Monday 16 September 2024

Ariel School- 30 Years On

It is thirty years ago to the day that a large group of schoolchildren at the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe reported to their teachers that they had seen a non-human flying craft land just outside the school playground and at least one biological entity emerge. Some of the children reported a form of communication with this creature. The incident was investigated by a number of researchers; Cynthia Hind, the MUFON director for southern Africa, and later on Dr John Mack and Dominique Callimanopulos. Unfortunately this research was not carried out under the best conditions; however, the Ariel School incident remains one of the most interesting close encounters of the third kind ever recorded. The witnesses were aged six to twelve at the time and so today they are entering middle age. They have been interviewed again in the last few years, mostly by Randall Nickerson, and they stand by their story. This is despite having no reason to maintain what was supposedly just a trivial childhood prank. They have also mostly been out of touch with each other, the majority having left Zimbabwe to make homes other lands. This incident has some similarities to others, particularly Westall, see: and Broad Haven, see: One thing you need a lot of in UFOlogy is patience. Thirty years sounds like a long time to wait, but it is par for the course; in fact most of these cases remain open and show no signs of any solution coming soon. Despite this we would be totally clueless if it wasn't for the bravery and dedication of the researchers and witnesses in this case. Dr John Mack, in particular, endured terrible professional suffering as a consequence of his interests. This article is dedicated to his memory.
See here for more information:

Sunday 15 September 2024

Trump Shot at Again

See here for essential background:
At about 7 PM UK time, 2 PM local time, shots were heard coming from a golf course in Palm Beach, Florida USA. It is a course owned by Donald Trump and the former and future president was playing at the time. His bodyguards returned fire and chased after a man who was seen driving away from the area in a black saloon car. This car was intercepted by the police and the driver was arrested. The US Secret Service found a discarded assault rifle in the bushes along with a Go-Pro camera; the shooter may have intended to livestream or record his activities. Source: It looks like this is another attempted assassination. This is unprecedented in American history; two shootings involving the same US president so close to each other in time, just over two months. No details have been given by the authorities yet, but this kind of animosity befits a third world dictatorship, not the good old US of A. Kamala Harris Tweeted: "Violence has no place in America" which is about as much as we can expect from her. Luckily it seems Trump's security detail has improved since their culpable negligence in Butler, Pennsylvania. Also the shooter targeted the wrong location. He was two holes ahead of where Trump was currently playing. He may have decided to risk a shot immediately instead of waiting longer because during that time he would have been caught. I'm sure more details will emerge before long. Is this the last time now? I hope so, but there has been so much anti-Trump hysteria in the media which has driven so many people into a frenzy that the threat cannot be completely removed.  
See here for more background:

