come the ground ferns which are everywhere in the
forest are brown in colour? During spring and summer the ferns are
predominantly green and litter the ground extensively. I can attest to this as
I have visited Rendlesham
Forest in the summer on several occasions. I find
the colour of the ferns in the foreground of the photo being brown to be a very strong indicator
that the A10 photo had been taken in December 1980 as Larry Warren has always
stated and not in 1985.
Given the Greenwood images, I went back to Larry Warren for an
explanation. This was his response sent to me today on Wednesday 1st February
'Gary...............Larry Fawcett attended my
wedding. When I got back I GAVE him and his wife Lois some pictures of our
visit to LONDON.... Cin (Larry's wife) and I went to Ipswich one day and to Bentwaters.........the
airman I don't recall his name...........yes, some pictures ARE of the place
with my wife in them. The A10 picture follows right after the main gate alert
photo as found in our book...........has ZERO to do with '85.... In '85 F15's
were the aircraft at Bentwaters.........When Fawcett died, Lois GAVE Greenwood
ALL of Larry Fawcett's archives including photos....I had provided the A10
picture to LF with others for the Japanese to use on pre-shows before I went to
Japan in 1984 and it and other service related shots were used by the Japanese
in a 1984 TV show in Tokyo.........of course I had no idea what was in the
shot...........ANY negatives are long gone....i.e. the 110 ASA negs........due
to moves, a major flood at my sisters in the 1990s etc. Hope this helps cheers
*Note: this has had
some of the grammar and spelling corrected for easier reading. I have checked
the records for Bentwaters and at least one squadron of A10's were still
operational from Bentwaters until the late eighties so that information does
not add to the evidence either way.
These developments do
cast some doubt as to the origin of the A10 photo especially the year it was taken
but without the negatives I don’t think we will ever know the definitive
answer. Given the discovery of the relevant negatives being highly unlikely I
believe that the colour of the ferns shown in the foreground of the A10 image,
ie brown, offers the most compelling circumstantial evidence that the picture
was taken in December 1980. As for the anomalous images found in 2014, Larry
cannot offer an explanation as to how Robert Martens managed to enhance Larry’s
FB A10 image to the level he attained. I myself have tried to enhance the image
above the A10 but cannot get anywhere near the structured-like shape that
Martens produced and the level of detail he attained is a mystery to me. One
thing I am pretty certain of is that the original Barry Grenwood print of the A10
does not contain any anomalous images yet I cannot think of one logical reason
why someone, Larry Warren, would go to the trouble of fabricating a hoax image,
placing it on Facebook in 2011 in the blind hope that some unknown eagle-eyed
person on FB might spot it and thus change history. Bearing in mind that it is
a matter of public record that Larry Warren has never claimed to have seen any
anomalous image (s) in his original print during the decades he has had it in
his possession until he was made aware of an anomaly in 2014 on FB by Mick
Sayer. In effect this renders the Martens' enhancement picture to be a mystery
in itself and should be considered unsound in terms of proving that there was a
genuine anomalous object above the A10. Personally having looked at all the
evidence I do not believe that there was one. As I have always said, the
evidence falls where it falls and I will not back away from publishing the
facts, whether I like them or not. These are the facts as I know them to be. I
want to personally thank Barry Greenwood for his cooperation and for the
excellent photos he supplied to me.
On a final note, I
want to make this point, these developments do not alter my opinion that Larry
Warren was the original witness whistleblower for the Rendlesham Forest Incident and that he was involved in the third night of UFO activity
on the base. His involvement is a matter of public record as a result of the
testimonies of both Sergeant Adrian Bustinza, airman Steve Longero and others
who place him there and being involved in the third night of activity. I will
be placed this update in the forthcoming issue of UFO Truth Magazine Issue 23.
Gary Heseltine
Editor, UFO Truth Magazine"
So there are as many additional questions here as there are answers.
I wonder if we will ever find the truth, seeing as the negatives are gone.
However, are there any prints currently available we can
consider accurate? I was contacted by somebody whom I'll call "Joan";
that is not her real name. She is a scientist working in the academic sector
and in her position, publicly proclaiming any interest in UFO/conspiracy/paranormal
matters is not career-enhancing, to put it mildly. Joan has analyzed the
photograph given to Gary by Barry
Greenwood. One of her jobs at work is to enhance images for publication in
scientific journals. She is concerned by a dark blob and a white line on the scan
of the print which is roughly where the anomaly appears in the Sayer/Martens
image. There is supposedly nothing anomalous present, but these artefacts can
be seen looking closely. The A10 aircraft in Greenwood's
print looks thin, as if there's been some resolution loss from additional
processing. It's also at a slightly different angle to the one in the first print. This could indicate a
montage, a print produced from two different images superimposed. This is a
common method of blanking out some kind of detail that one wishes to hide. This
is most certainly not definitive, and I must make it very clear (even though I
know certain people are going to put words in my mouth no matter what I say), I
am not in any way accusing Barry Greenwood, Lawrence Fawcett or any other
individual of tampering with the image under discussion. Larry Warren's support
team are not pursuing this matter at present and I am mentioning it here completely
of my own independent volition; I do not speak on this matter for Larry or any
of his friends and helpers, only for myself. Joan has corresponded with me
alone and has not approached any of them at all. I personally think it could be
significant and wish to place Joan's discoveries on the record.

There's been progress on the analysis of the photos
published by Sacha Christie which I talk about in Part 4. I pointed out that
the mirror image looked as if it had been altered, see:
The above image, rendered by Tino, has the upper part of Larry Warren's face
superimposed next to that of the reflected face. The reflection is far too
indistinct to get a provable positive ID, as I've said before. I must say it
does look rather familiar... but I will not name the person I think it is
because I cannot prove it. However I think we can all honestly agree who it is
not: Larry Warren. There is a lot of work going on in progress that I know of that I am not currently at liberty to discuss, but I'm very excited about what is
to come. As I said in the background article at the top, Larry is
going to be exonerated and all this
nonsense will soon be over.
See here for the next part: