As a child I travelled to
on a school trip once and was surprised by how modern everything looked
compared to
especially in the big cities. I found out many years later that this is because
most of
buildings are postwar. During World War II, which engulfed the world from 1939
to 1945, almost everything standing in
was destroyed. The story of the end of the war and the aftermath from the point
of view of the defeated enemy has never been told in the mainstream. History,
as they say, is written by the winners; the Allies, primarily
Britain, the
Soviet Union
and the
United States of America.
In the first of that triumvirate, the country where I live, the sanctity of the
Allied cause is never questioned; we brave Brits stood firm against the evil
fascist menace! It's a major part of our national self-esteem. World War II is
seen by the British as the ultimate virtuous war, good vs evil of an almost
fairytale simplicity. In Soviet Russia it was called the "Great Patriotic
War" and is similarly regarded, even in the post-Soviet era.
has helped promote the nobility of the war through its heroes like John Wayne,
Steve McQueen and John Mills. However the victor in a war is never asked if he's
telling the truth. It has taken a long time for the testimony of the vanquished
to finally surface and it's without a doubt the most horrific untold story of
twentieth century history. A film called
has just been released, see:
It's based on a book of the same title by the co-producer Thomas Goodrich, see:
It's told from a pro-Nazi standpoint which is not one I share; however I don't
believe pro-Nazis are "EEEEEEvil!", just mistaken, and when I meet
them I debate politely with them; there are many nowadays in the
Conspirasphere. When Goodrich was asked to describe in a single word what
was like during 1945 and in the few years afterwards he said that what happened
was beyond genocide, beyond a holocaust... he could only think of one word:

A few days ago in
and in the
we celebrated the seventieth anniversary of VE Day, the official ending of the
war in
Europe. The elderly veterans and their families
paraded through the streets of
to much fanfare and the Royals were out in full regalia, yet a few months ago
another anniversary took place, that of the bombing of
The date was virtually ignored. The
bombing was a part of what was known in
as "terror bombing"; it served no military purpose it was a simple
act of wanton destruction, and it was destruction of the most excessive kind.
Squadrons of aircraft, mostly from the British RAF, flew wave after wave of
carpet bombing runs across the city. This was followed by incendiaries that
started fires all over
Dresden. A
firestorm erupted that consumed everything in its path. The city was crowded
with refugees from the east where the Soviets were invading and so the full
death toll in just three nights of bombing could be as high as three to four
hundred thousand people; all innocent civilians, mostly women, children and old
people. The beautiful architecture of
was eradicated. RAF and American fighters even strafed the city parks where
people were taking shelter. This obliteration was mirrored in
Munich and many other cities. I
have an acquaintance who had been a British solider in
in 1946 and he told me there were an incalculable number of bodies buried under
the rubble and everybody could smell them, see:
As the Allies closed in on
another depravity emerged which I find repulsive to contemplate, the systematic
annihilation of German womanhood. As the Red Army moved across the countryside
they committed mass gang-rapes of all the women they could find, even old
ladies and young girls, in the most sadistic way imaginable. They also killed
people on a vast number; men who tried to rescue their wives, daughters or
mothers were murdered by being dismembered with carpenters' tools. Contrary to
what feminists might tell you, this was not just a case of "men being
men!" Such war crimes, on that scale, never just happen spontaneously.
This atrocity was organized at the very highest levels of Red Army command and
the Soviet troops were actually ordered to commit these barbarous acts. Infrastructure
was destroyed too. Farms were burned, orchards cut down, food and other
resources were torched. As the cities were all reduced to smouldering ash pits
and the vicious Soviets ploughed westwards exterminating everything in their
path, people fled any way they could, some on foot. It was the middle of winter
and bitterly cold, and many quickly froze to death. There was only one avenue
of escape, northwards to the sea. The ports of
and Kolburg filled with over a million people hoping to break out across the
Sea to
or western
Every ship available was packed to the gunwales with as many passengers as they
could carry before setting sail. A large proportion of the people left behind simply
died of hunger and exposure in the streets. The relief of those who managed to
get on board the ships was short lived. Soviet submarines were waiting and as
soon as the ships left port they closed like wolves. They launched their
torpedoes from the impunity of the ocean depths against the slow, unarmed and
overloaded merchant vessels. In one case over two thousand people drowned when
a single cruise ship was sunk, more than who died on
Titanic. From the west came other Allied nations
USA and
The natives in the western
hoped to be treated better than their compatriots in the Soviet-occupied
sector, but in many cases they weren't. Captured prisoners-of-war were
redesignated "disarmed enemy troops" by General Dwight Eisenhower so
he could circumvent the Geneva Convention on a technicality. He confined them
to "camps" which were nothing more than fenced off fields. The
inmates were given little food or water and there were no latrines. Many died
of hunger, thirst and disease. They had to dig holes in the ground to sleep in
because there was no shelter and so laid in their own sewage. Over 1.5 million
German PoW's died in Eisenhower's killing fields, that is more than twice the
number who fell in action during the six years of the war. The rest of the
population were "de-Nazified" which meant being beaten, electrocuted,
having their teeth pulled out and being deprived of sleep, until they confessed
to being a Nazi. Guess what? They all confessed to being Nazis. The
we see today is the end product of that process, a shadow of its former self;
it's really a miracle it even exists at all as a sovereign state and cultural
zone. In fact there was talk among to Allies of wiping
off the map completely; they planned to extend the borders of
and the
Low Countries eastwards and
westwards until they met in the middle. Under such a model the German language
would be banned until it became extinct, along with all German culture.
I'm writing very matter-of-factly about this subject;
however it has upset me like no other. Be warned, when you watch
Hellstorm or read the book you will shed
a tear or two.
Nothing can possibly
justify what was done to
and her people at the end of World War II. As I said above, I don't believe
Hitler was a good guy. He was not the anti-New World Order activist that some
people in the Truth movement have acclaimed him as. Adolf Hitler was probably
the illegitimate grandson of Eugene Rothschild. His grandmother had become
pregnant with Adolf's father Alois Hitler when she was working at the
Vienna mansion and had
had an affair with one of the Rothschild gentry. Hitler's regime involved the
destruction of all German Jewry, and he made no distinction between Zionist and
non-Zionist Jews. In Nazi Germany disabled children were sterilized or even
killed. At the end of the war Hitler fled and lived to a ripe old age in
America, see:
The Nazi party was bankrolled by western business and finance, exactly as
Kaiser Wilhelm II had, and the Bolshevik Revolution in
a generation before. One of the Nazis' most significant benefactors was
Prescott Bush, father and grandfather of two
presidents, George HW and George W. I think Hitler was put in place by the
Illuminati to play a certain role, but very quickly he turned against them.
This doesn't mean he was a nice guy; he may have had his own selfish and
malevolent reasons for rebelling against the Illuminati. However from the
Illuminati's point of view that makes no difference; they are merciless and
brutal to all those who challenge them, and there has been no event in history
as merciless and brutal as the Hellstorm. It's impossible to know for sure how
many Germans died in the Hellstorm, but it almost certainly exceeds any
estimate for Holocaust victims. This book and film demolish the myth of the just
war, the "good vs evil" fantasy fable. The "fascist menace"
was not beaten, it won! And it still rules the world today. This is a book and
film that has come too late. Most of the survivors are now dead; but like
Goodrich, I hope their posthumous voices can now be heard. Goodrich says that
he doesn't hate anybody and he has no axe to grind against any individuals,
nations or races. He just wants to make sure something like the Hellstorm never
happens again, to anybody anywhere. Amen to that.