Monday 21 October 2024

Ben Emlyn-Jones on the Paranormal Peep Show 23

I have been on the Paranormal Peep Show again. This programme features an interview with Jackie Tonks, the cryptozoologist and explorer.
See here for the audio version:
And here for the video:
See here for my previous appearance on the Paranormal Peep Show:

Thursday 17 October 2024

RDH Trial Transcript

See here for essential background:
The transcript of Richard D Hall's trial is now available here: Richard is expecting a verdict within the next few days. As I said in my own daily reports, there is no doubt Richard won the case. Whether the judge rules on that is another question. Richard has created his own portal about this lawsuit, see:

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Oxford Humanists Launch Event

I have attended a launch party for a new organization in Oxford. It is a local chapter of the British Humanist Association, today called Humanists UK. Humanist groups are not new to Oxford, in fact they have always been a part of city life, whether "town" or "gown", but it's still an occasion when a new one appears. I was curious to witness this so went along as myself, registering under my real name, and nobody objected; in fact if they had worked out who I was they didn't say anything. The event was held in the Old Fire Station, a social venue in the city centre, in their pleasant cafe. (The Old Fire Station used to be a thriving and rather raucous nightclub, and it was a popular haunt for off duty hospital porters, including myself, see: The event was free to attend and that was very generous because they provided cooked food and soft drinks. The food was delicious; "made by women refugees!" one of the organizers announced proudly. They just asked for a donation which I put into their collecting tin. The seats were arranged around the tables rather in rows which was much friendlier because if you went there on your own and didn't know anybody, like me, you were forced to sit next to somebody new and strike up a conversation. Also we were provided with stickers to wear bearing our names, which made introductions a bit superfluous. We began with a series of short speeches by some "celebrants", these are people who conduct humanist ceremonies that are secular equivalents of baptisms, called "baby naming", weddings and funerals. I was surprised to learn that other pivotal life moments can also be marked by a humanist celebration that I'm sure your local vicar wouldn't dream of entertaining; divorces; "coming out", that is announcing publicly that you're homosexual; "transitioning", changing gender; and menopause, the end of female fertility. As you'll see if you look at the UK Humanists website, see:, humanism is dominated by leftwing ideals, most of which I do not share. Despite that, I am a libertarian and so I have no opinions at all about other adults' private lives, positive or negative; but, among other caues, I oppose their stance on abortion, see here for details: Along with celebrants UK Humanists also provides "pastoral carers". This is their equivalent of chaplaincy in hospitals, prisons or the armed forces etc. They also carry out inaugurations for mayors and other officials. The need for secular events like this is becoming more popular. It is interesting to me that humanists' lives that are strangely parallel to the deeply religious, even if not equivalent; this is an observation I have made before, see the background links. There used to be a humanist "Sunday service" at East Oxford Community Centre where people would sing songs and recite poetry. In some Jewish areas there are similar events held on Saturdays in facilities that resemble a synagogue. The only thing different is there are no prayers, hymns or any talk of God, except in a negative way. In fact I have often felt concern that a promotion of atheist rights, something I wholeheartedly support, can so easily morph into the oppression of theists once the boot of power is on the other foot. We have seen this inversion so many times in other contexts.
They keynote speaker was Andrew Copson, CEO of Humanists UK. He was the only person in the room who appeared to recognize me. He stared at me in alarm for a few moments when he first came in. I was a bit surprised at first because I have never spoken to him, but I have spoken about him many times and I should have realized that he was bound to have seen my publications eventually. He didn't cause a scene though. He just did his speech and I listened to him politely. After all, I have attended many of his other public events, for example see: He has been on the receiving end of my particular brand of humour; but I always intended these jokes about him to be satirical, not malicious or derogatory, for example see: He was joined on stage by a man called David who comes from Guatemala in Central America. He has just founded a sister organization in his own country. One of the issues humanists most often campaign on is their support for euthanasia, usually known as "assisted dying". This is very topical at the time of writing because our own parliament is currently debating it. The bill was introduced by "laughing" Kim Leadbeater. (If you want to know how she earned her nickname watch this: I have mixed feelings about euthanasia. I support the idea in principle, but I've seen a very dark and sinister side effect emerge out of it, see: The current House of Commons is comparatively secular and it has the youngest average age ever; we could well see this bill passed for better or worse. Despite not knowing anybody there personally, I saw two other people I recognized from the Oxford atheo-skeptic scene whom I've encountered at other events, Peter Atkins and Stephen Law. Atkins is famous for being a mate of Richard Dawkins and has had a similar career, debating religious pundits, for example: I've actually met Dr Stephen Law several times, for example see: Humanism is difficult to define. I picked up a few giveaway pamphlets to take home with me. I'm familiar with most of their content, but still find the overarching concept difficult to pin down. You can be of any nationality, race or political stripe (although most are very leftist as I said) and still be a humanist. I think it is possibly the desire to form an ethical philosophy without any supernatural basis. This is not a new idea; it goes back thousands of years to early history. This makes it a bit different from the skeptic movement which is more focused on the philosophy of science, but of course there is a huge overlap. But even that is not close enough. Perhaps it could be summed up by the UK Humanists' motto "for the one life we have". I would probably say that if there is one issue that unites them all it is a disbelief in an afterlife. Actually this foundational adage is stated unequivocally in their literature. This means that despite the fact that I like the idea of secular ethics and science, and I reject organized religion, I could never be a humanist because I believe in an afterlife. This leaves some people out in the cold, philosophically homeless in a world of religion and humanism equally. I'm reminded of the sad occasion when Sue, my partner at the time, lost her mother. We found it difficult to arrange a suitable funeral for her, see: I heard that George from CMR did have a humanist funeral even though he did believe in an afterlife, so maybe even that rule is not set in stone, see: Humanism is nothing if not very flexible, it has to be said; and so their open-mindedness might even extend to suspending their core principle. The Oxford Humanists plan to hold future events and I was amused to see that their next one is with Prof. Chris French, somebody I and my readers are very familiar with, for example see: I'll attend if I'm free to go, but now my cover has been blown I might not be allowed in. Time to dig out the "David Jones" disguise again!