Saturday 14 September 2024

Area 51 by Annie Jacobsen

Area 51- An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base is the biggest and most detailed book ever written about this most enigmatic and fascinating of locations. Its author, Annie Jacobsen, appeared a few years ago in a TV series I was asked to be in too; the difference is, I declined... see: It includes some unique previously unpublished information and some exclusive interviews with scientists and other personnel who served inside this informational black hole. Some of them have become quite well-known in the UFO community, like TD Barnes who is one of the most experienced Area 51 employees and has worked on the most diverse projects, from captured aircraft... manmade, he assured us!... to nuclear rockets. Richard Mingus is another. He is the "(Pause)... No!" man in the BBC Conspiracy Road Trip programme. He was in charge of security for Project AQUATONE, the highly secretive programme to build a high altitude spyplane, the U2. The book gives a detailed history of Area 51, from its beginnings in 1942 as an auxiliary airfield to its possible future. The CIA took over the Groom Lake area in 1955 which marks the beginning of Area 51 as the location of true secrecy, as it remains today. Here they developed the U2 and later an aeroplane that to this day holds speed and altitude records, ironically named the "A12 Oxcart". There was a lot of rivalry with the US Air Force and the latter built their own version of the Oxcart, the SR71 "Blackbird". Drones were first developed there too, including one of the fastest ever, the D21 which could reach supersonic speeds. The pilots who flew these aircraft took enormous risks as they surveyed distant lands during the Korean and Vietnam wars, the Cuban Missile Crisis and of course the Soviet Union itself during the Cold War. The parallel development of the nuclear weapons programme was close by so Area 51 played a big role in that. No test detonations were carried out at Dreamland itself; they were done at the Nevada Proving Grounds next-door, but the base was the chosen location for much of the science associated with the numerous nuclear explosions both in the open air and underground. Some pilots even had to fly through the mushroom clouds to gather data on radioactive fallout levels. Some were killed in this venture. In fact there were numerous tragedies during the history of Area 51, mostly from experimental aircraft crashing. One man's plane ran out of fuel and he crashed into the sea just a hundred yards short of a runway in the Marshall Islands. Ordinarily he might have swum to the safety, but he was wearing a lead lined suit to protect him from radiation so he sank like a stone. Along with retrieving the pilots' bodies, the Area 51 team had to secure the wreckage of the planes and hide them before anybody else saw it. According to Annie Jacobsen, this could be where the legend of ET crash retrievals originates. She says that behind every conspiracy theory there is an element of truth. Another example of that is when NASA trained the Apollo astronauts in a desert valley not far from Area 51 called Area 20. It is the truth behind the false idea, she asserts, that NASA faked the moon landings and filmed them in a studio at Area 51. There also was an underground railway there at the nuclear arsenal. It was used for transporting the bombs to the test sites where they were lowered into the ground to be detonated. It did not, apparently, run all the way across the country to other secret bases. Most interesting of all, in 1966 the US acquired a Soviet fighter jet from Israel, a MIG 21. It was taken to Area 51 and back-engineered in complete secrecy under the strange codename "Have Doughnut". One of the most astonishing programmes carried out near Area 51 was NERVA, the Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application run partly by NASA. This was predicted to be able to send a man to Mars with less than a year's voyage. In testing this machine they poisoned the surrounding landscape for generations to come. They even deliberately allowed one to meltdown to see how easily it could happen. A lot of the details are still classified to this day, especially the radiation effects the personnel suffered and the damage to the local area, which is still part of the Nevada National Security Site, called Jackass Flats or Area 25. I saw a part of one of these nuclear rocket engines myself at the Las Vegas Atomic Museum, see:
Some readers may be disappointed that Annie Jacobsen's Area 51 book makes almost no reference at all to Bob Lazar beyond what is commonly known anyway, at least in the UFOlogy world. She does interview him for the book, but most of her opinions seem to be connected to her central thesis regarding UFO lore, which is almost identical to Mark Pilkington's, see: She has found out that this supposed deception trick dates back much further than Mark imagined, to 1942 in fact. This was when the US tested its first jet-propelled military aircraft. At first it had a wooden propeller mounted on its nose. This had no function, it was added simply to make people think the plane had a standard piston engine. After a while somebody had the bright idea of getting the pilot to wear a mask to make his head look like that of a gorilla. This was spotted by another pilot one day, but he never told anybody for years because he didn't want to be ridiculed. This, says Annie, was the original source for all of modern UFO culture; because they got the idea of playing that same ruse again, but with aliens instead of gorillas. This point is my biggest criticism of the book. The notion that UFO's and aliens are some kind of engineered neo-mythology created as psychological warfare to launder more down-to-earth covert projects is not very original and it is in fact somewhat fashionable at the moment. However, I find it totally implausible when you consider how easily and badly it could backfire. Drawing somebody's attention towards something with the ultimate objective of deflecting it away is a very risky gambit, so much so that I think we can reject it on theoretical grounds, except perhaps in very specific circumstances. It's like a bank robber jumping up and down on top of his buried stash in a striped jersey and face mask, and every time a policeman walks past he waves a placard stating: THERE IS NO STOLEN CASH HIDDEN HERE, JUST THE BONES OF A UNICORN! How long would it take for somebody to realize what was really going on? It would be far better just to bury the stash somewhere in the woods and not tell anybody. No, I think what Annie has discovered, although she doesn't realize it, is an elaborate double-bluff. I've addressed this elsewhere in more detail, for example see: If aliens exist and were recovered during the Roswell incident then Area 51 is likely to be the place the bodies and debris were sent; either there or the Technical Data Section at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Operation Have Doughnut shows that Area 51 is the favoured spot for foreign materiel research, and you can't get more foreign that off this planet. Annie even postulates that Area 51 got its name because it took over the project to examine the Roswell crash wreckage from Wright-Pat in 1951; it's not an area, it's a year. You may think Annie is being contradictory here; how can she believe in the Roswell incident and yet be a UFO skeptic? The answer comes at the end of the book and it is one of the most sickening and disturbing theories that I have ever come across. For over eighteen months she spent a lot of time interviewing an anonymous man she calls simply "the EG&G engineer". He told her that during World War II the "Auschwitz angel of death", Dr Joseph Mengele, was taken to the USSR in their own equivalent of Project Paperclip and forced to work for Stalin under an assumed identity. There he continued his human experimentation project that he had begun for Nazi Germany. He took children from orphanages and homes for the mentally handicapped, and subjected them to surgery and other medical treatments which mutilated their bodies beyond all recognition. They had enlarged heads and eyes and were hairless. These children were then put into a saucer shaped aircraft based on the Horten brothers' design and flown by remote control to the USA. It crashed in the desert near Roswell and you can guess the rest. The purpose of this obscenity was revenge by Stalin against the Truman administration for not sharing the secret of the atomic bomb with him at the Potsdam conference. (The success of Soviet spies eventually made that a bit superfluous though, see: He wanted to create a real War of the Worlds style civil unrest. People accuse conspiratorial UFOlogists like me of wishful thinking. We just want Roswell to be aliens so badly! Well, yeah. If this story in Annie's book is the only alternative, I would indeed prefer it if the crashed craft was ET. Since the Cold War Area 51 continues to be busy and Annie speculates on what it might be used for in the future; such as developing new aircraft, especially drones. She also believes it will play a major role in the increasing weaponization of space. Details of Area 51 by Annie Jacobsen can be found here:
See here for background:

Friday 13 September 2024

The Starmerlution Continues

A government term of office in the UK can be a maximum of five years. We have so far had just over two months of Keir Starmer's Labour regime and it already feels too long. Following his tyrannical oppression of the protests following the Stockport massacre, see:, he is wasting no more time. He has released thousands of prisoners early because of overcrowding in the system, but this is really because he wants to make space for a new class of political dissident; those who did anything as innocuous as merely cheer on the protesters. Source: This article claims only non-violent offenders are eligible for the scheme, or violent offenders with sentences of less than four years, but this has included a man who carried out a machete attack. Starmer did what every other prime minister has done, he blamed the problem on his predecessor. I've noted before the possible plans for internment centres, see: The absurdity of "non-crime hate incident" reporting was abolished by a past home secretary, Priti Patel, but now Labour have reintroduced it. Many people are getting knocks on the door by the police for mean Tweets or even expressing an interest in the Anglo-Saxons. Source: (Interestingly and worryingly, the police continued to log NCHI's for a number of months after Patel's directive in violation of it. This could constitute a police mutiny, but no action was taken to stop them. I wonder why. Had some "higher authority" told them to hang in there?) Labour have long had their beady eyes on the House of Lords and now they are finally able to attack. They plan to sack the remaining ninety-two hereditary peers. This has been justified by appeals to "democracy!", as if Labour cared about that; after all the hereditary peers are aristocrats appointed by the King and unelected. However, the whole House is unelected anyway; all that will change is that elderly patriotic men raised with an ethos of noblesse oblige will be replaced by sycophantic Labour Party donors and obedient ex-cabinet ministers. House of Lords reform is nothing new; it's an ongoing process and Blair's New Labour did a lot of damage, but now it faces its worst danger ever; its abolition. Many on the left of Labour are keen for it to be replaced by an elected upper house, similar to Australia's Senate. Source: This would leave the nation very vulnerable, to have career politicians running amuck with no calmer, slower, less selfish and more sensible master to rein them in. Remember it was the House of Lords that blocked the Online Harms Bill; which, needless to say, Labour plan to give a new reading. It was also Peter Baron Hill-Norton who made UFO's a government matter from the House of Lords. Labour used to have a reputation for being the "kind party" who served the interests of the poor and common folk, but that pretence has evaporated. They now plan to strip senior citizens winter fuel payments. This means that people above a certain age who cannot afford domestic heating bills will just have to suffer. These are people who often are not very mobile and who are therefore more at risk in cold temperatures. We are going to see deaths as a result of this, but as a character said in the comedy film Shrek: "some of you may die, but it is a sacrifice I am willing to make.", see: In the ultimate pointless and purposeless vulgar exercise of power, Starmer plans to ban smoking in pub beer gardens, in the open air! Nigel Farage has rebelled by doing a pub crawl of as many premises as he can and lighting up in every one, see:
As appalling as these new proposals are, there's not a lot Parliament can do to stop them because Labour have a super-majority, a one-party state effectively. What will they do next? How can we possibly survive another four years and ten months of this? There's a saying that the Tories stab you in the back, while Labour stabs you in the front, so it could therefore be argued that we're now better off in a strange way. The banality of evil is now exposed for all to see, naked before creation. For something that has always depended on stealth and concealment it cannot continue. Something has to come out of left field, it always does; it's like a law of nature. It will probably be something unexpected, but we can make a few predictions. We know Labour have many internal divisions that have been cemented over while they were in opposition; but these cracks will now deepen and widen. There is left vs. right, the Corbynites against the Blair cronies; the radical Islamists who have been using Labour for their own purposes, and will now be confronted by the pro-Israel Jewish Labour movement. There are already fifty MP's who are going to vote against the fuel payment plan. Our country will also feel the influence from abroad where the political landscape is shifting in a more positive way. Populists are rising to power across continental Europe and Donald Trump is poised to retake the white House, see: Somebody even forecast a situation where Britain might appear to foreigners like a kind of North Korea, a leftwing globalist holdout in an increasingly based world. So don't let the current crisis make you feel too downhearted. We may simply be witnessing the darkest hour before the dawn.
See here for background:

Wednesday 11 September 2024

UFO Truth Magazine- Issue 68

UFO Truth Magazine Issue 68 is now available. It can be purchased on this page as a single copy, but please subscribe and save money if you want to read it regularly, see:
Issue 68 includes an article in my column entitled What if it's Bad
Also you will find in Issue 68: UFO sighting by Victorian aviation pioneer, Nimitz Tic-Tac coverup exposed, alien abduction on Google Earth and much much more.
Also in this HPANWO Show programme I interview the UFO Truth Magazine's editor Gary Heseltine:
See here for details on UFO Truth Magazine Issue 67:

Tuesday 10 September 2024

The Trial of Jeremy Kyle

The Jeremy Kyle Show used to be one of the most popular daytime TV programmes ever, yet it was axed suddenly in May 2019. This followed the death of one of its "guests", a Portsmouth man named Steve Dymond. The true story of how Mr Dymond passed away has never been officially revealed yet it is likely to be suicide. He died a week after appearing on the programme. Today a coroner announced that there was no causal link at all between Mr Dymond's fate and the TV show. Jeremy himself gave evidence at the inquest. The Jeremy Kyle Show is a prime example of "reality TV". It is very similar to Trisha or Jerry Springer, although far more extreme; a talk show in which people are brought into the studio to talk about their problems, usually involving some kind of conflict with each other. The live studio audience then cheer or boo their approval and distain like crowds at a sporting event while the host gives his own personal opinion. The participants seem to be almost always of a certain demographic; working class white people who, to put it politely, are never the brightest arclights on the stage. Jeremy Kyle claims he does the show to help these people, to be "direct, empathetic and honest". He believes his manner is "the right approach". However, The Jeremy Kyle Show has been described by another judge as "human bear baiting". I have to agree. Even though some of his guests certainly come across as people I would not introduce to my children, to be told on live TV in front of millions of complete strangers: "You loser! I hope she kicks you into touch!" How do we know he deserves it? We are watching an edited recording of a kangaroo court in which usually only the prosecution has been presented coherently. For all we know he might be completely innocent; and a very vulnerable innocent person at that.

Steve Dymond came onto the show with his fiancée Jane Callaghan because she was afraid he was being unfaithful to her. Steve was very keen to take part in the show to prove himself innocent by taking a "lie detector test", a polygraph. This controversial practice is not permitted in a court of law, but it is fine in the court of popular entertainment. Steve starts weeping the moment he enters, admitting he has lied to Jane about other things in the past, such as bragging to impress her, but he denies seeing other women. He also reveals that he has previously been treated by a doctor for depression, although the doctor did say it was alright for him to be on the show. He fails the polygraph and Jane storms off backstage. Steve looks genuinely shocked. Kyle says: "The test says you're a liar, pal. You failed every question! I wouldn't trust you with a chocolate button!" The crowd jeer at him without wondering if the polygraph machine is working alright or whether Steve is entitled to a second opinion etc. Steve continues to protest his innocence. Source: (Be warned! This article includes a segment from the programme, which was never aired. I have watched it once; please never ask me to watch it again.) A week later he was dead. He left a note to his loved ones that has remained private, as it should. There may be many reasons why a person ends their own life. Sadly suicides are becoming more and more frequent, especially among white males. Nobody knows how much that day in the TV studio pushed him towards the edge. Something like this was inevitable. When sadism and sensationalism pull in viewers and therefore advertisers, sadism and sensationalism will be provided. The film Network has come true, see the background links below. The ethical questions don't really count for much because most people have no ethics; our society incentivises us to abandon them. Maybe there's a natural part of us that takes pleasure in this spectacle, a schadenfreude. We can't change human nature, but we can make decisions. We can choose not to indulge ourselves this way. I hope we will wonder how we would feel if we were put in Mr Dymond's situation. How would we like to be treated? Let's decide to treat others the same way. The title of this article is ironic, because Kyle was not on trial, he was a witness at a coroner's inquest; but then couldn't the same be said for his "contestants"? The Jeremy Kyle Show has now gone. May it burn forever in television hell.
See here for background:

Thursday 5 September 2024

The Disclosure President?

US President Donald Trump has recently done an interview on Lex Friedman's podcast in which he made some very interesting statements. At one point Lex brings up the public interest in UFO's and asks if, once "re-elected", would the president release more information about UFO's. Trump replies: "Oh yes, sure. I'll do that. I'd love to do that; I have to do that. But they're also pushing me on Kennedy, and I did release a lot; and people come to me and beg me not to do it, but I'll be doing that very early on. No, I would do that."
Later on in the video he adds: "A lot of big people went to that island (Epstein's), but fortunately I was not one of them."
Lex replies: "It's just very strange for a lot of people that the list of clients who went to the island has not been made public."
Trump: "Yeah, it's very interesting isn't it? It probably will be, by the way."
Lex: "So if you're able to you will be..."
Trump: "I'll be taking a look at it. Now Kennedy's very interesting 'cos it's so many years ago. They do that for danger 'cos it endangers certain people; so Kennedy is very different from the Epstein thing. But, yes I'd be inclined to do the Epstein thing; I'd have no problem with it." Source:
So, in this fascinating hour-long interview we have President Trump commenting on three popular conspiracy theories and pledging to be open with the public on all of them. Should we trust him? He has indeed commented on them before, but he did not achieve what we all hoped he would during his first term. Will his second term be any better? The Daily Star's print edition had one of its usual abysmal headlines about Trump and UFO's today; I'll spare you the picture. What is going on behind the scenes is anybody's guess and the process that is hopefully leading to the fall of the Deep State is not, as Ross Coulthart said about UAP, some kind of entertainment for social media users like us. We're not necessarily entitled to know everything that's going on. We do know that the establishment is rallying against Trump as he runs for his second term, like they did in that magical year of 2016. I will say more about this closer to the date of the US election, but for now I will confirm that I support President Trump and hope he returns to office. He deserves a chance.
See here for background:

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Weird Noises in Space

There has been a real life Lost in Space scenario beginning in June and involving a pair of astronauts, Barry "Butch" Wilmore and Sunita Williams. They were the test crew for an experimental eight day mission aboard the Boeing Starliner spacecraft; the first ever manned launch of this vehicle. The craft suffered a major breakdown once it reached orbit, but luckily it remained functional enough to reach the International Space Station so the astronauts survived. The problem though is that they now have no means of returning to earth until somebody sends up a rocket to fetch them. Elon Musk has promised to do so as soon as possible; much to Boeing's chagrin, no doubt. The two astronauts have been making the most of their emergency stop, putting themselves to good use, helping the resident crew. Both are experienced astronauts who have been into space before. However, something has now happened that could be the first serious obstacle of their exile. They were working in their stricken Starliner capsule when they heard a strange noise. Butch contacted mission control and said: "There's a strange noise coming through the speaker." He then had to find a way to let the controller hear it. The sound is a regular echoing pulse that rises and falls each time, described by the controller as "like a sonar ping." For some reason the ground controller asks him if he hears any other strange noises coming from other places. NASA claims the noise comes from inside the ISS and it is "common". If it's so common why did Butch and Sunita not know what it is? Source: There is no sound in space because sound is caused by a vibrating medium, like air. Space is a vacuum. Any sound that comes from space must come from inside the spacecraft, or the ISS to which it is currently docked. Alternatively it can be modulated from an electromagnetic signal coming from outside the craft, or in some situations this can happen by accident through interference or jamming. As a result astronauts do occasionally hear strange noises in space; and sometimes the source of those noises cannot be located. This very famously happened to the crew of Apollo 10 while they were in radio silence as they passed behind the dark side of the moon. (In my view they were probably in low earth orbit, see: It was described as "space music"; it was actually a "whistling" sound.) What's the cause of these mysterious sounds? Well, like many mysterious sounds on the earth, nobody knows. It could be some undetected malfunction with the craft's electrical systems. It could be the interaction between cosmic rays and the solar wind. There are as many theories as there are theorists. I don't rule out an attempt at contact by some kind of intelligence.

Monday 2 September 2024

Ben Emlyn-Jones on Apollo Detectives Q and A

I have been featured on the latest Apollo Detectives series, a Q and A livestream, see:
I was joined by most of the usual Apollo Detectives team; Neil Ward, Jarrah White, Marcus Allen, Scott Henderson, Randy Walsh, Dr Rasa Viharii and Robert Williams. The audience was mostly good-natured and provided some good questions. I hope to return for the next one.
See here for background: