Sunday 6 May 2012

My Reply to Renegade Pictures

Regular HPANWO-readers will know that yesterday I received a request from a TV company called Renegade Pictures to be involved in a BBC production about the July the 7th 2005 Bombings in London. I wrote about it here: .  After thinking about it, and listening to what you, HPANWO-readers, had to say, I’ve sent off a reply:

Dear ....,

Thank you for your request for me to participate Renegade Pictures’ forthcoming television documentary about the July the 7th 2005 London Bombings. I’m perfectly willing to participate under certain conditions:

Firstly, I will need written confirmation that the following individuals and organizations will not also be taking part, either as featured individuals or as consultants and contractors:
Mike Rudin
Tristan Quinn
Common Purpose
Carl Miller
Jamie Bartlett
Chris French
Sir Ian Blair

Secondly, would it also be possible for me to examine the proposal Renegade Pictures sent to the Commissioning Editor of the BBC regarding this production? 

These conditions are due to my personal misgivings about future BBC programmes on subjects like the 7/7 Bombings, based on what I consider to be the very poor quality of similar productions in the past.

Yours sincerely,

Ben Emlyn-Jones

Mike Rudin and Tristan Quinn are the producer and director of the last BBC documentary about 7/7, here: Chris French and Nick Pope need no introduction. Jamie Bartlett and Carl Miller are the pair from DEMOS who do psychological studies on “conspiracy theorists” like me; see here for background: . Sir Ian Blair was the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police at the time of the attacks. These people's contribution would jeopardize any attempt at professional journalism, in my view.

Of course the company will never agree to these terms because they want to make a hit-piece! I doubt if I’ll even get a reply. If I do I’ll edit this post and put it on, so keep checking back.

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