Tuesday 15 October 2024

New Oxford Cycle Track

The purpose of HPANWO Voice is not to cover local environmental issues, but I'm going to make an exception in this case. Near where I usually work there is a recreation ground bordered by copses of trees. Oxford City Council has a plan to build a new cycle track across the ground. Currently pedestrians and bikes are following an informal diagonal track across it which has left a muddy rut. This obviously needs to change and a paved eight-foot wide cycle track is a good idea. However, they plan to drive it through the copse on the southern edge of the ground meaning twenty-five trees will have to be felled. This includes some mature willows that soak up a lot of water which eases flooding a massive problem in the Isis bank area. They also clean the air, provide shade from the sun and shelter from the rain. They are also a habitat to millions of insects, plants and fungi. Source: Residents have an alternative suggestion. Extend the cycle track at right angles along the southern edge of the ground inside the copse and keep the existing gate. That would save the trees at little inconvenience to cyclists. If you live in Oxford please email the OCC and voice your objection: Quote this reference: 22/02446/CT3.

Monday 14 October 2024

New Bridget Jones Film

It's been formally announced that a new Bridget Jones film is going to be released early next year. Renee Zellweger is coming back to give yet another authentic and captivating performance as the famous sweet-natured young Londoner whose romantic comedy diary adaptations of her life-size life have made her a grassroots heroine for many people. Most Bridget fans are naturally excited about the new film, which will be called Bridget Jones- Mad about the Boy; but I will not be watching it. The reason is not because I dislike the Bridget Jones films, it's the exact opposite. I loved the first two, Bridget Jones' Diary and Bridget Jones- the Edge of Reason. Then came Bridget Jones' Baby. This was a letdown. I interpreted this as yet another example of a franchise in decline. It has happened to so many others; Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings etc. They achieve greatness, but then fall like Icarus. The cause of this is sometimes wokery, but not always. Often it is simply that the franchise loses creative energy. It seems there is a finite amount of this, no matter how much it starts off with. The response from the producers is usually to double down and press on, pouring out sequel after pointless sequel and an array of watered-down spin-offs. It doesn't work; it never works. I would be happier if they just quit while they were ahead. It is heartbreaking for dedicated fans to witness this degeneration, holding on to the hope that maybe... maybe, they are just one more remake away from regaining their former glory. I have taken a different tactic. As soon as I detect the early symptoms of the great downfall I stop watching the new releases and just enjoy what has been done already. I have the DVD's of the first two Bridget films and I can watch them over and over again, whenever I like. Nobody can take that away from me.
See here for more information:

Saturday 12 October 2024

Ben Emlyn-Jones and the Crafty Nihilist 3

I have been featured on a livestream by the Crafty Nihilist:
An informal panel featuring myself talking to the Crafty Nihilist. We were joined on the air by our friend Nick as we discussed the recent live David Icke lecture in Oxford. See here for background:
See here for my previous appearance on the Crafty Nihilist's channel:

Friday 11 October 2024

David Icke Live in Oxford

David Icke has appeared live in Oxford and I went to see him... of course. The gig was held at a location in the city I will not divulge in case David wants to use it again. As it was, the venue was only revealed to the attendees twenty-four hours beforehand. This is because of the relentless and puerile protests intended to disrupt David's events and bully the hosts into cancelling them. As it happens this time there was no trouble at all. I met up with a group of my friends that included The Crafty Nihilist who have appeared in my publications before, for example see: Also Tajinder Gill, see: We had a few drinks and a meal and then went to the venue which was comfortable and had good support facilities, although the loudspeakers in the auditorium were not very good quality. I was alright where I was sitting, but some people in other seats complained that they could hardly hear. There were about four hundred people there. This is the first time I'd seen David speak live since 2018, see:; and the format has changed. Instead of simply lecturing solo with a series of slides, David spoke in a sit-down interview by his son and tour manager Jaymie Icke. The second half of the four hour presentation was a question-and-answer session from the audience; but because of David's detailed replies, there was only time for about half a dozen of those. David is now seventy-two years old, but he has lost none of his energy and I can still tell his mind is racing like a dozen hamster wheels. His hairstyle is now different. He has cut his hair shorter with a wave across the crown. For somebody familiar with his ideas, I recognized that about half of what he said I had heard before. This is not a criticism; all his works are intended to be self-contained and he always puts a new spin on things, and centres his publications on a different theme. He was promoting his new book at this event called The Reveal. I have not read any of David's new books since he brought out Human Race, Get Off Your Knees. This is not because I have gone off David or rejected any of his ideas; I just feel I have moved on somewhat. I need to focus on different subjects. He gave some new information that I had never heard before, like how as early as the late 1960's the psychological elite had plans to "make boys and girls the same"; something that has become very topical lately. (I have had some nasty and painful dealings with the psychological elite personally, see: David warned about fake climate change leading to a Hunger Games like society with engineered food shortages. He points out the "opposame" of organized religion vs. atheism, something I've noticed myself. He cites Dr Nick Bostrom who has been a guest at the Bilderberg Group. Obviously the backslappers are going to go nuts about this, but David's choice to mention him is for totally innocent reasons. Bostrom is one of the leading researchers into the simulation hypothesis of the universe which is something David has always taken a keen interest in. One of the most unusual points David made, and one I had not heard from him before, is that the "matrix" includes the afterlife as well. So, according to David, people who report near-death experiences are not seeing reality, the world outside the Platonic cave, they are caught in the trap of soul recycling. This is not a new idea, in fact it is called in India the "wheel of Samsara". It dates back at least two and a half thousand years because it was taught by the Buddha. David mentions graphine oxide, a chemical found in the C**** V****, see here for an explanation: and: It can also be detected in chemtrails and might function as a conductor of electromagnetic radiation from HAARP and the "bunch of five grapes" mobile phone network. David brought up Ray Kurzweil, the futurist, MBA-er and promoter of transhumanism. A post-human world would probably not be the paradise of cyborg supermen promised by its enthusiasts. Kurzweil suggests our own minds could be melded by AI which doesn't bear thinking about. One thing David said that I totally disagree with it that Trump is just another insider. He is not, see here for details: What the Illuminati have planned for the future is something David called an "emotional Blitzkrieg". I think it's already happening. This is a very frightening prospect, but I felt comforted because I was in a room with over four hundred comrade souls, facing it with them united together. I am not alone. I really enjoyed this talk by David Icke. Many thanks to him, Jaymie and all the organizers. It was lovely to see my friends again. I hope to see David live again soon. I include some photographs from the event.
See here for background: