The official Nisa site: http://www.nisalocally.co.uk/
I’ve seen several ads on TV for Nisa Local stores. And now one has just opened in Oxford! See photo.
The TV adverts are very interesting because they mention the unique way the stores work. Each one is part of a franchise but they are owned by the individual shopkeepers, so this is a kind of decentralized workers cooperative of the kind I’ve often advocated, see: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2007/09/workers-cooperatives.html . What delights me is the way that they are promoting this fact as part of their advertizing pitch which can mean only one thing: customers want it! There is a market for shops run on ethical employment and business principles. So are shoppers turning away from the big corporate Tesco’s Local and Londis shops? Looks like it! This gives me hope; it's evidence that the human population is waking up and resisting the New World Order. Luckily this Nisa Local store is a short walk from my home so I know where I’ll be doing my shopping from now on.
1 comment:
I went into this shop the other day and it has passed the ultimate test: It stock Yeo Valley organic butter. I bought 6 blocks YUM YUM!
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